Add ENSURE-LIST, use where appropriate
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-executable / sb-executable.lisp
1 (cl:defpackage :sb-executable
2 (:use :cl :sb-ext :sb-alien)
3 (:export :make-executable :copy-stream)
4 ;; (what else should we be exporting?)
7 (cl:in-package :sb-executable)
9 (defvar *stream-buffer-size* 8192)
10 (defun copy-stream (from to &key (element-type (stream-element-type from) element-type-passed-p))
11 "Copy into TO from FROM until end of the input stream, in blocks of
12 *stream-buffer-size*. The streams should have the same element type.
14 The argument :element-type indicates the element type of the
15 buffer used to copy data from FROM to TO.
17 If one of the streams has an element type that is different from
18 what (stream-element-type stream) reports, that is, if it was
19 opened with :element-type :default, the argument :element-type is
20 required in order to select the correct stream decoding/encoding
21 strategy."
22 (unless (or element-type-passed-p
23 (subtypep (stream-element-type to) element-type))
24 (error "Incompatible streams ~A and ~A:" from to))
25 (let ((buf (make-array *stream-buffer-size*
26 :element-type element-type)))
27 (loop
28 (let ((pos (read-sequence buf from)))
29 (when (zerop pos) (return))
30 (write-sequence buf to :end pos)))))
33 (defvar *exec-header*
34 "#!/bin/sh --
35 exec sbcl --noinform ~{~A ~}--eval \"(with-open-file (i \\\"$0\\\" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (loop while (< ret 2) when (= (read-byte i) 10) count 1 into ret) (load i) (funcall (quote ~A)) (exit))\" --end-toplevel-options ${1+\"$@\"}
38 (defun make-executable (output-file fasls
39 &key (runtime-flags '("--disable-debugger"
40 "--no-userinit"
41 "--no-sysinit"))
42 initial-function)
43 "Write an executable called OUTPUT-FILE which can be run from the shell, by 'linking' together code from FASLS. Actually works by concatenating them and prepending a #! header"
44 (with-open-file (out output-file
45 :direction :output
46 :if-exists :supersede
47 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
48 (write-sequence (map 'vector #'char-code
49 (format nil *exec-header* runtime-flags
50 (or initial-function 'values))) out)
51 (dolist (input-file (sb-int:ensure-list fasls))
52 (with-open-file (in (merge-pathnames input-file
53 (make-pathname :type "fasl"))
54 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
55 (copy-stream in out))))
56 (let* (;; FIXME: use OUT as the pathname designator
57 (out-name (namestring (translate-logical-pathname output-file)))
58 (prot (elt (multiple-value-list (sb-unix:unix-stat out-name)) 3)))
59 #-win32
60 (if prot
61 (sb-unix::void-syscall ("chmod" c-string int)
62 out-name
63 (logior prot
64 (if (logand prot #o400) #o100)
65 (if (logand prot #o40) #o10)
66 (if (logand prot #o4) #o1)))
67 (error "stat() call failed"))))
69 (provide 'sb-executable)