Make stuff regarding debug names much less complex.
[sbcl.git] / tests / list.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to lists
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (enable-test-parallelism)
16 ;;; Since *another* BUTLAST problem was reported (anonymously!) on the
17 ;;; SourceForge summary page magical bugs web interface 2001-09-01, it
18 ;;; looks as though it's past time to start accumulating regression
19 ;;; tests for these.
20 (with-test (:name (butlast nbutlast :structure-sharing))
21 (dolist (testcase
22 '((:args ((1 2 3 4 5)) :result (1 2 3 4))
23 (:args ((1 2 3 4 5) 6) :result nil)
24 (:args (nil) :result nil)
25 (:args ((1 2 3) 0) :result (1 2 3))
26 (:args ((1 2 3) 1) :result (1 2))
27 (:args ((1 2 3)) :result (1 2))
28 (:args ((1 2 3) 2) :result (1))
29 (:args ((1 2 3) 3) :result nil)
30 (:args ((1 2 3) 4) :result nil)
31 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4) 0) :result (1 2 3 . 4))
32 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4) 1) :result (1 2))
33 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4)) :result (1 2))
34 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4) 2) :result (1))
35 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4) 3) :result nil)
36 (:args ((1 2 3 . 4) 4) :result nil)))
37 (destructuring-bind (&key args result) testcase
38 (destructuring-bind (list &rest rest) args
39 ;; Test with BUTLAST.
40 (let ((actual-result (apply #'butlast args)))
41 (when (and (consp list) (eq actual-result list))
42 (error "not a copy in BUTLAST for ~S" args))
43 (unless (equal actual-result result)
44 (error "failed BUTLAST for ~S" args)))
45 ;; Test with NBUTLAST.
46 (let* ((copied-list (copy-list list))
47 (actual-result (apply #'nbutlast copied-list rest)))
48 (unless (equal actual-result result)
49 (error "failed NBUTLAST for ~S" args)))))))
51 (with-test (:name (butlast type-error))
52 (assert-error (apply #'butlast (list t)) type-error))
54 ;;; reported by Paul Dietz on cmucl-imp: LDIFF does not check type of
55 ;;; its first argument
56 (with-test (:name (ldiff type-error))
57 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
58 (checked-compile '(lambda () (ldiff 1 2))
59 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
60 (assert failure-p)
61 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))
62 (assert (typep (first warnings) 'sb-int:type-warning))
63 (assert-error (funcall fun) type-error)))
65 ;;; evaluation order in PUSH, PUSHNEW
66 (with-test (:name (push :evaluation-order.1))
67 (let ((a (map 'vector #'list '(a b c)))
68 (i 0))
69 (pushnew (incf i) (aref a (incf i)))
70 (assert (equalp a #((a) (b) (1 c))))))
72 (with-test (:name (push pushnew :evaluation-order.2))
73 (symbol-macrolet ((s (aref a (incf i))))
74 (let ((a (map 'vector #'list '(a b c)))
75 (i 0))
76 (push t s)
77 (assert (equalp a #((a) (t b) (c))))
78 (pushnew 1 s)
79 (assert (equalp a #((a) (t b) (1 c))))
80 (setq i 0)
81 (assert (eql (pop s) 't))
82 (assert (equalp a #((a) (b) (1 c)))))))
84 ;;; Type checking in NCONC
85 (with-test (:name (nconc :improper-list))
86 (let ((tests '((((1 . 2)) (1 . 2))
87 (((1 . 2) (3 . 4)) (1 3 . 4))
88 (((1 . 2) 3) (1 . 3))
89 ((3) 3))))
90 (loop for (args result) in tests
91 do (assert (equal (apply 'nconc (copy-tree args)) result))
92 do (let* ((exp `(nconc ,@ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
93 `(copy-tree ',arg))
94 args))))
95 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
96 `(lambda () ,exp)
97 (() result))))))
99 (with-test (:name (nconc :improper-list type-error))
100 (let ((tests '(((3 (1 . 2)) 3)
101 (((1 . 2) 3 (4 . 5)) 3))))
102 (macrolet ((check-error (form failed-arg)
103 `(multiple-value-bind (.result. .error.)
104 (ignore-errors ,form)
105 (assert (null .result.))
106 (assert (typep .error. 'type-error))
107 (assert (eq (type-error-expected-type .error.) 'list))
108 (assert (equal (type-error-datum .error.) ,failed-arg)))))
109 (loop for (args fail) in tests
110 do (check-error (apply #'nconc (copy-tree args)) fail)
111 do (let* ((exp `(nconc ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
112 `(copy-tree ',arg))
113 args)))
114 (fun (checked-compile `(lambda () ,exp))))
115 (check-error (funcall fun) fail))))))
117 (with-test (:name (append nreverse nreverse nreconc copy-alist type-error))
118 (dolist (test '((append 1 2)
119 (append (1 2) nil (3 . 4) nil)
120 (append nil (1 2) nil (3 . 4) nil)
121 (reverse (1 2 . 3))
122 (nreverse (1 2 . 3))
123 (nreconc (1 2 . 3) (4 5))
124 (copy-alist ((1 . 2) (3 . 4) . 5))))
125 (assert-error (apply (first test) (copy-tree (rest test)))
126 type-error)))
128 ;;; Bug reported by Paul Dietz: NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR should not return
129 ;;; extra elements, even when given "sets" contain duplications
130 (with-test (:name (nset-exclusive-or :duplicates))
131 (assert (equal (remove-duplicates (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 1 3)
132 (list 4 1 3 3))
133 #'<))
134 '(2 4))))
136 ;;; Bug reported by Adam Warner: valid list index designator is not
137 ;;; necessarily a fixnum
138 (with-test (:name (nth bignum))
139 (let ((s (read-from-string "(a . #1=(b c . #1#))")))
140 (assert (eq (nth (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum) s) 'c))
141 (setf (nth (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum) s) 14)
142 (assert (eq (nth (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum) s) 14)))
144 (let ((s (copy-list '(1 2 3))))
145 (assert (eq s (last s (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum))))
146 (assert (null (butlast s (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum))))
147 (assert (null (nbutlast s (* 1440 most-positive-fixnum))))))
149 (assert (eq :atom (last (list* 1 2 3 :atom) (eval 0))))
150 (assert (eq :atom (last (list* 1 2 3 :atom) 0)))
152 ;;; enforce lists in symbol-plist
153 (with-test (:name symbol-plist)
154 (let ((s (gensym))
155 (l (list 1 3 4)))
156 (assert (not (symbol-plist s)))
157 (assert (eq l (setf (symbol-plist s) l)))
158 (assert-error (setf (symbol-plist s) (car l)) type-error)))
160 ;;; member
162 (with-test (:name member)
163 (macrolet ((test (expected form)
164 `(progn
165 (assert (equal ,expected (let ((numbers '(1 2)))
166 (funcall fun ,@(cdr form)))))
167 (assert (equal ,expected (funcall (lambda ()
168 (declare (optimize speed))
169 (let ((numbers '(1 2)))
170 ,form)))))
171 (assert (equal ,expected (funcall (lambda ()
172 (declare (optimize space))
173 (let ((numbers '(1 2)))
174 ,form))))))))
175 (let ((x-numbers '(1 2))
176 (fun (car (list 'member))))
177 (test x-numbers (member 1 numbers))
178 (test x-numbers (member 1 numbers :key 'identity))
179 (test x-numbers (member 1 numbers :key #'identity))
180 (test (cdr x-numbers) (member 2 numbers))
181 (test nil (member 1.0 numbers ))
183 (test x-numbers (member 1.0 numbers :test #'=))
184 (test x-numbers (member 1.0 numbers :test #'= :key nil))
185 (test (cdr x-numbers) (member 2.0 numbers :test '=))
186 (test nil (member 0 numbers :test '=))
188 (test x-numbers (member 0 numbers :test-not #'>))
189 (test (cdr x-numbers) (member 1 numbers :test-not 'eql))
190 (test nil (member 0 numbers :test-not '<))
192 (test x-numbers (member -1 numbers :key #'-))
193 (test (cdr x-numbers) (member -2 numbers :key '-))
194 (test nil (member -1.0 numbers :key #'-))
196 (test x-numbers (member -1.0 numbers :key #'- :test '=))
197 (test (cdr x-numbers) (member -2.0 numbers :key #'- :test '=))
198 (test nil (member -1.0 numbers :key #'- :test 'eql)))))
200 (flet ((test (function needle haystack args expected)
201 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
202 `(lambda ()
203 (let ((function (car (list ',function)))
204 (list ',haystack))
205 (funcall function ,needle list ,@args)))
206 (() expected))
207 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
208 `(lambda ()
209 (let ((list ',haystack))
210 (,function ,needle list ,@args)))
211 (() expected))))
213 (with-test (:name assoc :serial t)
214 (let ((numbers '((1 a) (2 b)))
215 (tricky '(nil (a . b) nil (nil . c) (c . d))))
216 (test 'assoc 1 numbers '() '(1 a))
217 (test 'assoc 2 numbers '() '(2 b))
218 (test 'assoc 1 numbers '(:key 'identity) '(1 a))
219 (test 'assoc 2 numbers '(:key #'identity) '(2 b))
220 (test 'assoc 1.0 numbers '() nil)
222 (test 'assoc 1.0 numbers '(:test #'=) '(1 a))
223 (test 'assoc 1.0 numbers '(:test #'= :key nil) '(1 a))
224 (test 'assoc 2.0 numbers '(:test '=) '(2 b))
225 (test 'assoc 0 numbers '(:test '=) nil)
227 (test 'assoc 0 numbers '(:test-not #'>) '(1 a))
228 (test 'assoc 1 numbers '(:test-not 'eql) '(2 b))
229 (test 'assoc 0 numbers '(:test-not '<) nil)
231 (test 'assoc -1 numbers '(:key #'-) '(1 a))
232 (test 'assoc -2 numbers '(:key '-) '(2 b))
233 (test 'assoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'-) nil)
235 (test 'assoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test '=) '(1 a))
236 (test 'assoc -2.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test '=) '(2 b))
237 (test 'assoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test 'eql) nil)
239 ;; Bug reported by Paul Dietz: ASSOC should ignore NIL elements
240 ;; in a alist
241 (test 'assoc nil tricky '(:test #'eq) '(nil . c))))
243 (with-test (:name rassoc :serial t)
244 (let ((numbers '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
245 (tricky '(nil (b . a) nil (c . nil) (d . c))))
246 (test 'rassoc 1 numbers '() '(a . 1))
247 (test 'rassoc 2 numbers '() '(b . 2))
248 (test 'rassoc 1 numbers '(:key 'identity) '(a . 1))
249 (test 'rassoc 2 numbers '(:key #'identity) '(b . 2))
250 (test 'rassoc 1.0 numbers '() nil)
252 (test 'rassoc 1.0 numbers '(:test #'=) '(a . 1))
253 (test 'rassoc 1.0 numbers '(:test #'= :key nil) '(a . 1))
254 (test 'rassoc 2.0 numbers '(:test '=) '(b . 2))
255 (test 'rassoc 0 numbers '(:test '=) nil)
257 (test 'rassoc 0 numbers '(:test-not #'>) '(a . 1))
258 (test 'rassoc 1 numbers '(:test-not 'eql) '(b . 2))
259 (test 'rassoc 0 numbers '(:test-not '<) nil)
261 (test 'rassoc -1 numbers '(:key #'-) '(a . 1))
262 (test 'rassoc -2 numbers '(:key '-) '(b . 2))
263 (test 'rassoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'-) nil)
265 (test 'rassoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test '=) '(a . 1))
266 (test 'rassoc -2.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test '=) '(b . 2))
267 (test 'rassoc -1.0 numbers '(:key #'- :test 'eql) nil)
269 (test 'rassoc nil tricky '(:test #'eq) '(c . nil)))))
271 (defun cdr-assoc-in-const-list (x)
272 (cdr (assoc x '((:a . #\A) (:b . #\B) (:c . #\C) nil (nil . foo)
273 (:z . #\Z) (:y . #\Y) (:x . #\X) (:z . "dup")))))
274 (compile 'cdr-assoc-in-const-list)
276 (with-test (:name :cdr-assoc-hash-based)
277 (dolist (input '(nil :a :b :c :x :y :z))
278 (let ((result (cdr-assoc-in-const-list input))
279 (expect (if (eq input nil) 'foo (char (string input) 0))))
280 (assert (eq result expect))))
281 (let ((constants (ctu:find-code-constants #'cdr-assoc-in-const-list)))
282 ;; The ASSOC should have been compiled into a perfectly hashed
283 ;; lookup into a key vector, and a parallel value vector.
284 ;; There are no conses in the vectors. The order of items depends
285 ;; on the symbol-hash, so we don't care what it is.
286 (assert (= (length constants) 2))
287 (dolist (vector constants)
288 ;; Allow this to pass with either a minimal-perfect-hash
289 ;; or a non-minimal perfect hash.
290 (assert (or (typep vector '(simple-vector 7))
291 (typep vector '(simple-vector 8))))
292 ;; The salient point is that the vector doesn't store cons cells
293 ;; because we've unzipped the alist.
294 (assert (every #'atom vector)))))
296 ;;;; member-if & assoc-if & rassoc-if
297 (with-test (:name (member-if assoc-if rassoc-if) :slow t)
298 (macrolet ((test (value form)
299 `(let ((* ,value))
300 (assert (eval ,form))
301 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
302 '(lambda () ,form)
303 (() t)))))
304 (test 'evenp
305 (equal '(2 3 4) (member-if * (list 1 2 3 4))))
306 (test 'evenp
307 (equal '(2 3 4) (locally (declare (optimize speed))
308 (member-if * '(1 2 3 4)))))
309 (test 'evenp
310 (equal '(3 4) (member-if * (list 1 2 3 4) :key (lambda (x) (if (= 3 x) 2 1)))))
311 (test 'evenp
312 (equal '(2 :two) (assoc-if * (list (list 1 :one) (list 3 :three) (list 2 :two) (list 4 :four)))))
313 (test 'evenp
314 (equal '(3 :three) (assoc-if * (list (list 1 :one) (list 3 :three) (list 2 :two) (list 4 :four))
315 :key (lambda (x) (if (= 3 x) 2 1)))))
316 (test 'evenp
317 (equal '(:two . 2) (rassoc-if * (list '(:one . 1) '(:three . 3) '(:two . 2) '(:four . 4)))))
318 (test (list 1 2 3 4)
319 (equal '(2 3 4) (member-if 'evenp *)))
320 (test (list (cons 1 'a) (cons 2 'b) (cons 3 'c))
321 (equal (cons 2 'b) (assoc-if 'evenp *)))))
323 ;;;; member-if-not & assoc-if-not
324 (with-test (:name (member-if-not assoc-if-not) :slow t)
325 (macrolet ((test (value form)
326 `(let ((* ,value))
327 (assert (eval ,form))
328 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
329 '(lambda () ,form)
330 (() t)))))
331 (test 'oddp
332 (equal '(2 3 4) (member-if-not * (list 1 2 3 4))))
333 (test 'oddp
334 (equal '(2 3 4) (locally (declare (optimize speed))
335 (member-if-not * '(1 2 3 4)))))
336 (test 'oddp
337 (equal '(3 4) (member-if-not * (list 1 2 3 4) :key (lambda (x) (if (= 3 x) 2 1)))))
338 (test 'oddp
339 (equal '(2 :two) (assoc-if-not * (list (list 1 :one) (list 3 :three) (list 2 :two) (list 4 :four)))))
340 (test 'oddp
341 (equal '(3 :three) (assoc-if-not * (list (list 1 :one) (list 3 :three) (list 2 :two) (list 4 :four))
342 :key (lambda (x) (if (= 3 x) 2 1)))))
343 (test (list 1 2 3 4)
344 (equal '(2 3 4) (member-if-not 'oddp *)))
345 (test (list (cons 1 'a) (cons 2 'b) (cons 3 'c))
346 (equal (cons 2 'b) (assoc-if-not 'oddp *)))))
348 ;;; bug reported by Dan Corkill: *PRINT-CASE* affected the compiler transforms
349 ;;; for ASSOC & MEMBER
350 (with-test (:name (assoc member *print-case*))
351 (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
352 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
353 `(lambda (i l) (assoc i l))
354 ((:b '((:a . 1) (:b . 2))) '(:b . 2)))
355 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
356 `(lambda (i l) (member i l))
357 ((3 '(1 2 3 4 5)) '(3 4 5)))))
359 ;;; bad bounding index pair to SUBSEQ on a list
360 (with-test (:name (subseq sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error))
361 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
362 (checked-compile `(lambda ()
363 (let ((list (list 0 1 2 3 4 5)))
364 (subseq list 4 2)))
365 :allow-warnings t)
366 (assert failure-p)
367 (assert (= (length warnings) 1))
368 (assert-error (funcall fun) sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error)))
370 ;;; ADJOIN must apply key to item as well
371 (with-test (:name (adjoin :key))
372 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
373 `(lambda (x y)
374 (adjoin x y :key #'car :test #'string=))
375 (((list 'b) (list '(:b))) '((:b))))
377 #+(or sb-eval sb-fasteval)
378 (assert (equal '((:b))
379 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
380 (eval '(adjoin (list 'b) (list '(:b))
381 :key #'car :test #'string=))))))
383 ;;; constant list argument to ADJOIN
384 (with-test (:name (adjoin :constant :list-argument))
385 (flet ((test (form args expected)
386 (let ((fun (checked-compile form)))
387 (assert (equal expected (apply fun args))))))
388 (test `(lambda (elt)
389 (declare (optimize speed))
390 (adjoin elt '(:x :y)))
391 '(:x) '(:x :y))
392 (test `(lambda (elt)
393 (declare (optimize speed))
394 (adjoin elt '(:y)))
395 '(:x) '(:x :y))
396 (test `(lambda () (adjoin 'a nil)) '() '(a))))
398 (with-test (:name union)
399 (macrolet ((test (expected list-1 list-2 &rest args)
400 `(progn
401 (assert (equal ,expected (funcall #'union ,list-1 ,list-2 ,@args)))
402 (assert (equal ,expected (funcall #'nunion
403 (copy-list ,list-1)
404 (copy-list ,list-2)
405 ,@args))))))
406 (test nil nil nil)
407 (test '(42) nil '(42))
408 (test '(42) '(42) nil)
409 (test '(42) '(42) '(42))
410 (test '((42) (42)) '((42)) '((42)))
411 (test '((42) (42)) '((42)) '((42)) :test-not #'equal)
412 (test '((42)) '((42)) '((42)) :test #'equal)
413 (test '((42)) '((42)) '((42)) :key #'car)
414 (test '((42)) '((42)) '((42)) :key #'car :test-not #'<)))
416 ;;; FIND on lists should not call key outside the specified
417 ;;; subsequence.
418 (with-test (:name (find :start :end))
419 (assert (not (find :a '(0 (:c) 1) :start 1 :end 2 :key #'car))))
421 (with-test (:name (adjoin :folding))
422 (flet ((%f () (adjoin 'x '(a b))))
423 (assert (not (eq (%f) (%f))))))
425 (with-test (:name (butlast :dotted))
426 (assert (null (butlast '(1 2 . 3) 4)))
427 (assert (null (nbutlast (list* 1 2 3) 4))))
429 (with-test (:name :tree-equal)
430 (checked-compile-and-assert
432 `(lambda (a)
433 (tree-equal a '(a (b c) (3/4 (d))) :test #'eql))
434 (('(a (b c) (3/4 (d)))) t)
435 (('(a (b c) (3/4 (d) e))) nil)))