Shorten set-fdefn-fun
[sbcl.git] / tests / filesys.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (in-package "CL-USER")
14 ;;; In sbcl-0.6.9 FOO-NAMESTRING functions returned "" instead of NIL.
15 (with-test (:name (file-namestring directory-namestring :name))
16 (let ((pathname0 (make-pathname :host nil
17 :directory
18 (pathname-directory
19 *default-pathname-defaults*)
20 :name "getty"))
21 (pathname1 (make-pathname :host nil
22 :directory nil
23 :name nil)))
24 (assert (equal (file-namestring pathname0) "getty"))
25 (assert (equal (directory-namestring pathname0)
26 (directory-namestring *default-pathname-defaults*)))
27 (assert (equal (file-namestring pathname1) ""))
28 (assert (equal (directory-namestring pathname1) ""))))
30 ;;; In sbcl-0.6.9 DIRECTORY failed on paths with :WILD or
31 ;;; :WILD-INFERIORS in their directory components.
32 (with-test (:name (directory :wild-inferiors))
33 (let ((dir (directory "../**/*.*")))
34 ;; We know a little bit about the structure of this result;
35 ;; let's test to make sure that this test file is in it.
36 (assert (find-if (lambda (pathname)
37 (search "tests/filesys.pure.lisp"
38 (namestring pathname)))
39 dir))))
40 ;;; In sbcl-0.9.7 DIRECTORY failed on pathnames with character-set
41 ;;; components.
42 (with-test (:name (directory :character-set :pattern) )
43 (let ((dir (directory "[f]*.*")))
44 ;; We know a little bit about the structure of this result;
45 ;; let's test to make sure that this test file is in it.
46 (assert (find-if (lambda (pathname)
47 (search "filesys.pure.lisp"
48 (namestring pathname)))
49 dir))))
51 ;;; Set *default-pathname-defaults* to something other than the unix
52 ;;; cwd, to catch functions which access the filesystem without
53 ;;; merging properly. We should test more functions than just OPEN
54 ;;; here, of course
56 (with-test (:name (open *default-pathname-defaults*))
57 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
58 (make-pathname :directory
59 (butlast
60 (pathname-directory *default-pathname-defaults*))
61 :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
62 ;; SBCL failed to merge on OPEN
63 (with-open-file (i "tests/filesys.pure.lisp")
64 (assert i))))
66 ;;; OPEN, LOAD and friends should signal an error of type FILE-ERROR
67 ;;; if they are fed wild pathname designators; firstly, with wild
68 ;;; pathnames that don't correspond to any files:
69 (with-test (:name (open :wild file-error 1))
70 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (open "non-existent*.lisp")))
71 'file-error)))
72 (with-test (:name (load :wild file-error 1))
73 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (load "non-existent*.lisp")))
74 'file-error)))
75 ;;; then for pathnames that correspond to precisely one:
76 (with-test (:name (open :wild file-error 2))
77 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (open "filesys.pur*.lisp")))
78 'file-error)))
79 (with-test (:name (load :wild file-error 2))
80 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (load "filesys.pur*.lisp")))
81 'file-error)))
82 ;;; then for pathnames corresponding to many:
83 (with-test (:name (open :wild file-error 3))
84 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (open "*.lisp")))
85 'file-error)))
86 (with-test (:name (load :wild file-error 3))
87 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (load "*.lisp")))
88 'file-error)))
90 ;;; ANSI: FILE-LENGTH should signal an error of type TYPE-ERROR if
91 ;;; STREAM is not a stream associated with a file.
92 ;;;
93 ;;; (Peter Van Eynde's ansi-test suite caught this, and Eric Marsden
94 ;;; reported a fix for CMU CL, which was ported to sbcl-
95 (with-test (:name (file-length *terminal-io* type-error))
96 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (file-length *terminal-io*)))
97 'type-error)))
99 ;;; A few cases Windows does have enough marbles to pass right now
100 (with-test (:name (sb-ext:native-namestring :win32)
101 :skipped-on '(not :win32))
102 (assert (equal "C:\\FOO" (native-namestring "C:\\FOO")))
103 (assert (equal "C:\\FOO" (native-namestring "C:/FOO")))
104 (assert (equal "C:\\FOO\\BAR" (native-namestring "C:\\FOO\\BAR")))
105 (assert (equal "C:\\FOO\\BAR" (native-namestring "C:\\FOO\\BAR\\" :as-file t))))
107 (with-test (:name (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring :as-directory :junk-allowed))
108 (assert
109 (equal
110 (parse-native-namestring "foo.lisp" nil *default-pathname-defaults*
111 :as-directory t)
112 (parse-native-namestring "foo.lisp" nil *default-pathname-defaults*
113 :as-directory t
114 :junk-allowed t))))
118 ;;; given only safe characters in the namestring, NATIVE-PATHNAME will
119 ;;; never error, and NATIVE-NAMESTRING on the result will return the
120 ;;; original namestring.
121 (with-test (:name (sb-ext:native-namestring sb-ext:native-pathname :random))
122 (let ((safe-chars
123 (coerce
124 (cons #\Newline
125 (loop for x from 32 to 127 collect (code-char x)))
126 'simple-base-string))
127 (tricky-sequences #("/../" "../" "/.." "." "/." "./" "/./"
128 "[]" "*" "**" "/**" "**/" "/**/" "?"
129 "\\*" "\\[]" "\\?" "\\*\\*" "*\\*")))
130 (labels ((canon (s)
131 #+win32
132 ;; We canonicalize to \ as the directory separator
133 ;; on windows -- though both \ and / are legal.
134 (substitute #\\ #\/ s)
135 #+unix
136 ;; Consecutive separators become a single separator
137 (let ((p (search "//" s)))
138 (if p
139 (canon (concatenate 'string (subseq s 0 p) (subseq s (1+ p))))
140 s))))
141 (loop repeat 1000
142 for length = (random 32)
143 for native-namestring = (coerce
144 (loop repeat length
145 collect
146 (char safe-chars
147 (random (length safe-chars))))
148 'simple-base-string)
149 for pathname = (native-pathname native-namestring)
150 for nnn = (native-namestring pathname)
151 do (setf native-namestring (canon native-namestring))
152 (unless (string= nnn native-namestring)
153 (error "1: wanted ~S, got ~S" native-namestring nnn)))
154 (loop repeat 1000
155 for native-namestring = (with-output-to-string (s)
156 (write-string "mu" s)
157 (loop
158 (let ((r (random 1.0)))
159 (cond
160 ((< r 1/20) (return))
161 ((< r 1/2)
162 (write-char
163 (char safe-chars
164 (random (length safe-chars)))
166 (t (write-string
167 (aref tricky-sequences
168 (random
169 (length tricky-sequences)))
170 s))))))
171 for pathname = (native-pathname native-namestring)
172 for tricky-nnn = (native-namestring pathname)
173 do (setf native-namestring (canon native-namestring))
174 (unless (string= tricky-nnn native-namestring)
175 (error "2: wanted ~S, got ~S" native-namestring tricky-nnn))))))
178 ;;; used to call PARSE-NATIVE-NAMESTRING without supplying a HOST
179 ;;; argument, and so would lose when *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* was a
180 ;;; logical pathname.
181 (with-test (:name (user-homedir-pathname :robustness))
182 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname "SYS:")))
183 (assert (not (typep (user-homedir-pathname)
184 'logical-pathname)))))
186 (with-test (:name (sb-int:sbcl-homedir-pathname :robustness))
187 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname "SYS:")))
188 (assert (not (typep (sb-int:sbcl-homedir-pathname)
189 'logical-pathname)))))
191 (with-test (:name (file-author stringp))
192 #-win32
193 (assert (stringp (file-author (user-homedir-pathname))))
194 #+win32
195 (assert (not (file-author (user-homedir-pathname)))))
196 (with-test (:name (file-write-date integerp))
197 (assert (integerp (file-write-date (user-homedir-pathname)))))
199 ;;; Canonicalization of pathnames for DIRECTORY
200 (with-test (:name (directory :/.))
201 (assert (equal (directory #p".") (directory #p"./")))
202 (assert (equal (directory #p".") (directory #p""))))
203 (with-test (:name (directory :/..))
204 (assert (equal (directory #p"..") (directory #p"../"))))
205 (with-test (:name (directory :unspecific))
206 (assert (equal (directory #p".")
207 (directory (make-pathname
208 :name :unspecific
209 :type :unspecific)))))
211 ;;; This used to signal a TYPE-ERROR.
212 (with-test (:name (directory :..*))
213 (directory "somedir/..*"))
215 ;;; DIRECTORY used to treat */** as **.
216 (with-test (:name (directory :*/**))
217 (assert (equal (directory "*/**/*.*")
218 (mapcan (lambda (directory)
219 (directory (merge-pathnames "**/*.*" directory)))
220 (directory "*/")))))
222 ;;; Generated with
223 ;;; (loop for exist in '(nil t)
224 ;;; append
225 ;;; (loop for (if-exists if-does-not-exist) in '((nil :error)
226 ;;; (:error nil)
227 ;;; (nil nil)
228 ;;; (:error :error))
229 ;;; collect (list 'do-open exist if-exists if-does-not-exist)))
230 (with-test (:name (open :never-openning))
231 (flet ((do-open (existing if-exists if-does-not-exist
232 &optional (direction :output))
233 (open (if existing
234 #.(or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*)
235 "a-really-non-existing-file")
236 :direction direction
237 :if-exists if-exists :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist)))
238 (assert-error
239 (do-open nil nil :error))
240 (assert (not
241 (do-open nil :error nil)))
242 (assert (not
243 (do-open t nil :error)))
244 (assert-error
245 (do-open t :error nil))
246 (assert (not
247 (do-open nil nil nil)))
248 (assert-error
249 (do-open nil :error :error))
250 (assert (not
251 (do-open t nil nil)))
252 (assert-error (do-open t :error :error))
254 (assert-error
255 (do-open nil nil :error :io))
256 (assert (not
257 (do-open nil :error nil :io)))
258 (assert (not
259 (do-open t nil :error :io)))
260 (assert-error
261 (do-open t :error nil :io))
262 (assert (not
263 (do-open nil nil nil :io)))
264 (assert-error
265 (do-open nil :error :error :io))
266 (assert (not
267 (do-open t nil nil :io)))
268 (assert-error (do-open t :error :error :io))))
270 (with-test (:name (open :new-version))
271 (multiple-value-bind (value error)
272 (ignore-errors (open #.(or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*)
273 :direction :output
274 :if-exists :new-version))
275 (assert (not value))
276 (assert error)
277 (assert (equal (simple-condition-format-control error)
278 "OPEN :IF-EXISTS :NEW-VERSION is not supported ~
279 when a new version must be created."))))
281 (with-test (:name :parse-native-namestring-canon :skipped-on '(not :unix))
282 (let ((pathname (parse-native-namestring "foo/bar//baz")))
283 (assert (string= (car (last (pathname-directory pathname))) "bar"))))