Always scavenge something in scav_instance if no layout set.
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-bsd-sockets / sockets.lisp
1 (in-package :sb-bsd-sockets)
3 ;;;; Methods, classes, functions for sockets. Protocol-specific stuff
4 ;;;; is deferred to inet.lisp, unix.lisp, etc
6 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
8 ;;; Winsock is different w.r.t errno
9 (defun socket-errno ()
10 "Get socket error code, usually from errno, but see #+win32."
11 #+win32 (sockint::wsa-get-last-error)
12 #-win32 (sb-unix::get-errno))
14 (defclass socket ()
15 ((file-descriptor :initarg :descriptor
16 :reader socket-file-descriptor)
17 (family :initform (error "No socket family") ; subclasses supply initforms
18 :reader socket-family)
19 (protocol :initarg :protocol
20 :reader socket-protocol
21 :documentation "Protocol used by the socket. If a
22 keyword, the symbol-name of the keyword will be passed to
23 GET-PROTOCOL-BY-NAME downcased, and the returned value used as
24 protocol. Other values are used as-is.")
25 (type :initarg :type
26 :reader socket-type
27 :documentation "Type of the socket: :STREAM or :DATAGRAM.")
28 #+win32
29 (non-blocking-p :type (member t nil) :initform nil)
30 (stream))
31 (:default-initargs
32 :type (sb-int:missing-arg))
33 (:documentation "Common superclass of all sockets, not meant to be
34 directly instantiated.")))
36 (defmethod print-object ((object socket) stream)
37 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
38 (format stream "~@[~A, ~]~@[peer: ~A, ~]fd: ~A"
39 (socket-namestring object)
40 (socket-peerstring object)
41 (slot-value object 'file-descriptor))))
43 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((socket socket) slot-names
44 &key protocol type
45 &allow-other-keys)
46 (let* ((proto-num
47 (cond ((and protocol (keywordp protocol))
48 (get-protocol-by-name protocol))
49 (protocol protocol)
50 (t 0)))
51 (fd (or (and (slot-boundp socket 'file-descriptor)
52 (socket-file-descriptor socket))
53 (sockint::socket (socket-family socket)
54 (ecase type
55 ((:datagram) sockint::sock-dgram)
56 ((:stream) sockint::sock-stream))
57 proto-num))))
58 (socket-error-case ("socket" fd)
59 (progn
60 (setf (slot-value socket 'file-descriptor) fd
61 (slot-value socket 'protocol) proto-num
62 (slot-value socket 'type) type)
63 (sb-ext:finalize socket (lambda () (sockint::close fd))
64 :dont-save t)))))
68 (defun call-with-socket-addr (socket sockaddr-args thunk)
69 (multiple-value-bind (sockaddr size)
70 (apply #'make-sockaddr-for socket nil sockaddr-args)
71 (unless size
72 (setf size (size-of-sockaddr socket)))
73 (unwind-protect (funcall thunk sockaddr size)
74 (free-sockaddr-for socket sockaddr))))
76 (defmacro with-socket-addr ((sockaddr-var size-of-sockaddr-var
77 &optional sockaddr-args)
78 socket &body body)
79 `(sb-int:dx-flet ((with-socket-addr-thunk (,sockaddr-var ,size-of-sockaddr-var)
80 ,@body))
81 (call-with-socket-addr ,socket ,sockaddr-args #'with-socket-addr-thunk)))
83 (defmacro with-socket-fd-and-addr ((fd-var sockaddr-var size-of-sockaddr-var
84 &optional sockaddr-args)
85 socket &body body)
86 (sb-int:once-only ((socket socket))
87 `(let ((,fd-var (socket-file-descriptor ,socket)))
88 (with-socket-addr (,sockaddr-var ,size-of-sockaddr-var ,sockaddr-args)
89 ,socket
90 ,@body))))
93 ;; we deliberately redesign the "bind" interface: instead of passing a
94 ;; sockaddr_something as second arg, we pass the elements of one as
95 ;; multiple arguments.
96 (defmethod socket-bind ((socket socket) &rest address)
97 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size address) socket
98 (socket-error-case ("bind" (sockint::bind fd sockaddr size)))))
102 (defmethod socket-accept ((socket socket))
103 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size) socket
104 (socket-error-case ("accept" (sockint::accept fd sockaddr size) new-fd)
105 (multiple-value-call #'values
106 (let ((socket (make-instance (class-of socket)
107 :type (socket-type socket)
108 :protocol (socket-protocol socket)
109 :descriptor new-fd)))
110 (sb-ext:finalize socket (lambda () (sockint::close new-fd))
111 :dont-save t))
112 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr))
113 (:interrupted nil))))
115 (defmethod socket-connect ((socket socket) &rest peer)
116 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size peer) socket
117 (socket-error-case ("connect" (sockint::connect fd sockaddr size))
118 socket)))
120 (defmethod socket-peername ((socket socket))
121 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size) socket
122 (socket-error-case ("getpeername" (sockint::getpeername fd sockaddr size))
123 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr))))
125 (defmethod socket-name ((socket socket))
126 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size) socket
127 (socket-error-case ("getsockname" (sockint::getsockname fd sockaddr size))
128 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr))))
130 ;;; There are a whole bunch of interesting things you can do with a
131 ;;; socket that don't really map onto "do stream io", especially in
132 ;;; CL which has no portable concept of a "short read". socket-receive
133 ;;; allows us to read from an unconnected socket into a buffer, and
134 ;;; to learn who the sender of the packet was
136 (defmethod socket-receive ((socket socket) buffer length
137 &key
138 oob peek waitall dontwait
139 (element-type 'character))
140 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size) socket
141 (let ((flags
142 (logior (if oob sockint::MSG-OOB 0)
143 (if peek sockint::MSG-PEEK 0)
144 (if waitall sockint::MSG-WAITALL 0)
145 (if dontwait sockint::MSG-DONTWAIT 0)
146 #+linux sockint::MSG-NOSIGNAL ;don't send us SIGPIPE
147 (if (eql (socket-type socket) :datagram)
148 sockint::msg-TRUNC 0))))
149 (unless (or buffer length)
150 (error "Must supply at least one of BUFFER or LENGTH"))
151 (unless length
152 (setf length (length buffer)))
153 (when buffer (setf element-type (array-element-type buffer)))
154 (unless (or (subtypep element-type 'character)
155 (subtypep element-type 'integer))
156 (error "Buffer element-type must be either a character or an integer subtype."))
157 (unless buffer
158 (setf buffer (make-array length :element-type element-type)))
159 ;; really big FIXME: This whole copy-buffer thing is broken.
160 ;; doesn't support characters more than 8 bits wide, or integer
161 ;; types that aren't (unsigned-byte 8).
162 (let ((copy-buffer (sb-alien:make-alien (array (sb-alien:unsigned 8) 1) length)))
163 (unwind-protect
164 (sb-alien:with-alien ((sa-len sockint::socklen-t size))
165 (socket-error-case ("recvfrom"
166 (sockint::recvfrom fd copy-buffer length
167 flags sockaddr (sb-alien:addr sa-len))
168 len)
169 (progn
170 (loop for i from 0 below (min len length)
171 do (setf (elt buffer i)
172 (cond
173 ((or (eql element-type 'character) (eql element-type 'base-char))
174 (code-char (sb-alien:deref (sb-alien:deref copy-buffer) i)))
175 (t (sb-alien:deref (sb-alien:deref copy-buffer) i)))))
176 (apply #'values buffer len (multiple-value-list
177 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr))))
178 (:interrupted nil)))
179 (sb-alien:free-alien copy-buffer))))))
181 (defmacro with-vector-sap ((name vector) &body body)
182 `(sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (,vector)
183 (let ((,name (sb-sys:vector-sap ,vector)))
184 ,@body)))
186 (defmethod socket-send ((socket socket) buffer length
187 &key
188 address
189 (external-format :default)
190 oob eor dontroute dontwait nosignal
191 #+linux confirm #+linux more)
192 (declare (ignorable nosignal))
193 (let* ((flags
194 (logior (if oob sockint::MSG-OOB 0)
195 (if eor sockint::MSG-EOR 0)
196 (if dontroute sockint::MSG-DONTROUTE 0)
197 (if dontwait sockint::MSG-DONTWAIT 0)
198 #-darwin (if nosignal sockint::MSG-NOSIGNAL 0)
199 #+linux (if confirm sockint::MSG-CONFIRM 0)
200 #+linux (if more sockint::MSG-MORE 0)))
201 (buffer (etypecase buffer
202 (string
203 (sb-ext:string-to-octets buffer
204 :external-format external-format
205 :null-terminate nil))
206 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8))
207 buffer)
208 ((array (unsigned-byte 8))
209 (make-array (length buffer)
210 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
211 :initial-contents buffer))))
212 (len (with-vector-sap (buffer-sap buffer)
213 (unless length
214 (setf length (length buffer)))
215 (if address
216 (with-socket-fd-and-addr (fd sockaddr size address) socket
217 (sb-alien:with-alien ((sa-len sockint::socklen-t size))
218 (sockint::sendto fd buffer-sap length
219 flags sockaddr sa-len)))
220 (sockint::send (socket-file-descriptor socket)
221 buffer-sap length flags)))))
222 (socket-error-case ("sendto" len)
224 (:interrupted nil))))
226 (defmethod socket-listen ((socket socket) backlog)
227 (socket-error-case
228 ("listen" (sockint::listen (socket-file-descriptor socket) backlog))))
230 (defmethod socket-open-p ((socket socket))
231 (if (slot-boundp socket 'stream)
232 (open-stream-p (slot-value socket 'stream))
233 (/= -1 (socket-file-descriptor socket))))
235 (defmethod socket-close ((socket socket) &key abort)
236 ;; the close(2) manual page has all kinds of warning about not
237 ;; checking the return value of close, on the grounds that an
238 ;; earlier write(2) might have returned successfully w/o actually
239 ;; writing the stuff to disk. It then goes on to define the only
240 ;; possible error return as EBADF (fd isn't a valid open file
241 ;; descriptor). Presumably this is an oversight and we could also
242 ;; get anything that write(2) would have given us.
244 ;; note that if you have a socket _and_ a stream on the same fd,
245 ;; the socket will avoid doing anything to close the fd in case
246 ;; the stream has done it already - if so, it may have been
247 ;; reassigned to some other file, and closing it would be bad
248 (let ((fd (socket-file-descriptor socket)))
249 (flet ((drop-it (&optional streamp)
250 (setf (slot-value socket 'file-descriptor) -1)
251 (if streamp
252 (slot-makunbound socket 'stream)
253 (sb-ext:cancel-finalization socket))
255 (cond ((eql fd -1)
256 ;; already closed
257 nil)
258 ((slot-boundp socket 'stream)
259 (close (slot-value socket 'stream) :abort abort)
260 ;; Don't do this if there was an error from CLOSE -- the stream is
261 ;; still live.
262 (drop-it t))
264 (handler-case
265 (socket-error-case ("close" (sockint::close fd)
266 result (minusp result)))
267 (bad-file-descriptor-error ()
268 (drop-it))
269 (:no-error (r)
270 (declare (ignore r))
271 (drop-it))))))))
273 (defmethod socket-shutdown ((socket socket) &key direction)
274 (let* ((fd (socket-file-descriptor socket))
275 (how (ecase direction
276 (:input sockint::SHUT_RD)
277 (:output sockint::SHUT_WR)
278 (:io sockint::SHUT_RDWR))))
279 (socket-error-case ("shutdown" (sockint::shutdown fd how)
280 result (minusp result)))))
282 (defmethod socket-make-stream ((socket socket)
283 &key input output
284 (element-type 'character)
285 (buffering :full)
286 (external-format :default)
287 timeout
288 auto-close
289 serve-events)
290 "Default method for SOCKET objects.
292 ELEMENT-TYPE defaults to CHARACTER, to construct a bivalent stream,
293 capable of both binary and character IO use :DEFAULT.
295 Acceptable values for BUFFERING are :FULL, :LINE and :NONE, default
296 is :FULL, ie. output is buffered till it is explicitly flushed using
297 CLOSE or FINISH-OUTPUT. (FORCE-OUTPUT forces some output to be
298 flushed: to ensure all buffered output is flused use FINISH-OUTPUT.)
300 Streams have no TIMEOUT by default. If one is provided, it is the
301 number of seconds the system will at most wait for input to appear on
302 the socket stream when trying to read from it.
304 If AUTO-CLOSE is true, the underlying OS socket is automatically
305 closed after the stream and the socket have been garbage collected.
306 Default is false.
308 If SERVE-EVENTS is true, blocking IO on the socket will dispatch to
309 the recursive event loop. Default is false.
311 The stream for SOCKET will be cached, and a second invocation of this
312 method will return the same stream. This may lead to oddities if this
313 function is invoked with inconsistent arguments \(e.g., one might
314 request an input stream and get an output stream in response\)."
315 (let ((stream
316 (and (slot-boundp socket 'stream) (slot-value socket 'stream))))
317 (unless stream
318 (setf stream (sb-sys:make-fd-stream
319 (socket-file-descriptor socket)
320 :name (format nil "socket~@[ ~A~]~@[, peer: ~A~]"
321 (socket-namestring socket)
322 (socket-peerstring socket))
323 :dual-channel-p t
324 :input input
325 :output output
326 :element-type element-type
327 :buffering buffering
328 :external-format external-format
329 :timeout timeout
330 :auto-close auto-close
331 :serve-events (and serve-events #+win32 nil)))
332 (setf (slot-value socket 'stream) stream))
333 (sb-ext:cancel-finalization socket)
334 stream))
338 ;;; Error handling
340 (define-condition socket-error (error)
341 ((errno :initform nil
342 :initarg :errno
343 :reader socket-error-errno)
344 (symbol :initform nil :initarg :symbol :reader socket-error-symbol)
345 (syscall :initform "outer space" :initarg :syscall :reader socket-error-syscall))
346 (:report (lambda (c s)
347 (let ((num (socket-error-errno c)))
348 (format s "Socket error in \"~A\": ~A (~A)"
349 (socket-error-syscall c)
350 (or (socket-error-symbol c) (socket-error-errno c))
351 #+win32 (sb-win32:format-system-message num)
352 #-win32 (sb-int:strerror num)))))
353 (:documentation "Common base class of socket related conditions."))
355 ;;; watch out for slightly hacky symbol punning: we use both the value
356 ;;; and the symbol-name of sockint::efoo
358 (defmacro define-socket-condition (symbol name)
359 `(progn
360 (define-condition ,name (socket-error)
361 ((symbol :reader socket-error-symbol :initform (quote ,symbol))))
362 (export ',name)
363 (push (cons ,symbol (quote ,name)) *conditions-for-errno*)))
365 (defparameter *conditions-for-errno* nil)
366 ;;; this needs the rest of the list adding to it, really. They also
367 ;;; need symbols to be added to constants.ccon
368 ;;; I haven't yet thought of a non-kludgey way of keeping all this in
369 ;;; the same place
370 (define-socket-condition sockint::EADDRINUSE address-in-use-error)
371 (define-socket-condition sockint::EAGAIN interrupted-error)
372 (define-socket-condition sockint::EBADF bad-file-descriptor-error)
373 (define-socket-condition sockint::ECONNREFUSED connection-refused-error)
374 (define-socket-condition sockint::ETIMEDOUT operation-timeout-error)
375 (define-socket-condition sockint::EINTR interrupted-error)
376 (define-socket-condition sockint::EINVAL invalid-argument-error)
377 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENOBUFS no-buffers-error)
378 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENOMEM out-of-memory-error)
379 (define-socket-condition sockint::EOPNOTSUPP operation-not-supported-error)
380 (define-socket-condition sockint::EPERM operation-not-permitted-error)
381 (define-socket-condition sockint::EPROTONOSUPPORT protocol-not-supported-error)
382 (define-socket-condition sockint::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT socket-type-not-supported-error)
383 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENETUNREACH network-unreachable-error)
384 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENOTCONN not-connected-error)
385 (define-socket-condition sockint::EAFNOSUPPORT address-family-not-supported)
386 (define-socket-condition sockint::EINPROGRESS operation-in-progress)
388 (defun condition-for-errno (err)
389 (or (cdr (assoc err *conditions-for-errno* :test #'eql)) 'socket-error))
391 (defun socket-error (where &optional (errno (socket-errno)))
392 ;; FIXME: Our Texinfo documentation extractor needs at least this to
393 ;; spit out the signature. Real documentation would be better...
395 (error (condition-for-errno errno) :errno errno :syscall where))