Fix constant folding with duplicate &key args.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / kernel.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous kernel-level definitions
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
14 ;;;; SIMPLE-FUN and accessors
16 (deftype simple-fun ()
17 '(satisfies simple-fun-p))
19 (declaim (inline code-header-words))
20 (defun code-header-words (code)
21 (logand (get-header-data code) sb!vm:short-header-max-words))
23 ;;; Extract halves of SIMPLE-FUN-INFO, which is a string if it holds
24 ;;; documentation, a SIMPLE-VECTOR if XREFS,
25 ;;; or (CONS STRING SIMPLE-VECTOR) for both, or NIL if neither.
26 (macrolet ((def (name info-part if-simple-vector if-string)
27 `(defun ,name (simple-fun)
28 (declare (simple-fun simple-fun))
29 (let ((info (%simple-fun-info simple-fun)))
30 (typecase info
31 (list (,info-part info))
32 (simple-vector ,if-simple-vector)
33 (string ,if-string)
34 (t (bug "bogus INFO for ~S: ~S" simple-fun info)))))))
35 (def %simple-fun-doc car nil info)
36 (def %simple-fun-xrefs cdr info nil))
38 (defun (setf %simple-fun-doc) (doc simple-fun)
39 (declare (type (or null string) doc)
40 (simple-fun simple-fun))
41 (let ((info (%simple-fun-info simple-fun)))
42 (setf (%simple-fun-info simple-fun)
43 (cond ((typep info '(or null string))
44 doc)
45 ((simple-vector-p info)
46 (if doc
47 (cons doc info)
48 info))
49 ((consp info)
50 (if doc
51 (cons doc (cdr info))
52 (cdr info)))
54 (bug "bogus INFO for ~S: ~S" simple-fun info))))))
56 ;;; Extract the type from the function header FUNC.
57 (defun %simple-fun-type (func)
58 (let ((internal-type (sb!vm::%%simple-fun-type func)))
59 ;; For backward-compatibility we expand SFUNCTION -> FUNCTION.
60 (if (and (listp internal-type) (eq (car internal-type) 'sfunction))
61 (sb!ext:typexpand-1 internal-type)
62 internal-type)))
64 (defun %code-entry-points (code-obj) ; DO NOT USE IN NEW CODE
65 (%code-entry-point code-obj 0))
67 (defun %simple-fun-next (simple-fun) ; DO NOT USE IN NEW CODE
68 (let ((code-obj (fun-code-header simple-fun)))
69 (dotimes (i (code-n-entries code-obj))
70 (when (eq simple-fun (%code-entry-point code-obj i))
71 (return (%code-entry-point code-obj (1+ i)))))))
73 ;;;; CLOSURE type and accessors
75 (deftype closure ()
76 '(satisfies closurep))
78 ;;; FIXME: this should probably exclude the closure name slot, if named
79 (defmacro do-closure-values ((value closure) &body body)
80 (with-unique-names (i nclosure)
81 `(let ((,nclosure ,closure))
82 (declare (closure ,nclosure))
83 (dotimes (,i (- (1+ (get-closure-length ,nclosure)) sb!vm:closure-info-offset))
84 (let ((,value (%closure-index-ref ,nclosure ,i)))
85 ,@body)))))
87 (defun %closure-values (closure)
88 (declare (closure closure))
89 (let (values)
90 (do-closure-values (elt closure)
91 (push elt values))
92 (nreverse values)))
94 (defun %set-vector-raw-bits (object offset value)
95 (setf (%vector-raw-bits object offset) value))
97 ;;; A unique GC id. This is supplied for code that needs to detect
98 ;;; whether a GC has happened since some earlier point in time. For
99 ;;; example:
101 ;;; (let ((epoch *gc-epoch*))
102 ;;; ...
103 ;;; (unless (eql epoch *gc-epoch)
104 ;;; ....))
106 ;;; This isn't just a fixnum counter since then we'd have theoretical
107 ;;; problems when exactly 2^29 GCs happen between epoch
108 ;;; comparisons. Unlikely, but the cost of using a cons instead is too
109 ;;; small to measure. -- JES, 2007-09-30
110 (declaim (type cons *gc-epoch*))
111 (!defglobal *gc-epoch* '(nil . nil))
113 (declaim (inline lowtag-of))
114 (defun lowtag-of (x) (logand (get-lisp-obj-address x) sb!vm:lowtag-mask))
116 ;;; Unlike most other "Stub functions" that never called called except
117 ;;; by the interpreter, these two do get called, by MAKE-UNPORTABLE-FLOAT
118 (defun make-single-float (x) (make-single-float x))
119 (defun make-double-float (hi lo) (make-double-float hi lo))