Fix constant folding with duplicate &key args.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / condition.lisp
1 ;;;; stuff originally from CMU CL's error.lisp which can or should
2 ;;;; come late (mostly related to the CONDITION class itself)
3 ;;;;
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
9 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
10 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
11 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
12 ;;;; files for more information.
14 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
16 ;;;; the CONDITION class
18 (/show0 "condition.lisp 20")
20 (defstruct (condition-slot (:copier nil))
21 (name (missing-arg) :type symbol)
22 ;; list of all applicable initargs
23 (initargs (missing-arg) :type list)
24 ;; names of reader and writer functions
25 (readers (missing-arg) :type list)
26 (writers (missing-arg) :type list)
27 ;; true if :INITFORM was specified
28 (initform-p (missing-arg) :type (member t nil))
29 ;; the initform if :INITFORM was specified, otherwise NIL
30 (initform nil :type t)
31 ;; if this is a function, call it with no args to get the initform value
32 (initfunction (missing-arg) :type t)
33 ;; allocation of this slot, or NIL until defaulted
34 (allocation nil :type (member :instance :class nil))
35 ;; If ALLOCATION is :CLASS, this is a cons whose car holds the value
36 (cell nil :type (or cons null))
37 ;; slot documentation
38 (documentation nil :type (or string null)))
40 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
41 (/show0 "condition.lisp 103")
42 (let ((condition-class (find-classoid 'condition)))
43 (setf (condition-classoid-cpl condition-class)
44 (list condition-class)))
45 (/show0 "condition.lisp 103"))
47 (setf (condition-classoid-report (find-classoid 'condition))
48 (lambda (cond stream)
49 (format stream "Condition ~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/ was signalled."
50 (type-of cond))))
52 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
54 (defun find-condition-layout (name parent-types)
55 (let* ((cpl (remove-duplicates
56 (reverse
57 (reduce #'append
58 (mapcar (lambda (x)
59 (condition-classoid-cpl
60 (find-classoid x)))
61 parent-types)))))
62 (cond-layout (info :type :compiler-layout 'condition))
63 (olayout (info :type :compiler-layout name))
64 ;; FIXME: Does this do the right thing in case of multiple
65 ;; inheritance? A quick look at DEFINE-CONDITION didn't make
66 ;; it obvious what ANSI intends to be done in the case of
67 ;; multiple inheritance, so it's not actually clear what the
68 ;; right thing is..
69 (new-inherits
70 (order-layout-inherits (concatenate 'simple-vector
71 (layout-inherits cond-layout)
72 (mapcar #'classoid-layout cpl)))))
73 (if (and olayout
74 (not (mismatch (layout-inherits olayout) new-inherits)))
75 olayout
76 (make-layout :classoid (make-undefined-classoid name)
77 :%flags +condition-layout-flag+
78 :inherits new-inherits
79 :depthoid -1
80 :length (layout-length cond-layout)))))
82 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
84 ;;; FIXME: ANSI's definition of DEFINE-CONDITION says
85 ;;; Condition reporting is mediated through the PRINT-OBJECT method
86 ;;; for the condition type in question, with *PRINT-ESCAPE* always
87 ;;; being nil. Specifying (:REPORT REPORT-NAME) in the definition of
88 ;;; a condition type C is equivalent to:
89 ;;; (defmethod print-object ((x c) stream)
90 ;;; (if *print-escape* (call-next-method) (report-name x stream)))
91 ;;; The current code doesn't seem to quite match that.
92 (defmethod print-object ((object condition) stream)
93 (cond
94 ((not *print-escape*)
95 ;; KLUDGE: A comment from CMU CL here said
96 ;; 7/13/98 BUG? CPL is not sorted and results here depend on order of
97 ;; superclasses in define-condition call!
98 (funcall (or (some #'condition-classoid-report
99 (condition-classoid-cpl (classoid-of object)))
100 (error "no REPORT? shouldn't happen!"))
101 object stream))
102 ((and (typep object 'simple-condition)
103 (condition-slot-value object 'format-control))
104 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
105 (write (simple-condition-format-control object)
106 :stream stream :lines 1)))
108 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)))))
110 ;;;; slots of CONDITION objects
112 (defun find-slot-default (class slot)
113 (let ((initargs (condition-slot-initargs slot))
114 (cpl (condition-classoid-cpl class)))
115 ;; When CLASS or a superclass has a default initarg for SLOT, use
116 ;; that.
117 (dolist (class cpl)
118 (let ((direct-default-initargs
119 (condition-classoid-direct-default-initargs class)))
120 (dolist (initarg initargs)
121 (let ((initfunction (third (assoc initarg direct-default-initargs))))
122 (when initfunction
123 (return-from find-slot-default (funcall initfunction)))))))
125 ;; Otherwise use the initform of SLOT, if there is one.
126 (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
127 (let ((initfun (condition-slot-initfunction slot)))
128 (aver (functionp initfun))
129 (funcall initfun))
130 (error "unbound condition slot: ~S" (condition-slot-name slot)))))
132 (defun find-condition-class-slot (condition-class slot-name)
133 (dolist (sclass
134 (condition-classoid-cpl condition-class)
135 (error "There is no slot named ~S in ~S."
136 slot-name condition-class))
137 (dolist (slot (condition-classoid-slots sclass))
138 (when (eq (condition-slot-name slot) slot-name)
139 (return-from find-condition-class-slot slot)))))
141 (defun set-condition-slot-value (condition new-value name)
142 (dolist (cslot (condition-classoid-class-slots
143 (layout-classoid (%instance-layout condition)))
144 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
145 new-value))
146 (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
147 (return (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) new-value)))))
149 (defun condition-slot-value (condition name)
150 (let ((val (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name sb!pcl:+slot-unbound+)))
151 (if (unbound-marker-p val)
152 (let ((class (layout-classoid (%instance-layout condition))))
153 (dolist (cslot
154 (condition-classoid-class-slots class)
155 (let ((instance-length (%instance-length condition))
156 (slot (or (find-condition-class-slot class name)
157 (error "missing slot ~S of ~S" name condition))))
158 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
159 (do ((i (+ sb!vm:instance-data-start 2) (+ i 2)))
160 ((>= i instance-length) (find-slot-default class slot))
161 (when (member (%instance-ref condition i)
162 (condition-slot-initargs slot))
163 (return (%instance-ref condition (1+ i))))))))
164 (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
165 (return (car (condition-slot-cell cslot))))))
166 val)))
170 (defun allocate-condition (designator &rest initargs)
171 (when (oddp (length initargs))
172 (error 'simple-error
173 :format-control "odd-length initializer list: ~S."
174 :format-arguments
175 (let (list)
176 ;; avoid direct reference to INITARGS as a list
177 ;; so that it is not reified unless we reach here.
178 (do-rest-arg ((arg) initargs) (push arg list))
179 (nreverse list))))
180 ;; I am going to assume that people are not somehow getting to here
181 ;; with a CLASSOID, which is not strictly legal as a designator,
182 ;; but which is accepted because it is actually the desired thing.
183 ;; It doesn't seem worth sweating over that detail, and in any event
184 ;; we could say that it's a supported extension.
185 (let ((classoid (named-let lookup ((designator designator))
186 (typecase designator
187 (symbol (find-classoid designator nil))
188 (class (lookup (class-name designator)))
189 (t designator)))))
190 (if (condition-classoid-p classoid)
191 ;; Interestingly we fail to validate the actual-initargs,
192 ;; allowing any random initarg names. Is this permissible?
193 ;; And why is lazily filling in ASSIGNED-SLOTS beneficial anyway?
194 (let ((instance (%make-instance (+ sb!vm:instance-data-start
196 (length initargs))))) ; rest
197 (setf (%instance-layout instance) (classoid-layout classoid)
198 (condition-assigned-slots instance) nil
199 (condition-hash instance) (sb!impl::new-instance-hash-code))
200 (do-rest-arg ((val index) initargs)
201 (setf (%instance-ref instance (+ sb!vm:instance-data-start index 2)) val))
202 (values instance classoid))
203 (error 'simple-type-error
204 :datum designator
205 ;; CONDITION-CLASS isn't a type-specifier. Is this legal?
206 :expected-type 'condition-class
207 :format-control "~S does not designate a condition class."
208 :format-arguments (list designator)))))
210 (defun make-condition (type &rest initargs)
211 "Make an instance of a condition object using the specified initargs."
212 ;; Note: While ANSI specifies no exceptional situations in this function,
213 ;; ALLOCATE-CONDITION will signal a type error if TYPE does not designate
214 ;; a condition class. This seems fair enough.
215 (declare (explicit-check))
216 ;; FIXME: the compiler should have a way to make GETF operate on a &MORE arg
217 ;; so that the initargs are never listified.
218 (declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
219 (multiple-value-bind (condition classoid)
220 (apply #'allocate-condition type initargs)
222 ;; Set any class slots with initargs present in this call.
223 (dolist (cslot (condition-classoid-class-slots classoid))
224 (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs cslot))
225 (let ((val (getf initargs initarg sb!pcl:+slot-unbound+)))
226 (unless (unbound-marker-p val)
227 (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) val)))))
229 ;; Default any slots with non-constant defaults now.
230 (dolist (hslot (condition-classoid-hairy-slots classoid))
231 (when (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs hslot) t)
232 (unless (unbound-marker-p (getf initargs initarg sb!pcl:+slot-unbound+))
233 (return nil)))
234 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition)
235 (condition-slot-name hslot))
236 (find-slot-default classoid hslot))))
238 condition))
243 ;;; Compute the effective slots of CLASS, copying inherited slots and
244 ;;; destructively modifying direct slots.
246 ;;; FIXME: It'd be nice to explain why it's OK to destructively modify
247 ;;; direct slots. Presumably it follows from the semantics of
248 ;;; inheritance and redefinition of conditions, but finding the cite
249 ;;; and documenting it here would be good. (Or, if this is not in fact
250 ;;; ANSI-compliant, fixing it would also be good.:-)
251 (defun compute-effective-slots (class)
252 (collect ((res (copy-list (condition-classoid-slots class))))
253 (dolist (sclass (cdr (condition-classoid-cpl class)))
254 (dolist (sslot (condition-classoid-slots sclass))
255 (let ((found (find (condition-slot-name sslot) (res)
256 :key #'condition-slot-name)))
257 (cond (found
258 (setf (condition-slot-initargs found)
259 (union (condition-slot-initargs found)
260 (condition-slot-initargs sslot)))
261 (unless (condition-slot-initform-p found)
262 (setf (condition-slot-initform-p found)
263 (condition-slot-initform-p sslot))
264 (setf (condition-slot-initform found)
265 (condition-slot-initform sslot))
266 (setf (condition-slot-initfunction found)
267 (condition-slot-initfunction sslot)))
268 (unless (condition-slot-allocation found)
269 (setf (condition-slot-allocation found)
270 (condition-slot-allocation sslot))))
272 (res (copy-structure sslot)))))))
273 (res)))
275 ;;; Early definitions of slot accessor creators.
277 ;;; Slot accessors must be generic functions, but ANSI does not seem
278 ;;; to specify any of them, and we cannot support it before end of
279 ;;; warm init. So we use ordinary functions inside SBCL, and switch to
280 ;;; GFs only at the end of building.
281 (declaim (notinline install-condition-slot-reader
282 install-condition-slot-writer))
283 (defun install-condition-slot-reader (name condition slot-name)
284 (declare (ignore condition))
285 (setf (fdefinition name)
286 (set-closure-name
287 (lambda (condition) (condition-slot-value condition slot-name))
289 `(condition-slot-reader ,name))))
290 (defun install-condition-slot-writer (name condition slot-name)
291 (declare (ignore condition))
292 (setf (fdefinition name)
293 (set-closure-name
294 (lambda (new-value condition)
295 (set-condition-slot-value condition new-value slot-name))
297 `(condition-slot-writer ,name))))
299 (!defvar *define-condition-hooks* nil)
301 (defun %set-condition-report (name report)
302 (setf (condition-classoid-report (find-classoid name))
303 report))
305 (defun %define-condition (name parent-types layout slots
306 direct-default-initargs all-readers all-writers
307 source-location &optional documentation)
308 (call-with-defining-class
309 'condition name
310 (lambda ()
311 (%%compiler-define-condition name parent-types layout all-readers all-writers)
312 (when source-location
313 (setf (layout-source-location layout) source-location))
314 (let ((classoid (find-classoid name)))
315 (setf (condition-classoid-slots classoid) slots
316 (condition-classoid-direct-default-initargs classoid) direct-default-initargs
317 (fdocumentation name 'type) documentation)
319 (dolist (slot slots)
320 ;; Set up reader and writer functions.
321 (let ((slot-name (condition-slot-name slot)))
322 (dolist (reader (condition-slot-readers slot))
323 (install-condition-slot-reader reader name slot-name))
324 (dolist (writer (condition-slot-writers slot))
325 (install-condition-slot-writer writer name slot-name))))
327 ;; Compute effective slots and set up the class and hairy slots
328 ;; (subsets of the effective slots.)
329 (setf (condition-classoid-class-slots classoid) '()
330 (condition-classoid-hairy-slots classoid) '())
331 (let ((eslots (compute-effective-slots classoid))
332 (e-def-initargs
333 (reduce #'append
334 (mapcar #'condition-classoid-direct-default-initargs
335 (condition-classoid-cpl classoid)))))
336 (dolist (slot eslots)
337 (ecase (condition-slot-allocation slot)
338 (:class
339 (unless (condition-slot-cell slot)
340 (setf (condition-slot-cell slot)
341 (list (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
342 (let ((initfun (condition-slot-initfunction slot)))
343 (aver (functionp initfun))
344 (funcall initfun))
345 sb!pcl:+slot-unbound+))))
346 (push slot (condition-classoid-class-slots classoid)))
347 ((:instance nil)
348 (setf (condition-slot-allocation slot) :instance)
349 ;; FIXME: isn't this "always hairy"?
350 (when (or (functionp (condition-slot-initfunction slot))
351 (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs slot) nil)
352 (when (functionp (third (assoc initarg e-def-initargs)))
353 (return t))))
354 (push slot (condition-classoid-hairy-slots classoid)))))))
355 (dolist (fun *define-condition-hooks*)
356 (funcall fun classoid)))))
357 name)
359 (defmacro define-condition (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs)
360 &body options)
361 "DEFINE-CONDITION Name (Parent-Type*) (Slot-Spec*) Option*
362 Define NAME as a condition type. This new type inherits slots and its
363 report function from the specified PARENT-TYPEs. A slot spec is a list of:
364 (slot-name :reader <rname> :initarg <iname> {Option Value}*
367 and :TYPE and the overall options :DEFAULT-INITARGS and
368 [type] :DOCUMENTATION are also allowed.
370 The :REPORT option is peculiar to DEFINE-CONDITION. Its argument is either
371 a string or a two-argument lambda or function name. If a function, the
372 function is called with the condition and stream to report the condition.
373 If a string, the string is printed.
375 Condition types are classes, but (as allowed by ANSI and not as described in
377 SLOT-VALUE may not be used on condition objects."
378 (let* ((parent-types (or parent-types '(condition)))
379 (layout (find-condition-layout name parent-types))
380 (documentation nil)
381 (report nil)
382 (direct-default-initargs ()))
383 (collect ((slots)
384 (all-readers nil append)
385 (all-writers nil append))
386 (dolist (spec slot-specs)
387 (when (keywordp spec)
388 (warn "Keyword slot name indicates probable syntax error:~% ~S"
389 spec))
390 (let* ((spec (if (consp spec) spec (list spec)))
391 (slot-name (first spec))
392 (allocation :instance)
393 (initform-p nil)
394 documentation
395 initform)
396 (collect ((initargs)
397 (readers)
398 (writers))
399 (do ((options (rest spec) (cddr options)))
400 ((null options))
401 (unless (and (consp options) (consp (cdr options)))
402 (error "malformed condition slot spec:~% ~S." spec))
403 (let ((arg (second options)))
404 (case (first options)
405 (:reader (readers arg))
406 (:writer (writers arg))
407 (:accessor
408 (readers arg)
409 (writers `(setf ,arg)))
410 (:initform
411 (when initform-p
412 (error "more than one :INITFORM in ~S" spec))
413 (setq initform-p t)
414 (setq initform arg))
415 (:initarg (initargs arg))
416 (:allocation
417 (setq allocation arg))
418 (:documentation
419 (when documentation
420 (error "more than one :DOCUMENTATION in ~S" spec))
421 (unless (stringp arg)
422 (error "slot :DOCUMENTATION argument is not a string: ~S"
423 arg))
424 (setq documentation arg))
425 (:type)
427 (error "unknown slot option:~% ~S" (first options))))))
429 (all-readers (readers))
430 (all-writers (writers))
431 (slots `(make-condition-slot
432 :name ',slot-name
433 :initargs ',(initargs)
434 :readers ',(readers)
435 :writers ',(writers)
436 :initform-p ',initform-p
437 :documentation ',documentation
438 :initform ,(when initform-p `',initform)
439 :initfunction ,(when initform-p
440 `#'(lambda () ,initform))
441 :allocation ',allocation)))))
443 (dolist (option options)
444 (unless (consp option)
445 (error "bad option:~% ~S" option))
446 (case (first option)
447 (:documentation (setq documentation (second option)))
448 (:report
449 (let ((arg (second option)))
450 (setq report
451 `#'(named-lambda (condition-report ,name) (condition stream)
452 (declare (type condition condition)
453 (type stream stream))
454 ,@(if (stringp arg)
455 `((declare (ignore condition))
456 (write-string ,arg stream))
457 `((funcall #',arg condition stream)))))))
458 (:default-initargs
459 (doplist (initarg initform) (rest option)
460 (push ``(,',initarg ,',initform ,#'(lambda () ,initform))
461 direct-default-initargs)))
463 (error "unknown option: ~S" (first option)))))
465 ;; Maybe kill docstring, but only under the cross-compiler.
466 #!+(and (not sb-doc) (host-feature sb-xc-host)) (setq documentation nil)
467 `(progn
468 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
469 (%compiler-define-condition ',name ',parent-types ',layout
470 ',(all-readers) ',(all-writers)))
471 (%define-condition ',name
472 ',parent-types
473 ',layout
474 (list ,@(slots))
475 (list ,@direct-default-initargs)
476 ',(all-readers)
477 ',(all-writers)
478 (sb!c:source-location)
479 ,@(and documentation
480 `(,documentation)))
481 ;; This needs to be after %DEFINE-CONDITION in case :REPORT
482 ;; is a lambda referring to condition slot accessors:
483 ;; they're not proclaimed as functions before it has run if
484 ;; we're under EVAL or loaded as source.
485 (%set-condition-report ',name ,report)
486 ',name))))
488 ;;;; various CONDITIONs specified by ANSI
490 (define-condition serious-condition (condition) ())
492 (define-condition error (serious-condition) ())
494 (define-condition warning (condition) ())
495 (define-condition style-warning (warning) ())
497 (defun simple-condition-printer (condition stream)
498 (let ((control (simple-condition-format-control condition)))
499 (if control
500 (apply #'format stream
501 control
502 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))
503 (error "No format-control for ~S" condition))))
505 (define-condition simple-condition ()
506 ((format-control :reader simple-condition-format-control
507 :initarg :format-control
508 :initform nil
509 :type format-control)
510 (format-arguments :reader simple-condition-format-arguments
511 :initarg :format-arguments
512 :initform nil
513 :type list))
514 (:report simple-condition-printer))
516 (define-condition simple-warning (simple-condition warning) ())
518 (define-condition simple-error (simple-condition error) ())
520 (define-condition storage-condition (serious-condition) ())
522 (defun decode-type-error-context (context type)
523 (typecase context
524 (cons
525 (case (car context)
526 (:struct
527 (format nil "when setting slot ~s of structure ~s"
528 (cddr context) (cadr context)))
529 (t context)))
530 ((eql :aref)
531 (let (*print-circle*)
532 (format nil "when setting an element of (ARRAY ~s)"
533 type)))
534 ((eql :ftype)
535 "from the function type declaration.")
536 ((and symbol
537 (not null))
538 (format nil "when binding ~s" context))
540 context)))
542 (define-condition type-error (error)
543 ((datum :reader type-error-datum :initarg :datum)
544 (expected-type :reader type-error-expected-type :initarg :expected-type)
545 (context :initform nil :reader type-error-context :initarg :context))
546 (:report
547 (lambda (condition stream)
548 (let ((type (type-error-expected-type condition)))
549 (format stream "~@<The value ~
550 ~@:_~2@T~S ~
551 ~@:_is not of type ~
552 ~@:_~2@T~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/~@[ ~
553 ~@:_~a~]~:@>"
554 (type-error-datum condition)
555 type
556 (decode-type-error-context (type-error-context condition)
557 type))))))
559 ;;; not specified by ANSI, but too useful not to have around.
560 (define-condition simple-style-warning (simple-condition style-warning) ())
561 (define-condition simple-type-error (simple-condition type-error) ())
563 (define-condition program-error (error) ())
564 (define-condition parse-error (error) ())
565 (define-condition control-error (error) ())
566 (define-condition stream-error (error)
567 ((stream :reader stream-error-stream :initarg :stream)))
569 (define-condition end-of-file (stream-error) ()
570 (:report
571 (lambda (condition stream)
572 (format stream
573 "end of file on ~S"
574 (stream-error-stream condition)))))
576 (define-condition closed-stream-error (stream-error) ()
577 (:report
578 (lambda (condition stream)
579 (format stream "~S is closed" (stream-error-stream condition)))))
581 (define-condition file-error (error)
582 ((pathname :reader file-error-pathname :initarg :pathname))
583 (:report
584 (lambda (condition stream)
585 (format stream "error on file ~S" (file-error-pathname condition)))))
587 (define-condition package-error (error)
588 ((package :reader package-error-package :initarg :package)))
590 (define-condition cell-error (error)
591 ((name :reader cell-error-name :initarg :name)))
593 (define-condition values-list-argument-error (type-error)
595 (:report
596 (lambda (condition stream)
597 (format stream "~@<Attempt to use ~S on a dotted list: ~
598 ~2I~_~S~:>"
599 'values-list (type-error-datum condition)))))
601 (define-condition unbound-variable (cell-error) ()
602 (:report
603 (lambda (condition stream)
604 (format stream
605 "The variable ~S is unbound."
606 (cell-error-name condition)))))
608 (define-condition retry-unbound-variable
609 (simple-condition unbound-variable) ())
611 (define-condition undefined-function (cell-error) ()
612 (:report
613 (lambda (condition stream)
614 (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
615 (format stream
616 "The function ~S is undefined."
617 (cell-error-name condition))))))
619 (define-condition retry-undefined-function
620 (simple-condition undefined-function) ())
622 (define-condition special-form-function (undefined-function) ()
623 (:report
624 (lambda (condition stream)
625 (format stream
626 "Cannot FUNCALL the SYMBOL-FUNCTION of special operator ~S."
627 (cell-error-name condition)))))
629 (define-condition arithmetic-error (error)
630 ((operation :reader arithmetic-error-operation
631 :initarg :operation
632 :initform nil)
633 (operands :reader arithmetic-error-operands
634 :initarg :operands))
635 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
636 (format stream
637 "arithmetic error ~S signalled"
638 (type-of condition))
639 (when (arithmetic-error-operation condition)
640 (format stream
641 "~%Operation was (~S ~{~S~^ ~})."
642 (arithmetic-error-operation condition)
643 (arithmetic-error-operands condition))))))
645 (define-condition division-by-zero (arithmetic-error) ())
646 (define-condition floating-point-overflow (arithmetic-error) ())
647 (define-condition floating-point-underflow (arithmetic-error) ())
648 (define-condition floating-point-inexact (arithmetic-error) ())
649 (define-condition floating-point-invalid-operation (arithmetic-error) ())
651 (define-condition print-not-readable (error)
652 ((object :reader print-not-readable-object :initarg :object))
653 (:report
654 (lambda (condition stream)
655 (let ((obj (print-not-readable-object condition))
656 (*print-array* nil))
657 (format stream "~S cannot be printed readably." obj)))))
659 (define-condition reader-error (parse-error stream-error) ()
660 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
661 (%report-reader-error condition stream))))
663 ;;; a READER-ERROR whose REPORTing is controlled by FORMAT-CONTROL and
664 ;;; FORMAT-ARGS (the usual case for READER-ERRORs signalled from
665 ;;; within SBCL itself)
667 ;;; (Inheriting CL:SIMPLE-CONDITION here isn't quite consistent with
668 ;;; the letter of the ANSI spec: this is not a condition signalled by
669 ;;; SIGNAL when a format-control is supplied by the function's first
670 ;;; argument. It seems to me (WHN) to be basically in the spirit of
671 ;;; the spec, but if not, it'd be straightforward to do our own
673 ;;; FORMAT-CONTROL and FORMAT-ARGS slots, and use that condition in
674 ;;; place of CL:SIMPLE-CONDITION here.)
675 (define-condition simple-reader-error (reader-error simple-condition)
677 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
678 (%report-reader-error condition stream :simple t))))
680 ;;; base REPORTing of a READER-ERROR
682 ;;; When SIMPLE, we expect and use SIMPLE-CONDITION-ish FORMAT-CONTROL
683 ;;; and FORMAT-ARGS slots.
684 (defun %report-reader-error (condition stream &key simple position)
685 (let ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition)))
686 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
687 (if simple
688 (apply #'format stream
689 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
690 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))
691 (prin1 (class-name (class-of condition)) stream))
692 (format stream "~2I~@[~:@_ ~:@_~:{~:(~A~): ~S~:^, ~:_~}~]~:@_ ~:@_Stream: ~S"
693 (stream-error-position-info error-stream position)
694 error-stream))))
696 ;;;; special SBCL extension conditions
698 ;;; an error apparently caused by a bug in SBCL itself
700 ;;; Note that we don't make any serious effort to use this condition
701 ;;; for *all* errors in SBCL itself. E.g. type errors and array
702 ;;; indexing errors can occur in functions called from SBCL code, and
703 ;;; will just end up as ordinary TYPE-ERROR or invalid index error,
704 ;;; because the signalling code has no good way to know that the
705 ;;; underlying problem is a bug in SBCL. But in the fairly common case
706 ;;; that the signalling code does know that it's found a bug in SBCL,
707 ;;; this condition is appropriate, reusing boilerplate and helping
708 ;;; users to recognize it as an SBCL bug.
709 (define-condition bug (simple-error)
711 (:report
712 (lambda (condition stream)
713 (format stream
714 "~@< ~? ~:@_~?~:>"
715 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
716 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)
717 "~@<This is probably a bug in SBCL itself. (Alternatively, ~
718 SBCL might have been corrupted by bad user code, e.g. by an ~
719 undefined Lisp operation like ~S, or by stray pointers from ~
720 alien code or from unsafe Lisp code; or there might be a bug ~
721 in the OS or hardware that SBCL is running on.) If it seems to ~
722 be a bug in SBCL itself, the maintainers would like to know ~
723 about it. Bug reports are welcome on the SBCL ~
724 mailing lists, which you can find at ~
725 <>.~:@>"
726 '((fmakunbound 'compile))))))
728 (define-condition simple-storage-condition (storage-condition simple-condition)
731 ;;; a condition for use in stubs for operations which aren't supported
732 ;;; on some platforms
734 ;;; E.g. in sbcl-, it might be appropriate to do something like
735 ;;; #-(or freebsd linux)
736 ;;; (defun load-foreign (&rest rest)
737 ;;; (error 'unsupported-operator :name 'load-foreign))
738 ;;; #+(or freebsd linux)
739 ;;; (defun load-foreign ... actual definition ...)
740 ;;; By signalling a standard condition in this case, we make it
741 ;;; possible for test code to distinguish between (1) intentionally
742 ;;; unimplemented and (2) unintentionally just screwed up somehow.
743 ;;; (Before this condition was defined, test code tried to deal with
744 ;;; this by checking for FBOUNDP, but that didn't work reliably. In
745 ;;; sbcl-0.7.0, a package screwup left the definition of
746 ;;; LOAD-FOREIGN in the wrong package, so it was unFBOUNDP even on
747 ;;; architectures where it was supposed to be supported, and the
748 ;;; regression tests cheerfully passed because they assumed that
749 ;;; unFBOUNDPness meant they were running on an system which didn't
750 ;;; support the extension.)
751 (define-condition unsupported-operator (simple-error) ())
753 ;;; (:ansi-cl :function remove)
754 ;;; (:ansi-cl :section (a b c))
755 ;;; (:ansi-cl :glossary "similar")
757 ;;; (:sbcl :node "...")
758 ;;; (:sbcl :variable *ed-functions*)
760 ;;; FIXME: this is not the right place for this.
761 (defun print-reference (reference stream)
762 (ecase (car reference)
763 (:amop
764 (format stream "AMOP")
765 (format stream ", ")
766 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
767 (ecase type
768 (:readers "Readers for ~:(~A~) Metaobjects"
769 (substitute #\ #\- (symbol-name data)))
770 (:initialization
771 (format stream "Initialization of ~:(~A~) Metaobjects"
772 (substitute #\ #\- (symbol-name data))))
773 (:generic-function (format stream "Generic Function ~S" data))
774 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data))
775 (:section (format stream "Section ~{~D~^.~}" data)))))
776 (:ansi-cl
777 (format stream "The ANSI Standard")
778 (format stream ", ")
779 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
780 (ecase type
781 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data))
782 (:special-operator (format stream "Special Operator ~S" data))
783 (:macro (format stream "Macro ~S" data))
784 (:section (format stream "Section ~{~D~^.~}" data))
785 (:glossary (format stream "Glossary entry for ~S" data))
786 (:type (format stream "Type ~S" data))
787 (:system-class (format stream "System Class ~S" data))
788 (:issue (format stream "writeup for Issue ~A" data)))))
789 (:sbcl
790 (format stream "The SBCL Manual")
791 (format stream ", ")
792 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
793 (ecase type
794 (:node (format stream "Node ~S" data))
795 (:variable (format stream "Variable ~S" data))
796 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data)))))
797 ;; FIXME: other documents (e.g. CLIM, Franz documentation :-)
799 (define-condition reference-condition ()
800 ((references :initarg :references :reader reference-condition-references)))
801 (defvar *print-condition-references* t)
803 (define-condition simple-reference-error (reference-condition simple-error)
806 (define-condition simple-reference-warning (reference-condition simple-warning)
809 (define-condition arguments-out-of-domain-error
810 (arithmetic-error reference-condition)
813 ;; per CLHS: "The consequences are unspecified if functions are ...
814 ;; multiply defined in the same file." so we are within reason to do any
815 ;; unspecified behavior at compile-time and/or time, but the compiler was
816 ;; annoyingly mum about genuinely inadvertent duplicate macro definitions.
817 ;; Redefinition is henceforth a style-warning, and for compatibility it does
818 ;; not cause the ERRORP value from COMPILE-TIME to be T.
819 ;; Nor do we cite section as the governing prohibition.
820 (defun report-duplicate-definition (condition stream)
821 (format stream "~@<Duplicate definition for ~S found in one file.~@:>"
822 (slot-value condition 'name)))
824 (define-condition duplicate-definition (reference-condition warning)
825 ((name :initarg :name :reader duplicate-definition-name))
826 (:report report-duplicate-definition)
827 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
828 ;; To my thinking, DUPLICATE-DEFINITION should be the ancestor condition,
829 ;; and not fatal. But changing the meaning of that concept would be a bad idea,
830 ;; so instead there is a new condition for the softer variant, which does not
831 ;; inherit from the former.
832 (define-condition same-file-redefinition-warning (style-warning)
833 ;; Slot readers aren't proper generic functions until CLOS is built,
834 ;; so this doesn't get a reader because you can't pick the same name,
835 ;; and it wouldn't do any good to pick a different name that nothing knows.
836 ((name :initarg :name))
837 (:report report-duplicate-definition))
839 (define-condition constant-modified (reference-condition warning)
840 ((fun-name :initarg :fun-name :reader constant-modified-fun-name)
841 (value :initarg :value :reader constant-modified-value))
842 (:report (lambda (c s)
843 (format s "~@<Destructive function ~S called on ~
844 constant data: ~s.~@:>"
845 (constant-modified-fun-name c)
846 (constant-modified-value c))))
847 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :special-operator quote)
848 (:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
850 (define-condition package-at-variance (reference-condition simple-warning)
852 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :macro defpackage)
853 (:sbcl :variable *on-package-variance*))))
855 (define-condition package-at-variance-error (reference-condition simple-condition
856 package-error)
858 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :macro defpackage))))
860 (define-condition defconstant-uneql (reference-condition error)
861 ((name :initarg :name :reader defconstant-uneql-name)
862 (old-value :initarg :old-value :reader defconstant-uneql-old-value)
863 (new-value :initarg :new-value :reader defconstant-uneql-new-value))
864 (:report
865 (lambda (condition stream)
866 (format stream
867 "~@<The constant ~S is being redefined (from ~S to ~S)~@:>"
868 (defconstant-uneql-name condition)
869 (defconstant-uneql-old-value condition)
870 (defconstant-uneql-new-value condition))))
871 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :macro defconstant)
872 (:sbcl :node "Idiosyncrasies"))))
874 (define-condition array-initial-element-mismatch
875 (reference-condition simple-warning)
877 (:default-initargs
878 :references '((:ansi-cl :function make-array)
879 (:ansi-cl :function sb!xc:upgraded-array-element-type))))
881 (define-condition type-warning (reference-condition simple-warning)
883 (:default-initargs :references '((:sbcl :node "Handling of Types"))))
884 (define-condition type-style-warning (reference-condition simple-style-warning)
886 (:default-initargs :references '((:sbcl :node "Handling of Types"))))
888 (define-condition local-argument-mismatch (reference-condition simple-warning)
890 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
892 (define-condition format-args-mismatch (reference-condition)
894 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :section (22 3 10 2)))))
896 (define-condition format-too-few-args-warning
897 (format-args-mismatch simple-warning)
899 (define-condition format-too-many-args-warning
900 (format-args-mismatch simple-style-warning)
903 (define-condition implicit-generic-function-warning (style-warning)
904 ((name :initarg :name :reader implicit-generic-function-name))
905 (:report
906 (lambda (condition stream)
907 (format stream "~@<Implicitly creating new generic function ~
908 ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/.~:@>"
909 (implicit-generic-function-name condition)))))
911 (define-condition extension-failure (reference-condition simple-error)
914 (define-condition structure-initarg-not-keyword
915 (reference-condition simple-style-warning)
917 (:default-initargs :references '((:ansi-cl :section (2 4 8 13)))))
919 #!+sb-package-locks
920 (progn
922 (define-condition package-lock-violation (package-error
923 reference-condition
924 simple-condition)
925 ((current-package :initform *package*
926 :reader package-lock-violation-in-package))
927 (:report
928 (lambda (condition stream)
929 (let ((control (simple-condition-format-control condition))
930 (error-package (package-name
931 (package-error-package condition)))
932 (current-package (package-name
933 (package-lock-violation-in-package condition))))
934 (format stream "~@<Lock on package ~A violated~@[~{ when ~?~}~] ~
935 while in package ~A.~:@>"
936 error-package
937 (when control
938 (list control (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))
939 current-package))))
940 ;; no :default-initargs -- reference-stuff provided by the
941 ;; signalling form in target-package.lisp
942 (:documentation
943 "Subtype of CL:PACKAGE-ERROR. A subtype of this error is signalled
944 when a package-lock is violated."))
946 (define-condition package-locked-error (package-lock-violation) ()
947 (:documentation
948 "Subtype of SB-EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK-VIOLATION. An error of this type is
949 signalled when an operation on a package violates a package lock."))
951 (define-condition symbol-package-locked-error (package-lock-violation)
952 ((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader package-locked-error-symbol))
953 (:documentation
954 "Subtype of SB-EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK-VIOLATION. An error of this type is
955 signalled when an operation on a symbol violates a package lock. The
956 symbol that caused the violation is accessed by the function
959 ) ; progn
961 (define-condition undefined-alien-error (cell-error) ()
962 (:report
963 (lambda (condition stream)
964 (if (slot-boundp condition 'name)
965 (format stream "Undefined alien: ~S" (cell-error-name condition))
966 (format stream "Undefined alien symbol.")))))
968 (define-condition undefined-alien-variable-error (undefined-alien-error) ()
969 (:report
970 (lambda (condition stream)
971 (declare (ignore condition))
972 (format stream "Attempt to access an undefined alien variable."))))
974 (define-condition undefined-alien-function-error (undefined-alien-error) ()
975 (:report
976 (lambda (condition stream)
977 (if (and (slot-boundp condition 'name)
978 (cell-error-name condition))
979 (format stream "The alien function ~s is undefined."
980 (cell-error-name condition))
981 (format stream "Attempt to call an undefined alien function.")))))
983 (define-condition unknown-keyword-argument (program-error)
984 ((name :reader unknown-keyword-argument-name :initarg :name))
985 (:report
986 (lambda (condition stream)
987 (format stream "Unknown &KEY argument: ~S"
988 (unknown-keyword-argument-name condition)))))
991 ;;;; various other (not specified by ANSI) CONDITIONs
992 ;;;;
993 ;;;; These might logically belong in other files; they're here, after
994 ;;;; setup of CONDITION machinery, only because that makes it easier to
995 ;;;; get cold init to work.
997 ;;; OAOOM warning: see cross-condition.lisp
998 (define-condition encapsulated-condition (condition)
999 ((condition :initarg :condition :reader encapsulated-condition)))
1001 ;;; KLUDGE: a condition for floating point errors when we can't or
1002 ;;; won't figure out what type they are. (In FreeBSD and OpenBSD we
1003 ;;; don't know how, at least as of sbcl-0.6.7; in Linux we probably
1004 ;;; know how but the old code was broken by the conversion to POSIX
1005 ;;; signal handling and hasn't been fixed as of sbcl-0.6.7.)
1007 ;;; FIXME: Perhaps this should also be a base class for all
1008 ;;; floating point exceptions?
1009 (define-condition floating-point-exception (arithmetic-error)
1010 ((flags :initarg :traps
1011 :initform nil
1012 :reader floating-point-exception-traps))
1013 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1014 (format stream
1015 "An arithmetic error ~S was signalled.~%"
1016 (type-of condition))
1017 (let ((traps (floating-point-exception-traps condition)))
1018 (if traps
1019 (format stream
1020 "Trapping conditions are: ~%~{ ~S~^~}~%"
1021 traps)
1022 (write-line
1023 "No traps are enabled? How can this be?"
1024 stream))))))
1026 (define-condition invalid-array-index-error (type-error)
1027 ((array :initarg :array :reader invalid-array-index-error-array)
1028 (axis :initarg :axis :reader invalid-array-index-error-axis))
1029 (:report
1030 (lambda (condition stream)
1031 (let ((array (invalid-array-index-error-array condition)))
1032 (format stream "Invalid index ~W for ~@[axis ~W of ~]~S, ~
1033 should be a non-negative integer below ~W."
1034 (type-error-datum condition)
1035 (when (> (array-rank array) 1)
1036 (invalid-array-index-error-axis condition))
1037 (type-of array)
1038 ;; Extract the bound from (INTEGER 0 (BOUND))
1039 (caaddr (type-error-expected-type condition)))))))
1041 (define-condition invalid-array-error (reference-condition type-error) ()
1042 (:report
1043 (lambda (condition stream)
1044 (let ((*print-array* nil))
1045 (format stream
1046 "~@<Displaced array originally of type ~
1047 ~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/ has been invalidated ~
1048 due its displaced-to array ~S having become too small ~
1049 to hold it: the displaced array's dimensions have all ~
1050 been set to zero to trap accesses to it.~:@>"
1051 (type-error-expected-type condition)
1052 (array-displacement (type-error-datum condition))))))
1053 (:default-initargs
1054 :references
1055 (list '(:ansi-cl :function adjust-array))))
1057 (define-condition index-too-large-error (type-error)
1059 (:report
1060 (lambda (condition stream)
1061 (format stream
1062 "The index ~S is too large."
1063 (type-error-datum condition)))))
1065 (define-condition bounding-indices-bad-error (reference-condition type-error)
1066 ((object :reader bounding-indices-bad-object :initarg :object))
1067 (:report
1068 (lambda (condition stream)
1069 (let* ((datum (type-error-datum condition))
1070 (start (car datum))
1071 (end (cdr datum))
1072 (object (bounding-indices-bad-object condition)))
1073 (etypecase object
1074 (sequence
1075 (format stream
1076 "The bounding indices ~S and ~S are bad ~
1077 for a sequence of length ~S."
1078 start end (length object)))
1079 (array
1080 ;; from WITH-ARRAY-DATA
1081 (format stream
1082 "The START and END parameters ~S and ~S are ~
1083 bad for an array of total size ~S."
1084 start end (array-total-size object)))))))
1085 (:default-initargs
1086 :references
1087 (list '(:ansi-cl :glossary "bounding index designator")
1088 '(:ansi-cl :issue "SUBSEQ-OUT-OF-BOUNDS:IS-AN-ERROR"))))
1090 (define-condition nil-array-accessed-error (reference-condition type-error)
1092 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1093 (declare (ignore condition))
1094 (format stream
1095 "An attempt to access an array of element-type ~
1096 NIL was made. Congratulations!")))
1097 (:default-initargs
1098 :references '((:ansi-cl :function sb!xc:upgraded-array-element-type)
1099 (:ansi-cl :section (15 1 2 1))
1100 (:ansi-cl :section (15 1 2 2)))))
1102 (define-condition namestring-parse-error (parse-error)
1103 ((complaint :reader namestring-parse-error-complaint :initarg :complaint)
1104 (args :reader namestring-parse-error-args :initarg :args :initform nil)
1105 (namestring :reader namestring-parse-error-namestring :initarg :namestring)
1106 (offset :reader namestring-parse-error-offset :initarg :offset))
1107 (:report
1108 (lambda (condition stream)
1109 (format stream
1110 "parse error in namestring: ~?~% ~A~% ~V@T^"
1111 (namestring-parse-error-complaint condition)
1112 (namestring-parse-error-args condition)
1113 (namestring-parse-error-namestring condition)
1114 (namestring-parse-error-offset condition)))))
1116 (define-condition pathname-unparse-error (file-error
1117 simple-condition)
1118 ((problem :reader pathname-unparse-error-problem :initarg :problem))
1119 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1120 (format stream "~@<The pathname ~S ~A~:[.~; because ~:*~?~]~@:>"
1121 (file-error-pathname condition)
1122 (pathname-unparse-error-problem condition)
1123 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
1124 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))))
1125 (:default-initargs
1126 :problem (missing-arg)))
1128 (define-condition no-namestring-error (pathname-unparse-error
1129 reference-condition)
1131 (:default-initargs
1132 :problem "does not have a namestring"
1133 :references '((:ansi-cl :section (19 1 2)))))
1134 (defun no-namestring-error
1135 (pathname &optional format-control &rest format-arguments)
1136 (error 'no-namestring-error
1137 :pathname pathname
1138 :format-control format-control :format-arguments format-arguments))
1140 (define-condition no-native-namestring-error (pathname-unparse-error)
1142 (:default-initargs
1143 :problem "does not have a native namestring"))
1144 (defun no-native-namestring-error
1145 (pathname &optional format-control &rest format-arguments)
1146 (error 'no-native-namestring-error
1147 :pathname pathname
1148 :format-control format-control :format-arguments format-arguments))
1150 (define-condition simple-package-error (simple-condition package-error) ())
1152 (define-condition simple-reader-package-error (simple-reader-error package-error) ())
1154 (define-condition reader-eof-error (end-of-file)
1155 ((context :reader reader-eof-error-context :initarg :context))
1156 (:report
1157 (lambda (condition stream)
1158 (format stream
1159 "unexpected end of file on ~S ~A"
1160 (stream-error-stream condition)
1161 (reader-eof-error-context condition)))))
1163 (define-condition reader-impossible-number-error (simple-reader-error)
1164 ((error :reader reader-impossible-number-error-error :initarg :error))
1165 (:report
1166 (lambda (condition stream)
1167 (let ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition)))
1168 (format stream
1169 "READER-ERROR ~@[at ~W ~]on ~S:~%~?~%Original error: ~A"
1170 (sb!impl::file-position-or-nil-for-error error-stream) error-stream
1171 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
1172 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)
1173 (reader-impossible-number-error-error condition))))))
1175 (define-condition standard-readtable-modified-error (reference-condition error)
1176 ((operation :initarg :operation :reader standard-readtable-modified-operation))
1177 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1178 (format stream "~S would modify the standard readtable."
1179 (standard-readtable-modified-operation condition))))
1180 (:default-initargs :references `((:ansi-cl :section (2 1 1 2))
1181 (:ansi-cl :glossary "standard readtable"))))
1183 (define-condition standard-pprint-dispatch-table-modified-error
1184 (reference-condition error)
1185 ((operation :initarg :operation
1186 :reader standard-pprint-dispatch-table-modified-operation))
1187 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1188 (format stream "~S would modify the standard pprint dispatch table."
1189 (standard-pprint-dispatch-table-modified-operation
1190 condition))))
1191 (:default-initargs
1192 :references `((:ansi-cl :glossary "standard pprint dispatch table"))))
1194 (define-condition timeout (serious-condition)
1195 ((seconds :initarg :seconds :initform nil :reader timeout-seconds))
1196 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1197 (format stream "Timeout occurred~@[ after ~A second~:P~]."
1198 (timeout-seconds condition))))
1199 (:documentation
1200 "Signaled when an operation does not complete within an allotted time budget."))
1202 (define-condition io-timeout (stream-error timeout)
1203 ((direction :reader io-timeout-direction :initarg :direction))
1204 (:report
1205 (lambda (condition stream)
1206 (declare (type stream stream))
1207 (format stream
1208 "I/O timeout while doing ~(~A~) on ~S."
1209 (io-timeout-direction condition)
1210 (stream-error-stream condition)))))
1212 (define-condition deadline-timeout (timeout)
1214 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1215 (format stream "A deadline was reached after ~A second~:P."
1216 (timeout-seconds condition))))
1217 (:documentation
1218 "Signaled when an operation in the context of a deadline takes
1219 longer than permitted by the deadline."))
1221 (define-condition declaration-type-conflict-error (reference-condition
1222 simple-error)
1224 (:default-initargs
1225 :format-control "Symbol ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ cannot ~
1226 be both the name of a type and the name of a ~
1227 declaration"
1228 :references '((:ansi-cl :section (3 8 21)))))
1230 ;;; Single stepping conditions
1232 (define-condition step-condition ()
1233 ((form :initarg :form :reader step-condition-form))
1234 (:documentation "Common base class of single-stepping conditions.
1235 STEP-CONDITION-FORM holds a string representation of the form being
1236 stepped."))
1238 (setf (fdocumentation 'step-condition-form 'function)
1239 "Form associated with the STEP-CONDITION.")
1241 (define-condition step-form-condition (step-condition)
1242 ((args :initarg :args :reader step-condition-args))
1243 (:report
1244 (lambda (condition stream)
1245 (let ((*print-circle* t)
1246 (*print-pretty* t)
1247 (*print-readably* nil))
1248 (format stream
1249 "Evaluating call:~%~< ~@;~A~:>~%~
1250 ~:[With arguments:~%~{ ~S~%~}~;With unknown arguments~]~%"
1251 (list (step-condition-form condition))
1252 (eq (step-condition-args condition) :unknown)
1253 (step-condition-args condition)))))
1254 (:documentation "Condition signalled by code compiled with
1255 single-stepping information when about to execute a form.
1257 pathname of the original file or NIL, and STEP-CONDITION-SOURCE-PATH
1258 holds the source-path to the original form within that file or NIL.
1259 Associated with this condition are always the restarts STEP-INTO,
1262 (define-condition step-result-condition (step-condition)
1263 ((result :initarg :result :reader step-condition-result)))
1265 (setf (fdocumentation 'step-condition-result 'function)
1266 "Return values associated with STEP-VALUES-CONDITION as a list,
1267 or the variable value associated with STEP-VARIABLE-CONDITION.")
1269 (define-condition step-values-condition (step-result-condition)
1271 (:documentation "Condition signalled by code compiled with
1272 single-stepping information after executing a form.
1273 STEP-CONDITION-FORM holds the form, and STEP-CONDITION-RESULT holds
1274 the values returned by the form as a list. No associated restarts."))
1276 (define-condition step-finished-condition (step-condition)
1278 (:report
1279 (lambda (condition stream)
1280 (declare (ignore condition))
1281 (format stream "Returning from STEP")))
1282 (:documentation "Condition signaled when STEP returns."))
1284 ;;; A knob for muffling warnings, mostly for use while loading files.
1285 (defvar *muffled-warnings* 'uninteresting-redefinition
1286 "A type that ought to specify a subtype of WARNING. Whenever a
1287 warning is signaled, if the warning is of this type and is not
1288 handled by any other handler, it will be muffled.")
1290 ;;; Various STYLE-WARNING signaled in the system.
1291 ;; For the moment, we're only getting into the details for function
1292 ;; redefinitions, but other redefinitions could be done later
1293 ;; (e.g. methods).
1294 (define-condition redefinition-warning (style-warning)
1295 ((name
1296 :initarg :name
1297 :reader redefinition-warning-name)
1298 (new-location
1299 :initarg :new-location
1300 :reader redefinition-warning-new-location)))
1302 (define-condition function-redefinition-warning (redefinition-warning)
1303 ((new-function
1304 :initarg :new-function
1305 :reader function-redefinition-warning-new-function)))
1307 (define-condition redefinition-with-defun (function-redefinition-warning)
1309 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1310 (format stream "redefining ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ ~
1311 in DEFUN"
1312 (redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
1314 (define-condition redefinition-with-defmacro (function-redefinition-warning)
1316 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1317 (format stream "redefining ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ ~
1318 in DEFMACRO"
1319 (redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
1321 (define-condition redefinition-with-defgeneric (redefinition-warning)
1323 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1324 (format stream "redefining ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ ~
1326 (redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
1328 (define-condition redefinition-with-defmethod (redefinition-warning)
1329 ((qualifiers :initarg :qualifiers
1330 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers)
1331 (specializers :initarg :specializers
1332 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers)
1333 (new-location :initarg :new-location
1334 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-new-location)
1335 (old-method :initarg :old-method
1336 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method))
1337 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1338 (format stream "redefining ~S~{ ~S~} ~S in DEFMETHOD"
1339 (redefinition-warning-name warning)
1340 (redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers warning)
1341 (redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers warning)))))
1343 ;;;; Deciding which redefinitions are "interesting".
1345 (defun function-file-namestring (function)
1346 #!+sb-eval
1347 (when (typep function 'sb!eval:interpreted-function)
1348 (return-from function-file-namestring
1349 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
1350 (sb!eval:interpreted-function-source-location function))))
1351 #!+sb-fasteval
1352 (when (typep function 'sb!interpreter:interpreted-function)
1353 (return-from function-file-namestring
1354 (awhen (sb!interpreter:fun-source-location function)
1355 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring it))))
1356 (let* ((fun (%fun-fun function))
1357 (code (fun-code-header fun))
1358 (debug-info (%code-debug-info code))
1359 (debug-source (when debug-info
1360 (sb!c::debug-info-source debug-info)))
1361 (namestring (when debug-source
1362 (sb!c::debug-source-namestring debug-source))))
1363 namestring))
1365 (defun interesting-function-redefinition-warning-p (warning old)
1366 (let ((new (function-redefinition-warning-new-function warning))
1367 (source-location (redefinition-warning-new-location warning)))
1369 ;; compiled->interpreted is interesting.
1370 (and (typep old 'compiled-function)
1371 (typep new '(not compiled-function)))
1372 ;; fin->regular is interesting except for interpreted->compiled.
1373 (and (typep new '(not funcallable-instance))
1374 (typep old '(and funcallable-instance
1375 #!+sb-fasteval (not sb!interpreter:interpreted-function)
1376 #!+sb-eval (not sb!eval:interpreted-function))))
1377 ;; different file or unknown location is interesting.
1378 (let* ((old-namestring (function-file-namestring old))
1379 (new-namestring
1380 (or (function-file-namestring new)
1381 (when source-location
1382 (sb!c::definition-source-location-namestring source-location)))))
1383 (and (or (not old-namestring)
1384 (not new-namestring)
1385 (not (string= old-namestring new-namestring))))))))
1387 (setf (info :function :predicate-truth-constraint
1388 'uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p) 'warning)
1389 (defun uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p (warning)
1390 (and
1391 (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
1392 ;; Shared logic.
1393 (let ((name (redefinition-warning-name warning)))
1394 (not (interesting-function-redefinition-warning-p
1395 warning (or (fdefinition name) (macro-function name)))))))
1397 (setf (info :function :predicate-truth-constraint
1398 'uninteresting-macro-redefinition-p) 'warning)
1399 (defun uninteresting-macro-redefinition-p (warning)
1400 (and
1401 (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defmacro)
1402 ;; Shared logic.
1403 (let ((name (redefinition-warning-name warning)))
1404 (not (interesting-function-redefinition-warning-p
1405 warning (or (macro-function name) (fdefinition name)))))))
1407 (setf (info :function :predicate-truth-constraint
1408 'uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p) 'warning)
1409 (defun uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p (warning)
1410 (and
1411 (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defgeneric)
1412 ;; Can't use the shared logic above, since GF's don't get a "new"
1413 ;; definition -- rather the FIN-FUNCTION is set.
1414 (let* ((name (redefinition-warning-name warning))
1415 (old (fdefinition name))
1416 (old-location (when (typep old 'generic-function)
1417 (sb!pcl::definition-source old)))
1418 (old-namestring (when old-location
1419 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring old-location)))
1420 (new-location (redefinition-warning-new-location warning))
1421 (new-namestring (when new-location
1422 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring new-location))))
1423 (and old-namestring
1424 new-namestring
1425 (string= old-namestring new-namestring)))))
1427 (setf (info :function :predicate-truth-constraint
1428 'uninteresting-method-redefinition-p) 'warning)
1429 (defun uninteresting-method-redefinition-p (warning)
1430 (and
1431 (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defmethod)
1432 ;; Can't use the shared logic above, since GF's don't get a "new"
1433 ;; definition -- rather the FIN-FUNCTION is set.
1434 (let* ((old-method (redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method warning))
1435 (old-location (sb!pcl::definition-source old-method))
1436 (old-namestring (when old-location
1437 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring old-location)))
1438 (new-location (redefinition-warning-new-location warning))
1439 (new-namestring (when new-location
1440 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring new-location))))
1441 (and new-namestring
1442 old-namestring
1443 (string= new-namestring old-namestring)))))
1445 (deftype uninteresting-redefinition ()
1446 '(or (satisfies uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p)
1447 (satisfies uninteresting-macro-redefinition-p)
1448 (satisfies uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p)
1449 (satisfies uninteresting-method-redefinition-p)))
1451 (define-condition redefinition-with-deftransform (redefinition-warning)
1452 ((transform :initarg :transform
1453 :reader redefinition-with-deftransform-transform))
1454 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1455 (format stream "Overwriting ~S"
1456 (redefinition-with-deftransform-transform warning)))))
1458 ;;; Various other STYLE-WARNINGS
1459 (define-condition dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name
1460 (style-warning simple-condition)
1462 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1463 (format stream "~@?, even though the name follows~@
1464 the usual naming convention (names like *FOO*) for special variables"
1465 (simple-condition-format-control warning)
1466 (simple-condition-format-arguments warning)))))
1468 (define-condition asterisks-around-lexical-variable-name
1469 (dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name)
1472 (define-condition asterisks-around-constant-variable-name
1473 (dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name)
1476 ;; We call this UNDEFINED-ALIEN-STYLE-WARNING because there are some
1477 ;; subclasses of ERROR above having to do with undefined aliens.
1478 (define-condition undefined-alien-style-warning (style-warning)
1479 ((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader undefined-alien-symbol))
1480 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1481 (format stream "Undefined alien: ~S"
1482 (undefined-alien-symbol warning)))))
1484 #!+(or sb-eval sb-fasteval)
1485 (define-condition lexical-environment-too-complex (style-warning)
1486 ((form :initarg :form :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-form)
1487 (lexenv :initarg :lexenv :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv))
1488 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1489 (format stream
1490 "~@<Native lexical environment too complex for ~
1491 SB-EVAL to evaluate ~S, falling back to ~
1492 SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV. Lexenv: ~S~:@>"
1493 (lexical-environment-too-complex-form warning)
1494 (lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv warning)))))
1496 ;; If the interpreter is in use (and the REPL is interpreted),
1497 ;; it's easy to accidentally make the macroexpand-hook an interpreted
1498 ;; function. So MACROEXPAND-1 is a little more careful,
1499 ;; and might signal this, instead of only EVAL being able to signal it.
1500 (define-condition macroexpand-hook-type-error (type-error)
1502 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1503 (format stream "The value of *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* is not a designator for a compiled function: ~S"
1504 (type-error-datum condition)))))
1506 ;; Although this has -ERROR- in the name, it's just a STYLE-WARNING.
1507 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-comment (style-warning)
1508 ((stream :initarg :stream :reader decoding-error-in-comment-stream)
1509 (position :initarg :position :reader decoding-error-in-comment-position))
1510 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1511 (format stream
1512 "Character decoding error in a ~A-comment at ~
1513 position ~A reading source stream ~A, ~
1514 resyncing."
1515 (decoding-error-in-comment-macro warning)
1516 (decoding-error-in-comment-position warning)
1517 (decoding-error-in-comment-stream warning)))))
1519 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
1520 (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
1521 ((char :initform #\; :initarg :char
1522 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char)))
1524 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
1525 (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
1526 ;; ANSI doesn't give a way for a reader function invoked by a
1527 ;; dispatch macro character to determine which dispatch character
1528 ;; was used, so if a user wants to signal one of these from a custom
1529 ;; comment reader, he'll have to supply the :DISP-CHAR himself.
1530 ((disp-char :initform #\# :initarg :disp-char
1531 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char)
1532 (sub-char :initarg :sub-char
1533 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char)))
1535 (defun decoding-error-in-comment-macro (warning)
1536 (etypecase warning
1537 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
1538 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char warning))
1539 (character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
1540 (format
1541 nil "~C~C"
1542 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char warning)
1543 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char warning)))))
1545 (define-condition deprecated-eval-when-situations (style-warning)
1546 ((situations :initarg :situations
1547 :reader deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations))
1548 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1549 (format stream "using deprecated EVAL-WHEN situation names~{ ~S~}"
1550 (deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations warning)))))
1552 (define-condition proclamation-mismatch (condition)
1553 ((kind :initarg :kind :reader proclamation-mismatch-kind)
1554 (description :initarg :description :reader proclamation-mismatch-description :initform nil)
1555 (name :initarg :name :reader proclamation-mismatch-name)
1556 (old :initarg :old :reader proclamation-mismatch-old)
1557 (new :initarg :new :reader proclamation-mismatch-new))
1558 (:report
1559 (lambda (condition stream)
1560 (format stream
1561 "~@<The new ~A proclamation for~@[ ~A~] ~
1562 ~/sb!impl:print-symbol-with-prefix/~
1563 ~@:_~2@T~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/~@:_~
1564 does not match the old ~4:*~A~3* proclamation~
1565 ~@:_~2@T~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/~@:>"
1566 (proclamation-mismatch-kind condition)
1567 (proclamation-mismatch-description condition)
1568 (proclamation-mismatch-name condition)
1569 (proclamation-mismatch-new condition)
1570 (proclamation-mismatch-old condition)))))
1572 (define-condition type-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
1574 (:default-initargs :kind 'type))
1576 (define-condition type-proclamation-mismatch-warning (style-warning
1577 type-proclamation-mismatch)
1580 (define-condition ftype-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
1582 (:default-initargs :kind 'ftype))
1584 (define-condition ftype-proclamation-mismatch-warning (style-warning
1585 ftype-proclamation-mismatch)
1588 (define-condition ftype-proclamation-mismatch-error (error
1589 ftype-proclamation-mismatch)
1591 (:default-initargs :kind 'ftype :description "known function"))
1594 ;;;; deprecation conditions
1596 (define-condition deprecation-condition (reference-condition)
1597 ((namespace :initarg :namespace
1598 :reader deprecation-condition-namespace)
1599 (name :initarg :name
1600 :reader deprecation-condition-name)
1601 (replacements :initarg :replacements
1602 :reader deprecation-condition-replacements)
1603 (software :initarg :software
1604 :reader deprecation-condition-software)
1605 (version :initarg :version
1606 :reader deprecation-condition-version)
1607 (runtime-error :initarg :runtime-error
1608 :reader deprecation-condition-runtime-error
1609 :initform nil))
1610 (:default-initargs
1611 :namespace (missing-arg)
1612 :name (missing-arg)
1613 :replacements (missing-arg)
1614 :software (missing-arg)
1615 :version (missing-arg)
1616 :references '((:sbcl :node "Deprecation Conditions")))
1617 (:documentation
1618 "Superclass for deprecation-related error and warning
1619 conditions."))
1621 (defmethod print-object ((condition deprecation-condition) stream)
1622 (flet ((print-it (stream)
1623 (print-deprecation-message
1624 (deprecation-condition-namespace condition)
1625 (deprecation-condition-name condition)
1626 (deprecation-condition-software condition)
1627 (deprecation-condition-version condition)
1628 (deprecation-condition-replacements condition)
1629 stream)))
1630 (if *print-escape*
1631 (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t)
1632 (print-it stream))
1633 (print-it stream))))
1635 (macrolet ((define-deprecation-warning
1636 (name superclass check-runtime-error format-string
1637 &optional documentation)
1638 `(progn
1639 (define-condition ,name (,superclass deprecation-condition)
1641 ,@(when documentation
1642 `((:documentation ,documentation))))
1644 (defmethod print-object :after ((condition ,name) stream)
1645 (when (and (not *print-escape*)
1646 ,@(when check-runtime-error
1647 `((deprecation-condition-runtime-error condition))))
1648 (format stream ,format-string
1649 (deprecation-condition-software condition)
1650 (deprecation-condition-name condition)))))))
1652 ;; PRINT-SYMBOL-WITH-PREFIX is spelled using its target package name,
1653 ;; not its cold package name, because these methods aren't unsable until
1654 ;; warm load. (!CALL-A-METHOD does not understand method qualifiers)
1655 (define-deprecation-warning early-deprecation-warning style-warning nil
1656 "~%~@<~:@_In future~@[ ~A~] versions ~
1657 ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ will signal a full warning ~
1658 at compile-time.~:@>"
1659 "This warning is signaled when the use of a variable,
1660 function, type, etc. in :EARLY deprecation is detected at
1661 compile-time. The use will work at run-time with no warning or
1662 error.")
1664 (define-deprecation-warning late-deprecation-warning warning t
1665 "~%~@<~:@_In future~@[ ~A~] versions ~
1666 ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/ will signal a runtime ~
1667 error.~:@>"
1668 "This warning is signaled when the use of a variable,
1669 function, type, etc. in :LATE deprecation is detected at
1670 compile-time. The use will work at run-time with no warning or
1671 error.")
1673 (define-deprecation-warning final-deprecation-warning warning t
1674 "~%~@<~:@_~*An error will be signaled at runtime for ~
1675 ~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/.~:@>"
1676 "This warning is signaled when the use of a variable,
1677 function, type, etc. in :FINAL deprecation is detected at
1678 compile-time. An error will be signaled at run-time."))
1680 (define-condition deprecation-error (error deprecation-condition)
1682 (:documentation
1683 "This error is signaled at run-time when an attempt is made to use
1684 a thing that is in :FINAL deprecation, i.e. call a function or access
1685 a variable."))
1687 ;;;; restart definitions
1689 (define-condition abort-failure (control-error) ()
1690 (:report
1691 "An ABORT restart was found that failed to transfer control dynamically."))
1693 (defun abort (&optional condition)
1694 "Transfer control to a restart named ABORT, signalling a CONTROL-ERROR if
1695 none exists."
1696 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error 'abort condition))
1697 ;; ABORT signals an error in case there was a restart named ABORT
1698 ;; that did not transfer control dynamically. This could happen with
1700 (error 'abort-failure))
1702 (defun muffle-warning (&optional condition)
1703 "Transfer control to a restart named MUFFLE-WARNING, signalling a
1704 CONTROL-ERROR if none exists."
1705 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error 'muffle-warning condition)))
1707 (defun try-restart (name condition &rest arguments)
1708 (let ((restart (find-restart name condition)))
1709 (when restart
1710 (apply #'invoke-restart restart arguments))))
1712 (macrolet ((define-nil-returning-restart (name args doc)
1713 `(defun ,name (,@args &optional condition)
1714 ,doc
1715 (try-restart ',name condition ,@args))))
1716 (define-nil-returning-restart continue ()
1717 "Transfer control to a restart named CONTINUE, or return NIL if none exists.")
1718 (define-nil-returning-restart store-value (value)
1719 "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named STORE-VALUE, or
1720 return NIL if none exists.")
1721 (define-nil-returning-restart use-value (value)
1722 "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named USE-VALUE, or
1723 return NIL if none exists.")
1724 (define-nil-returning-restart print-unreadably ()
1725 "Transfer control to a restart named SB-EXT:PRINT-UNREADABLY, or
1726 return NIL if none exists."))
1728 ;;; single-stepping restarts
1730 (macrolet ((def (name doc)
1731 `(defun ,name (condition)
1732 ,doc
1733 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error ',name condition)))))
1734 (def step-continue
1735 "Transfers control to the STEP-CONTINUE restart associated with
1736 the condition, continuing execution without stepping. Signals a
1737 CONTROL-ERROR if the restart does not exist.")
1738 (def step-next
1739 "Transfers control to the STEP-NEXT restart associated with the
1740 condition, executing the current form without stepping and continuing
1741 stepping with the next form. Signals CONTROL-ERROR is the restart does
1742 not exists.")
1743 (def step-into
1744 "Transfers control to the STEP-INTO restart associated with the
1745 condition, stepping into the current form. Signals a CONTROL-ERROR is
1746 the restart does not exist."))
1748 ;;; Compiler macro magic
1750 (define-condition compiler-macro-keyword-problem ()
1751 ((argument :initarg :argument :reader compiler-macro-keyword-argument))
1752 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1753 (format stream "~@<Argument ~S in keyword position is not ~
1754 a self-evaluating symbol, preventing compiler-macro ~
1755 expansion.~@:>"
1756 (compiler-macro-keyword-argument condition)))))
1758 ;; After (or if) we deem this the optimal name for this condition,
1759 ;; it should be exported from SB-EXT so that people can muffle it.
1760 (define-condition sb!c:inlining-dependency-failure (simple-style-warning) ())
1762 (/show0 "condition.lisp end of file")