safepoint: Remove unused context argument.
[sbcl.git] / tests / package-id.impure.lisp
1 (import 'sb-impl::*all-packages*)
3 ;;; Assert that a global name of a package that hashes to the same bucket as a different
4 ;;; global name of the package does not cause disappearance of the package from
5 ;;; *ALL-PACKAGES* when only one name is removed. i.e. don't naively blast the item
6 ;;; out of the bucket corresponding to the hash of the removed name.
7 ;;; Start by making 4 packages and deleting them so that the table won't resize during
8 ;;; the addition of nicknames. (It assumes that every name increases the table load)
9 (mapc 'delete-package (mapcar 'make-package '("AA" "BB" "CC" "DD")))
10 (defvar *tp* (make-package "SOMETESTPACKAGE"))
11 (defun compute-name-bucket (str)
12 (mod (sxhash str) (1- (length *all-packages*))))
13 (defvar *tp-bucket* (compute-name-bucket "SOMETESTPACKAGE"))
15 ;;; Generate a random nicknames for SOMETESTPACKAGE that hashes to
16 ;;; the same bucket.
17 (defvar *random-names* nil)
18 (loop for i from 1
19 do (let ((name (format nil "PKGNAME~36R" i)))
20 (when (eql (compute-name-bucket name) *tp-bucket*)
21 (push name *random-names*)
22 (when (eql (length *random-names*) 3) (loop-finish)))))
23 (rename-package *tp* (first *random-names*)
24 (cons "SOMETESTPACKAGE" (rest *random-names*)))
25 (defun get-bucket (i) (sb-int:ensure-list (aref *all-packages* i)))
26 (with-test (:name :package-name-hash-collision)
27 ;; SOMETESTPACKGE should be in its bucket exactly once for all 4 names
28 (assert (= (count *tp* (get-bucket *tp-bucket*)) 1))
29 ;; Remove 2 names, it should still be there exactly once
30 (rename-package *tp* "SOMETESTPACKAGE" (last *random-names*))
31 (assert (= (count *tp* (get-bucket *tp-bucket*)) 1)))
33 ;;; this test is slow
35 ;;; It's extremely unlikely that a user would make >2^16 packages, but test that it works.
36 (defun grow-id->package-vector ()
37 (let ((table (make-array 65535 :initial-element nil))) ; grow once only. Sorry for cheating
38 (replace table sb-impl:*id->package*)
39 (setf sb-impl:*id->package* table)))
40 (compile 'grow-id->package-vector)
42 (with-test (:name :ridiculous-amount-of-packages)
43 (make-package "WATPACKAGE")
44 (grow-id->package-vector) ; grow once only. Sorry for cheating
45 (loop
46 ;; This loop unfortunately takes 2 seconds, which kind of speaks to
47 ;; the slowness of package creation. I don't think we need to improve that,
48 ;; but we _do_ need to test this, so ... it's a minor point of pain.
49 ;; Unsurprisingly, 50% of the time is spent in PACKAGE-REGISTRY-UPDATE
50 (let* ((package (make-package "STRANGE"))
51 (id (sb-impl::package-id package))
52 (new-name (format nil "TEST-PKGID-~D" id)))
53 (unless id (return))
54 (rename-package package new-name)))
55 (let ((p (find-package "STRANGE")))
56 (assert (not (sb-impl::package-id p)))
57 (let ((symbol (intern "WAT123" p)))
58 (assert (eq (symbol-package symbol) p))
59 (delete-package p)
60 (assert (not (symbol-package symbol)))
61 (import symbol "WATPACKAGE")
62 (assert (eq (symbol-package symbol) (find-package "WATPACKAGE")))
63 ;; assert that the symbol got a small ID
64 (assert (not (sb-int:info :symbol :package symbol)))))
65 (delete-package "WATPACKAGE")
66 (let ((p (make-package "ANOTHERPACKAGE")))
67 (assert (sb-impl::package-id p)))
68 (let ((p (make-package "YETANOTHERPACKAGE")))
69 (assert (not (sb-impl::package-id p))))
70 ;; Now for every package named TEST-PKGIDnm, check that a symbol interned
71 ;; in that package can read the bits back correctly (because vops are confusing)
72 (let ((n 0))
73 (dolist (package (list-all-packages))
74 (when (search "TEST-PKGID-" (package-name package))
75 (incf n)
76 (let ((the-symbol (intern "FROBOLA" package)))
77 (assert (eq (symbol-package the-symbol) package)))))
78 (assert (> n 65450)))) ; assert that we exercised lots of bit patterns