safepoint: Remove unused context argument.
[sbcl.git] / tests / fast-eval.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; various tests of the new interpreter
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 #-sb-fasteval (invoke-restart 'run-tests::skip-file)
16 (setf sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret)
18 (in-package sb-interpreter)
20 (test-util:with-test (:name :write-bogus-function-instance)
21 (write-to-string
22 (sb-pcl::class-prototype (find-class 'sb-kernel:interpreted-function))))
24 (test-util:with-test (:name :type-checker-for-function)
25 ;; The test for (FUNCTION (HAIR) (MORE-HAIR)) is just FUNCTIONP.
26 ;; The test for not that is (NOT FUNCTION).
27 (assert (eq (type-checker (specifier-type '(function (cons) cons)))
28 #'functionp))
29 (assert (type-checker (specifier-type
30 '(not (function (integer) integer))))))
32 (defvar *invocation-count* 0)
34 (defmacro what-cell (x)
35 (incf *invocation-count*)
36 `(car ,x))
38 (defun foo (x &optional (howmuch 1)) (incf (what-cell x) howmuch))
40 (test-util:with-test (:name :interpreter-macro-cache-flush)
41 (let ((cell (cons 0 0)))
42 (foo cell)
43 (foo cell)
44 (foo cell)
45 (assert (= *invocation-count* 1)) ; once only
46 (assert (= (car cell) 3))
47 (defmacro what-cell (x)
48 (incf *invocation-count*)
49 `(cdr ,x))
50 ;; Even though INCF's definition is unchanged, the expansion of INCF
51 ;; is invalidated by the change to the definition of WHAT-CELL.
52 (foo cell 10)
53 (foo cell 10)
54 (foo cell 10)
55 (assert (= *invocation-count* 2)) ; once more
56 (assert (= (cdr cell) 30))))
58 (test-util:with-test (:name :interpreter-eval-if-cond-nil-nil)
59 (let ((x 0))
60 (flet ((foo () (setq x 1)))
61 ;; this was accidentally optimizing out the call to FOO
62 (if (foo) nil nil)
63 (assert (= x 1)))))
65 (defmacro expect-type-error (form)
66 `(handler-case ,form
67 (type-error ())
68 (:no-error () (error "Should have gotten a TYPE-ERROR"))))
70 (defmacro expect-bad-key-error (form)
71 `(handler-case ,form
72 (error (c)
73 (assert (search "not in the allowed set"
74 (write-to-string c :escape nil))))
75 (:no-error () (error "Expected an error"))))
77 (defmacro expect-odd-keys-error (form)
78 `(handler-case ,form
79 (error (c)
80 (assert (search "odd number" (simple-condition-format-control c))))
81 (:no-error () (error "Expected an error"))))
83 (test-util:with-test (:name :interpreter-keyword-parsing)
84 ;; Keyword parsing
85 ;; No error - &allow-other-keys was specified.
86 (validate-keywords '(:foo 3 :bar 2 :baz 3) 1 #(:foo))
88 (expect-odd-keys-error (validate-keywords '(:bar) 1 #(:foo)))
90 ;; :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS key is always allowed even if its value is nil.
91 (validate-keywords '(:a 1 :allow-other-keys nil :b 2)
92 (ash 3 3) #(:a :b :c))
94 ;; :X is not allowed
95 (expect-bad-key-error
96 (validate-keywords '(:a 1 :x nil :b 2) (ash 3 3) #(:a :b :c)))
98 ;; As with all keywords, only the first value matters.
99 (expect-bad-key-error
100 (validate-keywords '(:a 1 :allow-other-keys nil :allow-other-keys t :x 2)
101 (ash 3 3) #(:a :b :c)))
103 ;; here it's T
104 (validate-keywords '(:a 1 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :x 2)
105 (ash 3 3) #(:a :b :c))
106 ;; here we short-cicuit after seeing T but still have to check for ODDP
107 (expect-odd-keys-error
108 (validate-keywords '(:a 1 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :x)
109 (ash 3 3) #(:a :b :c)))
111 (defun foo (x &optional b c &key akey) (list x b c akey))
112 ;; The ODDP check occurs only on actual args that remain after
113 ;; processing optional arguments.
114 ;; No errors should result from these calls.
115 (foo 1 2)
116 (foo 1 2 3)
117 (foo 1 2 3 :akey 'hi))
119 (test-util:with-test (:name :interpreter-type-checking)
121 (expect-type-error (the integer (values 'a 1 2)))
123 ;; "Just do it"
124 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (the integer (values 'a 1 2)))
126 ;; THE returns multiple values even if not a VALUES type-specifier.
127 (let ((l (multiple-value-call #'list
128 (the integer (values 1 'foo 'bar)))))
129 (assert (= (length l) 3)))
131 ;; Too many values in a "strict" THE form are not permitted.
132 (expect-type-error (the (values integer &optional) (values 1 2)))
134 ;; A trailing type of which NIL is a member (so LIST,SYMBOL,T at least)
135 ;; causes (THE VALUES ...) to accept absence of a value. By definition the
136 ;; missing values are NIL. While this seems liberal, so far as VALUES
137 ;; expressing a shape similar to DESTRUCTURING-BIND, CLHS draws attention
138 ;; to it specifically:
140 ;; "It is permissible for _form_ to yield a different number of values than
141 ;; are specified by value-type, provided that the values for which types are
142 ;; declared are indeed of those types. Missing values are treated as nil
143 ;; for the purpose of checking their types"
144 (dolist (trailing-type '(symbol t))
145 (eval `(the (values integer ,trailing-type) 4))
146 (eval `(the (values integer ,trailing-type) (values 4 'foo)))
147 (eval `(the (values integer ,trailing-type) (values 4 'foo 5))))
149 ;; But a strict THE form does not allow this liberty.
150 (expect-type-error (the (values integer symbol &optional) 4))
152 (defun f () 'hi)
153 (defun g (x) (length (string x)))
154 (defun h ()
155 (let* ((x (f))
156 (x (g x)))
157 (declare (fixnum x))
160 ;; The first binding of X in h is to a symbol, which is fine.
161 ;; The FIXNUM declaration applies to the _second_ binding named X.
164 ;; The SETQ is not valid because X is restricted to fixnum.
165 (expect-type-error
166 (let* ((x 3)
167 (y (setq x 'fred)))
168 (declare (fixnum x))))
170 (defun foo1 ()
171 (the (values integer symbol &optional string) (bar)))
172 (defun foo2 ()
173 (the (values integer symbol string) (bar)))
174 (defun foo3 ()
175 (the (values integer &optional) (bar)))
177 (defun bar () (values 1 'hi))
179 (foo1) ; ok
180 (expect-type-error (foo2)) ; didn't get a string as 3rd value
181 (expect-type-error (foo3)) ; got too many values
183 (expect-type-error
184 (the (values integer symbol string) (bar)))
186 (defun no-vals () (values))
188 (handler-case (let ((x (the integer (no-vals)))) x)
189 (type-error ())
190 (:no-error () (error "Should have gotten an ERROR")))
192 (defmacro nice-macro (a b)
193 (declare (type (member :first :second) a))
194 (case a
195 (:first `(car ,b))
196 (:second `(cadr ,b))))
198 (assert (equal (macroexpand-1 '(nice-macro :first (x)))
199 '(car (x))))
200 ;; macro should fail.
201 (expect-type-error (macroexpand '(nice-macro :third (x))))
203 ;; SETQ of MUMBLE which is a "free" (not bound) typed special variable
204 (expect-type-error
205 (let* ((foo 3) (baz foo))
206 (declare (special foo mumble) (real mumble))
207 (setq mumble 'a)))
209 (expect-type-error
210 (let ((x 3))
211 (declare (special x) (integer x))
212 ; (print x)
213 (let ((x 'a))
214 (declare (symbol x))
215 ; (print x)
216 (locally (declare (special x))
217 ; (print x)
218 ;; this references the special X, not the lexical X
219 (setq x 'foo)))))
221 ;; This works due to short-circuiting within TYPEP
222 (let ((x 3)) (declare (type (or integer blurf) x)) x)
224 ;; This fails under a naive OR type parser, but a different parse might
225 ;; equate (OR BLURF INTEGER) with (OR INTEGER BLURF), which just worked fine in the
226 ;; previous test, or could force known types to appear to the left of unknowns
227 ;; in a union. So even dropping the values-specifier-type cache may not make this fail.
228 ;; I'm keeping it in case I change my mind again though.
229 #+nil
230 (handler-case (let ((x 3)) (declare (type (or blurf integer) x)) x)
231 (simple-error ()) ; "unknown type"
232 (:no-error (&rest ignore) (error "Expected an ERROR"))))
234 (test-util:with-test (:name :tagbody-if-optimizer)
235 (assert
236 (string= "ABC"
237 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
238 (tagbody
239 (go :a)
241 (princ :b)
242 (if nil (go :b))
243 (go :c)
245 (princ :a)
246 (go :b)
248 (princ :c))))))
250 (macrolet ((foo= (x y) `(= (the fixnum ,x) (the fixnum ,y))))
251 (declare (optimize speed))
252 (declaim (inline foo-compare))
253 (defun foo-compare (a b) (foo= a b)))
255 (test-util:with-test (:name :inline-lexenv-not-too-hairy)
256 (assert (sb-c::fun-name-inline-expansion 'foo-compare)))
258 (defmacro use-hairy-env (x &environment e)
259 (list 'list
260 (eql (sb-interpreter::env-from-lexenv e) :compile)
261 (sb-int:eval-in-lexenv x e)))
263 ;;; Assert that USE-HAIRY-ENV can be invoked such that when it calls
264 ;;; EVAL-IN-LEXENV on an environment object that is too complex,
265 ;;; it works anyway. Of course don't actually do this :-)
266 ;;; Arguably the interpreter could be modified such that it only chokes
267 ;;; if you _actually_ try to reference parts of the complex lexenv
268 ;;; that you're not allowed to, but that's a whole other ball of wax.
269 (test-util:with-test (:name :eval-in-complex-lexenv)
270 (let ((answer
271 (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (a) (cons a (use-hairy-env (+ 1 2)))))
272 45)))
273 (assert (eql (first answer) 45))
274 ;; ensure that the lambda environment could not be handled by the interpreter
275 (assert (eql (second answer) t))
276 (assert (eql (third answer) 3))))
278 (test-util:with-test (:name :exited-block)
279 (handler-case (funcall (let ((x 1)) (block b (lambda () (return-from b)))))
280 (condition (c)
281 (assert (and (typep c 'sb-int:simple-control-error)
282 (search "exited block" (simple-condition-format-control c)))))
283 (:no-error (&rest whatever) (error "Expected an error"))))
285 (test-util:with-test (:name :exited-tagbody)
286 (handler-case (funcall
287 (block zot
288 (tagbody
289 (return-from zot (let ((x 1)) (lambda () (go foo))))
290 foo)))
291 (condition (c)
292 (assert (and (typep c 'sb-int:simple-control-error)
293 (search "exited tagbody"
294 (simple-condition-format-control c)))))
295 (:no-error (&rest whatever) (error "Expected an error"))))
297 (test-util:with-test (:name :argless-lambda)
298 (assert (eq ((lambda () (declare (special *some-var*)) (setq *some-var* t)))
299 t)))
301 (test-util:with-test (:name :typecheck-symbol-not-null)
302 (funcall (lambda (x) (the (and symbol (not null)) x))
303 'foo))
305 (defstruct testme x)
306 (test-util:with-test (:name :compiled-equalp-method)
307 (assert (compiled-function-p
308 (sb-kernel:layout-equalp-impl
309 (sb-kernel:find-layout 'testme)))))
310 (let ((f #'testme-x))
311 (let ((source-loc (sb-interpreter:fun-source-location f)))
312 (setf (slot-value source-loc 'sb-c::namestring) "myfile.lisp")))
313 (defun foo (s) (testme-x s))
314 (test-util:with-test (:name :source-namestring)
315 (assert (string= (sb-kernel::function-file-namestring #'testme-x)
316 "myfile.lisp"))
317 (foo (make-testme))
318 ;; check that implicit compilation happened
319 (assert (= (sb-kernel:widetag-of #'testme-x) sb-vm:simple-fun-widetag))
320 ;; check that source location namestring was preserved
321 (assert (string= (sb-kernel::function-file-namestring #'testme-x)
322 "myfile.lisp")))
324 (macrolet ((some-things () ''(bit-vector string)))
325 (deftype thingz (&optional d)
326 `(or ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x ,d)) (some-things)))))
327 ;;; FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION could incorrectly return NIL for the second value
328 (test-util:with-test (:name :fun-lambda-expr-closure)
329 (assert (nth-value 1 (function-lambda-expression (sb-int:info :type :expander 'thingz))))
330 ;; and make sure the expander actually works
331 (assert (typep "hey" '(thingz 3))))
333 (defpackage fancypkg (:use "CL" "SB-EXT") (:export make-mystruct mystruct-x))
334 (in-package fancypkg)
335 (defstruct mystruct (x 3) y)
336 (in-package "CL-USER")
337 (lock-package "FANCYPKG")
339 (defun f ()
340 (fancypkg:mystruct-x (fancypkg:make-mystruct)))
341 (test-util:with-test (:name :jit-compiled-struct-accessor-locked-pkg)
342 (assert (eql (f) 3))
343 (assert (not (compiled-function-p #'f)))
344 (assert (compiled-function-p #'fancypkg:mystruct-x)))