safepoint: Remove unused context argument.
[sbcl.git] / tests / compiler.pure-cload.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of compiling toplevel forms
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;; Exercise a compiler bug (by causing a call to ERROR).
15 ;;;
16 ;;; This bug was in sbcl-
17 (let ((a 1) (b 1))
18 (declare (type (mod 1000) a b))
19 (let ((tmp (= 10 (+ (incf a) (incf a) (incf b) (incf b)))))
20 (or tmp (error "TMP not true"))))
22 ;;; Exercise a (byte-)compiler bug by causing a call to ERROR, not
23 ;;; because the symbol isn't defined as a variable, but because
25 ;;; 0 is not of type (OR FUNCTION SB-KERNEL:FDEFN).
26 ;;; Correct behavior is to warn at compile time because the symbol
27 ;;; isn't declared as a variable, but to set its SYMBOL-VALUE anyway.
28 ;;;
29 ;;; This bug was in sbcl-
30 (locally (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions warning))
31 (print (setq improperly-declared-var '(1 2))))
32 (assert (equal (symbol-value 'improperly-declared-var) '(1 2)))
33 (makunbound 'improperly-declared-var)
34 ;;; This is a slightly different way of getting the same symptoms out
35 ;;; of the sbcl- byte compiler bug.
36 (print (setq *print-level* *print-level*))
38 ;;; PROGV with different numbers of variables and values
39 (let ((a 1))
40 (declare (special a))
41 (assert (equal (list a (progv '(a b) '(:a :b :c)
42 (assert (eq (symbol-value 'nil) nil))
43 (list (symbol-value 'a) (symbol-value 'b)))
45 '(1 (:a :b) 1)))
46 (assert (equal (list a (progv '(a b) '(:a :b)
47 (assert (eq (symbol-value 'nil) nil))
48 (list (symbol-value 'a) (symbol-value 'b)))
50 '(1 (:a :b) 1)))
51 (assert (not (boundp 'b))))
53 (let ((a 1) (b 2))
54 (declare (special a b))
55 (assert (equal (list a b (progv '(a b) '(:a)
56 (assert (eq (symbol-value 'nil) nil))
57 (assert (not (boundp 'b)))
58 (symbol-value 'a))
59 a b)
60 '(1 2 :a 1 2))))
62 ;;; bug in LOOP, reported by ??? on c.l.l
63 (flet ((foo (l)
64 (loop for x in l
65 when (symbolp x) return x
66 while (numberp x)
67 collect (list x))))
68 (assert (equal (foo '(1 2 #\a 3)) '((1) (2))))
69 (assert (equal (foo '(1 2 x 3)) 'x)))
71 ;;; compiler failure found by Paul Dietz' randomized tortuter
72 (defun #:foo (a b c d)
73 (declare (type (integer 240 100434465) a)
74 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
75 (logxor
76 (if (ldb-test (byte 27 4) d)
78 (max 55546856 -431))
79 (logorc2
80 (if (>= 0 b)
81 (if (> b c) (logandc2 c d) (if (> d 224002) 0 d))
82 (signum (logior c b)))
83 (logior a -1))))
85 (defun #:foo (b c)
86 (declare (type (integer -23228343 2) b)
87 (type (integer -115581022 512244512) c)
88 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
89 (* (* (logorc2 3 (deposit-field 4667947 (byte 14 26) b))
90 (deposit-field b (byte 25 27) -30424886))
91 (dpb b (byte 23 29) c)))
93 (defun #:foo (x y)
94 (declare (type (integer -1 1000000000000000000000000) x y)
95 (optimize speed))
96 (* x (* y x)))
98 (defun #:foo (b)
99 (declare (type (integer -290488443 2) b)
100 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
101 (let ((v3 (min -1720 b))) (max v3 (logcount (if (= v3 b) b b)))))
103 (defun #:foo (d)
104 (let ((v7 (flet ((%f16 () (labels ((%f3 () -8)) (%f3))))
105 (labels ((%f7 () (%f16))) d))))
106 132887443))
108 ;;; RESULT-FORM in DO is not contained in the implicit TAGBODY
109 (assert (eq (handler-case (eval `(do ((x '(1 2 3) (cdr x)))
110 ((endp x) (go :loop))
111 :loop
112 (unless x (return :bad))))
113 (error () :good))
114 :good))
115 (assert (eq (handler-case (eval `(do* ((x '(1 2 3) (cdr x)))
116 ((endp x) (go :loop))
117 :loop
118 (unless x (return :bad))))
119 (error () :good))
120 :good))
122 ;;; bug 261
123 (let ((x (list (the (values &optional fixnum) (eval '(values))))))
124 (assert (equal x '(nil))))
126 ;;; Bug 125, reported by Gabe Garza: Python did not preserve identity
127 ;;; of closures.
128 (flet ((test-case (test-pred x)
129 (let ((func (lambda () x)))
130 (list (eq func func)
131 (funcall test-pred func func)
132 (delete func (list func))))))
133 (assert (equal '(t t nil) (funcall (eval #'test-case) #'eq 3))))
135 ;;; compiler failure reported by Alan Shields:
136 ;;; MAYBE-INFER-ITERATION-VAR-TYPE did not deal with types (REAL * (n)).
137 (let ((s (loop for x from (- pi) below (floor (* 2 pi)) by (/ pi 75) count t)))
138 (assert (= s 219)))
140 (with-test (:name :specialized-array-dumping)
141 (macrolet
142 ((make-tests ()
143 `(progn
144 ,@(loop for saetp across
145 sb-vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
146 for specifier = (sb-vm:saetp-specifier saetp)
147 for init = (cond ((member specifier '(character base-char))
148 '(:initial-element #\X))
149 ((eq specifier 't) '(:initial-element :hello))
150 (specifier
151 `(:initial-element
152 ,(sb-vm:saetp-initial-element-default saetp))))
153 for array = (apply 'make-array (if specifier 10 0)
154 :element-type specifier init)
155 for make-array = `(make-array ,(if specifier 10 0)
156 :element-type ',specifier
157 ,@init)
158 collect `(assert (and (equal (type-of ,array)
159 ',(type-of array))
160 (equalp ,array
161 ,make-array)))))))
162 (make-tests)))
164 (defparameter *my-type-test-ran* 0)
165 (deftype some-weird-type () '(satisfies my-thing-p))
166 (defun my-thing-p (x)
167 (incf *my-type-test-ran*)
168 (member x '(nil :foo)))
170 (defun make-array-fill-nil ()
171 (sb-int:dx-let ((a (make-array 5 :initial-element nil
172 :element-type '(or (and complex) some-weird-type))))
173 (values (stack-allocated-p a)
174 *my-type-test-ran*)))
176 (with-test (:name :splat-nil)
177 (multiple-value-bind (ok tested) (make-array-fill-nil)
178 ;; should not inhibit stack allocation, should check that NIL is OK
179 (assert (and ok (eql tested 1)))))
181 (defun push-values-constants (k)
182 (let (*)
183 (if k
184 (eval k)
185 (load-time-value t))))
187 (with-test (:name :push-values-constants)
188 (assert (eql (push-values-constants 1) 1))
189 (assert (eql (push-values-constants nil) t)))
191 (declaim (inline component-xep-references-i))
192 (defun component-xep-references-i (x)
194 (let ((x 0))
195 (defun component-xep-references ()
196 (incf x)
197 (let ((x #'component-xep-references-i))
198 (funcall x 10)))
199 (defun component-xep-references.2 ()
200 (component-xep-references-i 1)))
202 (declaim (maybe-inline component-xep-references-mi))
203 (defun component-xep-references-mi (x)
205 (let ((x 0))
206 (declare (optimize speed (space 0)))
207 (defun component-xep-references.3 ()
208 (incf x)
209 (let ((x #'component-xep-references-mi))
210 (funcall x 10)))
211 (defun component-xep-references.4 ()
212 (component-xep-references-mi 1)))