safepoint: Remove unused context argument.
[sbcl.git] / tests / arena.impure.lisp
1 #+(or (not system-tlabs) interpreter) (invoke-restart 'run-tests::skip-file)
3 (in-package sb-vm)
5 (defvar *many-arenas*
6 (coerce (loop for i below 10 collect (new-arena 1048576)) 'vector))
8 (defvar *arena* (aref *many-arenas* 0))
9 ;;; This REWIND is strictly unnecessary. It simply should not crash
10 (rewind-arena *arena*)
12 (defun f (x y z)
13 (with-arena (*arena*) (list x y z)))
15 (test-util:with-test (:name :arena-huge-object)
16 ;; This arena can grow to 10 MiB.
17 (let ((a (new-arena 1048576 1048576 9)))
18 ;; 4 arrays of about 2MiB each should fit in the allowed space
19 (dotimes (i 4)
20 (test-util:opaque-identity
21 (with-arena (a) (make-array 2097152 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))
22 (destroy-arena a)))
24 (test-util:with-test (:name :disassembler)
25 (let ((a (new-arena 1048576)))
26 (with-arena (a) (sb-disassem:get-inst-space))
27 (assert (null (c-find-heap->arena)))
28 (destroy-arena a)))
30 (test-util:with-test (:name :no-arena-symbol-name)
31 (let* ((a (new-arena 1048576))
32 (symbol
33 (sb-vm:with-arena (a)
34 (let ((string (format nil "test~D" (random 10))))
35 (make-symbol string)))))
36 (assert (heap-allocated-p symbol))
37 (assert (heap-allocated-p (symbol-name symbol)))
38 (destroy-arena a)))
40 (test-util:with-test (:name :no-arena-symbol-property)
41 (let* ((a (new-arena 1048576))
42 (copy-of-foo
43 (with-arena (a)
44 (setf (get 'testsym 'fooprop) 9)
45 (copy-symbol 'testsym t))))
46 (test-util:opaque-identity copy-of-foo)
47 (assert (not (c-find-heap->arena)))
48 (destroy-arena a)))
50 (test-util:with-test (:name :interrupt-thread-on-arena)
51 (let* ((a (new-arena 1048576))
52 (sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
53 (junk))
54 (sb-vm:with-arena (a)
55 (sb-thread:interrupt-thread
56 sb-thread:*current-thread*
57 (lambda ()
58 (setf junk (cons 'foo 'bar))
59 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem))))
60 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)
61 (sb-vm:destroy-arena a)
62 (assert (heap-allocated-p junk))))
64 (defun find-some-pkg () (find-package "NOSUCHPKG"))
66 (test-util:with-test (:name :find-package-1-element-cache)
67 (let* ((cache (let ((code (fun-code-header #'find-some-pkg)))
68 (loop for i from code-constants-offset
69 below (code-header-words code)
70 when (and (typep (code-header-ref code i) '(cons string))
71 (string= (car (code-header-ref code i))
73 return (code-header-ref code i))))
74 (elements (cdr cache)))
75 (assert (or (equalp (cdr cache) #(NIL NIL NIL))
76 (search "#<weak array [3]" (write-to-string (cdr cache)))))
77 (let* ((a (new-arena 1048576))
78 (pkg (with-arena (a) (find-some-pkg))))
79 (assert (not pkg)) ; no package was found of course
80 (assert (neq (cdr cache) elements)) ; the cache got affected
81 (assert (not (c-find-heap->arena)))
82 (destroy-arena a))))
84 #+nil
85 (test-util:with-test (:name :arena-alloc-waste-reduction)
86 (let* ((list1 (f 'foo 'bar'baz))
87 (list1-addr (get-lisp-obj-address list1))
88 (prev list1-addr))
89 (dotimes (i 40)
90 (let* ((list2 (f 'baz 'quux 'glerp))
91 (this (get-lisp-obj-address list2)))
92 ;; Thread should have picked up where it left off in the arena
93 ;; on the previous allocation.
94 ;; The list is 3 conses.
95 (assert (= (- this prev) (* 3 cons-size n-word-bytes)))
96 (setq prev this)))
97 (rewind-arena *arena*)
98 (let* ((list3 (f 'zot nil 'bork))
99 (this (get-lisp-obj-address list3)))
100 (assert (= this list1-addr)))))
104 (test-util:with-test (:name :copy-numbers-to-heap)
105 (let (list1 list2)
106 (with-arena (*arena*)
107 (setq list1 (let ((r (ash #xf00 (+ 60 (random 10)))))
108 (list r
109 (coerce r 'double-float)
110 (coerce r '(complex single-float))
111 (coerce r '(complex double-float))
112 (complex 1 (1+ (random 40)))
113 (/ 1 r)))
114 ;; still inside the WITH-ARENA or else the test is not useful!
115 list2 (mapcar 'copy-number-to-heap list1)))
116 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p list1)))
117 (assert (notany #'heap-allocated-p list1))
118 (assert (every #'heap-allocated-p list2))))
120 (test-util:with-test (:name :points-to-arena)
121 (let (tests)
122 (dotimes (i 20)
123 (let ((randomly-arena-thing (if (evenp i)
124 (with-arena (*arena*) (cons 1 2))
125 (cons 3 4))))
126 (push (make-array 1 :initial-element randomly-arena-thing) tests)))
127 (setq tests (nreverse tests))
128 (dolist (x tests)
129 (let* ((arena-ref-p (points-to-arena x))
130 (item (aref x 0)))
131 (if (find-containing-arena (get-lisp-obj-address item))
132 (assert arena-ref-p)
133 (assert (not arena-ref-p)))))))
135 (defvar *foo-storage*)
136 (test-util:with-test (:name :ctype-cache-force-to-heap)
137 (drop-all-hash-caches)
138 (test-util:opaque-identity
139 (with-arena (*arena*)
140 ;; finder-result will assert that this goes to the heap
141 (setq *foo-storage* (sb-impl::allocate-hashset-storage 128 t))
142 ;; for each test, the type specifier itself can not be cached because
143 ;; it is a list in the arena. And the internal representation has to
144 ;; take care to copy arena-allocated numbers back to dynamic space.
145 (list (let* ((n (- (test-util:opaque-identity 0d0)))
146 (spec `(member ,n)))
147 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (second spec)))) ; -0d0 is off-heap
148 (typep (random 2) spec))
149 (let* ((n (+ 5.0d0 (random 10)))
150 (bound (list n))
151 (spec `(or (double-float ,bound) (integer ,(random 4)))))
152 ;; should not cache the type specifier
153 (typep 'foo spec)))))
154 (dolist (symbol sb-impl::*cache-vector-symbols*)
155 (let ((cache (symbol-value symbol)))
156 ; (format t "~&Checking cache ~S~%" symbol)
157 (when cache
158 (assert (heap-allocated-p cache))
159 (dovector (line cache)
160 (unless (eql line 0)
161 (unless (and (heap-allocated-p line) (not (points-to-arena line)))
162 (hexdump line 2 nil)
163 (error "~S has ~S" symbol line)))))))
164 (let ((finder-result (c-find-heap->arena)))
165 (assert (null finder-result))))
167 (defun decode-all-debug-data ()
168 (dolist (code (sb-vm:list-allocated-objects :all :type sb-vm:code-header-widetag))
169 (let ((info (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info code)))
170 (when (typep info 'sb-c::compiled-debug-info)
171 (do ((cdf (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map info)
172 (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-next cdf)))
173 ((null cdf))
174 (test-util:opaque-identity
175 (sb-di::debug-fun-lambda-list
176 (sb-di::make-compiled-debug-fun cdf code))))))))
178 (test-util:with-test (:name :debug-data-force-to-heap)
179 (let ((a (sb-vm:new-arena (* 1024 1024 1024))))
180 (sb-vm:with-arena (a)
181 (decode-all-debug-data))
182 (assert (null (sb-vm:c-find-heap->arena a)))
183 (sb-vm:destroy-arena a)))
185 (defun test-with-open-file ()
186 ;; Force allocation of a new BUFFER containing a new SAP,
187 ;; and thereby a new finalizer (a closure) so that the test can
188 ;; ascertain that none of those went to the arena.
189 (setq sb-impl::*available-buffers* nil)
190 (with-open-file (stream *load-pathname*)
191 (if stream
192 (let ((pn (pathname stream)))
193 (values pn (namestring pn) (read-line stream nil)))
194 (values nil nil nil))))
196 (defvar *answerstring*)
197 (test-util:with-test (:name :with-open-stream)
198 (multiple-value-bind (pathname namestring answer)
199 (with-arena (*arena*) (test-with-open-file))
200 (when pathname
201 (assert (heap-allocated-p pathname))
202 (assert (heap-allocated-p namestring))
203 (assert (not (points-to-arena pathname)))
204 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p answer)))
205 ;; 1. check that a global symbol value can be found
206 (unwind-protect
207 (progn
208 (setq *answerstring* answer)
209 ;; user's string went to the arena, and detector finds the source object
210 (let ((finder-result (c-find-heap->arena)))
211 (assert (equal finder-result '(*answerstring*)))))
212 (makunbound '*answerstring*))
213 ;; 2. check that a thread-local binding can be found
214 (let ((*answerstring* answer))
215 (let ((finder-result (c-find-heap->arena)))
216 (assert (equal (first finder-result)
217 `(,sb-thread:*current-thread* :tls *answerstring*))))
218 ;; 3. check that a shadowed binding can be found
219 (let ((*answerstring* "hi"))
220 (let ((finder-result (c-find-heap->arena)))
221 (assert (equal (first finder-result)
222 `(,sb-thread:*current-thread* :binding *answerstring*)))))))))
226 (defun test-vpe-heap-vector (vector count &aux grown)
227 (with-arena (*arena*)
228 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (cons 1 2)))) ; assert arena is in use
229 (dotimes (i count)
230 (let ((old-data (%array-data vector)))
231 (vector-push-extend i vector)
232 (let ((new-data (%array-data vector)))
233 (unless (eq new-data old-data)
234 (assert (heap-allocated-p new-data))
235 (setq grown t))))))
236 (assert grown)) ; make sure the test proved something
238 (defun test-vpe-arena-vector (count &aux grown)
239 (with-arena (*arena*)
240 (let ((v (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
241 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p v)))
242 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (%array-data v))))
243 (dotimes (i count)
244 (let ((old-data (%array-data v)))
245 (vector-push-extend i v)
246 (let ((new-data (%array-data v)))
247 (unless (eq new-data old-data)
248 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p new-data)))
249 (setq grown t)))))))
250 (assert grown))
252 (defun test-puthash-heap-table (table count &aux grown)
253 (assert (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-vector table)) ; require a hash vector
254 (with-arena (*arena*)
255 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (cons 1 2))))
256 (dotimes (i count)
257 (let ((old-data (sb-impl::hash-table-pairs table)))
258 (setf (gethash i table) i)
259 (let ((new-data (sb-impl::hash-table-pairs table)))
260 (unless (eq new-data old-data)
261 (assert (heap-allocated-p new-data))
262 (assert (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-vector table)))
263 (assert (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-index-vector table)))
264 (assert (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-next-vector table)))
265 (setq grown t))))))
266 (assert grown))
268 (defun test-puthash-arena-table (count &aux grown)
269 (with-arena (*arena*)
270 (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
271 (assert (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-vector table)) ; require a hash vector
272 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p table)))
273 (dotimes (i count)
274 (let ((old-data (sb-impl::hash-table-pairs table)))
275 (setf (gethash i table) i)
276 (let ((new-data (sb-impl::hash-table-pairs table)))
277 (unless (eq new-data old-data)
278 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p new-data)))
279 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-vector table))))
280 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-index-vector table))))
281 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p (sb-impl::hash-table-next-vector table))))
282 (setq grown t)))))))
283 (assert grown))
285 ;;; There is a case that this doesn't assert anything about, which is that
286 ;;; an arena-allocated table or vector which grows while *not* in the scope of
287 ;;; a WITH-ARENA (or inside a nested WITHOUT-ARENA) will go to the dynamic space.
288 ;;; I think that is the right behavior: you can't force an object to be arena-allocated
289 ;;; within a dynamic controls that asks for no arena allocation.
290 ;;; I can't see how such a situation would legitimately arise,
291 ;;; and it's probably only through application programmer error.
293 (test-util:with-test (:name :vector-push-extend-heap-vector)
294 (test-vpe-heap-vector (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t) 100))
296 (test-util:with-test (:name :vector-push-extend-arena-vector)
297 (test-vpe-arena-vector 100))
299 (test-util:with-test (:name :puthash-heap-table)
300 (test-puthash-heap-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal) 100))
302 (test-util:with-test (:name :puthash-arena-table)
303 (test-puthash-arena-table 100))
305 (defvar arena1 (new-arena 65536))
306 (defvar arena2 (new-arena 65536))
308 (defun f (a) (with-arena (a) (make-array 1000)))
309 (defun g (a) (with-arena (a) (list 'x 'y 'z)))
311 (defvar ptr1 (cons (f arena1) 'foo))
312 (defvar ptr2 (g arena2))
314 (test-util:with-test (:name :find-ptrs-all-arenas)
315 (let ((result (c-find-heap->arena)))
316 ;; There should be a cons pointing to ARENA1,
317 ;; the cons which happens to be in PTR1
318 (assert (member ptr1 result))
319 ;; The symbol PTR2 points directly to ARENA2.
320 (assert (member 'ptr2 result))
321 ;; There should not be anything else
322 (assert (= (length result) 2))))
324 (test-util:with-test (:name :find-ptrs-specific-arena)
325 (let ((result (c-find-heap->arena arena1)))
326 (assert (equal result (list ptr1))))
327 (let ((result (c-find-heap->arena arena2)))
328 (assert (equal result '(ptr2)))))
330 (defun use-up-some-space (n &aux (arenas *many-arenas*)
331 (bytes-used (make-array (length arenas)
332 :initial-element 0)))
333 (dotimes (k n)
334 (let* ((i (mod k (length arenas)))
335 (arena (aref arenas i)))
336 (with-arena (arena)
337 (let ((object (make-array (+ 100 (random 100)))))
338 (incf (aref bytes-used i) (primitive-object-size object)))))
339 #+nil
340 (when (zerop (random 1000))
341 (let ((i (random (length arenas))))
342 (let ((arena (aref arenas i)))
343 (format t "~&REWINDING ~D~%" (arena-index arena))
344 (rewind-arena arena)
345 (with-arena (arena)
346 (test-util:opaque-identity (make-array 5)))))))
347 bytes-used)
348 #+nil
349 (test-util:with-test (:name :allocator-resumption)
350 (map nil 'rewind-arena *many-arenas*)
351 (let ((bytes-used-per-arena (use-up-some-space 10000)))
352 (dotimes (i (length *many-arenas*))
353 (let* ((est (aref bytes-used-per-arena i))
354 (act (arena-bytes-used (aref *many-arenas* i)))
355 (delta (- act est))
356 (frac (* 100 (/ delta act))))
357 (format t "Used: estimate=~D actual=~D diff=~,2f%~%"
358 est act frac)
359 (assert (< frac 1))))))
361 (test-util:with-test (:name :thread-arena-inheritance)
362 (with-arena (*arena*)
363 (let ((thread
364 (sb-thread:make-thread
365 (lambda ()
366 (assert (arena-p (thread-current-arena)))
367 ;; Starting a new thread doesn't ensure that the arena savearea
368 ;; has enough room to save the state, so we now ensure space in the
369 ;; savearea only when switching away from the arena.
370 (unuse-arena)))))
371 (sb-thread:join-thread thread))))
373 ;;;; Type specifier parsing and operations
375 (defparameter *bunch-of-objects*
376 `((foo)
377 "astring"
378 #*1010
379 ,(find-package "CL")
380 ,(pathname "/tmp/blub")
381 ,#'open
382 #2a((1 2) (3 4))
383 ,(ash 1 64)
386 ;; These type-specs are themselves consed so that we can
387 ;; ascertain whether there are arena pointers in internalized types.
388 (defun get-bunch-of-type-specs ()
389 `((integer ,(random 47) *)
390 (and bignum (not (eql ,(random 1000))))
391 (and bignum (not (eql ,(logior #x8000000000000001
392 (ash (1+ (random #xF00)) 10)))))
393 (member ,(complex (coerce (random 10) 'single-float)
394 (coerce (- (random 10)) 'single-float))
395 (goo)
396 #+sb-unicode
397 #\thumbs_up_sign
398 #-sb-unicode
399 #\a)
400 (or stream (member :hello
401 #+sb-unicode #\thumbs_down_sign
402 #-sb-unicode #\B))
403 (array t (,(+ 10 (random 10))))))
405 (defun show-cache-counts ()
406 (dolist (s sb-impl::*cache-vector-symbols*)
407 (let ((v (symbol-value s)))
408 (when (vectorp v)
409 (format t "~5d ~a~%"
410 (count-if (lambda (x) (not (eql x 0))) v)
411 s)))))
413 (defun ctype-operator-tests (arena &aux (result 0))
414 (sb-int:drop-all-hash-caches)
415 (flet ((try (spec)
416 (dolist (x *bunch-of-objects*)
417 (when (typep x spec)
418 (incf result)))))
419 (with-arena (arena)
420 (let ((specs (get-bunch-of-type-specs)))
421 (dolist (spec1 specs)
422 (dolist (spec2 specs)
423 (try `(and ,spec1 ,spec2))
424 (try `(or ,spec1 ,spec2))
425 (try `(and ,spec1 (not ,spec2)))
426 (try `(or ,spec1 (not ,spec2))))))))
427 (assert (not (c-find-heap->arena arena)))
428 result)
429 (test-util:with-test (:name :ctype-cache)
430 (let ((arena (new-arena 1048576)))
431 (ctype-operator-tests arena)))
433 ;;;;
435 (defvar *newpkg* (make-package "PACKAGE-GROWTH-TEST"))
436 (defun addalottasymbols ()
437 (with-arena (*arena*)
438 (dotimes (i 200)
439 (let ((str (concatenate 'string "S" (write-to-string i))))
440 (assert (not (heap-allocated-p str)))
441 (let ((sym (intern str *newpkg*)))
442 (assert (heap-allocated-p sym))
443 (assert (heap-allocated-p (symbol-name sym)))))))
444 (assert (not (c-find-heap->arena *arena*))))
446 (test-util:with-test (:name :intern-a-bunch)
447 (let ((old-n-cells
448 (length (sb-impl::symtbl-cells
449 (sb-impl::package-internal-symbols *newpkg*)))))
450 (addalottasymbols)
451 (let* ((cells (sb-impl::symtbl-cells
452 (sb-impl::package-internal-symbols *newpkg*))))
453 (assert (> (length cells) old-n-cells)))))
455 (defun all-arenas ()
456 (let ((head (sb-kernel:%make-lisp-obj (extern-alien "arena_chain" unsigned))))
457 (cond ((eql head 0) nil)
459 (assert (typep (arena-link head) '(or null arena)))
460 (collect ((output))
461 (do ((a head (arena-link a)))
462 ((null a)
463 ;; (format t "CHAIN: ~X~%" (output))
464 (output))
465 (output (get-lisp-obj-address a))))))))
467 (define-condition foo (simple-warning)
468 ((a :initarg :a)
469 (b :initarg :b)))
470 (defvar *condition* (make-condition 'foo
471 :format-control "hi there"
472 :a '(x y) :b #P"foofile"
473 :format-arguments '("Yes" "no")))
474 (test-util:with-test (:name :arena-condition-slot-access)
475 (assert (null (sb-kernel::condition-assigned-slots *condition*)))
476 (let ((val (with-arena (*arena*)
477 (slot-value *condition* 'b))))
478 (assert (pathnamep val))
479 (assert (not (points-to-arena *condition*)))))
481 (test-util:with-test (:name :gc-epoch-not-in-arena)
482 (with-arena (*arena*) (gc))
483 (assert (heap-allocated-p sb-kernel::*gc-epoch*)))
485 (defvar *thing-created-by-hook* nil)
486 (push (lambda () (push (cons 1 2) *thing-created-by-hook*))
487 *after-gc-hooks*)
488 (test-util:with-test (:name :post-gc-hooks-unuse-arena)
489 (with-arena (*arena*) (gc))
490 (setq *after-gc-hooks* nil)
491 (assert (heap-allocated-p *thing-created-by-hook*))
492 (assert (heap-allocated-p (car *thing-created-by-hook*))))
494 ;;; CAUTION: tests of C-FIND-HEAP->ARENA that execute after destroy-arena and a following
495 ;;; NEW-ARENA might spuriously fail depending on how eagerly malloc() reuses addresses.
496 ;;; The failure goes something like this:
498 ;;; stack -> some-cons C1 ; conservative reference
499 ;;; heap: C1 = (#<instance-in-arena> . mumble)
501 ;;; now rewind the arena. "instance-in-arena" is not a valid object.
502 ;;; But: allocate more stuff in the arena, and suppose the address where instance-in-arena
503 ;;; formerly was now holds a different primitive object, like a cons cell.
504 ;;; The C-FIND-HEAP->ARENA function won't die, but you *will* die when trying to examine
505 ;;; what it found. The heap cons is conservatively live, its contents are assumed good,
506 ;;; yet its CAR has instance-pointer-lowtag pointing to something that does not have
507 ;;; INSTANCE-WIDETAG. The Lisp printer suffers a horrible fate and causes recursive errors.
508 ;;; Had malloc() not reused an address, this would not happen, because the destroyed arena
509 ;;; can not be seen, and the cons pointing to nothing will not be returned by the finder.
510 (test-util:with-test (:name destroy-arena)
511 (macrolet ((exit-if-no-arenas ()
512 '(progn (incf n-deleted)
513 (when (zerop (extern-alien "arena_chain" unsigned)) (return)))))
514 (let ((n-arenas (length (all-arenas)))
515 (n-deleted 0))
516 (loop ; until all deleted
517 ;; 1.delete the first item
518 (let* ((chain (all-arenas))
519 (item (car chain))
520 (arena (%make-lisp-obj item)))
521 (assert (typep arena 'arena))
522 (destroy-arena arena)
523 (assert (equal (all-arenas) (cdr chain))))
524 (exit-if-no-arenas)
525 ;; 2. delete something from the middle
526 (let* ((chain (all-arenas))
527 (item (nth (floor (length chain) 2) chain))
528 (arena (%make-lisp-obj item)))
529 (assert (typep arena 'arena))
530 (destroy-arena arena)
531 (assert (equal (all-arenas) (delete item chain))))
532 (exit-if-no-arenas)
533 ;; 3. delete the last item
534 (let* ((chain (all-arenas))
535 (item (car (last chain)))
536 (arena (%make-lisp-obj item)))
537 (assert (typep arena 'arena))
538 (destroy-arena arena)
539 (assert (equal (all-arenas) (butlast chain))))
540 (exit-if-no-arenas))
541 (assert (= n-deleted n-arenas)))))
543 (defvar *another-arena* (new-arena 131072))
544 (defun g (n) (make-array (the integer n) :initial-element #\z))
545 (defun f (a n) (with-arena (a) (g n)))
547 (defvar *vect* (f *another-arena* 10))
548 (setf (aref *vect* 3) "foo")
550 ;;; "Hiding" an arena asserts that no references will be made to it until
551 ;;; unhidden and potentially rewound. So any use of it is like a use-after-free bug,
552 ;;; except that the memory is still there so we can figure out what went wrong
553 ;;; with user code. This might pass on #+-linux but has not been tested.
554 (setf (extern-alien "lose_on_corruption_p" int) 0)
555 (test-util:with-test (:name :arena-use-after-free :skipped-on (:not :linux))
556 ;; scary messages scare me
557 (format t "::: NOTE: Expect a \"CORRUPTION WARNING\" from this test~%")
558 (hide-arena *another-arena*)
559 (let (caught)
560 (block foo
561 (handler-bind
562 ((sb-sys:memory-fault-error
563 (lambda (c)
564 (format t "~&Uh oh spaghetti-o: tried to read @ ~x~%"
565 (sb-sys:system-condition-address c))
566 (setq caught t)
567 (return-from foo))))
568 (aref *vect* 3)))
569 (assert caught))
570 ;; Assert that it becomes usable again
571 (unhide-arena *another-arena*)
572 (rewind-arena *another-arena*)
573 (dotimes (i 10) (f *another-arena* 1000)))
574 (setf (extern-alien "lose_on_corruption_p" int) 1)
576 ;; #+sb-devel preserves some symbols that the test doesn't care about
577 ;; as the associated function will never be called.
578 (defvar *ignore* '("!EARLY-LOAD-METHOD"))
580 (test-util:with-test (:name :disassemble-pcl-stuff)
581 (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream)))
582 (with-package-iterator (iter "SB-PCL" :internal :external)
583 (loop
584 (multiple-value-bind (got symbol) (iter)
585 (unless got (return))
586 (when (and (fboundp symbol)
587 (not (member (string symbol) *ignore* :test 'string=))
588 (not (closurep (symbol-function symbol)))
589 (not (sb-pcl::generic-function-p
590 (symbol-function symbol))))
591 (disassemble (sb-kernel:fun-code-header
592 (or (macro-function symbol)
593 (symbol-function symbol)))
594 :stream stream)
595 (let ((lines (test-util:split-string
596 (get-output-stream-string stream)
597 #\newline)))
598 ;; Each alloc-tramp call should be the SYS- variant
599 (flet ((line-ok (line)
600 (cond ((search "LIST-ALLOC-TRAMP" line)
601 (search "SYS-LIST-ALLOC-TRAMP" line))
602 ((search "ALLOC-TRAMP" line)
603 (search "SYS-ALLOC-TRAMP" line))
604 ((search "LISTIFY-&REST" line)
605 (search "SYS-LISTIFY-&REST" line))
606 (t t))))
607 (unless (every #'line-ok lines)
608 (format *error-output* "Failure:~{~%~A~}~%" lines)
609 (error "Bad result for ~S" symbol))))))))))
611 (defun collect-objects-pointing-off-heap ()
612 (let (list)
613 (flet ((add-to-result (obj referent)
614 ;; If this is a code component and it points to fixups
615 ;; which are a bignum in a random place, assume that it's an ELF core
616 ;; and that the packed fixup locs are in a ".rodata" section
617 (cond ((and (typep obj 'sb-kernel:code-component)
618 (typep referent 'bignum)
619 (eq referent (%code-fixups obj)))
620 nil)
622 (push (cons (sb-ext:make-weak-pointer obj)
623 (if (sb-ext:stack-allocated-p referent t)
624 :stack
625 (sb-sys:int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address referent))))
626 list)))))
627 (macrolet ((visit (referent)
628 `(let ((r ,referent))
629 (when (and (is-lisp-pointer (get-lisp-obj-address r))
630 (not (heap-allocated-p r))
631 (add-to-result obj r))
632 (return-from done)))))
633 (map-allocated-objects
634 (lambda (obj type size)
635 (declare (ignore type size))
636 (block done
637 (do-referenced-object (obj visit)
639 :extend
640 (case (widetag-of obj)
641 (#.value-cell-widetag
642 (visit (value-cell-ref obj)))
644 (warn "Unknown widetag ~x" (widetag-of obj))))))))
645 :all)))
646 list))
648 (defun show-objects-pointing-off-heap (list)
649 (dolist (x list)
650 (let ((obj (weak-pointer-value (car x))))
651 (if (typep obj '(or sb-kernel:code-component
652 symbol))
653 (format t "~s -> ~s~%" obj (cdr x))
654 (format t "~s -> ~s~%" (type-of obj) (cdr x))))))