Fix a docstring typo.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / deadline.lisp
1 ;;;; global deadlines for blocking functions: a threadsafe alternative
2 ;;;; to asynch timeouts
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
15 ;;; Current deadline as internal time units or NIL.
16 (declaim (type (or unsigned-byte null) *deadline*))
17 (!defvar *deadline* nil)
19 ;;; The relative number of seconds the current deadline corresponds
20 ;;; to. Used for continuing from TIMEOUT conditions.
21 (!defvar *deadline-seconds* nil)
23 (declaim (inline seconds-to-internal-time))
24 (defun seconds-to-internal-time (seconds)
25 (truncate (* seconds sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)))
27 (defmacro with-deadline ((&key seconds override)
28 &body body)
29 #!+sb-doc
30 "Arranges for a TIMEOUT condition to be signalled if an operation
31 respecting deadlines occurs either after the deadline has passed, or
32 would take longer than the time left to complete.
34 Currently only blocking IO operations, GET-MUTEX, and CONDITION-WAIT
35 respect deadlines, but this includes their implicit uses inside SBCL
36 itself.
38 Unless OVERRIDE is true, existing deadlines can only be restricted,
39 not extended. Deadlines are per thread: children are unaffected by
40 their parent's deadlines.
42 Experimental."
43 (with-unique-names (tmp deadline-seconds deadline)
44 ;; We're operating on a millisecond precision, so a single-float
45 ;; is enough, and is an immediate on 64bit platforms.
46 `(let* ((,tmp ,seconds)
47 (,deadline-seconds
48 (when ,tmp
49 (coerce ,tmp 'single-float)))
50 (,deadline
51 (when ,deadline-seconds
52 (+ (seconds-to-internal-time ,deadline-seconds)
53 (get-internal-real-time)))))
54 (multiple-value-bind (*deadline* *deadline-seconds*)
55 (if ,override
56 (values ,deadline ,deadline-seconds)
57 (let ((old *deadline*))
58 (if (and old (or (not ,deadline) (< old ,deadline)))
59 (values old *deadline-seconds*)
60 (values ,deadline ,deadline-seconds))))
61 ,@body))))
63 (declaim (inline decode-internal-time))
64 (defun decode-internal-time (time)
65 #!+sb-doc
66 "Returns internal time value TIME decoded into seconds and microseconds."
67 (declare (type sb!kernel:internal-time time))
68 (multiple-value-bind (sec frac)
69 (truncate time sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)
70 (values sec (* frac sb!unix::micro-seconds-per-internal-time-unit))))
72 (defun signal-timeout (datum &rest arguments)
73 #!+sb-doc
74 "Signals a timeout condition while inhibiting further timeouts due to
75 deadlines while the condition is being handled."
76 ;; FIXME: Maybe we should make ERROR do WITH-INTERRUPTS instead of
77 ;; putting it all over the place (now that we have ALLOW-WITH-INTERRUPTS.)
78 (with-interrupts
79 ;; Don't signal a deadline while handling a non-deadline timeout.
80 (let ((*deadline* nil))
81 (apply #'error datum arguments))))
83 (defun signal-deadline ()
84 #!+sb-doc
85 "Signal a DEADLINE-TIMEOUT condition, and associate a DEFER-DEADLINE
86 restart with it. Implementors of blocking functions are responsible
87 for calling this when a deadline is reached."
88 ;; Make sure we don't signal the same deadline twice. LET is not good
89 ;; enough: we might catch the same deadline again while unwinding.
90 (when *deadline*
91 (setf *deadline* nil))
92 (with-interrupts
93 (restart-case
94 (error 'deadline-timeout :seconds *deadline-seconds*)
95 (defer-deadline (&optional (seconds *deadline-seconds*))
96 :report "Defer the deadline for SECONDS more."
97 :interactive (lambda ()
98 (sb!int:read-evaluated-form
99 "By how many seconds shall the deadline ~
100 be deferred?: "))
101 (let* ((new-deadline-seconds (coerce seconds 'single-float))
102 (new-deadline (+ (seconds-to-internal-time new-deadline-seconds)
103 (get-internal-real-time))))
104 (setf *deadline* new-deadline
105 *deadline-seconds* new-deadline-seconds)))
106 (cancel-deadline ()
107 :report "Cancel the deadline and continue."
108 (setf *deadline* nil *deadline-seconds* nil))))
109 nil)
111 (defun defer-deadline (seconds &optional condition)
112 #!+sb-doc
113 "Find the DEFER-DEADLINE restart associated with CONDITION, and
114 invoke it with SECONDS as argument (deferring the deadline by that many
115 seconds.) Otherwise return NIL if the restart is not found."
116 (try-restart 'defer-deadline condition seconds))
118 (defun cancel-deadline (&optional condition)
119 #!+sb-doc
120 "Find and invoke the CANCEL-DEADLINE restart associated with
121 CONDITION, or return NIL if the restart is not found."
122 (try-restart 'cancel-deadline condition))
124 (declaim (inline relative-decoded-times))
125 (defun relative-decoded-times (abs-sec abs-usec)
126 #!+sb-doc
127 "Returns relative decoded time as two values: difference between
128 ABS-SEC and ABS-USEC and current real time.
130 If ABS-SEC and ABS-USEC are in the past, 0 0 is returned."
131 (declare (type sb!kernel:internal-seconds abs-sec)
132 (type (mod 1000000) abs-usec))
133 (binding* (((now-sec now-usec)
134 (decode-internal-time (get-internal-real-time)))
135 (rel-sec (- abs-sec now-sec))
136 (rel-usec (- abs-usec now-usec)))
137 (when (minusp rel-usec)
138 (decf rel-sec)
139 (incf rel-usec 1000000))
140 (if (minusp rel-sec)
141 (values 0 0)
142 (values rel-sec rel-usec))))
146 ;;; Takes *DEADLINE* into account: if it occurs before given SECONDS,
147 ;;; the values are based on it, and DEADLINEP is true -- and the
148 ;;; receipent of the values should call SIGNAL-TIMEOUT if the decoded
149 ;;; timeout is reached.
151 ;;; If SECONDS is NIL and there is no *DEADLINE* all returned values
152 ;;; are NIL.
153 (declaim (ftype (function ((or null (real 0)))
154 (values (or null sb!kernel:internal-seconds)
155 (or null (mod 1000000))
156 (or null sb!kernel:internal-seconds)
157 (or null (mod 1000000))
159 decode-timeout))
160 (defun decode-timeout (seconds)
161 #!+sb-doc
162 "Decodes a relative timeout in SECONDS into five values, taking any
163 global deadlines into account: TO-SEC, TO-USEC, STOP-SEC, STOP-USEC,
166 TO-SEC and TO-USEC indicate the relative timeout in seconds and microseconds.
167 STOP-SEC and STOP-USEC indicate the absolute timeout in seconds and
168 microseconds. DEADLINEP is true if the returned values reflect a global
169 deadline instead of the local timeout indicated by SECONDS.
171 If SECONDS is null and there is no global timeout all returned values will be
172 null. If a global deadline has already passed when DECODE-TIMEOUT is called,
173 it will signal a timeout condition."
174 (tagbody
175 :restart
176 (let* ((timeout (when seconds (seconds-to-internal-time seconds)))
177 (now (get-internal-real-time))
178 (deadline *deadline*)
179 (deadline-timeout
180 (when deadline
181 (let ((time-left (- deadline now)))
182 (if (plusp time-left)
183 time-left
184 (progn
185 (signal-deadline)
186 (go :restart)))))))
187 (return-from decode-timeout
188 (multiple-value-bind (final-timeout final-deadline signalp)
189 ;; Use either *DEADLINE* or TIMEOUT to produce both a timeout
190 ;; and deadline in internal-time units
191 (cond ((and deadline timeout)
192 (if (< timeout deadline-timeout)
193 (values timeout (+ timeout now) nil)
194 (values deadline-timeout deadline t)))
195 (deadline
196 (values deadline-timeout deadline t))
197 (timeout
198 (values timeout (+ timeout now) nil))
200 (values nil nil nil)))
201 (if final-timeout
202 (binding* (((to-sec to-usec)
203 (decode-internal-time final-timeout))
204 ((stop-sec stop-usec)
205 (decode-internal-time final-deadline)))
206 (values to-sec to-usec stop-sec stop-usec signalp))
207 (values nil nil nil nil nil)))))))