x86-64: better (eql ratio x).
[sbcl.git] / tests / type.before-xc.lisp
1 ;;;; tests of the type system, intended to be executed as soon as
2 ;;;; the cross-compiler is built
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
8 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
9 ;;;; from CMU CL.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
12 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
13 ;;;; more information.
15 (unless (find-package "BEFORE-XC-TESTS")
16 (make-package "BEFORE-XC-TESTS" :use '("SB-XC" "SB-KERNEL" "SB-INT")))
17 (do-external-symbols (s "SB-XC") ; Import all symbols from SB-XC, then use CL
18 (shadowing-import s "BEFORE-XC-TESTS"))
19 (import '(sb-kernel::type-union2) "BEFORE-XC-TESTS")
20 (cl:use-package '("COMMON-LISP") "BEFORE-XC-TESTS")
22 (in-package "BEFORE-XC-TESTS")
24 ;;; Assert that some of the type specifiers which we claim have unique internal
25 ;;; representations do, and that parsing does not rely critically on
26 ;;; memoization performed in SPECIFIER-TYPE, which is only a best effort
27 ;;; to produce the EQ model object given an EQUAL specifier.
28 (dolist (type sb-kernel::*special-union-types*)
29 (dolist (constituent-type (union-type-types (specifier-type type)))
30 (let ((specifier (type-specifier constituent-type)))
31 (drop-all-hash-caches)
32 (let ((parse (specifier-type specifier)))
33 (drop-all-hash-caches)
34 (let ((reparse (specifier-type specifier)))
35 (aver (eq parse reparse)))))))
37 (assert (type= (specifier-type '(and fixnum (satisfies foo)))
38 (specifier-type '(and (satisfies foo) fixnum))))
39 (assert (type= (specifier-type '(member 1 2 3))
40 (specifier-type '(member 2 3 1))))
41 (assert (type= (specifier-type '(and (member $1.0 2 3) single-float))
42 (specifier-type '(member $1.0))))
44 (assert (typep "hello" '(and array (not (array t)))))
45 (assert (typep "hello" 'string))
46 (assert (typep "hello" 'simple-string))
47 (assert (typep "hello" 'unboxed-array))
48 (assert (typep "hello" 'simple-unboxed-array))
50 (assert (typep #*101 '(and array (not (array t)))))
51 (assert (typep #*101 'bit-vector))
52 (assert (typep #*101 'simple-bit-vector))
53 (assert (typep #*101 'unboxed-array))
54 (assert (typep #*101 'simple-unboxed-array))
56 ;;; When the host does not have (UNSIGNED-BYTE n), this makes an excellent test.
57 ;;; When the host *does* have it, this test is "suspicious" (in the sense that
58 ;;; it would not necessarily detect a bug in our portable array logic),
59 ;;; but is nonetheless valid, and especially since most other lisps don't
60 ;;; have (UNSIGNED-BYTE 2), it's a pretty reasonable thing to check.
61 (dovector (x sb-vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*)
62 (let ((et (sb-vm:saetp-specifier x)))
63 ;; Test the numeric array specializations.
64 (unless (member et '(nil t base-char character))
65 (let ((a (make-array 11 :element-type et)))
66 (assert (type= (ctype-of a) (specifier-type `(simple-array ,et (11)))))
67 (assert (typep a '(and array (not (array t)))))
68 (assert (typep a `(simple-array ,et (11))))
69 (assert (typep a `(array ,et (11))))
70 (dolist (type-atom '(unboxed-array simple-unboxed-array))
71 (assert (typep a type-atom))
72 (assert (typep a `(,type-atom *)))
73 (assert (typep a `(,type-atom (*))))
74 (assert (typep a `(,type-atom (11)))))))))
76 ;;; Here it doesn't matter what we specify as element-type to MAKE-ARRAY
77 ;;; because it introspects as if it were SIMPLE-VECTOR due to
78 ;;; non-use of make-specialized-array.
79 ;;; (Note use of CL:MAKE-ARRAY. This file of tests causes symbol lookup
80 ;;; to default to using the SB-XC symbol otherwise)
81 (assert (type= (ctype-of (cl:make-array 11 :element-type '(signed-byte 8)))
82 (specifier-type '(simple-vector 11))))
84 (assert (typep #(1 2 3) 'simple-vector))
85 (assert (typep #(1 2 3) 'vector))
86 (assert (not (typep '(1 2 3) 'vector)))
87 (assert (not (typep 1 'vector)))
89 (assert (typep '(1 2 3) 'list))
90 (assert (typep '(1 2 3) 'cons))
91 (assert (not (typep '(1 2 3) 'null)))
92 (assert (not (typep "1 2 3" 'list)))
93 (assert (not (typep 1 'list)))
95 (assert (typep nil 'null))
96 (assert (typep nil '(member nil)))
97 (assert (typep nil '(member 1 2 nil 3)))
98 (assert (not (typep nil '(member 1 2 3))))
100 (assert (type= *empty-type*
101 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'list)
102 (specifier-type 'vector))))
103 (assert (type= *empty-type*
104 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'list)
105 (specifier-type 'vector))))
106 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'null)
107 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'list)
108 (specifier-type '(or vector null)))))
109 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'null)
110 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'sequence)
111 (specifier-type 'symbol))))
112 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'cons)
113 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'sequence)
114 (specifier-type '(or cons number)))))
115 (assert (type= (specifier-type '(simple-array character (*)))
116 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'sequence)
117 (specifier-type '(simple-array character)))))
118 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'list)
119 (type-intersection (specifier-type 'sequence)
120 (specifier-type 'list))))
121 (assert (type= *empty-type*
122 (type-intersection (specifier-type '(satisfies keywordp))
123 *empty-type*)))
125 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'list)
126 (type-union (specifier-type 'cons) (specifier-type 'null))))
127 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'list)
128 (type-union (specifier-type 'null) (specifier-type 'cons))))
129 #+nil ; not any more
130 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'sequence)
131 (type-union (specifier-type 'list) (specifier-type 'vector))))
132 #+nil ; not any more
133 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'sequence)
134 (type-union (specifier-type 'vector) (specifier-type 'list))))
135 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'list)
136 (type-union (specifier-type 'cons) (specifier-type 'list))))
137 (let ((sb-kernel::*xtypep-uncertainty-action* nil))
138 (assert (not (csubtypep (type-union (specifier-type 'list)
139 (specifier-type '(satisfies foo)))
140 (specifier-type 'list))))
141 (assert (csubtypep (specifier-type 'list)
142 (type-union (specifier-type 'list)
143 (specifier-type '(satisfies foo))))))
145 ;;; Identities should be identities.
146 (dolist (type-specifier '(nil
148 null
149 (satisfies keywordp)
150 (satisfies foo)
151 (not fixnum)
152 (not null)
153 (and symbol (satisfies foo))
154 (and (satisfies foo) string)
155 (or symbol sequence)
156 (or single-float character)
157 (or float (satisfies bar))
158 integer (integer 0 1)
159 character standard-char
160 (member 1 2 3)))
161 (let ((ctype (specifier-type type-specifier)))
163 (assert (type= *empty-type* (type-intersection ctype *empty-type*)))
164 (assert (type= *empty-type* (type-intersection *empty-type* ctype)))
165 (assert (type= *empty-type* (type-intersection2 ctype *empty-type*)))
166 (assert (type= *empty-type* (type-intersection2 *empty-type* ctype)))
168 (assert (type= ctype (type-intersection ctype *universal-type*)))
169 (assert (type= ctype (type-intersection *universal-type* ctype)))
170 (assert (type= ctype (type-intersection2 ctype *universal-type*)))
171 (assert (type= ctype (type-intersection2 *universal-type* ctype)))
173 (assert (type= *universal-type* (type-union ctype *universal-type*)))
174 (assert (type= *universal-type* (type-union *universal-type* ctype)))
175 (assert (type= *universal-type* (type-union2 ctype *universal-type*)))
176 (assert (type= *universal-type* (type-union2 *universal-type* ctype)))
178 (assert (type= ctype (type-union ctype *empty-type*)))
179 (assert (type= ctype (type-union *empty-type* ctype)))
180 (assert (type= ctype (type-union2 ctype *empty-type*)))
181 (assert (type= ctype (type-union2 *empty-type* ctype)))
183 (assert (csubtypep *empty-type* ctype))
184 (assert (csubtypep ctype *universal-type*))))
186 (assert (subtypep 'simple-vector 'vector))
187 (assert (subtypep 'simple-vector 'simple-array))
188 (assert (subtypep 'vector 'array))
189 (assert (not (subtypep 'vector 'simple-vector)))
190 (assert (not (subtypep 'vector 'simple-array)))
192 (macrolet ((assert-secondnil (expr) `(assert (null (nth-value 1 ,expr)))))
193 (assert-secondnil (subtypep t '(satisfies foo)))
194 (assert-secondnil (subtypep t '(and (satisfies foo) (satisfies bar))))
195 (assert-secondnil (subtypep t '(or (satisfies foo) (satisfies bar))))
196 (assert-secondnil (subtypep '(satisfies foo) nil))
197 (assert-secondnil (subtypep '(and (satisfies foo) (satisfies bar))
198 nil))
199 (assert-secondnil (subtypep '(or (satisfies foo) (satisfies bar))
200 nil)))
202 ;;; tests of 2-value quantifieroids FOO/TYPE
203 (macrolet ((2= (v1 v2 expr2)
204 (let ((x1 (gensym))
205 (x2 (gensym)))
206 `(multiple-value-bind (,x1 ,x2) ,expr2
207 (unless (and (eql ,x1 ,v1) (eql ,x2 ,v2))
208 (error "mismatch for EXPR2=~S" ',expr2))))))
209 (flet (;; SUBTYPEP running in the cross-compiler
210 (xsubtypep (x y)
211 (csubtypep (specifier-type x)
212 (specifier-type y))))
213 (2= t t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real integer)))
214 (2= t t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real cons)))
215 (2= nil t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(cons vector)))
216 (2= nil nil (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(cons some-unknown-type-foo)))
217 (2= nil nil (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(some-unknown-type-foo cons)))
218 (2= t t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(some-unknown-type-foo real)))
219 (2= t t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real some-unknown-type-foo)))
220 (2= nil t (any/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '()))
221 (2= t t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '()))
222 (2= nil nil (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real some-unknown-type-foo)))
223 (2= nil nil (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(some-unknown-type-foo real)))
224 (2= nil t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(some-unknown-type-foo cons)))
225 (2= nil t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(cons some-unknown-type-foo)))
226 (2= t t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real integer)))
227 (2= nil t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(real cons)))
228 (2= nil t (every/type #'xsubtypep 'fixnum '(cons vector)))))
230 ;;; various dead bugs
231 (assert (union-type-p (type-intersection (specifier-type 'list)
232 (specifier-type '(or list vector)))))
233 (assert (type= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'list)
234 (specifier-type '(or list vector)))
235 (specifier-type 'list)))
236 (assert (array-type-p (type-intersection (specifier-type 'vector)
237 (specifier-type '(or list vector)))))
238 (assert (type= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'vector)
239 (specifier-type '(or list vector)))
240 (specifier-type 'vector)))
241 (assert (type= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'number)
242 (specifier-type 'integer))
243 (specifier-type 'integer)))
244 (let ((sb-kernel::*xtypep-uncertainty-action* nil))
245 (assert (null (type-intersection2 (specifier-type 'symbol)
246 (specifier-type '(satisfies foo)))))
247 (assert (intersection-type-p (specifier-type '(and symbol (satisfies foo))))))
248 (assert (ctypep :x86 (specifier-type '(satisfies keywordp))))
249 (assert (not (ctypep 'cons (specifier-type '(satisfies keywordp)))))
250 (assert (type= (specifier-type '(member :x86))
251 (specifier-type '(and (member :x86) (satisfies keywordp)))))
252 #+nil
253 (let* ((type1 (specifier-type '(member :x86)))
254 (type2 (specifier-type '(or keyword null)))
255 (isect (type-intersection type1 type2)))
256 (assert (type= isect type1))
257 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type2 type1)))
258 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type2 type1 type2)))
259 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type1 type1 type2 type1)))
260 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type1 type2 type1 type2))))
261 (let* ((type1 (specifier-type 'keyword))
262 (type2 (specifier-type '(or keyword null)))
263 (isect (type-intersection type1 type2)))
264 (assert (type= isect type1))
265 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type2 type1)))
266 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type2 type1 type2)))
267 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type1 type1 type2 type1)))
268 (assert (type= isect (type-intersection type1 type2 type1 type2))))
269 (assert (csubtypep (specifier-type '(or (single-float $-1.0 $1.0)
270 (single-float $0.1)))
271 (specifier-type '(or (real -1 7)
272 (single-float $0.1)
273 (single-float $-1.0 $1.0)))))
274 (assert (not (csubtypep (specifier-type '(or (real -1 7)
275 (single-float $0.1)
276 (single-float $-1.0 $1.0)))
277 (specifier-type '(or (single-float $-1.0 $1.0)
278 (single-float $0.1))))))
280 (assert (typep #\, 'character))
281 (assert (typep #\@ 'character))
283 (assert (type= (type-intersection (specifier-type '(member #\a #\c #\e))
284 (specifier-type '(member #\b #\c #\f)))
285 (specifier-type '(member #\c))))
287 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
288 (subtypep 'package 'instance)
289 (assert yes)
290 (assert win))
291 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
292 (subtypep 'symbol 'instance)
293 (assert (not yes))
294 (assert win))
295 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
296 (subtypep 'package 'funcallable-instance)
297 (assert (not yes))
298 (assert win))
299 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
300 (subtypep 'symbol 'funcallable-instance)
301 (assert (not yes))
302 (assert win))
303 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
304 (subtypep 'funcallable-instance 'function)
305 (assert yes)
306 (assert win))
307 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
308 (subtypep 'array 'instance)
309 (assert (not yes))
310 (assert win))
311 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
312 (subtypep 'character 'instance)
313 (assert (not yes))
314 (assert win))
315 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
316 (subtypep 'number 'instance)
317 (assert (not yes))
318 (assert win))
319 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
320 (subtypep 'package '(and (or symbol package) instance))
321 (assert yes)
322 (assert win))
323 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
324 (subtypep '(and (or double-float integer) instance) 'nil)
325 (assert yes)
326 (assert win))
327 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
328 (subtypep '(and (or double-float integer) funcallable-instance) 'nil)
329 (assert yes)
330 (assert win))
331 (multiple-value-bind (yes win) (subtypep 'instance 'type-specifier)
332 (assert (not yes))
333 (assert (not win)))
334 (multiple-value-bind (yes win) (subtypep 'type-specifier 'instance)
335 (assert (not yes))
336 (assert win))
337 (multiple-value-bind (yes win) (subtypep 'class 'type-specifier)
338 (assert yes)
339 (assert win))
340 (multiple-value-bind (yes win) (subtypep 'classoid 'type-specifier)
341 (assert yes)
342 (assert win))
343 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
344 (subtypep '(and (function (t)) funcallable-instance) 'nil)
345 (assert (not win))
346 (assert (not yes)))
347 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
348 (subtypep '(and fixnum function) 'nil)
349 (assert yes)
350 (assert win))
351 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
352 (subtypep '(and fixnum hash-table) 'nil)
353 (assert yes)
354 (assert win))
355 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
356 (subtypep '(function) '(function (t &rest t)))
357 (assert (not yes))
358 (assert win))
359 ;; Used to run out of stack.
360 (let ((sb-kernel::*xtypep-uncertainty-action* nil))
361 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
362 (handler-bind ((sb-kernel::cross-type-giving-up #'muffle-warning))
363 (subtypep 'null '(or unk0 unk1)))
364 (assert (not yes))
365 (assert (not win))))
367 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
368 (subtypep '(and function instance) nil)
369 (assert yes)
370 (assert win))
371 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
372 (subtypep nil '(and function instance))
373 (assert yes)
374 (assert win))
375 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
376 (subtypep '(and function funcallable-instance) 'funcallable-instance)
377 (assert yes)
378 (assert win))
379 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
380 (subtypep 'funcallable-instance '(and function funcallable-instance))
381 (assert yes)
382 (assert win))
383 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
384 (subtypep 'stream 'instance)
385 (assert (not win))
386 (assert (not yes)))
387 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
388 (subtypep 'stream 'funcallable-instance)
389 (assert (not yes))
390 (assert win))
391 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
392 (subtypep '(and stream instance) 'instance)
393 (assert yes)
394 (assert win))
395 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
396 (subtypep '(and stream funcallable-instance) 'funcallable-instance)
397 (assert yes)
398 (assert win))
399 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
400 (subtypep '(and stream instance) 'stream)
401 (assert yes)
402 (assert win))
403 (multiple-value-bind (yes win)
404 (subtypep '(and stream funcallable-instance) 'stream)
405 (assert yes)
406 (assert win))
408 (assert (type= (specifier-type 'nil)
409 (specifier-type '(and symbol funcallable-instance))))
411 (assert (not (type= (specifier-type '(function (t) (values &optional)))
412 (specifier-type '(function (t) (values))))))
414 ;; Assert that these types are interned by parsing each twice,
415 ;; dropping the specifier-type cache in between.
416 (dolist (spec '(index cons null boolean character base-char extended-char))
417 (let ((a (specifier-type spec)))
418 (drop-all-hash-caches)
419 (let ((b (specifier-type spec)))
420 (assert (eq a b)))))
421 (drop-all-hash-caches)
422 ;; BOOLEAN's deftype lists the members as (T NIL),
423 ;; but it should also be EQ to (MEMBER NIL T)
424 (assert (eq (specifier-type '(member nil t)) (specifier-type 'boolean)))
426 #+x86-64
427 (progn
428 (assert (= (sb-vm::immediate-constant-sc (complex $0.0f0 $0.0f0))
429 sb-vm::fp-complex-single-zero-sc-number))
430 (assert (= (sb-vm::immediate-constant-sc (complex $0.0d0 $0.0d0))
431 sb-vm::fp-complex-double-zero-sc-number)))
433 ;;; Unparse a union of (up to) 3 things depending on :sb-unicode as 2 things.
434 (assert (sb-kernel::brute-force-type-specifier-equalp
435 (type-specifier (specifier-type '(or string null)))
436 '(or #+sb-unicode string #-sb-unicode base-string null)))
438 (multiple-value-bind (result exactp)
439 (sb-vm::primitive-type (specifier-type 'list))
440 (assert (and (eq result (sb-vm::primitive-type-or-lose 'list))
441 exactp)))
442 (multiple-value-bind (result exactp)
443 (sb-vm::primitive-type (specifier-type 'cons))
444 (assert (and (eq result (sb-vm::primitive-type-or-lose 'list))
445 (not exactp))))
447 (let ((bs (specifier-type 'base-string))
448 (not-sbs (specifier-type '(not simple-base-string)))
449 (not-ss (specifier-type '(not simple-string))))
450 (let ((intersect (type-intersection bs not-sbs)))
451 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
452 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and base-string (not simple-array))))))
453 ;; should be commutative
454 (let ((intersect (type-intersection not-sbs bs)))
455 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
456 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and base-string (not simple-array))))))
457 ;; test when the righthand side is a larger negation type
458 (let ((intersect (type-intersection bs not-ss)))
459 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
460 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and base-string (not simple-array))))))
461 (let ((intersect (type-intersection not-sbs bs)))
462 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
463 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and base-string (not simple-array)))))))
465 #+sb-unicode
466 (let ((cs (specifier-type 'sb-kernel::character-string))
467 (not-scs (specifier-type '(not sb-kernel:simple-character-string)))
468 (not-ss (specifier-type '(not simple-string))))
469 (let ((intersect (type-intersection cs not-scs)))
470 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
471 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and sb-kernel::character-string (not simple-array))))))
472 (let ((intersect (type-intersection not-scs cs)))
473 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
474 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and sb-kernel::character-string (not simple-array))))))
475 ;; test when the righthand side is a larger negation type
476 (let ((intersect (type-intersection cs not-ss)))
477 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
478 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and sb-kernel::character-string (not simple-array))))))
479 (let ((intersect (type-intersection not-ss cs)))
480 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
481 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and sb-kernel::character-string (not simple-array)))))))
483 #+sb-unicode
484 (let ((s (specifier-type 'string))
485 (not-ss (specifier-type '(not simple-string))))
486 (let ((intersect (type-intersection s not-ss)))
487 (assert (union-type-p intersect))
488 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and string (not simple-array))))))
489 (let ((intersect (type-intersection not-ss s)))
490 (assert (union-type-p intersect))
491 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type '(and string (not simple-array)))))))
493 (let ((left (specifier-type '(array bit (2 2))))
494 (right (specifier-type '(not (simple-array bit)))))
495 (let ((intersect (type-intersection left right)))
496 (assert (array-type-p intersect))
497 (assert (type= intersect (specifier-type
498 '(and (array bit (2 2))
499 (not simple-array)))))))
501 ;;; The instance-typep transform shouldn't need two different lowtag tests
502 ;;; on instance types other than [funcallable-]standard-object.
503 ;;; And for some reason we suppose that STREAM may be either funcallable or not.
504 (dolist (type '(pathname logical-pathname condition))
505 (multiple-value-bind (answer certain)
506 (csubtypep (find-classoid type) (specifier-type 'funcallable-instance))
507 (assert (and (not answer) certain)))
508 (aver (csubtypep (find-classoid type) (specifier-type 'instance))))
510 (assert (sb-int:list-elts-eq '(a b 1) '(a b 1)))
511 (assert (not (sb-int:list-elts-eq '(foo) '(foo bar))))
512 (assert (not (sb-int:list-elts-eq '(foo bar) '(foo))))
514 (assert (sb-int:list-elements-eql '(a b 1) '(a b 1)))
515 (assert (sb-int:list-elements-eql '($1.0d0 x y) '($1.0d0 x y)))
516 (assert (not (sb-int:list-elements-eql '(foo) '(foo bar))))
517 (assert (not (sb-int:list-elements-eql '(foo bar) '(foo))))
519 ;;; I frankly have no idea whether we really care about the enumerable bit any more,
520 ;;; because while what it's supposed to mean is "could _this_ type which is not a MEMBER
521 ;;; type be internally represented as a MEMBER type?" Wwhat makes it questionable
522 ;;; is that we seldom or never represent numerics as MEMBER. I do not know if this is a
523 ;;; relic of days long past.
524 (assert (sb-kernel::type-enumerable
525 (sb-kernel:specifier-type '(and integer (integer 1 5)))))
526 (assert (sb-kernel::type-enumerable
527 (sb-kernel:specifier-type '(single-float $1.0 $1.0))))