x86-64: better (eql ratio x).
[sbcl.git] / tests / character.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; various CHARACTER tests without side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;; ANSI's specification of #'CHAR-NAME imposes these constraints.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; (Obviously, the numeric values in this test implicitly assume
17 ;;; we're using an ASCII-based character set.)
18 (dolist (i '(("Newline" 10)
19 ;; (ANSI also imposes a constraint on the "semi-standard
20 ;; character" "Linefeed", but in ASCII as interpreted by
21 ;; Unix it's shadowed by "Newline" and so doesn't exist
22 ;; as a separate character.)
23 ("Space" 32)
24 ("Tab" 9)
25 ("Page" 12)
26 ("Rubout" 127)
27 ("Return" 13)
28 ("Backspace" 8)))
29 (destructuring-bind (name code) i
30 (let ((named-char (name-char name))
31 (coded-char (code-char code)))
32 (assert (eql named-char coded-char))
33 (assert (characterp named-char))
34 (let ((coded-char-name (char-name coded-char)))
35 (assert (string= name coded-char-name))))))
37 ;;; Trivial tests for some unicode names
38 #+sb-unicode
39 (dolist (d '(("LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A" 65)
43 (destructuring-bind (name code) d
44 (assert (eql (code-char code) (name-char (string-downcase name))))
45 (assert (equal name (char-name (code-char code))))))
47 ;;; bug 230: CHAR= didn't check types of &REST arguments
48 (with-test (:name :type-errors)
49 (dolist (form '((code-char char-code-limit)
50 (standard-char-p "a")
51 (graphic-char-p "a")
52 (alpha-char-p "a")
53 (upper-case-p "a")
54 (lower-case-p "a")
55 (both-case-p "a")
56 (digit-char-p "a")
57 (alphanumericp "a")
58 (char= #\a "a")
59 (char/= #\a "a")
60 (char< #\a #\b "c")
61 (char-equal #\a #\a "b")
62 (digit-char -1)
63 (digit-char 4 1)
64 (digit-char 4 37)
65 (char-equal 10 10)))
66 (assert-error (apply (car form) (mapcar 'eval (cdr form))) type-error)))
68 ;; All of the inequality predicates when called out-of-line
69 ;; were lazy in their type-checking, and would allow junk
70 ;; if short-circuit evaluation allowed early loop termination.
71 (with-test (:name :char-inequality-&rest-arguments)
72 (dolist (f '(char= char< char<= char> char>=
73 char-equal char-lessp char-not-greaterp
74 char-greaterp char-not-lessp))
75 ;; 1 arg
76 (assert-error (funcall f 'feep) type-error)
77 ;; 2 arg
78 (assert-error (funcall f #\a 'feep) type-error)
79 (assert-error (funcall f 'feep #\a) type-error)
80 ;; 3 arg
81 (assert-error (funcall f #\a #\a 'feep) type-error)
82 (assert-error (funcall f #\a #\b 'feep) type-error)
83 (assert-error (funcall f #\b #\a 'feep) type-error)
84 ;; 4 arg
85 (assert-error (funcall f #\a #\a #\a 'feep) type-error)
86 (assert-error (funcall f #\a #\a #\a 'feep) type-error)))
88 (dotimes (i 256)
89 (let* ((char (code-char i))
90 (graphicp (graphic-char-p char))
91 (name (char-name char)))
92 (unless graphicp
93 (assert name))))
95 (assert (null (name-char 'foo)))
97 ;;; Between and character untagging was broken on
98 ;;; x86-64 if the result of the VOP was allocated on the stack, failing
99 ;;; an aver in the compiler.
100 (with-test (:name :character-untagging)
101 (compile nil
102 '(lambda (c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
103 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf)
104 (declare (type character c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
105 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf))
106 (char< c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
107 c8 c9 ca cb cc cd ce cf))))
109 ;;; Characters could be coerced to subtypes of CHARACTER to which they
110 ;;; don't belong. Also, character designators that are not characters
111 ;;; could be coerced to proper subtypes of CHARACTER.
112 (with-test (:name :bug-841312)
113 ;; First let's make sure that the conditions hold that make the test
114 ;; valid: #\Nak is a BASE-CHAR, which at the same time ensures that
115 ;; STANDARD-CHAR is a proper subtype of BASE-CHAR, and under
116 ;; #+SB-UNICODE the character with code 955 exists and is not a
117 ;; BASE-CHAR.
118 (assert (typep #\Nak 'base-char))
119 #+sb-unicode
120 (assert (let ((c (code-char 955)))
121 (and c (not (typep c 'base-char)))))
122 ;; Test the formerly buggy coercions:
123 (macrolet ((assert-coerce-type-error (object type)
124 `(assert-error (coerce ,object ',type)
125 type-error)))
126 (assert-coerce-type-error #\Nak standard-char)
127 (assert-coerce-type-error #\a extended-char)
128 #+sb-unicode
129 (assert-coerce-type-error (code-char 955) base-char)
130 (assert-coerce-type-error 'a standard-char)
131 (assert-coerce-type-error "a" standard-char))
132 ;; The following coercions still need to be possible:
133 (macrolet ((assert-coercion (object type)
134 `(assert (typep (coerce ,object ',type) ',type))))
135 (assert-coercion #\a standard-char)
136 (assert-coercion #\Nak base-char)
137 #+sb-unicode
138 (assert-coercion (code-char 955) character)
139 (assert-coercion 'a character)
140 (assert-coercion "a" character)))
142 (with-test (:name :bug-994487)
143 (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda (char)
144 (code-char (1+ (char-code char)))))))
145 (assert (equal `(function (t) (values (sb-kernel:character-set
146 ((1 . ,(1- char-code-limit))))
147 &optional))
148 (sb-impl::%fun-ftype f)))))
150 (with-test (:name (:case-insensitive-char-comparisons :eacute))
151 (assert (char-equal (code-char 201) (code-char 233))))
153 (with-test (:name (:case-insensitive-char-comparisons :exhaustive))
154 (dotimes (i char-code-limit)
155 (let* ((char (code-char i))
156 (down (char-downcase char))
157 (up (char-upcase char)))
158 (assert (char-equal char char))
159 (when (char/= char down)
160 (assert (char-equal char down)))
161 (when (char/= char up)
162 (assert (char-equal char up))))))
164 (macrolet ((frob (predicate yes)
165 `(with-test (:name (,predicate standard-char))
166 (dotimes (i 256)
167 (let ((char (code-char i)))
168 (when (typep char 'standard-char)
169 (if (find char ,yes)
170 (assert (,predicate char))
171 (assert (not (,predicate char))))))))))
172 (frob lower-case-p "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
173 (frob upper-case-p "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
174 (frob digit-char-p "0123456789")
175 (frob both-case-p "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
176 (frob alphanumericp "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"))
178 (with-test (:name :name-char-short-string)
179 (name-char "")
180 (name-char "A"))
182 (with-test (:name :char-case-latin-1-base-strings)
183 (let ((string (map-into (make-array 10 :element-type 'character :adjustable t)
184 #'code-char
185 '(192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201))))
186 (assert (equal
187 (map 'list #'char-code (nstring-downcase string))
188 '(224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233)))
189 (assert (equal
190 (map 'list #'char-code (string-upcase string))
191 '(192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201)))))
193 (with-test (:name :char-equal-transform)
194 (let ((fun (checked-compile
195 `(lambda (x y)
196 (declare (base-char x y)
197 (optimize speed))
198 (char-equal x y)))))
199 (loop for a below sb-int:base-char-code-limit
200 for char-a = (code-char a)
202 (loop for b below sb-int:base-char-code-limit
203 for char-b = (code-char b)
204 for equal = (char= (char-downcase char-a)
205 (char-downcase char-b))
206 do (assert (eql (funcall fun char-a char-b)
207 equal))))))
208 (with-test (:name :code-char-type-unions)
209 (assert-type
210 (lambda (b)
211 (declare ((or (eql 5) (eql 10)) b))
212 (typep (code-char b) 'base-char))
213 (member t)))
215 (with-test (:name :char<-out-of-range)
216 (assert-type
217 (lambda (c)
218 (when (char> c (code-char (1- char-code-limit)))
220 null)
221 (assert-type
222 (lambda (c)
223 (when (char< c (code-char 0))
225 null))
228 (with-test (:name :equalp-to-eql)
229 (checked-compile-and-assert
231 `(lambda (a b)
232 (declare (character a))
233 (equalp a (the (or null character) b)))
234 ((#\a #\A) t)
235 ((#\a #\b) nil)))