x86-64: better (eql ratio x).
[sbcl.git] / tests / arith-2.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; arithmetic tests without side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defmacro define-compiled-fun (fun name)
15 `(progn
16 (declaim (notinline ,name))
17 (defun ,name (&rest args)
18 (declare (optimize safety))
19 (case (length args)
20 (1 (,fun (car args)))
21 (2 (,fun (car args) (cadr args)))
22 (t (apply #',fun args))))))
24 (define-compiled-fun min compiled-min)
25 (define-compiled-fun max compiled-max)
26 (define-compiled-fun + compiled-+)
27 (define-compiled-fun * compiled-*)
28 (define-compiled-fun logand compiled-logand)
29 (define-compiled-fun logior compiled-logior)
30 (define-compiled-fun logxor compiled-logxor)
32 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-min '(1 2 3)))))
33 (assert (= (compiled-min -1) -1))
34 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-min 1 #(1 2 3)))))
35 (assert (= (compiled-min 10 11) 10))
36 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-min (find-package "CL") -5.0))))
37 (assert (= (compiled-min 5.0 -3) -3))
38 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-max #c(4 3)))))
39 (assert (= (compiled-max 0) 0))
40 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-max "MIX" 3))))
41 (assert (= (compiled-max -1 10.0) 10.0))
42 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-max 3 #'max))))
43 (assert (= (compiled-max -3 0) 0))
45 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-+ "foo"))))
46 (assert (= (compiled-+ 3f0) 3f0))
47 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-+ 1 #p"tmp"))))
48 (assert (= (compiled-+ 1 2) 3))
49 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-+ '(1 2 3) 3))))
50 (assert (= (compiled-+ 3f0 4f0) 7f0))
51 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-* "foo"))))
52 (assert (= (compiled-* 3f0) 3f0))
53 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-* 1 #p"tmp"))))
54 (assert (= (compiled-* 1 2) 2))
55 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-* '(1 2 3) 3))))
56 (assert (= (compiled-* 3f0 4f0) 12f0))
58 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-logand #(1)))))
59 (assert (= (compiled-logand 1) 1))
60 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-logior 3f0))))
61 (assert (= (compiled-logior 4) 4))
62 (assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-logxor #c(2 3)))))
63 (assert (= (compiled-logxor -6) -6))
65 (with-test (:name (coerce :overflow))
66 (checked-compile-and-assert
68 '(lambda (n) (coerce n 'single-float))
69 (((expt 10 1000)) (condition 'floating-point-overflow))))
71 (defun are-we-getting-ash-right (x y)
72 (declare (optimize speed)
73 (type (unsigned-byte 32) x)
74 (type (integer -40 0) y))
75 (ash x y))
76 (defun what-about-with-constants (x)
77 (declare (optimize speed) (type (unsigned-byte 32) x))
78 (ash x -32))
80 (dotimes (i 41)
81 (assert (= (are-we-getting-ash-right (1- (ash 1 32)) (- i))
82 (if (< i 32)
83 (1- (ash 1 (- 32 i)))
84 0))))
85 (assert (= (what-about-with-constants (1- (ash 1 32))) 0))
87 (defun one-more-test-case-to-catch-sparc (x y)
88 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0))
89 (type (unsigned-byte 32) x) (type (integer -40 2) y))
90 (the (unsigned-byte 32) (ash x y)))
91 (assert (= (one-more-test-case-to-catch-sparc (1- (ash 1 32)) -40) 0))
94 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
95 (defvar *n-fixnum-bits* (- sb-vm:n-word-bits sb-vm::n-fixnum-tag-bits))
96 (defvar *shifts* (let ((list (list 0
98 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bits)
99 sb-vm:n-word-bits
100 (1+ sb-vm:n-word-bits))))
101 (append list (mapcar #'- list)))))
103 (macrolet ((nc-list ()
104 `(list ,@(loop for i from 0 below (length *shifts*)
105 collect `(frob (nth ,i *shifts*)))))
106 (c-list ()
107 `(list ,@(loop for i from 0 below (length *shifts*)
108 collect `(frob ,(nth i *shifts*))))))
109 (defun nc-ash (x)
110 (macrolet ((frob (y)
111 `(list x ,y (ash x ,y))))
112 (nc-list)))
113 (defun c-ash (x)
114 (macrolet ((frob (y)
115 `(list x ,y (ash x ,y))))
116 (c-list)))
117 (defun nc-modular-ash-ub (x)
118 (macrolet ((frob (y)
119 `(list x ,y (logand most-positive-fixnum (ash x ,y)))))
120 (nc-list)))
121 (defun c-modular-ash-ub (x)
122 (declare (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) x)
123 (optimize speed))
124 (macrolet ((frob (y)
125 `(list x ,y (logand most-positive-fixnum (ash x ,y)))))
126 (c-list))))
128 (let* ((values (list 0 1 most-positive-fixnum))
129 (neg-values (cons most-negative-fixnum
130 (mapcar #'- values))))
131 (labels ((test (value fun1 fun2)
132 (let ((res1 (funcall fun1 value))
133 (res2 (funcall fun2 value)))
134 (mapcar (lambda (a b)
135 (unless (equalp a b)
136 (error "ash failure for ~A vs ~A: ~A not EQUALP ~A"
137 fun1 fun2
138 a b)))
139 res1 res2))))
140 (loop for x in values do
141 (test x 'nc-ash 'c-ash)
142 (test x 'nc-modular-ash-ub 'c-modular-ash-ub))
143 (loop for x in neg-values do
144 (test x 'nc-ash 'c-ash))))
147 (declaim (inline ppc-ldb-2))
149 (defun ppc-ldb-2 (fun value)
150 (declare (type (signed-byte 32) value)
151 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 1) (debug 1)
152 (compilation-speed 0)))
153 (funcall fun (ldb (byte 8 24) value))
154 (funcall fun (ldb (byte 8 16) value))
155 (funcall fun (ldb (byte 8 8) value))
156 (funcall fun (ldb (byte 8 0) value))
157 (values))
159 (defun ppc-ldb-1 (fun)
160 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 1) (debug 1)
161 (compilation-speed 0)))
162 (loop
163 for param :across (make-array 1 :initial-element nil)
164 for size :across (make-array 1 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 3)
165 do (ppc-ldb-2 fun (if param size -1))))
167 (with-test (:name :ppc-ldb)
168 (let ((acc '()))
169 (ppc-ldb-1 (lambda (x)
170 (push x acc)))
171 (assert (equal acc '(#xff #xff #xff #xff)))))
173 (with-test (:name :ldb-word-cast)
174 (checked-compile-and-assert
176 `(lambda (x y)
177 (truly-the fixnum (ldb (byte x y) 100)))
178 ((100 0) 100)))
180 (with-test (:name :logbitp-negative-error)
181 (checked-compile-and-assert
182 (:optimize :safe)
183 `(lambda (x y)
184 (logbitp x y))
185 ((-1 0) (condition 'type-error))
186 ((-2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)) (condition 'type-error))
187 (((1- most-negative-fixnum) 1) (condition 'type-error))))
189 (with-test (:name :*-overflow-ratio)
190 (checked-compile-and-assert
191 (:optimize :safe)
192 `(lambda (a)
193 (the fixnum (* 8 a)))
194 ((1/8) 1)))
196 #+64-bit
197 (with-test (:name :bignum-float)
198 (checked-compile-and-assert
200 `(lambda (d)
201 (sb-sys:without-gcing
202 (let ((res (sb-bignum:%allocate-bignum 2)))
203 (setf (sb-bignum:%bignum-ref res 1) 529
204 (sb-bignum:%bignum-ref res 0) 9223372036854775807)
205 (sb-bignum:%bignum-set-length res 1)
206 (unwind-protect
207 (< res d)
208 (sb-bignum:%bignum-set-length res 2)))))
209 ((-9.223372036854776d18) nil)
210 ((9.223372036854776d18) t)))
212 (with-test (:name :overflow-transform-nil)
213 (checked-compile-and-assert
214 (:allow-warnings t)
215 `(lambda (v)
216 (let ((i 0))
217 (flet ((f (i)
218 (the fixnum i)
219 (svref v (+ i 26387449082611642302))))
220 (f i)
221 (incf i)
222 (f i)
223 (incf i)))))
224 (checked-compile-and-assert
225 (:allow-style-warnings t)
226 `(lambda (s e)
227 (subseq s 0 (when e
228 (- (length s) 12129535698721845515))))))
230 (with-test (:name :integer-length-union-derivation)
231 (checked-compile-and-assert
233 `(lambda (b)
234 (integer-length
235 (if (>= b 0)
237 -2)))
238 ((-1) 1)
239 ((0) 0)
240 ((15) 4)))
242 (with-test (:name :isqrt-union)
243 (assert-type
244 (lambda (x)
245 (declare ((or (integer 1 5) (integer 9 10)) x))
246 (isqrt x))
247 (integer 1 3)))
249 (with-test (:name :integer-length-union)
250 (assert-type
251 (lambda (x)
252 (declare ((or (integer 1 5) (integer 9 10)) x))
253 (integer-length x))
254 (integer 1 4)))
256 (with-test (:name :rem-transform-erase-types)
257 (checked-compile-and-assert
259 `(lambda (a)
260 (declare ((integer * 0) a))
261 (zerop (rem a 2)))
262 ((-1) nil)
263 ((-2) t))
264 (checked-compile-and-assert
266 `(lambda (a)
267 (declare ((member 7 -9) a))
268 (zerop (rem a 8)))
269 ((7) nil)
270 ((-9) nil)))
272 (with-test (:name :unexpected-immediates-in-vops)
273 (checked-compile
274 `(lambda (n)
275 (declare (fixnum n))
276 (loop for i below 2
277 do (print (logbitp i n))
278 (the (satisfies minusp) i))))
279 (checked-compile
280 `(lambda ()
281 (loop for i below 2
282 do (print (lognot i))
283 (the (satisfies minusp) i))))
284 (checked-compile
285 `(lambda ()
286 (loop for i below 2
287 do (print (- i))
288 (the (satisfies minusp) i))))
289 (checked-compile
290 `(lambda ()
291 (loop for i below 2
292 do (print (* i 3))
293 (the (satisfies minusp) i))))
294 (checked-compile
295 `(lambda ()
296 (loop for i below 2
297 do (print (* i 3))
298 (the (satisfies minusp) i))))
299 (checked-compile
300 `(lambda ()
301 (loop for i of-type fixnum below 2
302 do (print (logand most-positive-word (* i 4)))
303 (the (satisfies minusp) i)))))
305 (with-test (:name :/-by-integer-type)
306 (assert-type
307 (lambda (x y)
308 (declare ((integer 1 9) x)
309 (integer y))
310 (/ x y))
311 (or (rational -9 (0)) (rational (0) 9)))
312 (assert-type
313 (lambda (x y)
314 (declare ((integer 1 9) x)
315 ((integer 0) y))
316 (/ x y))
317 (rational (0) 9))
318 (assert-type
319 (lambda (x y)
320 (declare ((rational 0 9) x)
321 ((integer 0) y))
322 (/ x y))
323 (rational 0 9)))
325 (with-test (:name :truncate-unused-q)
326 (checked-compile-and-assert
328 `(lambda (a)
329 (declare (fixnum a))
330 (rem a 4))
331 ((3) 3)
332 ((-3) -3)
333 ((4) 0)
334 ((-4) 0)))
336 (with-test (:name :*-by-integer-type)
337 (assert-type
338 (lambda (x)
339 (declare (integer x))
340 (* x 5))
341 (or (integer 5) (integer * -5) (integer 0 0))))
343 (with-test (:name :truncate-transform-unused-result)
344 (assert-type
345 (lambda (c)
346 (declare ((integer -1000 0) c)
347 (optimize speed))
348 (values
349 (truncate (truncate (rem c -89) -16) 20)))
350 (or (integer 0 0))))
352 (with-test (:name :rem^2)
353 (checked-compile-and-assert
355 `(lambda (a)
356 (declare (fixnum a))
357 (rem a 2))
358 ((-2) 0)
359 ((-3) -1)
360 ((2) 0)
361 ((3) 1)))
363 (with-test (:name :deposit-field-derive-type)
364 (assert-type
365 (lambda (s)
366 (declare ((member 8 10) s))
367 (deposit-field -21031455 (byte s 9) 1565832649825))
368 (or (integer 1565832320097 1565832320097) (integer 1565832713313 1565832713313))))
370 (with-test (:name :logior-negative-bound)
371 (checked-compile-and-assert
373 `(lambda (b c)
374 (declare ((integer 7703 1903468060) c))
375 (logandc1 (/ (logorc2 c b) -1) c))
376 ((-1 7703) 7702)))
378 (with-test (:name :set-numeric-contagion)
379 (assert-type
380 (lambda (n)
381 (loop for i below n
382 sum (coerce n 'single-float)))
383 (or (integer 0 0) single-float)))
385 (with-test (:name :overflow-transform-order)
386 (checked-compile-and-assert
387 (:optimize :safe)
388 `(lambda (a m)
389 (declare (fixnum a))
390 (let ((j (* 44 a)))
391 (when m
392 (the fixnum j))))
393 ((most-positive-fixnum nil) nil)
394 ((most-positive-fixnum t) (condition 'type-error))))
396 (with-test (:name :logtest-memref-boxed)
397 (checked-compile-and-assert
399 `(lambda (b)
400 (declare (sb-vm:word b))
401 (when (oddp b)
402 (lambda (m)
403 (when m
404 (setf b 1))
405 b)))
406 (((expt 2 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bits))) nil)
407 (((1+ (expt 2 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bits)))) t :test (lambda (x y)
409 (functionp (car x))))))
411 (with-test (:name :range-unsigned)
412 (assert-type
413 (lambda (d)
414 (declare (type (integer 1 109) d))
415 (typep (- d) '(integer -47727025476642942 -2593702250735)))
416 null))
418 (with-test (:name :signed-byte-8-p-unsigned)
419 (checked-compile
420 `(lambda (a)
421 (declare (type (simple-array sb-vm:word (*)) a)
422 (optimize speed))
423 (the (signed-byte 8) (aref a 0)))
424 :allow-notes nil))
426 (with-test (:name :or-chain)
427 (checked-compile-and-assert
429 `(lambda (b)
430 (declare (fixnum b))
431 (case b ((0 -3) 1) (t 2)))
432 ((0) 1)
433 ((-3) 1)
434 ((3) 2)
435 ((1) 2)))
437 (with-test (:name :or-chain-types)
438 (checked-compile-and-assert
440 `(lambda (b)
441 (declare ((integer -1 1) b))
442 (case b
443 ((-1 0) 0)
444 (t 1)))
445 ((-1) 0)
446 ((0) 0)
447 ((1) 1)))
449 (with-test (:name :or-chain-tagging)
450 (checked-compile-and-assert
452 `(lambda (x)
453 (or (eq x -6)
454 (eq x -2)))
455 ((-6) t)
456 ((-2) t)
457 ((6) nil)
458 ((2) nil)
459 ((-12) nil)
460 ((-4) nil))
461 (checked-compile-and-assert
463 `(lambda (x)
464 (or (eq x 0)
465 (eq x -4)))
466 ((0) t)
467 ((-4) t)
468 ((4) nil)
469 ((-8) nil))
470 (checked-compile-and-assert
472 `(lambda (x)
473 (or (eq x 97)
474 (eq x 65)))
475 ((-4611686018427387807) nil)
476 ((97) t)
477 ((65) t))
478 (checked-compile-and-assert
480 `(lambda (x)
481 (or (eq x -65)
482 (eq x -97)))
483 ((-97) t)
484 ((-65) t))
485 (checked-compile-and-assert
487 `(lambda (x)
488 (case x ((-3 -2 17) t)))
489 ((4611686018427387902) nil)
490 ((-3) t)
491 ((-2) t)
492 ((17) t)))
494 (with-test (:name :range<=-same)
495 (checked-compile-and-assert
497 `(lambda (a c)
498 (declare (type fixnum a))
499 (let ((v7 (if c
500 4611686018427387904
501 -6)))
502 (if (> v7 a)
504 (if (<= a v7)
506 a))))
507 ((-7 nil) -7)
508 ((-7 t) -7)
509 ((-6 nil) 0)
510 ((-6 t) -6)
511 ((-3 nil) -3)))
513 (with-test (:name :/-folding)
514 (checked-compile-and-assert
515 (:optimize :safe)
516 `(lambda (a)
517 (declare (bit a))
518 (/ 1 a))
519 ((1) 1)
520 ((0) (condition 'division-by-zero)))
521 (checked-compile-and-assert
522 (:optimize :safe)
523 `(lambda (a)
524 (declare (bit a))
525 (= (/ 5 a) 5))
526 ((1) t)
527 ((0) (condition 'division-by-zero))))
529 (with-test (:name :dpb-size-overflow)
530 (checked-compile-and-assert
532 `(lambda (a)
533 (declare ((unsigned-byte 8) a))
534 (dpb a (byte 63 8)
535 81))
536 ((90) 23121)))
538 (with-test (:name :mask-field-size-overflow)
539 (checked-compile-and-assert
541 `(lambda (a)
542 (truly-the fixnum
543 (mask-field (byte 78 0) a)))
544 ((35) 35)))