Fix for sb-gmp bignum result allocation (lp#1206191)
[sbcl.git] / tests / run-program.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; various RUN-PROGRAM tests with side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
16 ;; In addition to definitions lower down the impurity we're avoiding
17 ;; is the sigchld handler that RUN-PROGRAM sets up, which interfers
18 ;; with the manual unix process control done by the test framework
19 ;; (sometimes the handler will manage to WAIT3 a process before
20 ;; run-tests WAITPIDs it).
22 (with-test (:name :run-program-cat-1 :skipped-on :win32)
23 (let* ((process (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '() :wait nil
24 :output :stream :input :stream))
25 (out (process-input process))
26 (in (process-output process)))
27 (unwind-protect
28 (loop for i from 0 to 255 do
29 (write-byte i out)
30 (force-output out)
31 (assert (= (read-byte in) i)))
32 (process-close process))))
34 (with-test (:name :run-program-cat-2 :skipped-on '(or (not :sb-thread) :win32))
35 ;; Tests that reading from a FIFO is interruptible.
36 (let* ((process (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '()
37 :wait nil
38 :output :stream :input :stream))
39 (in (process-input process))
40 (out (process-output process))
41 (sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
42 (state :init)
43 (writer (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
44 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)
45 (setf state :sleep)
46 (sleep 2)
47 (setf state :write)
48 (write-line "OK" in)
49 (finish-output in))))
50 (timeout nil)
51 (got nil)
52 (unwind nil))
53 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem)
54 (handler-case
55 (with-timeout 0.1
56 (unwind-protect
57 (setf got (read-line out))
58 (setf unwind state)))
59 (timeout ()
60 (setf timeout t)))
61 (assert (not got))
62 (assert timeout)
63 (assert (eq unwind :sleep))
64 (sb-thread:join-thread writer)
65 (assert (equal "OK" (read-line out)))))
67 (defclass buffer-stream (sb-gray:fundamental-binary-input-stream sb-gray:fundamental-binary-output-stream)
68 ((buffer :initform (make-array 128
69 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
70 :adjustable t
71 :fill-pointer 0))
72 (mark :initform 0)))
74 (defmethod stream-element-type ((stream buffer-stream))
75 '(unsigned-byte 8))
77 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-sequence ((stream buffer-stream) seq &optional (start 0) end)
78 (let* ((buffer (slot-value stream 'buffer))
79 (end (or end (length seq)))
80 (mark (slot-value stream 'mark))
81 (fill-pointer (fill-pointer buffer))
82 (new-mark (+ mark (min fill-pointer (- end start)))))
83 (setf (slot-value stream 'mark) new-mark)
84 (replace seq buffer
85 :start1 start :end1 end
86 :start2 mark :end2 fill-pointer)
87 (min end (+ start (- fill-pointer mark)))))
89 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-write-sequence ((stream buffer-stream) seq &optional (start 0) end)
90 (let* ((buffer (slot-value stream 'buffer))
91 (end (or end (length seq)))
92 (fill-pointer (fill-pointer buffer))
93 (new-fill (min (array-total-size buffer) (+ fill-pointer (- end start)))))
94 (setf (fill-pointer buffer) new-fill)
95 (replace buffer seq
96 :start1 fill-pointer
97 :start2 start :end2 end)
98 seq))
100 (with-test (:name :run-program-cat-3 :skipped-on :win32)
101 ;; User-defined binary input and output streams.
102 (let ((in (make-instance 'buffer-stream))
103 (out (make-instance 'buffer-stream))
104 (data #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)))
105 (write-sequence data in)
106 (let ((process (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '() :wait t :output out :input in))
107 (buf (make-array (length data))))
108 (assert (= 13 (read-sequence buf out)))
109 (assert (= 0 (read-sequence (make-array 8) out)))
110 (assert (equalp buf data)))))
112 (with-test (:name :run-program-cat-4 :skipped-on :win32)
113 ;; Null broadcast stream as output
114 (let* ((process (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '() :wait nil
115 :output (make-broadcast-stream)
116 :input :stream))
117 (in (process-input process)))
118 (unwind-protect
119 (progn
120 (write-string "foobar" in)
121 (close in)
122 (process-wait process))
123 (process-close process))))
125 ;;; Test driving an external program (cat) through pipes wrapped in
126 ;;; composite streams.
128 (require :sb-posix)
130 #-win32
131 (progn
132 (defun make-pipe ()
133 (multiple-value-bind (in out) (sb-posix:pipe)
134 (let ((input (sb-sys:make-fd-stream in
135 :input t
136 :external-format :ascii
137 :buffering :none :name "in"))
138 (output (sb-sys:make-fd-stream out
139 :output t
140 :external-format :ascii
141 :buffering :none :name "out")))
142 (make-two-way-stream input output))))
144 (defparameter *cat-in-pipe* (make-pipe))
145 (defparameter *cat-in* (make-synonym-stream '*cat-in-pipe*))
146 (defparameter *cat-out-pipe* (make-pipe))
147 (defparameter *cat-out* (make-synonym-stream '*cat-out-pipe*)))
149 (with-test (:name :run-program-cat-5 :fails-on :win32)
150 (let ((cat (run-program "/bin/cat" nil :input *cat-in* :output *cat-out*
151 :wait nil)))
152 (dolist (test '("This is a test!"
153 "This is another test!"
154 "This is the last test...."))
155 (write-line test *cat-in*)
156 (assert (equal test (read-line *cat-out*))))
157 (process-close cat)))
159 ;;; The above test used to use ed, but there were buffering issues: on some platforms
160 ;;; buffering of stdin and stdout depends on their TTYness, and ed isn't sufficiently
161 ;;; agressive about flushing them. So, here's another test using :PTY.
163 #-win32 (progn ;; kludge: It would be nicer to disable individual test cases,
164 ;; but we are not using WITH-TEST yet here.
166 (defparameter *tmpfile* "run-program-ed-test.tmp")
168 (with-open-file (f *tmpfile*
169 :direction :output
170 :if-exists :supersede)
171 (write-line "bar" f))
173 (defparameter *ed*
174 (run-program "/bin/ed" (list *tmpfile*) :wait nil :pty t))
176 (defparameter *ed-pipe* (make-two-way-stream (process-pty *ed*) (process-pty *ed*)))
177 (defparameter *ed-in* (make-synonym-stream '*ed-pipe*))
178 (defparameter *ed-out* (make-synonym-stream '*ed-pipe*))
180 (defun read-linish (stream)
181 (with-output-to-string (s)
182 (loop for c = (read-char stream)
183 while (and c (not (eq #\newline c)))
184 ;; Some eds like to send \r\n
185 do (unless (eq #\return c)
186 (write-char c s)))))
188 (defun assert-ed (command response)
189 (when command
190 (write-line command *ed-in*)
191 (force-output *ed-in*))
192 (when response
193 (let ((got (read-linish *ed-out*)))
194 (unless (equal response got)
195 (error "wanted '~A' from ed, got '~A'" response got))))
196 *ed*)
198 (unwind-protect
199 (with-test (:name :run-program-ed)
200 (assert-ed nil "4")
201 (assert-ed ".s/bar/baz/g" nil)
202 (assert-ed "w" "4")
203 (assert-ed "q" nil)
204 (process-wait *ed*)
205 (with-open-file (f *tmpfile*)
206 (assert (equal "baz" (read-line f)))))
207 (delete-file *tmpfile*))
209 ) ;; #-win32
211 ;; Around 1.0.12 there was a regression when :INPUT or :OUTPUT was a
212 ;; pathname designator. Since these use the same code, it should
213 ;; suffice to test just :INPUT.
214 (let ((file))
215 (unwind-protect
216 (progn (with-open-file (f "run-program-test.tmp" :direction :output)
217 (setf file (truename f))
218 (write-line "Foo" f))
219 (assert (run-program "cat" ()
220 :input file :output t
221 :search t :wait t)))
222 (when file
223 (delete-file file))))
225 ;;; This used to crash on Darwin and trigger recursive lock errors on
226 ;;; every platform.
227 (with-test (:name (:run-program :stress) :fails-on :win32)
228 ;; Do it a hundred times in batches of 10 so that with a low limit
229 ;; of the number of processes the test can have a chance to pass.
230 (loop
231 repeat 10 do
232 (map nil
233 #'sb-ext:process-wait
234 (loop repeat 10
235 collect
236 (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/echo" '
237 ("It would be nice if this didn't crash.")
238 :wait nil :output nil)))))
240 (with-test (:name (:run-program :pty-stream) :fails-on :win32)
241 (assert (equal "OK"
242 (subseq
243 (with-output-to-string (s)
244 (assert (= 42 (process-exit-code
245 (run-program "/bin/sh" '("-c" "echo OK; exit 42") :wait t
246 :pty s))))
249 2))))
251 ;; Check whether RUN-PROGRAM puts its child process into the foreground
252 ;; when stdin is inherited. If it fails to do so we will receive a SIGTTIN.
254 ;; We can't check for the signal itself since run-program.c resets the
255 ;; forked process' signal mask to defaults. But the default is `stop'
256 ;; of which we can be notified asynchronously by providing a status hook.
257 (with-test (:name (:run-program :inherit-stdin) :fails-on :win32)
258 (let (stopped)
259 (flet ((status-hook (proc)
260 (case (sb-ext:process-status proc)
261 (:stopped (setf stopped t)))))
262 (let ((proc (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/ed" nil :search nil :wait nil
263 :input t :output t
264 :status-hook #'status-hook)))
265 ;; Give the program a generous time to generate the SIGTTIN.
266 ;; If it hasn't done so after that time we can consider it
267 ;; to be working (i.e. waiting for input without generating SIGTTIN).
268 (sleep 0.5)
269 ;; either way we have to signal it to terminate
270 (process-kill proc sb-posix:sigterm)
271 (process-close proc)
272 (assert (not stopped))))))
275 ;; Check that in when you do run-program with :wait t that causes
276 ;; encoding error, it does not affect the following run-program
277 (with-test (:name (:run-program :clean-exit-after-encoding-error)
278 :fails-on :win32)
279 (let ((had-error-p nil))
280 (flet ((barf (&optional (format :default))
281 (with-output-to-string (stream)
282 (run-program #-netbsd "/usr/bin/perl" #+netbsd "/usr/pkg/bin/perl"
283 '("-e" "print \"\\x20\\xfe\\xff\\x0a\"")
284 :output stream
285 :external-format format)))
286 (no-barf ()
287 (with-output-to-string (stream)
288 (run-program "/bin/echo"
289 '("This is a test")
290 :output stream))))
291 (handler-case
292 (barf :utf-8)
293 (error ()
294 (setq had-error-p t)))
295 (assert had-error-p)
296 ;; now run the harmless program
297 (setq had-error-p nil)
298 (handler-case
299 (no-barf)
300 (error ()
301 (setq had-error-p t)))
302 (assert (not had-error-p)))))
304 (with-test (:name (:run-program :no-such-thing))
305 (assert (search "Couldn't execute"
306 (handler-case
307 (progn (run-program "no-such-program-we-hope" '()) nil)
308 (error (e)
309 (princ-to-string e))))))
311 (with-test (:name (:run-program :not-executable))
312 (assert (search "Couldn't execute"
313 (handler-case
314 (progn (run-program "run-program.impure.lisp" '()) nil)
315 (error (e)
316 (princ-to-string e))))))
318 #-win32
319 (with-test (:name (:run-program :if-input-does-not-exist))
320 (let ((file (pathname (sb-posix:mktemp "rpXXXXXX"))))
321 (assert (null (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '() :input file)))
322 (assert (null (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/cat" '() :output #.(or *compile-file-truename*
323 *load-truename*)
324 :if-output-exists nil)))))
327 (with-test (:name (:run-program :set-directory))
328 (let* ((directory #-win32 "/"
329 #+win32 "c:\\")
330 (out (sb-ext:process-output
331 (sb-ext:run-program #-win32 "/bin/sh"
332 #-win32 '("-c" "pwd")
333 #+win32 "cmd.exe"
334 #+win32 '("/c" "cd")
335 :output :stream
336 :directory directory
337 :search t))))
338 (assert
339 (equal directory
340 (string-right-trim '(#\Return) (read-line out))))))