Fix grammar in lossage message
[sbcl.git] / src / assembly / assemfile.lisp
1 ;;;; the extra code necessary to feed an entire file of assembly code
2 ;;;; to the assembler
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!C")
15 ;;; If non-NIL, emit assembly code. If NIL, emit VOP templates.
16 (defvar *emit-assembly-code-not-vops-p* nil)
18 ;;; a list of (NAME LABEL OFFSET) for every entry point
19 (defvar *entry-points* nil)
21 ;;; Note: You might think from the name that this would act like
22 ;;; COMPILE-FILE, but in fact it's arguably more like LOAD, even down
23 ;;; to the return convention. It LOADs a file, then writes out any
24 ;;; assembly code created by the process.
25 (defun assemble-file (name
26 &key
27 (output-file (make-pathname :defaults name
28 :type "assem")))
29 (when sb-cold::*compile-for-effect-only*
30 (return-from assemble-file t))
31 ;; FIXME: Consider nuking the filename defaulting logic here.
32 (let* ((*emit-assembly-code-not-vops-p* t)
33 (name (pathname name))
34 ;; the fasl file currently being output to
35 (lap-fasl-output (open-fasl-output (pathname output-file) name))
36 (*entry-points* nil)
37 (won nil)
38 (*code-segment* nil)
39 (*elsewhere* nil)
40 (*assembly-optimize* nil)
41 (*fixup-notes* nil)
42 #!+inline-constants (*unboxed-constants* nil))
43 (unwind-protect
44 (let ((*features* (cons :sb-assembling *features*)))
45 (init-assembler)
46 (load (merge-pathnames name (make-pathname :type "lisp")))
47 (sb!assem:append-segment *code-segment* *elsewhere*)
48 (setf *elsewhere* nil)
49 #!+inline-constants
50 (emit-inline-constants)
51 (let ((length (sb!assem:finalize-segment *code-segment*)))
52 (dump-assembler-routines *code-segment*
53 length
54 *fixup-notes*
55 *entry-points*
56 lap-fasl-output))
57 (setq won t))
58 (close-fasl-output lap-fasl-output (not won)))
59 won))
61 (defstruct (reg-spec (:copier nil))
62 (kind :temp :type (member :arg :temp :res))
63 (name nil :type symbol)
64 (temp nil :type symbol)
65 (scs nil :type (or list symbol))
66 (offset nil))
67 (defmethod print-object ((spec reg-spec) stream)
68 (print-unreadable-object (spec stream :type t)
69 (format stream
71 (reg-spec-kind spec)
72 (reg-spec-name spec)
73 (reg-spec-scs spec)
74 (reg-spec-offset spec))))
76 (defun reg-spec-sc (spec)
77 (if (atom (reg-spec-scs spec))
78 (reg-spec-scs spec)
79 (car (reg-spec-scs spec))))
81 (defun parse-reg-spec (kind name sc offset)
82 (let ((reg (make-reg-spec :kind kind :name name :scs sc :offset offset)))
83 (ecase kind
84 (:temp)
85 ((:arg :res)
86 (setf (reg-spec-temp reg) (make-symbol (symbol-name name)))))
87 reg))
89 (defun expand-one-export-spec (export)
90 (if (symbolp export)
91 `(list ',export ,export 0)
92 (destructuring-bind
93 (name (operator base-label offset))
94 export
95 ;; KLUDGE: Presume that all compound export specs are of the
97 ;; + or -, BASE-LABEL is a LABEL in the present scope, and
98 ;; OFFSET evaluates to an integer. Ideally, we should be
99 ;; smarter about this.
100 `(list ',name ,base-label (,operator ,offset)))))
102 (defun expand-export-option (exports)
103 (loop
104 for export in exports
105 collect `(push ,(expand-one-export-spec export) *entry-points*)))
107 (defun expand-align-option (align)
108 (when align
109 `((emit-alignment ,align))))
111 (defun emit-assemble (name options regs code)
112 (collect ((decls))
113 (loop
114 (if (and (consp code) (consp (car code)) (eq (caar code) 'declare))
115 (decls (pop code))
116 (return)))
117 `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (reg)
118 `(,(reg-spec-name reg)
119 (make-random-tn
120 :kind :normal
121 :sc (sc-or-lose ',(reg-spec-sc reg))
122 :offset ,(reg-spec-offset reg))))
123 regs)
124 ,@(decls)
125 (sb!assem:assemble (*code-segment* ',name)
126 ,@(expand-align-option (cadr (assoc :align options)))
127 ,name
128 (push (list ',name ,name 0) *entry-points*)
129 ,@(expand-export-option (cdr (assoc :export options)))
130 ,@code
131 ,@(generate-return-sequence
132 (or (cadr (assoc :return-style options)) :raw))
133 (emit-alignment sb!vm:n-lowtag-bits))
134 (when *compile-print*
135 (format *error-output* "~S assembled~%" ',name)))))
137 (defun arg-or-res-spec (reg)
138 `(,(reg-spec-name reg)
139 :scs ,(if (atom (reg-spec-scs reg))
140 (list (reg-spec-scs reg))
141 (reg-spec-scs reg))
142 ,@(unless (eq (reg-spec-kind reg) :res)
143 `(:target ,(reg-spec-temp reg)))))
145 (defun emit-assemble-vop (name options vars)
146 (let* ((args (remove :arg vars :key #'reg-spec-kind :test #'neq))
147 (temps (remove :temp vars :key #'reg-spec-kind :test #'neq))
148 (results (remove :res vars :key #'reg-spec-kind :test #'neq))
149 (return-style (or (cadr (assoc :return-style options)) :raw))
150 (cost (or (cadr (assoc :cost options)) 247))
151 (vop (make-symbol "VOP")))
152 (unless (member return-style '(:raw :full-call :none))
153 (error "unknown return-style for ~S: ~S" name return-style))
154 (multiple-value-bind (call-sequence call-temps)
155 (generate-call-sequence name return-style vop options)
156 `(define-vop ,(if (atom name) (list name) name)
157 (:args ,@(mapcar #'arg-or-res-spec args))
158 ,@(let ((index -1))
159 (mapcar (lambda (arg)
160 `(:temporary (:sc ,(reg-spec-sc arg)
161 :offset ,(reg-spec-offset arg)
162 :from (:argument ,(incf index))
163 :to (:eval 2))
164 ,(reg-spec-temp arg)))
165 args))
166 ,@(mapcar (lambda (temp)
167 `(:temporary (:sc ,(reg-spec-sc temp)
168 :offset ,(reg-spec-offset temp)
169 :from (:eval 1)
170 :to (:eval 3))
171 ,(reg-spec-name temp)))
172 temps)
173 (:vop-var ,vop)
174 ,@(let ((index -1))
175 (mapcar (lambda (res)
176 `(:temporary (:sc ,(reg-spec-sc res)
177 :offset ,(reg-spec-offset res)
178 :from (:eval 2)
179 :to (:result ,(incf index))
180 :target ,(reg-spec-name res))
181 ,(reg-spec-temp res)))
182 results))
183 (:results ,@(mapcar #'arg-or-res-spec results))
184 ;; This formerly unioned in the contents of an :ignore clause from
185 ;; the value of the 'call-temps' variable, for no good reason afaict.
186 (:ignore ,@(sort (set-difference (mapcar #'reg-spec-name temps)
187 (cdr (assoc :call-temps options)))
188 #'string<))
189 ,@call-temps
190 ;; This too is a tad sleazy - because of how VOP parsing works,
191 ;; any :SAVE-P specified in options supersedes one from call-temps.
192 ;; It would be wiser to signal an error about duplicate options.
193 ,@(remove-if (lambda (x)
194 (member x '(:return-style :cost :call-temps)))
195 options
196 :key #'car)
197 (:generator ,cost
198 ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
199 #!+(or hppa alpha) `(move ,(reg-spec-name arg)
200 ,(reg-spec-temp arg))
201 #!-(or hppa alpha) `(move ,(reg-spec-temp arg)
202 ,(reg-spec-name arg)))
203 args)
204 ,@call-sequence
205 ,@(mapcar (lambda (res)
206 #!+(or hppa alpha) `(move ,(reg-spec-temp res)
207 ,(reg-spec-name res))
208 #!-(or hppa alpha) `(move ,(reg-spec-name res)
209 ,(reg-spec-temp res)))
210 results))))))