Use flatteningization in package-data-list
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / vmdef.lisp
1 ;;;; implementation-independent facilities used for defining the
2 ;;;; compiler's interface to the VM in a given implementation
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!C")
15 ;;; Return the template having the specified name, or die trying.
16 (defun template-or-lose (x)
17 (the template
18 (or (gethash x *backend-template-names*)
19 (error "~S is not a defined template." x))))
21 ;;; Return the SC structure, SB structure or SC number corresponding
22 ;;; to a name, or die trying.
23 (defun sc-or-lose (x)
24 (the sc
25 (or (gethash x *backend-sc-names*)
26 (error "~S is not a defined storage class." x))))
27 (defun sb-or-lose (x)
28 (the sb
29 (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*
30 (error "~S is not a defined storage base." x))
31 (when (eq (sb-name sb) x)
32 (return sb)))))
34 (defun sc-number-or-lose (x)
35 (the sc-number (sc-number (sc-or-lose x))))
37 ;;;; side effect classes
39 (!def-boolean-attribute vop
40 any)
42 ;;;; move/coerce definition
44 ;;; Compute at compiler load time the costs for moving between all SCs that
45 ;;; can be loaded from FROM-SC and to TO-SC given a base move cost Cost.
46 (defun compute-move-costs (from-sc to-sc cost)
47 (declare (type sc from-sc to-sc) (type index cost))
48 (let ((to-scn (sc-number to-sc))
49 (from-costs (sc-load-costs from-sc)))
50 (dolist (dest-sc (cons to-sc (sc-alternate-scs to-sc)))
51 (let ((vec (sc-move-costs dest-sc))
52 (dest-costs (sc-load-costs dest-sc)))
53 (setf (svref vec (sc-number from-sc)) cost)
54 (dolist (sc (append (sc-alternate-scs from-sc)
55 (sc-constant-scs from-sc)))
56 (let* ((scn (sc-number sc))
57 (total (+ (svref from-costs scn)
58 (svref dest-costs to-scn)
59 cost))
60 (old (svref vec scn)))
61 (unless (and old (< old total))
62 (setf (svref vec scn) total))))))))
64 ;;;; primitive type definition
66 ;;; Return the primitive type corresponding to the specified name, or
67 ;;; die trying.
68 (defun primitive-type-or-lose (name)
69 (the primitive-type
70 (or (gethash name *backend-primitive-type-names*)
71 (error "~S is not a defined primitive type." name))))
73 ;;; Return true if SC is either one of PTYPE's SC's, or one of those
74 ;;; SC's alternate or constant SCs.
75 (defun sc-allowed-by-primitive-type (sc ptype)
76 (declare (type sc sc) (type primitive-type ptype))
77 (let ((scn (sc-number sc)))
78 (dolist (allowed (primitive-type-scs ptype) nil)
79 (when (eql allowed scn)
80 (return t))
81 (let ((allowed-sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* allowed)))
82 (when (or (member sc (sc-alternate-scs allowed-sc))
83 (member sc (sc-constant-scs allowed-sc)))
84 (return t))))))
86 ;;;; generation of emit functions
88 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
89 ;; We need the EVAL-WHEN because EMIT-VOP (below)
90 ;; uses #.MAX-VOP-TN-REFS, not just MAX-VOP-TN-REFS.
91 ;; -- AL 20010218
93 ;; See also the description of VOP-INFO-TARGETS. -- APD, 2002-01-30
94 (def!constant max-vop-tn-refs 256))
96 ;;; FIXME: This is a remarkably eccentric way of implementing what
97 ;;; would appear to be by nature a closure. A closure isn't any more
98 ;;; threadsafe than this special variable implementation, but at least
99 ;;; it's more idiomatic, and one could imagine closing over an
100 ;;; extensible pool to make a thread-safe implementation.
101 (declaim (type (simple-vector #.max-vop-tn-refs) *vop-tn-refs*))
102 (defvar *vop-tn-refs* (make-array max-vop-tn-refs :initial-element nil))
104 (def!constant sc-bits (integer-length (1- sc-number-limit)))
106 ;;; Emit a VOP for TEMPLATE. Arguments:
107 ;;; NODE Node for source context.
108 ;;; BLOCK IR2-BLOCK that we place the VOP in.
109 ;;; TEMPLATE: VOP template
110 ;;; ARGS Head of argument TN-REF list.
111 ;;; RESULT Head of result TN-REF list.
112 ;;; INFO If INFO-ARG-COUNT is non-zero, then a list of the magic arguments.
114 ;;; Return the emitted vop
115 (defun emit-vop (node block template args results &optional info)
116 (let* ((vop (make-vop block node template args results))
117 (num-args (vop-info-num-args template))
118 (last-arg (1- num-args))
119 (num-results (vop-info-num-results template))
120 (num-operands (+ num-args num-results))
121 (last-result (1- num-operands))
122 (ref-ordering (vop-info-ref-ordering template)))
123 (declare (type vop vop)
124 (type (integer 0 #.max-vop-tn-refs)
125 num-args num-results num-operands)
126 (type (integer -1 #.(1- max-vop-tn-refs)) last-arg last-result))
127 (setf (vop-codegen-info vop) info)
128 (unwind-protect
129 (let ((refs *vop-tn-refs*))
130 (declare (type (simple-vector #.max-vop-tn-refs) refs))
131 (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
132 (ref args (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
133 ((= index num-args))
134 (setf (svref refs index) ref))
135 (do ((index num-args (1+ index))
136 (ref results (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
137 ((= index num-operands))
138 (setf (svref refs index) ref))
139 (let ((temps (vop-info-temps template)))
140 (when temps
141 (let ((index num-operands)
142 (prev nil))
143 (dotimes (i (length temps))
144 (let* ((temp (aref temps i))
145 (tn (if (logbitp 0 temp)
146 (make-wired-tn nil
147 (ldb (byte sc-bits 1) temp)
148 (ash temp (- (1+ sc-bits))))
149 (make-restricted-tn nil (ash temp -1))))
150 (write-ref (reference-tn tn t)))
151 ;; KLUDGE: These formulas must be consistent with
152 ;; those in COMPUTE-REF-ORDERING, and this is
153 ;; currently maintained by hand. -- WHN
154 ;; 2002-01-30, paraphrasing APD
155 (setf (aref refs index) (reference-tn tn nil))
156 (setf (aref refs (1+ index)) write-ref)
157 (if prev
158 (setf (tn-ref-across prev) write-ref)
159 (setf (vop-temps vop) write-ref))
160 (setf prev write-ref)
161 (incf index 2))))))
162 (let ((prev nil))
163 (flet ((add-ref (ref)
164 (setf (tn-ref-vop ref) vop)
165 (setf (tn-ref-next-ref ref) prev)
166 (setf prev ref)))
167 (declare (inline add-ref))
168 (dotimes (i (length ref-ordering))
169 (let* ((index (aref ref-ordering i))
170 (ref (aref refs index)))
171 (if (or (= index last-arg) (= index last-result))
172 (do ((ref ref (tn-ref-across ref)))
173 ((null ref))
174 (add-ref ref))
175 (add-ref ref)))))
176 (setf (vop-refs vop) prev))
177 (let ((targets (vop-info-targets template)))
178 (when targets
179 (dotimes (i (length targets))
180 (let ((target (aref targets i)))
181 (sb!regalloc:target-if-desirable
182 (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 8) target))
183 (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 0) target)))))))
184 vop)
185 (fill *vop-tn-refs* nil))))
187 ;;;; function translation stuff
189 ;;; Add Template into List, removing any old template with the same name.
190 ;;; We also maintain the increasing cost ordering.
191 (defun adjoin-template (template list)
192 (declare (type template template) (list list))
193 (sort (cons template
194 (remove (template-name template) list
195 :key #'template-name))
196 #'<=
197 :key #'template-cost))
199 ;;; Return a function type specifier describing TEMPLATE's type computed
200 ;;; from the operand type restrictions.
201 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline template-conditional-p))
202 (defun template-conditional-p (template)
203 (declare (type template template))
204 (let ((rtypes (template-result-types template)))
205 (or (eq rtypes :conditional)
206 (eq (car rtypes) :conditional))))
208 (defun template-type-specifier (template)
209 (declare (type template template))
210 (flet ((convert (types more-types)
211 (flet ((frob (x)
212 (if (eq x '*)
214 (ecase (first x)
215 (:or `(or ,@(mapcar #'primitive-type-specifier
216 (rest x))))
217 (:constant `(constant-arg ,(third x)))))))
218 `(,@(mapcar #'frob types)
219 ,@(when more-types
220 `(&rest ,(frob more-types)))))))
221 (let* ((args (convert (template-arg-types template)
222 (template-more-args-type template)))
223 (result-restr (template-result-types template))
224 (results (if (template-conditional-p template)
225 '(boolean)
226 (convert result-restr
227 (cond ((template-more-results-type template))
228 ((/= (length result-restr) 1) '*)
229 (t nil))))))
230 `(function ,args
231 ,(if (= (length results) 1)
232 (first results)
233 `(values ,@results))))))