[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / xref.lisp
1 ;;;; xref facility
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!C")
14 (declaim (type list *xref-kinds*))
15 (defglobal *xref-kinds* '(:binds :calls :sets :references :macroexpands))
17 (defun record-component-xrefs (component)
18 (declare (type component component))
19 (when (policy *lexenv* (zerop store-xref-data))
20 (return-from record-component-xrefs))
21 (do ((block (block-next (component-head component)) (block-next block)))
22 ((null (block-next block)))
23 (let ((start (block-start block)))
24 (flet ((handle-node (functional)
25 ;; Record xref information for all nodes in the block.
26 ;; Note that this code can get executed several times
27 ;; for the same block, if the functional is referenced
28 ;; from multiple XEPs.
29 (loop for ctran = start then (node-next (ctran-next ctran))
30 while ctran
31 do (record-node-xrefs (ctran-next ctran) functional))
32 ;; Properly record the deferred macroexpansion and source
33 ;; transform information that's been stored in the block.
34 (loop for (kind what path) in (block-xrefs block)
35 do (record-xref kind what
36 ;; We use the debug-name of the functional
37 ;; as an identifier. This works quite nicely,
38 ;; except for (fast/slow)-methods with non-symbol,
39 ;; non-number eql specializers, for which
40 ;; the debug-name doesn't map exactly
41 ;; to the fdefinition of the method.
42 functional
43 nil
44 path))))
45 (call-with-block-external-functionals block #'handle-node)))))
47 (defun call-with-block-external-functionals (block fun)
48 (let* ((functional (block-home-lambda block))
49 (seen nil))
50 (labels ((local-function-name-p (name)
51 (and (consp name)
52 (member (car name)
53 '(flet labels lambda))))
54 (handle-functional (functional)
55 ;; If a functional looks like a global function (has a
56 ;; XEP, isn't a local function or a lambda) record xref
57 ;; information for it. Otherwise recurse on the
58 ;; home-lambdas of all references to the functional.
59 (when (eq (functional-kind functional) :external)
60 (let ((entry (functional-entry-fun functional)))
61 (when entry
62 (let ((name (functional-debug-name entry)))
63 (unless (local-function-name-p name)
64 (return-from handle-functional
65 (funcall fun entry)))))))
66 ;; Recurse only if we haven't already seen the
67 ;; functional.
68 (unless (member functional seen)
69 (push functional seen)
70 (dolist (ref (functional-refs functional))
71 (handle-functional (node-home-lambda ref))))))
72 (unless (or (eq :deleted (functional-kind functional))
73 ;; If the block came from an inlined global
74 ;; function, ignore it.
75 (and (functional-inlinep functional)
76 (symbolp (functional-debug-name functional))))
77 (handle-functional functional)))))
79 (defun record-node-xrefs (node context)
80 (declare (type node node))
81 (etypecase node
82 ((or creturn cif entry mv-combination cast exit))
83 (combination
84 ;; Record references to globals made using SYMBOL-VALUE.
85 (let ((fun (principal-lvar-use (combination-fun node)))
86 (arg (car (combination-args node))))
87 (when (and (ref-p fun) (eq 'symbol-value (leaf-%source-name (ref-leaf fun)))
88 (constant-lvar-p arg) (symbolp (lvar-value arg)))
89 (record-xref :references (lvar-value arg) context node nil))))
90 (ref
91 (let ((leaf (ref-leaf node)))
92 (typecase leaf
93 (global-var
94 (let* ((name (leaf-debug-name leaf)))
95 (case (global-var-kind leaf)
96 ;; Reading a special
97 ((:special :global)
98 (record-xref :references name context node nil))
99 ;; Calling a function
100 (:global-function
101 (record-xref :calls name context node nil)))))
102 ;; Inlined global function
103 (clambda
104 (let ((inline-var (functional-inline-expanded leaf)))
105 (when (global-var-p inline-var)
106 ;; TODO: a WHO-INLINES xref-kind could be useful
107 (record-xref :calls (leaf-debug-name inline-var) context node nil))))
108 ;; Reading a constant
109 (constant
110 (record-xref :references (ref-%source-name node) context node nil)))))
111 ;; Setting a special variable
112 (cset
113 (let ((var (set-var node)))
114 (when (and (global-var-p var)
115 (memq (global-var-kind var) '(:special :global)))
116 (record-xref :sets
117 (leaf-debug-name var)
118 context
119 node
120 nil))))
121 ;; Binding a special variable
122 (bind
123 (let ((vars (lambda-vars (bind-lambda node))))
124 (dolist (var vars)
125 (when (lambda-var-specvar var)
126 (record-xref :binds
127 (lambda-var-%source-name var)
128 context
129 node
130 nil)))))))
132 (defun internal-name-p (what)
133 ;; Unless we're building with SB-XREF-FOR-INTERNALS, don't store
134 ;; XREF information for internals. We define anything with a symbol
135 ;; from either an implementation package or from COMMON-LISP as
136 ;; internal
137 (typecase what
138 (list
139 (every #'internal-name-p what))
140 (symbol
141 #!+sb-xref-for-internals
142 (eq '.anonymous. what)
143 #!-sb-xref-for-internals
144 (or (eq '.anonymous. what)
145 (member (symbol-package what)
146 (load-time-value
147 (list* (find-package "COMMON-LISP")
148 #+sb-xc-host (find-package "SB-XC")
149 (remove-if-not
150 (lambda (package)
151 (= (mismatch #+sb-xc "SB-" #-sb-xc "SB!"
152 (package-name package))
154 (list-all-packages))) t))
155 #+sb-xc-host ; again, special case like in genesis and dump
156 (multiple-value-bind (cl-symbol cl-status)
157 (find-symbol (symbol-name what) sb!int:*cl-package*)
158 (and (eq what cl-symbol) (eq cl-status :external)))))
159 (t t)))
161 (defun record-xref (kind what context node path)
162 (unless (internal-name-p what)
163 (push (cons what
164 (source-path-form-number (or path
165 (node-source-path node))))
166 (getf (functional-xref context) kind))))
168 (defun record-macroexpansion (what block path)
169 (unless (internal-name-p what)
170 (push (list :macroexpands what path) (block-xrefs block))))
172 (defun record-call (what block path)
173 (unless (internal-name-p what)
174 (push (list :calls what path) (block-xrefs block))))
177 ;;;; Packing of xref tables
178 ;;;;
179 ;;;; xref information can be transformed into the following "packed"
180 ;;;; form to save space:
181 ;;;;
182 ;;;; #(PACKED-ENTRIES NAME1 NAME2 ...)
183 ;;;;
184 ;;;; where NAME1 NAME2 ... are names referred to by the entries
185 ;;;; encoded in PACKED-ENTRIES. PACKED-ENTRIES is a (simple-array
186 ;;;; (unsigned-byte 8) 1) containing variable-width integers (see
187 ;;;; {READ,WRITE}-VAR-INTEGER). The contained sequence of integers is
188 ;;;; of the following form:
189 ;;;;
190 ;;;; packed-entries ::= NAME-BITS NUMBER-BITS entries-for-xref-kind+
191 ;;;; entries-for-xref-kind ::= XREF-KIND-AND-ENTRY-COUNT entry+
192 ;;;; entry ::= NAME-INDEX-AND-FORM-NUMBER
193 ;;;;
194 ;;;; where NAME-BITS and NUMBER-BITS are variable-width integers that
195 ;;;; encode the number of bits used for name indices in
196 ;;;; NAME-INDEX-AND-FORM-NUMBER and the number of bits used for form
197 ;;;; numbers in NAME-INDEX-AND-FORM-NUMBER respectively,
198 ;;;;
199 ;;;; XREF-KIND-AND-ENTRY-COUNT is a variable-width integer cc...kkk
200 ;;;; where c bits encode the number of integers (encoded entries)
201 ;;;; following this integer and k bits encode the xref kind (index
202 ;;;; into *XREF-KINDS*) of the entries following the integer,
203 ;;;;
204 ;;;; NAME-INDEX-AND-FORM-NUMBER is a (name-bits+number-bits)-bit integer
205 ;;;; ii...nn... where i bits encode a name index (see below) and n
206 ;;;; bits encode the form number of the xref entry.
207 ;;;;
208 ;;;; The name index is either an integer i such that
209 ;;;;
210 ;;;; (< 0 i (length **most-common-xref-names-by-index**))
211 ;;;;
212 ;;;; in which case it refers to the i-th name in that vector or
213 ;;;;
214 ;;;; (< 0 (+ i (length **m-c-x-n-b-i**)) (1- (length XREF-DATA)))
215 ;;;;
216 ;;;; in which case it is an index (offset by (length **m-c-x-n-b-i**))
217 ;;;; into the name list NAME1 NAME2 ... starting at index 1 of the
218 ;;;; outer vector.
219 ;;;;
220 ;;;; When packing xref information, an initial pass over the entries
221 ;;;; that should be packed has to be made to collect unique names and
222 ;;;; determine the largest form number that will be encoded. Then:
223 ;;;;
224 ;;;; name-bits <- (integer-length LARGEST-NAME-INDEX)
225 ;;;; number-bits <- (integer-length LARGEST-FORM-NUMBER)
227 ;;; Will be overwritten with 64 most frequently cross referenced
228 ;;; names.
229 (declaim (type vector **most-common-xref-names-by-index**)
230 (type hash-table **most-common-xref-names-by-name**))
231 (defglobal **most-common-xref-names-by-index** #())
232 (defglobal **most-common-xref-names-by-name** (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
234 (flet ((encode-kind-and-count (kind count)
235 (logior kind (ash (1- count) 3)))
236 (decode-kind-and-count (integer)
237 (values (ldb (byte 3 0) integer) (1+ (ash integer -3))))
238 (index-and-number-encoder (name-bits number-bits)
239 (lambda (index number)
240 (dpb number (byte number-bits name-bits) index)))
241 (index-and-number-decoder (name-bits number-bits)
242 (lambda (integer)
243 (values (ldb (byte name-bits 0) integer)
244 (ldb (byte number-bits name-bits) integer))))
245 (name->index (vector)
246 (let ((common-count (length **most-common-xref-names-by-index**)))
247 (lambda (name)
248 (let ((found t))
249 (values (or (gethash name **most-common-xref-names-by-name**)
250 (+ (or (position name vector :start 1 :test #'equal)
251 (progn
252 (setf found nil)
253 (vector-push-extend name vector)
254 (1- (length vector))))
255 -1 common-count))
256 found)))))
257 (index->name (vector)
258 (let ((common-count (length **most-common-xref-names-by-index**)))
259 (lambda (index)
260 (if (< index common-count)
261 (aref **most-common-xref-names-by-index** index)
262 (aref vector (+ index 1 (- common-count))))))))
264 ;;; Pack the xref table that was stored for a functional into a more
265 ;;; space-efficient form, and return that packed form.
266 (defun pack-xref-data (xref-data)
267 (unless xref-data (return-from pack-xref-data))
268 (let* ((result (make-array 1 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 1))
269 (ensure-index (name->index result))
270 (entries '())
271 (max-index 0)
272 (max-number 0))
273 ;; Collect unique names, assigning indices (implicitly via
274 ;; position in RESULT). Determine MAX-INDEX and MAX-NUMBER, the
275 ;; largest name index and form number respectively, occurring in
276 ;; XREF-DATA.
277 (labels ((collect-entries-for-kind (kind records)
278 (let* ((kind-number (position kind *xref-kinds* :test #'eq))
279 (kind-entries (cons kind-number '())))
280 (push kind-entries entries)
281 (mapc
282 (lambda (record)
283 (destructuring-bind (name . number) record
284 (binding* (((index foundp) (funcall ensure-index name))
285 (cell
286 (or (when foundp
287 (find index (cdr kind-entries) :key #'first))
288 (let ((cell (list index)))
289 (push cell (cdr kind-entries))
290 cell))))
291 (pushnew number (cdr cell) :test #'=)
292 (setf max-index (max max-index index)
293 max-number (max max-number number)))))
294 records))))
295 (loop for (kind records) on xref-data by #'cddr
296 when records do (collect-entries-for-kind kind records)))
297 ;; Encode the number of index and form number bits followed by
298 ;; chunks of collected entries for all kinds.
299 (let* ((name-bits (integer-length max-index))
300 (number-bits (integer-length max-number))
301 (encoder (index-and-number-encoder name-bits number-bits))
302 (vector (make-array 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
303 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
304 (write-var-integer name-bits vector)
305 (write-var-integer number-bits vector)
306 (loop for (kind-number . kind-entries) in entries
307 for kind-count = (reduce #'+ kind-entries
308 :key (lambda (entry) (length (cdr entry))))
309 do (write-var-integer
310 (encode-kind-and-count kind-number kind-count) vector)
311 (loop for (index . numbers) in kind-entries
312 do (dolist (number numbers)
313 (write-var-integer (funcall encoder index number) vector))))
314 (setf (aref result 0) (!make-specialized-array
315 (length vector) '(unsigned-byte 8) vector)))
316 ;; RESULT is adjustable. Make it simple.
317 (coerce result 'simple-vector)))
319 ;;; Call FUNCTION for each entry in XREF-DATA. FUNCTION's
320 ;;; lambda-list has to be compatible to
322 ;;; (kind name form-number)
324 ;;; where KIND is the xref kind (see *XREF-KINDS*), NAME is the name
325 ;;; of the referenced thing and FORM-NUMBER is the number of the
326 ;;; form in which the reference occurred.
327 (defun map-packed-xref-data (function xref-data)
328 (let* ((function (coerce function 'function))
329 (lookup (index->name xref-data))
330 (packed (aref xref-data 0))
331 (offset 0)
332 (decoder (index-and-number-decoder
333 (read-var-integerf packed offset)
334 (read-var-integerf packed offset))))
335 (loop while (< offset (length packed))
336 do (binding* (((kind-number record-count)
337 (decode-kind-and-count (read-var-integerf packed offset)))
338 (kind (nth kind-number *xref-kinds*)))
339 (loop repeat record-count
340 do (binding* (((index number)
341 (funcall decoder (read-var-integerf packed offset)))
342 (name (funcall lookup index)))
343 (funcall function kind name number))))))))