[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / codegen.lisp
1 ;;;; the implementation-independent parts of the code generator. We use
2 ;;;; functions and information provided by the VM definition to convert
3 ;;;; IR2 into assembly code. After emitting code, we finish the
4 ;;;; assembly and then do the post-assembly phase.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 (in-package "SB!C")
17 ;;;; utilities used during code generation
19 ;;; the number of bytes used by the code object header
20 (defun component-header-length (&optional
21 (component *component-being-compiled*))
22 (let* ((2comp (component-info component))
23 (constants (ir2-component-constants 2comp))
24 (num-consts (length constants)))
25 (ash (logandc2 (1+ num-consts) 1) sb!vm:word-shift)))
27 ;;; the size of the NAME'd SB in the currently compiled component.
28 ;;; This is useful mainly for finding the size for allocating stack
29 ;;; frames.
30 (defun sb-allocated-size (name)
31 (finite-sb-current-size (sb-or-lose name)))
33 ;;; the TN that is used to hold the number stack frame-pointer in
34 ;;; VOP's function, or NIL if no number stack frame was allocated
35 (defun current-nfp-tn (vop)
36 (unless (zerop (sb-allocated-size 'non-descriptor-stack))
37 (let ((block (ir2-block-block (vop-block vop))))
38 (when (ir2-physenv-number-stack-p
39 (physenv-info
40 (block-physenv block)))
41 (ir2-component-nfp (component-info (block-component block)))))))
43 ;;; the TN that is used to hold the number stack frame-pointer in the
44 ;;; function designated by 2ENV, or NIL if no number stack frame was
45 ;;; allocated
46 (defun callee-nfp-tn (2env)
47 (unless (zerop (sb-allocated-size 'non-descriptor-stack))
48 (when (ir2-physenv-number-stack-p 2env)
49 (ir2-component-nfp (component-info *component-being-compiled*)))))
51 ;;; the TN used for passing the return PC in a local call to the function
52 ;;; designated by 2ENV
53 (defun callee-return-pc-tn (2env)
54 (ir2-physenv-return-pc-pass 2env))
56 ;;;; specials used during code generation
58 (defvar *code-segment* nil)
59 (defvar *elsewhere* nil)
60 (defvar *elsewhere-label* nil)
62 ;;;; noise to emit an instruction trace
64 (defvar *prev-segment*)
65 (defvar *prev-vop*)
67 (defun trace-instruction (segment vop inst &rest args)
68 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
69 (let ((*standard-output* *compiler-trace-output*))
70 (unless (eq *prev-segment* segment)
71 (format t "in the ~A segment:~%" (sb!assem:segment-type segment))
72 (setf *prev-segment* segment))
73 (unless (eq *prev-vop* vop)
74 (when vop
75 (format t "~%VOP ")
76 (if (vop-p vop)
77 (print-vop vop)
78 (format *compiler-trace-output* "~S~%" vop)))
79 (terpri)
80 (setf *prev-vop* vop))
81 (case inst
82 (:label
83 (format t "~A:~%" (car args)))
84 (:align
85 (format t "~0,8T.align~0,8T~A~%" (car args)))
87 (format t "~0,8T~A~@[~0,8T~{~A~^, ~}~]~%" inst args))))
88 (values))
90 ;;;; GENERATE-CODE and support routines
92 ;;; standard defaults for slots of SEGMENT objects
93 (defun default-segment-run-scheduler ()
94 (and *assembly-optimize*
95 (policy (lambda-bind
96 (block-home-lambda
97 (block-next (component-head *component-being-compiled*))))
98 (or (> speed compilation-speed) (> space compilation-speed)))))
99 (defun default-segment-inst-hook ()
100 (and *compiler-trace-output*
101 #'trace-instruction))
103 (defun init-assembler ()
104 (setf *code-segment*
105 (sb!assem:make-segment :type :regular
106 :run-scheduler (default-segment-run-scheduler)
107 :inst-hook (default-segment-inst-hook)))
108 #!+sb-dyncount
109 (setf (sb!assem:segment-collect-dynamic-statistics *code-segment*)
110 *collect-dynamic-statistics*)
111 (setf *elsewhere*
112 (sb!assem:make-segment :type :elsewhere
113 :run-scheduler (default-segment-run-scheduler)
114 :inst-hook (default-segment-inst-hook)
115 :alignment 0))
116 #!+inline-constants
117 (setf *unboxed-constants* (make-unboxed-constants))
118 (values))
120 #!+inline-constants
121 (defun emit-inline-constants (&aux (constant-holder *unboxed-constants*)
122 (vector (constant-vector constant-holder)))
123 (setf *unboxed-constants* nil)
124 (unless (zerop (length vector))
125 (let ((constants (sb!vm:sort-inline-constants vector)))
126 (assemble ((constant-segment constant-holder))
127 (map nil (lambda (constant)
128 (sb!vm:emit-inline-constant (car constant) (cdr constant)))
129 constants))))
130 ;; Always append the constant segment, because a zero-length vector
131 ;; does not imply absence of unboxed data.
132 ;; In particular the simple-fun offsets are in there.
133 (setf *code-segment* (let ((seg (constant-segment constant-holder)))
134 (sb!assem:append-segment seg *code-segment*)
135 seg)))
137 ;;; If a constant is already loaded into a register use that register.
138 (defun optimize-constant-loads (component)
139 (let* ((register-sb (sb-or-lose 'sb!vm::registers))
140 (loaded-constants
141 (make-array (sb-size register-sb)
142 :initial-element nil)))
143 (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
144 (fill loaded-constants nil)
145 (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop)))
146 ((null vop))
147 (labels ((register-p (tn)
148 (and (tn-p tn)
149 (eq (sc-sb (tn-sc tn)) register-sb)))
150 (constant-eql-p (a b)
151 (or (eq a b)
152 (and (eq (sc-name (tn-sc a)) 'constant)
153 (eq (tn-sc a) (tn-sc b))
154 (eql (tn-offset a) (tn-offset b)))))
155 (remove-constant (tn)
156 (when (register-p tn)
157 (setf (svref loaded-constants (tn-offset tn)) nil)))
158 (remove-written-tns ()
159 (cond ((memq (vop-info-save-p (vop-info vop))
160 '(t :force-to-stack))
161 (fill loaded-constants nil))
163 (do ((ref (vop-results vop) (tn-ref-across ref)))
164 ((null ref))
165 (remove-constant (tn-ref-tn ref))
166 (remove-constant (tn-ref-load-tn ref)))
167 (do ((ref (vop-temps vop) (tn-ref-across ref)))
168 ((null ref))
169 (remove-constant (tn-ref-tn ref)))
170 (do ((ref (vop-args vop) (tn-ref-across ref)))
171 ((null ref))
172 (remove-constant (tn-ref-load-tn ref))))))
173 (compatible-scs-p (a b)
174 (or (eql a b)
175 (and (eq (sc-name a) 'sb!vm::control-stack)
176 (eq (sc-name b) 'sb!vm::descriptor-reg))
177 (and (eq (sc-name b) 'sb!vm::control-stack)
178 (eq (sc-name a) 'sb!vm::descriptor-reg))))
179 (find-constant-tn (constant sc)
180 (loop for (saved-constant . tn) across loaded-constants
181 when (and saved-constant
182 (constant-eql-p saved-constant constant)
183 (compatible-scs-p (tn-sc tn) sc))
184 return tn)))
185 (case (vop-name vop)
186 ((move sb!vm::move-arg)
187 (let* ((args (vop-args vop))
188 (x (tn-ref-tn args))
189 (y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop)))
190 constant)
191 (cond ((and (eq (vop-name vop) 'move)
192 (location= x y))
193 ;; Helps subsequent optimization of adjacent VOPs
194 (delete-vop vop))
195 ((or (eq (sc-name (tn-sc x)) 'null)
196 (not (eq (tn-kind x) :constant)))
197 (remove-written-tns))
198 ((setf constant (find-constant-tn x (tn-sc y)))
199 (when (register-p y)
200 (setf (svref loaded-constants (tn-offset y))
201 (cons x y)))
202 ;; XOR is more compact on x86oids and many
203 ;; RISCs have a zero register
204 (unless (and (constant-p (tn-leaf x))
205 (eql (tn-value x) 0)
206 (register-p y))
207 (setf (tn-ref-tn args) constant)
208 (setf (tn-ref-load-tn args) nil)))
209 ((register-p y)
210 (setf (svref loaded-constants (tn-offset y))
211 (cons x y)))
213 (remove-written-tns)))))
215 (remove-written-tns))))))))
217 (defun generate-code (component)
218 (when *compiler-trace-output*
219 (format *compiler-trace-output*
220 "~|~%assembly code for ~S~2%"
221 component))
222 (let ((prev-env nil)
223 (*prev-segment* nil)
224 (*prev-vop* nil)
225 (*fixup-notes* nil))
226 (let ((label (sb!assem:gen-label)))
227 (setf *elsewhere-label* label)
228 (sb!assem:assemble (*elsewhere*)
229 (sb!assem:emit-label label)))
230 ;; Leave space for the unboxed words containing simple-fun offsets.
231 ;; Each offset is a 32-bit integer. On 64-bit platforms, 1 offset
232 ;; is stored in the header word as a 16-bit integer.
233 ;; On 32-bit platforms there is an extra boxed slot in the code oject.
234 (let* ((n-entries (length (ir2-component-entries (component-info component))))
235 (ptrs-per-word (/ sb!vm:n-word-bytes 4)) ; either 1 or 2
236 (n-words (ceiling (1- n-entries) ptrs-per-word)))
237 (emit-skip #!-inline-constants *code-segment*
238 #!+inline-constants (constant-segment *unboxed-constants*)
239 ;; Preserve double-word alignment of the unboxed constants
240 (sb!vm:pad-data-block n-words)))
242 (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
243 (let ((1block (ir2-block-block block)))
244 (when (and (eq (block-info 1block) block)
245 (block-start 1block))
246 (sb!assem:assemble (*code-segment*)
247 ;; Align first emitted block of each loop: x86 and x86-64 both
248 ;; like 16 byte alignment, however, since x86 aligns code objects
249 ;; on 8 byte boundaries we cannot guarantee proper loop alignment
250 ;; there (yet.) Only x86-64 does something with ALIGNP, but
251 ;; it may be useful in the future.
252 (let ((alignp (let ((cloop (block-loop 1block)))
253 (when (and cloop
254 (loop-tail cloop)
255 (not (loop-info cloop)))
256 ;; Mark the loop as aligned by saving the IR1 block aligned.
257 (setf (loop-info cloop) 1block)
258 t))))
259 (emit-block-header (block-label 1block)
260 (ir2-block-%trampoline-label block)
261 (ir2-block-dropped-thru-to block)
262 alignp)))
263 (let ((env (block-physenv 1block)))
264 (unless (eq env prev-env)
265 (let ((lab (gen-label)))
266 (setf (ir2-physenv-elsewhere-start (physenv-info env))
267 lab)
268 (emit-label-elsewhere lab))
269 (setq prev-env env)))))
270 (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop)))
271 ((null vop))
272 (let ((gen (vop-info-generator-function (vop-info vop))))
273 (cond ((not gen)
274 (format t
275 "missing generator for ~S~%"
276 (template-name (vop-info vop))))
277 #!+arm64
278 ((and (vop-next vop)
279 (eq (vop-name vop)
280 (vop-name (vop-next vop)))
281 (memq (vop-name vop) '(move move-operand sb!vm::move-arg))
282 (sb!vm::load-store-two-words vop (vop-next vop)))
283 (setf vop (vop-next vop)))
285 (funcall gen vop))))))
286 (sb!assem:append-segment *code-segment* *elsewhere*)
287 (setf *elsewhere* nil)
288 #!+inline-constants
289 (emit-inline-constants)
290 (values (sb!assem:finalize-segment *code-segment*)
291 *fixup-notes*)))
293 (defun emit-label-elsewhere (label)
294 (sb!assem:assemble (*elsewhere*)
295 (sb!assem:emit-label label)))
297 (defun label-elsewhere-p (label-or-posn kind)
298 (let ((elsewhere (label-position *elsewhere-label*))
299 (label (etypecase label-or-posn
300 (label
301 (label-position label-or-posn))
302 (index
303 label-or-posn))))
304 (if (memq kind '(:single-value-return
305 :unknown-return
306 :known-return))
307 ;; We're interested in what precedes the return, not after
308 (< elsewhere label)
309 (<= elsewhere label))))
311 #!+inline-constants
312 (defun register-inline-constant (&rest constant-descriptor)
313 (declare (dynamic-extent constant-descriptor))
314 (let ((constants *unboxed-constants*)
315 (constant (sb!vm:canonicalize-inline-constant constant-descriptor)))
316 (or (gethash constant (constant-table constants))
317 (multiple-value-bind (label value) (sb!vm:inline-constant-value constant)
318 (vector-push-extend (cons constant label) (constant-vector constants))
319 (setf (gethash constant (constant-table constants)) value)))))