Remove #+-win32 from the run-program docstring.
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-posix / strtod.lisp
1 (in-package "SB-POSIX")
3 (defun strtod (string)
4 "Parse the string INPUT and return a double-precision float,
5 and a secondary value, the number of characters consumed."
6 (flet ((strtod/base-string (chars offset)
7 (declare (simple-base-string chars))
8 ;; On x86, dx arrays are quicker to make than aliens.
9 (sb-int:dx-let ((end (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word)))
10 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (chars)
11 (let* ((base (sb-sys:sap+ (sb-sys:vector-sap chars) offset))
12 (answer
13 (handler-case
14 (alien-funcall
15 (extern-alien "strtod" (function double
16 system-area-pointer
17 system-area-pointer))
18 base
19 (sb-sys:vector-sap end))
20 (floating-point-overflow () nil))))
21 (values answer
22 (if answer
23 (the sb-int:index
24 (- (aref end 0) (sb-sys:sap-int base))))))))))
25 (when (typep string 'simple-base-string)
26 (return-from strtod (strtod/base-string string 0)))
27 ;; Non-simple base-string with a null terminator in the right place.
28 (when (typep string 'base-string)
29 (sb-kernel:with-array-data ((data string) (start) (end) :check-fill-pointer t)
30 (when (eql (locally
31 (declare (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
32 (schar data (1+ end))) #\Nul)
33 (return-from strtod (strtod/base-string data start)))))
34 ;; Short simple non-base string, or base-string w/o a null in the right place
35 (when (typep string '(or (simple-array character (*)) base-string))
36 (let ((length (length string)))
37 (when (< length 256) ; arbitrary limit to keep stack usage minimal
38 (string-dispatch ((simple-array character (*)) base-string) string
39 (sb-int:dx-let ((copy (make-array length :element-type 'base-char)))
40 (loop for i below length do (setf (schar copy i) (char string i)))
41 (return-from strtod (strtod/base-string copy 0)))))))
42 (strtod/base-string (coerce string 'simple-base-string) 0))) ; Anything else