Dynamic space relocation, part 1 of 2
[sbcl.git] / tests / clos.impure-cload.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of CLOS and file-compiler
2 ;;;; optimizations
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
8 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
9 ;;;; from CMU CL.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
12 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
13 ;;;; more information.
15 ;;; Fix due to pmai, ported from CMUCL, regarding
17 (defclass mio-test ()
18 ((test :initarg :test)))
20 (defun mio-demo ()
21 (let ((x (make-instance 'mio-test :test 42)))
22 (incf (slot-value x 'test))))
24 (defun mio-test ()
25 (mio-demo)
26 (make-instances-obsolete 'mio-test)
27 (mio-demo))
29 (mio-test)
31 ;;; Some tests of bits of optimized MAKE-INSTANCE that were hopelessly
32 ;;; wrong until Gerd's ctor MAKE-INSTANCE optimization was ported.
33 (defvar *d-i-s-e-count* 0)
34 (defclass default-initargs-side-effect ()
35 ((x :initarg :x))
36 (:default-initargs :x (incf *d-i-s-e-count*)))
37 (defun default-initargs-side-effect ()
38 (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect))
39 (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 0))
40 (default-initargs-side-effect)
41 (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 1))
42 (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect)
43 (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 2))
44 (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect :x 3)
45 (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 2))
47 (defclass class-allocation ()
48 ((x :allocation :class :initarg :x :initform 3)))
49 (defun class-allocation-reader ()
50 (slot-value (make-instance 'class-allocation) 'x))
51 (defun class-allocation-writer (value)
52 (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'class-allocation) 'x) value))
53 (assert (= (class-allocation-reader) 3))
54 (class-allocation-writer 4)
55 (assert (= (class-allocation-reader) 4))
57 ;;; from James Anderson via Gerd Moellmann: defining methods with
58 ;;; specializers with forward-referenced superclasses used not to
59 ;;; work.
60 (defclass specializer1 () ())
61 (defclass specializer2 (forward-ref1) ())
62 (defmethod baz ((x specializer2)) x)
63 (defmethod baz ((x specializer1)) x)
64 (assert (typep (baz (make-instance 'specializer1)) 'specializer1))
66 ;;; ... and from McCLIM, another test case:
67 (defclass specializer1a (specializer2a specializer2b) ())
68 (defclass specializer2a () ())
69 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
70 ((obj specializer2a) &key &allow-other-keys)
71 (print obj))
73 ;;; in a similar vein, we should be able to define methods on classes
74 ;;; that are effectively unknown to the type system:
75 (sb-mop:ensure-class 'unknown-type)
76 (defmethod method-on-unknown ((x unknown-type)) x)
77 ;;; (we can't call it without defining methods on allocate-instance
78 ;;; etc., but we should be able to define it).
80 ;;; the ctor MAKE-INSTANCE optimizer used not to handle duplicate
81 ;;; initargs...
82 (defclass dinitargs-class1 ()
83 ((a :initarg :a)))
84 (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'dinitargs-class1 :a 1 :a 2) 'a) 1))
86 (defclass dinitargs-class2 ()
87 ((b :initarg :b1 :initarg :b2)))
88 (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'dinitargs-class2 :b2 3 :b1 4) 'b) 3))
89 ;;; ... or default-initargs when the location was already initialized
90 (defvar *definitargs-counter* 0)
91 (defclass definitargs-class ()
92 ((a :initarg :a :initarg :a2))
93 (:default-initargs :a2 (incf *definitargs-counter*)))
94 (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'definitargs-class) 'a) 1))
95 (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'definitargs-class :a 0) 'a) 0))
96 (assert (= *definitargs-counter* 2))
98 ;;; inherited local -> shared slot initforms
99 ;; (adapted from Paul F. Dietz's test suite DEFCLASS-0211.1)
100 (defclass shared-to-local-initform-super ()
101 ((redefined :allocation :instance :initform 'orig-initform)))
102 (defclass shared-to-local-initform-sub (shared-to-local-initform-super)
103 ((redefined :allocation :class)))
104 (assert (slot-boundp (make-instance 'shared-to-local-initform-sub) 'redefined))
105 (assert (eq 'orig-initform
106 (slot-value (make-instance 'shared-to-local-initform-sub) 'redefined)))
108 (defgeneric no-ignored-warnings (x y))
109 (handler-case
110 (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x t) (y t))
111 (declare (ignore x y)) nil))
112 (style-warning (c) (error c)))
113 (handler-case
114 (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x number) (y t))
115 (declare (ignore x y)) (setq *print-level* nil)))
116 (style-warning (c) (error c)))
117 (handler-case
118 (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x fixnum) (y t))
119 (declare (ignore x)) (setq y 'foo)))
120 (style-warning (c) (error c)))
122 ;;; ctor optimization bugs:
124 ;;; :DEFAULT-INITARGS not checked for validity
125 (defclass invalid-default-initargs ()
126 ((foo :initarg :foo))
127 (:default-initargs :invalid-initarg 2))
128 (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
129 (ignore-errors (make-instance 'invalid-default-initargs :foo 1))
130 (assert (null result))
131 (assert (typep condition 'program-error)))
134 (defclass default-initargs-with-method ()
135 ((foo :initarg :valid-initarg))
136 (:default-initargs :valid-initarg 2))
137 (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((thing default-initargs-with-method)
138 slot-names &key valid-initarg)
139 (assert (= valid-initarg 2)))
140 (make-instance 'default-initargs-with-method)
141 ;;; and a test with a non-constant initarg
142 (defvar *d-i-w-m-2* 0)
143 (defclass default-initargs-with-method2 ()
144 ((foo :initarg :valid-initarg))
145 (:default-initargs :valid-initarg (incf *d-i-w-m-2*)))
146 (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((thing default-initargs-with-method2)
147 slot-names &key valid-initarg)
148 (assert (= valid-initarg 1)))
149 (make-instance 'default-initargs-with-method2)
150 (assert (= *d-i-w-m-2* 1))
152 ;;; from Axel Schairer on cmucl-imp 2004-08-05
153 (defclass class-with-symbol-initarg ()
154 ((slot :initarg slot)))
155 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
156 ((x class-with-symbol-initarg) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
157 (unless (or (null initargs)
158 (eql (getf initargs 'slot)
159 (slot-value x 'slot)))
160 (error "bad bad bad")))
161 (defun make-thing (arg)
162 (make-instance 'class-with-symbol-initarg 'slot arg))
163 (defun make-other-thing (slot arg)
164 (make-instance 'class-with-symbol-initarg slot arg))
165 (assert (eql (slot-value (make-thing 1) 'slot) 1))
166 (assert (eql (slot-value (make-other-thing 'slot 2) 'slot) 2))
168 ;;; test that ctors can be used with the literal class
169 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
170 (defclass ctor-literal-class () ())
171 (defclass ctor-literal-class2 () ()))
172 (defun ctor-literal-class ()
173 (make-instance #.(find-class 'ctor-literal-class)))
174 (defun ctor-literal-class2 ()
175 (make-instance '#.(find-class 'ctor-literal-class2)))
176 (with-test (:name (:ctor :literal-class-unquoted))
177 (assert (typep (ctor-literal-class) 'ctor-literal-class)))
178 (with-test (:name (:ctor :literal-class-quoted))
179 (assert (typep (ctor-literal-class2) 'ctor-literal-class2)))
181 ;;; test that call-next-method and eval-when doesn't cause an
182 ;;; undumpable method object to arise in the effective source code.
183 ;;; (from Sascha Wilde sbcl-devel 2007-07-15)
184 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
185 (defmethod just-call-next-method (thing)
186 (call-next-method)))
188 (defvar *compile-count* 0)
189 (sb-int:encapsulate 'compile 'call-counter
190 (lambda (f name thing)
191 (incf *compile-count*)
192 (funcall f name thing)))
194 (defstruct mystruct-r/w (some-slot))
195 (defstruct mystruct-r/o (allegedly-immutable-slot 3 :read-only t))
197 (with-test (:name :allocate-instance-of-struct)
198 (let ((old-count *compile-count*))
199 (make-instance 'mystruct-r/w)
200 (assert (= *compile-count* (+ old-count 2)))
201 (make-instance 'mystruct-r/w)
202 (assert (= *compile-count* (+ old-count 2))))) ; same as before
204 (with-test (:name (:setf-slot-value-on-readonly-struct-slot))
205 (let ((myobj (make-mystruct-r/o))
206 (old-count *compile-count*)
207 ;; hide the slot name from the compiler so it doesn't optimize
208 (slot-name (eval ''allegedly-immutable-slot)))
209 (setf (slot-value myobj slot-name) :newval1)
210 (assert (= *compile-count* (1+ old-count)))
211 (setf (slot-value myobj slot-name) :newval2)
212 (assert (= *compile-count* (1+ old-count))))) ; same as before