Remove some test noise. A drop in the ocean unfortunately.
[sbcl.git] / src / pcl / init.lisp
1 ;;;; This file defines the initialization and related protocols.
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
7 ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
8 ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
10 ;;;; information.
12 ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
15 ;;;; All rights reserved.
16 ;;;;
17 ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
18 ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
19 ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
20 ;;;; control laws.
21 ;;;;
22 ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
23 ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
24 ;;;; specification.
26 (in-package "SB-PCL")
28 (defmethod make-instance ((class symbol) &rest initargs)
29 (apply #'make-instance (find-class class) initargs))
31 (defmethod make-instance ((class class) &rest initargs)
32 (let ((instance-or-nil (maybe-call-ctor class initargs)))
33 (when instance-or-nil
34 (return-from make-instance instance-or-nil)))
35 (ensure-class-finalized class)
36 (let ((class-default-initargs (class-default-initargs class)))
37 (when class-default-initargs
38 (setf initargs (default-initargs initargs class-default-initargs)))
39 (when initargs
40 (when (eq **boot-state** 'complete)
41 (check-mi-initargs class initargs)))
42 (let ((instance (apply #'allocate-instance class initargs)))
43 (apply #'initialize-instance instance initargs)
44 instance)))
46 (defun default-initargs (supplied-initargs class-default-initargs)
47 (loop for (key nil fun) in class-default-initargs
48 when (eq (getf supplied-initargs key '.not-there.) '.not-there.)
49 append (list key (funcall fun)) into default-initargs
50 finally
51 (return (append supplied-initargs default-initargs))))
53 (defmethod initialize-instance ((instance slot-object) &rest initargs)
54 (apply #'shared-initialize instance t initargs))
56 (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((instance slot-object) &rest initargs)
57 ;; the ctor machinery allows us to track when memoization of
58 ;; validity of initargs should be cleared.
59 (check-ri-initargs instance initargs)
60 (apply #'shared-initialize instance nil initargs)
61 instance)
63 (defglobal **typecheck-cache** (make-hash-table :test #'equal :synchronized t))
64 (defvar *typecheck-stack* nil)
66 (defun generate-slotd-typecheck (slotd info)
67 (let* ((type (slot-definition-type slotd))
68 (class (slot-definition-class slotd))
69 (cookie (cons class (slot-definition-name slotd))))
70 (declare (dynamic-extent cookie))
71 (when (and (neq t type) (safe-p class))
72 (or
73 ;; Have one already!
74 (awhen (gethash type **typecheck-cache**)
75 (setf (slot-info-typecheck info) it))
76 ;; It is possible for compilation of a typecheck to trigger class
77 ;; finalization, which in turn may trigger compilation of a
78 ;; slot-typechecking function -- detects and break those cycles.
80 ;; We use the slow function here, but the outer call will replace it
81 ;; with the fast one.
82 (when (member cookie *typecheck-stack* :test #'equal)
83 (setf (slot-info-typecheck info)
84 (named-lambda slow-slot-typecheck (value)
85 (if (typep value type)
86 value
87 (error 'type-error
88 :datum value
89 :expected-type type)))))
90 ;; The normal, good case: compile an efficient typecheck function.
91 (let ((*typecheck-stack* (cons cookie *typecheck-stack*)))
92 (handler-bind (((or style-warning compiler-note) #'muffle-warning))
93 (let ((fun (compile
94 nil
95 `(named-lambda (slot-typecheck ,type) (value)
96 (declare (optimize (sb-c:store-coverage-data 0)
97 (sb-c::type-check 3)
98 (sb-c::verify-arg-count 0)))
99 (the ,type value)))))
100 (setf (gethash type **typecheck-cache**) fun
101 (slot-info-typecheck info) fun))))))))
103 (define-condition slotd-initialization-error (reference-condition error)
104 ((initarg :initarg :initarg :reader slotd-initialization-error-initarg)
105 (kind :initarg :kind :reader slotd-initialization-error-kind)
106 (value :initarg :value :initform nil :reader slotd-initialization-error-value))
107 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:amop :initialization slot-definition)))
108 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
109 (let ((initarg (slotd-initialization-error-initarg condition))
110 (kind (slotd-initialization-error-kind condition))
111 (value (slotd-initialization-error-value condition)))
112 (format stream
113 "~@<Invalid ~S initialization: the initialization ~
114 argument ~S was ~
115 ~[missing~*~;not a symbol: ~S~;constant: ~S~].~@:>"
116 'slot-definition initarg
117 (getf '(:missing 0 :symbol 1 :constant 2) kind)
118 value)))))
120 (define-condition slotd-initialization-type-error (slotd-initialization-error type-error)
121 ((value :initarg :datum))
122 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
123 (let ((initarg (slotd-initialization-error-initarg condition))
124 (datum (type-error-datum condition))
125 (expected-type (type-error-expected-type condition)))
126 (format stream
127 "~@<Invalid ~S initialization: the initialization ~
128 argument ~S was ~S, which is not of type ~S.~@:>"
129 'slot-definition initarg
130 datum expected-type)))))
132 (defmethod initialize-instance :before ((slotd slot-definition)
133 &key (name nil namep)
134 (initform nil initformp)
135 (initfunction nil initfunp)
136 (type nil typep)
137 (allocation nil allocationp)
138 (initargs nil initargsp)
139 (documentation nil docp))
140 (declare (ignore initform initfunction type))
141 (unless namep
142 (error 'slotd-initialization-error :initarg :name :kind :missing))
143 (unless (symbolp name)
144 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :name :datum name :expected-type 'symbol))
145 (when (and (constantp name)
146 ;; KLUDGE: names of structure slots are weird, and their
147 ;; weird behaviour gets grandfathered in this way. (The
148 ;; negative constraint is hard to express in normal
149 ;; CLOS method terms).
150 (not (typep slotd 'structure-slot-definition)))
151 (error 'slotd-initialization-error :initarg :name :kind :constant :value name))
152 (when (and initformp (not initfunp))
153 (error 'slotd-initialization-error :initarg :initfunction :kind :missing))
154 (when (and initfunp (not initformp))
155 (error 'slotd-initialization-error :initarg :initform :kind :missing))
156 (when (and typep (not t))
159 (when (and allocationp (not (symbolp allocation)))
160 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :allocation :datum allocation :expected-type 'symbol))
161 (when initargsp
162 (unless (typep initargs 'list)
163 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :initarg :datum initargs :expected-type 'list))
164 (do ((is initargs (cdr is)))
165 ((atom is)
166 (unless (null is)
167 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :initarg :datum initargs :expected-type '(satisfies proper-list-p))))
168 (unless (symbolp (car is))
169 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :initarg :datum is :expected-type '(or null (cons symbol))))))
170 (when docp
171 (unless (typep documentation '(or null string))
172 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error :initarg :documentation :datum documentation :expected-type '(or null string)))))
174 (defmethod initialize-instance :before ((dslotd direct-slot-definition)
175 &key
176 (readers nil readersp)
177 (writers nil writersp))
178 (macrolet ((check (arg argp)
179 `(when ,argp
180 (unless (typep ,arg 'list)
181 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error
182 :initarg ,(keywordicate arg)
183 :datum ,arg :expected-type 'list))
184 (do ((as ,arg (cdr as)))
185 ((atom as)
186 (unless (null as)
187 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error
188 :initarg ,(keywordicate arg)
189 :datum ,arg :expected-type '(satisfies proper-list-p))))
190 (unless (valid-function-name-p (car as))
191 (error 'slotd-initialization-type-error
192 :initarg ,(keywordicate arg)
193 :datum ,arg :expected-type '(or null (cons (satisfies valid-function-name-p)))))))))
194 (check readers readersp)
195 (check writers writersp)))
197 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((slotd effective-slot-definition) &key)
198 (let ((info (make-slot-info :slotd slotd)))
199 (generate-slotd-typecheck slotd info)
200 (setf (slot-definition-info slotd) info)))
202 ;;; FIXME: Do we need (SETF SLOT-DEFINITION-TYPE) at all?
203 (defmethod (setf slot-definition-type) :after (new-type (slotd effective-slot-definition))
204 (generate-slotd-typecheck slotd (slot-definition-info slotd)))
206 (defmethod update-instance-for-different-class
207 ((previous standard-object) (current standard-object) &rest initargs)
208 ;; First we must compute the newly added slots. The spec defines
209 ;; newly added slots as "those local slots for which no slot of
210 ;; the same name exists in the previous class."
211 (let ((added-slots '())
212 (current-slotds (class-slots (class-of current)))
213 (previous-slot-names (mapcar #'slot-definition-name
214 (class-slots (class-of previous)))))
215 (dolist (slotd current-slotds)
216 (if (and (not (memq (slot-definition-name slotd) previous-slot-names))
217 (eq (slot-definition-allocation slotd) :instance))
218 (push (slot-definition-name slotd) added-slots)))
219 (check-initargs-1
220 (class-of current) initargs
221 (list (list* 'update-instance-for-different-class previous current initargs)
222 (list* 'shared-initialize current added-slots initargs)))
223 (apply #'shared-initialize current added-slots initargs)))
225 (defmethod update-instance-for-redefined-class
226 ((instance standard-object) added-slots discarded-slots property-list
227 &rest initargs)
228 (check-initargs-1
229 (class-of instance) initargs
230 (list (list* 'update-instance-for-redefined-class
231 instance added-slots discarded-slots property-list initargs)
232 (list* 'shared-initialize instance added-slots initargs)))
233 (apply #'shared-initialize instance added-slots initargs))
235 (defmethod shared-initialize ((instance slot-object) slot-names &rest initargs)
236 (flet ((initialize-slot-from-initarg (class instance slotd)
237 (let ((slot-initargs (slot-definition-initargs slotd)))
238 (doplist (initarg value) initargs
239 (when (memq initarg slot-initargs)
240 (setf (slot-value-using-class class instance slotd)
241 value)
242 (return t)))))
243 (initialize-slot-from-initfunction (class instance slotd)
244 ;; CLHS: If a before method stores something in a slot,
245 ;; that slot won't be initialized from its :INITFORM, if any.
246 (let ((initfun (slot-definition-initfunction slotd)))
247 (if (typep instance 'structure-object)
248 ;; We don't have a consistent unbound marker for structure
249 ;; object slots, and structure object redefinition is not
250 ;; really supported anyways -- so unconditionally
251 ;; initializing the slot should be fine.
252 (when initfun
253 (setf (slot-value-using-class class instance slotd)
254 (funcall initfun)))
255 (unless (or (not initfun)
256 (slot-boundp-using-class class instance slotd))
257 (setf (slot-value-using-class class instance slotd)
258 (funcall initfun)))))))
259 (let* ((class (class-of instance))
260 (initfn-slotds
261 (loop for slotd in (class-slots class)
262 unless (initialize-slot-from-initarg class instance slotd)
263 collect slotd)))
264 (dolist (slotd initfn-slotds)
265 (when (or (eq t slot-names)
266 (memq (slot-definition-name slotd) slot-names))
267 (initialize-slot-from-initfunction class instance slotd))))
268 instance))
270 ;;; If initargs are valid return nil, otherwise signal an error.
271 (defun check-initargs-1 (class initargs call-list
272 &optional (plist-p t) (error-p t))
273 (multiple-value-bind (legal allow-other-keys)
274 (check-initargs-values class call-list)
275 (unless allow-other-keys
276 (if plist-p
277 (check-initargs-2-plist initargs class legal error-p)
278 (check-initargs-2-list initargs class legal error-p)))))
280 (defun check-initargs-values (class call-list)
281 (let ((methods (mapcan (lambda (call)
282 (if (consp call)
283 (copy-list (compute-applicable-methods
284 (gdefinition (car call))
285 (cdr call)))
286 (list call)))
287 call-list))
288 (legal (apply #'append (mapcar #'slot-definition-initargs
289 (class-slots class)))))
290 ;; Add to the set of slot-filling initargs the set of
291 ;; initargs that are accepted by the methods. If at
292 ;; any point we come across &allow-other-keys, we can
293 ;; just quit.
294 (dolist (method methods)
295 (multiple-value-bind (llks nreq nopt keys)
296 (analyze-lambda-list (if (consp method)
297 (early-method-lambda-list method)
298 (method-lambda-list method)))
299 (declare (ignore nreq nopt))
300 (when (ll-kwds-allowp llks)
301 (return-from check-initargs-values (values nil t)))
302 (setq legal (append keys legal))))
303 (values legal nil)))
305 (define-condition initarg-error (reference-condition program-error)
306 ((class :reader initarg-error-class :initarg :class)
307 (initargs :reader initarg-error-initargs :initarg :initargs))
308 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (7 1 2))))
309 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
310 (format stream "~@<Invalid initialization argument~P: ~2I~_~
311 ~<~{~S~^, ~} ~@:>~I~_in call for class ~S.~:>"
312 (length (initarg-error-initargs condition))
313 (list (initarg-error-initargs condition))
314 (initarg-error-class condition)))))
316 (defun check-initargs-2-plist (initargs class legal &optional (error-p t))
317 (let ((invalid-keys ()))
318 (unless (getf initargs :allow-other-keys)
319 ;; Now check the supplied-initarg-names and the default initargs
320 ;; against the total set that we know are legal.
321 (doplist (key val) initargs
322 (unless (or (memq key legal)
323 ;; :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS NIL gets here
324 (eq key :allow-other-keys))
325 (push key invalid-keys)))
326 (when (and invalid-keys error-p)
327 (error 'initarg-error :class class :initargs invalid-keys)))
328 invalid-keys))
330 (defun check-initargs-2-list (initkeys class legal &optional (error-p t))
331 (let ((invalid-keys ()))
332 (unless (memq :allow-other-keys initkeys)
333 ;; Now check the supplied-initarg-names and the default initargs
334 ;; against the total set that we know are legal.
335 (dolist (key initkeys)
336 (unless (memq key legal)
337 (push key invalid-keys)))
338 (when (and invalid-keys error-p)
339 (error 'initarg-error :class class :initargs invalid-keys)))
340 invalid-keys))