Trust non-returning functions during sb-xc.
[sbcl.git] / tests / packages.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of package-related stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
16 (require :sb-md5)
17 #+64-bit
18 (progn
19 (let ((n 0))
20 (do-all-symbols (s)
21 (when (> (sb-kernel:symbol-package-id s) 100) (incf n)))
22 (assert (= n 0))))
24 (defun set-bad-package (x)
25 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
26 (setq *package* x))
28 ;; When interpreting, the error occurs in SET-BAD-PACKAGE,
29 ;; not at the INTERN call.
30 (with-test (:name :set-bad-package :skipped-on :interpreter)
31 (set-bad-package :cl-user)
32 (assert-error (intern "FRED") type-error))
34 ;;; Expect an error about the nickname not being a string designator,
35 ;;; not about the nickname being taken by another package.
36 (with-test (:name :nickname-is-string-designator)
37 (let ((errmsg (handler-case (make-package "X" :nicknames (list (find-package "CL")))
38 (error (c) (princ-to-string c)))))
39 (assert (search "does not designate a string" errmsg))))
41 (with-test (:name :packages-sanely-nicknamed)
42 (dolist (p (list-all-packages))
43 (let* ((nicks (package-nicknames p))
44 (check (remove-duplicates nicks :test 'string=)))
45 (assert (= (length check) (length nicks))))))
47 (make-package "FOO")
48 (defvar *foo* (find-package (coerce "FOO" 'base-string)))
49 (rename-package "FOO" (make-array 0 :element-type 'character))
50 (assert (eq *foo* (find-package "")))
51 (assert (delete-package ""))
53 (make-package "BAR")
54 (defvar *baz* (rename-package "BAR" "BAZ"))
55 (assert (eq *baz* (find-package "BAZ")))
56 (assert (delete-package *baz*))
58 (handler-case
59 (export :foo)
60 (package-error (c) (princ c))
61 (:no-error (&rest args) (error "(EXPORT :FOO) returned ~S" args)))
63 (make-package "FOO")
64 (assert (shadow #\a :foo))
66 (defpackage :PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR-1 (:use #.(find-package :cl)))
68 (defpackage :PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR-2
69 (:import-from #.(find-package :cl) "+"))
71 (defpackage "EXAMPLE-INDIRECT"
72 (:import-from "CL" "+"))
74 (defpackage "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE"
75 (:shadow "CAR")
76 (:shadowing-import-from "CL" "CAAR")
77 (:use)
78 (:import-from "CL" "CDR")
79 (:import-from "EXAMPLE-INDIRECT" "+")
80 (:export "CAR" "CDR" "EXAMPLE"))
82 (flet ((check-symbol (name expected-status expected-home-name)
83 (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
84 (find-symbol name "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
85 (let ((home (symbol-package symbol))
86 (expected-home (find-package expected-home-name)))
87 (assert (eql home expected-home))
88 (assert (eql status expected-status))))))
89 (check-symbol "CAR" :external "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
90 (check-symbol "CDR" :external "CL")
91 (check-symbol "EXAMPLE" :external "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
92 (check-symbol "CAAR" :internal "CL")
93 (check-symbol "+" :internal "CL")
94 (check-symbol "CDDR" nil "CL"))
96 (defpackage "TEST-ORIGINAL" (:nicknames "A-NICKNAME"))
98 (assert-error (defpackage "A-NICKNAME"))
100 (assert (eql (find-package "A-NICKNAME")
101 (find-package "TEST-ORIGINAL")))
103 ;;;; Utilities
104 (defun sym (package name)
105 (let ((package (or (find-package package) package)))
106 (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
107 (find-symbol name package)
108 (assert status
109 (package name symbol status)
110 "No symbol with name ~A in ~S." name package symbol status)
111 (values symbol status))))
113 (defmacro with-name-conflict-resolution ((symbol &key restarted)
114 form &body body)
115 "Resolves potential name conflict condition arising from FORM.
117 The conflict is resolved in favour of SYMBOL, a form which must
118 evaluate to a symbol.
120 If RESTARTED is a symbol, it is bound for the BODY forms and set to T
121 if a restart was invoked."
122 (check-type restarted symbol "a binding name")
123 (let ((%symbol (copy-symbol 'symbol)))
124 `(let (,@(when restarted `((,restarted)))
125 (,%symbol ,symbol))
126 (handler-bind
127 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
128 (lambda (condition)
129 ,@(when restarted `((setf ,restarted t)))
130 (assert (member ,%symbol (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition)))
131 (invoke-restart 'sb-ext:resolve-conflict ,%symbol))))
132 ,form)
133 ,@body)))
135 (defmacro with-packages (specs &body forms)
136 (let ((names (mapcar #'car specs)))
137 `(unwind-protect
138 (progn
139 (delete-packages ',names)
140 ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
141 `(defpackage ,@spec))
142 specs)
143 ,@forms)
144 (delete-packages ',names))))
146 (defun delete-packages (names)
147 (dolist (p names)
148 (ignore-errors (delete-package p))))
151 ;;;; Tests
153 (with-test (:name :use-keyword-nope)
154 (assert-error (use-package "KEYWORD"))
155 (assert-error (use-package "CL-USER" "KEYWORD")))
157 (with-test (:name :use-package.1)
158 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
159 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
160 ("BAZ" (:use)))
161 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAR" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
162 (use-package '("FOO" "BAR") "BAZ")
163 (is restartedp)
164 (is (eq (sym "BAR" "SYM")
165 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
167 (with-test (:name :use-package.2)
168 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
169 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "SYM")))
170 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
171 (use-package "FOO" "BAZ")
172 (is restartedp)
173 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
174 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
176 (with-test (:name :use-package.2a)
177 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
178 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "SYM")))
179 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAZ" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
180 (use-package "FOO" "BAZ")
181 (is restartedp)
182 (is (equal (list (sym "BAZ" "SYM") :internal)
183 (multiple-value-list (sym "BAZ" "SYM")))))))
185 (with-test (:name :use-package-conflict-set :fails-on :sbcl)
186 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
187 ("QUX" (:export "SYM"))
188 ("BAR" (:intern "SYM"))
189 ("BAZ" (:use) (:import-from "BAR" "SYM")))
190 (let ((conflict-set))
191 (block nil
192 (handler-bind
193 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
194 (lambda (condition)
195 (setf conflict-set (copy-list
196 (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition)))
197 (return))))
198 (use-package '("FOO" "QUX") "BAZ")))
199 (setf conflict-set
200 (sort conflict-set #'string<
201 :key (lambda (symbol)
202 (package-name (symbol-package symbol)))))
203 (is (equal (list (sym "BAR" "SYM") (sym "FOO" "SYM") (sym "QUX" "SYM"))
204 conflict-set)))))
206 ;;; EXPORT
207 (with-test (:name :export.1)
208 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
209 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
210 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR")))
211 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
212 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
213 (is restartedp)
214 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
215 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
217 (with-test (:name :export.1a)
218 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
219 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
220 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR")))
221 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAR" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
222 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
223 (is restartedp)
224 (is (eq (sym "BAR" "SYM")
225 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
227 (with-test (:name :export.ensure-exported)
228 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
229 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
230 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR") (:IMPORT-FROM "BAR" "SYM")))
231 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
232 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
233 (is restartedp)
234 (is (equal (list (sym "FOO" "SYM") :external)
235 (multiple-value-list (sym "FOO" "SYM"))))
236 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
237 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
239 (with-test (:name :export.3.intern)
240 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
241 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO") (:intern "SYM")))
242 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
243 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
244 (is restartedp)
245 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
246 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
248 (with-test (:name :export.3a.intern)
249 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
250 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO") (:intern "SYM")))
251 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAZ" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
252 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
253 (is restartedp)
254 (is (equal (list (sym "BAZ" "SYM") :internal)
255 (multiple-value-list (sym "BAZ" "SYM")))))))
257 ;;; IMPORT
258 (with-test (:name :import-nil.1)
259 (with-packages (("FOO" (:use) (:intern "NIL"))
260 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "NIL")))
261 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "NIL") :restarted restartedp)
262 (import (list (sym "FOO" "NIL")) "BAZ")
263 (is restartedp)
264 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "NIL")
265 (sym "BAZ" "NIL"))))))
267 (with-test (:name :import-nil.2)
268 (with-packages (("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "NIL")))
269 (with-name-conflict-resolution ('CL:NIL :restarted restartedp)
270 (import '(CL:NIL) "BAZ")
271 (is restartedp)
272 (is (eq 'CL:NIL
273 (sym "BAZ" "NIL"))))))
275 (with-test (:name :import-single-conflict :fails-on :sbcl)
276 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "NIL"))
277 ("BAR" (:export "NIL"))
278 ("BAZ" (:use)))
279 (let ((conflict-sets '()))
280 (handler-bind
281 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
282 (lambda (condition)
283 (push (copy-list (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition))
284 conflict-sets)
285 (invoke-restart 'sb-ext:resolve-conflict 'CL:NIL))))
286 (import (list 'CL:NIL (sym "FOO" "NIL") (sym "BAR" "NIL")) "BAZ"))
287 (is (eql 1 (length conflict-sets)))
288 (is (eql 3 (length (first conflict-sets)))))))
290 ;;; Make sure that resolving a name-conflict in IMPORT doesn't leave
291 ;;; multiple symbols of the same name in the package (this particular
292 ;;; scenario found in, but clearly a longstanding issue).
293 (with-test (:name :import-conflict-resolution)
294 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "NIL"))
295 ("BAR" (:use)))
296 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "NIL"))
297 (import (list 'CL:NIL (sym "FOO" "NIL")) "BAR"))
298 (do-symbols (sym "BAR")
299 (assert (eq sym (sym "FOO" "NIL"))))))
301 ;;; UNINTERN
302 (with-test (:name :unintern.1)
303 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
304 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
305 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR") (:shadow "SYM")))
306 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
307 (unintern (sym "BAZ" "SYM") "BAZ")
308 (is restartedp)
309 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
310 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
312 (with-test (:name :unintern.2)
313 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM")))
314 (unintern :sym "FOO")
315 (assert (find-symbol "SYM" "FOO"))))
317 ;;; WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR error signalling had problems
318 (with-test (:name :with-package-iterator.error)
319 (assert (eq :good
320 (handler-case
321 (progn
322 (eval '(with-package-iterator (sym :cl-user :foo)
323 (sym)))
324 :bad)
325 ((and simple-condition program-error) (c)
326 (assert (equal (list :foo) (simple-condition-format-arguments c)))
327 :good)))))
330 ;; "An argument of NIL is treated as an empty list of packages."
331 ;; This used to fail with "NIL does not name a package"
332 (with-test (:name :with-package-iterator-nil-list)
333 (with-package-iterator (iter '() :internal)
334 (assert (null (iter)))))
336 ;;; MAKE-PACKAGE error in another thread blocking FIND-PACKAGE & FIND-SYMBOL
337 (with-test (:name :bug-511072 :skipped-on (not :sb-thread))
338 (let* ((p (make-package :bug-511072))
339 (sem1 (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
340 (sem2 (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
341 (t2 (make-join-thread (lambda ()
342 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
343 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem1)
344 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem2)
345 (abort c))))
346 (make-package :bug-511072))))))
347 (declare (ignore p t2))
348 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem1)
349 (with-timeout 10
350 (assert (eq 'cons (read-from-string "CL:CONS"))))
351 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem2)))
353 (defmacro handling ((condition restart-name) form)
354 `(handler-bind ((,condition (lambda (c)
355 (declare (ignore c))
356 (invoke-restart ',restart-name))))
357 ,form))
360 (with-test (:name :quick-name-conflict-resolution-import)
361 (let (p1 p2)
362 (unwind-protect
363 (progn
364 (setf p1 (make-package "QUICK-NAME-CONFLICT-RESOLUTION-IMPORT.1")
366 (intern "FOO" p1)
367 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::dont-import-it)
368 (import (intern "FOO" p2) p1))
369 (assert (not (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2))))
370 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::shadowing-import-it)
371 (import (intern "FOO" p2) p1))
372 (assert (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2))))
373 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
374 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
376 (with-test (:name :quick-name-conflict-resolution-export.1)
377 (let (p1 p2)
378 (unwind-protect
379 (progn
380 (setf p1 (make-package "QUICK-NAME-CONFLICT-RESOLUTION-EXPORT.1a")
382 (intern "FOO" p1)
383 (use-package p2 p1)
384 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::keep-old)
385 (export (intern "FOO" p2) p2))
386 (assert (not (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2)))))
387 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
388 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
390 (with-test (:name :quick-name-conflict-resolution-export.2)
391 (let (p1 p2)
392 (unwind-protect
393 (progn
394 (setf p1 (make-package "QUICK-NAME-CONFLICT-RESOLUTION-EXPORT.1b")
396 (intern "FOO" p1)
397 (use-package p2 p1)
398 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::take-new)
399 (export (intern "FOO" p2) p2))
400 (assert (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2))))
401 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
402 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
404 (with-test (:name :quick-name-conflict-resolution-use-package.1)
405 (let (p1 p2)
406 (unwind-protect
407 (progn
408 (setf p1 (make-package "QUICK-NAME-CONFLICT-RESOLUTION-USE-PACKAGE.1a")
410 (intern "FOO" p1)
411 (intern "BAR" p1)
412 (export (intern "FOO" p2) p2)
413 (export (intern "BAR" p2) p2)
414 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::keep-old)
415 (use-package p2 p1))
416 (assert (not (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2))))
417 (assert (not (eq (intern "BAR" p1) (intern "BAR" p2)))))
418 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
419 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
421 (with-test (:name :quick-name-conflict-resolution-use-package.2)
422 (let (p1 p2)
423 (unwind-protect
424 (progn
425 (setf p1 (make-package "QUICK-NAME-CONFLICT-RESOLUTION-USE-PACKAGE.1b")
427 (intern "FOO" p1)
428 (intern "BAR" p1)
429 (export (intern "FOO" p2) p2)
430 (export (intern "BAR" p2) p2)
431 (handling (name-conflict sb-impl::take-new)
432 (use-package p2 p1))
433 (assert (eq (intern "FOO" p1) (intern "FOO" p2)))
434 (assert (eq (intern "BAR" p1) (intern "BAR" p2))))
435 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
436 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
438 (with-test (:name (:package-at-variance-restarts :shadow))
439 (let ((p nil)
440 (*on-package-variance* '(:error t)))
441 (unwind-protect
442 (progn
443 (setf p (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.1
444 (:use :cl)
445 (:shadow "CONS"))))
446 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::keep-them)
447 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.1
448 (:use :cl))))
449 (assert (not (eq 'cl:cons (intern "CONS" p))))
450 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::drop-them)
451 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.1
452 (:use :cl))))
453 (assert (eq 'cl:cons (intern "CONS" p))))
454 (when p (delete-package p)))))
456 (with-test (:name (:package-at-variance-restarts :use))
457 (let ((p nil)
458 (*on-package-variance* '(:error t)))
459 (unwind-protect
460 (progn
461 (setf p (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.2
462 (:use :cl))))
463 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::keep-them)
464 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.2
465 (:use))))
466 (assert (eq 'cl:cons (intern "CONS" p)))
467 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::drop-them)
468 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.2
469 (:use))))
470 (assert (not (eq 'cl:cons (intern "CONS" p)))))
471 (when p (delete-package p)))))
473 (with-test (:name (:package-at-variance-restarts :export))
474 (let ((p nil)
475 (*on-package-variance* '(:error t)))
476 (unwind-protect
477 (progn
478 (setf p (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.4
479 (:export "FOO"))))
480 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::keep-them)
481 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.4)))
482 (assert (eq :external (nth-value 1 (find-symbol "FOO" p))))
483 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::drop-them)
484 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.4)))
485 (assert (eq :internal (nth-value 1 (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
486 (when p (delete-package p)))))
488 (with-test (:name (:package-at-variance-restarts :implement))
489 (let ((p nil)
490 (*on-package-variance* '(:error t)))
491 (unwind-protect
492 (progn
493 (setf p (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.5
494 (:implement :sb-int))))
495 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::keep-them)
496 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.5)))
497 (assert (member p (package-implemented-by-list :sb-int)))
498 (handling (sb-kernel::package-at-variance-error sb-impl::drop-them)
499 (eval `(defpackage :package-at-variance-restarts.5)))
500 (assert (not (member p (package-implemented-by-list :sb-int)))))
501 (when p (delete-package p)))))
503 (with-test (:name (:delete-package :implementation-package))
504 (let (p1 p2)
505 (unwind-protect
506 (progn
507 (setf p1 (make-package "DELETE-PACKAGE/IMPLEMENTATION-PACKAGE.1")
509 (add-implementation-package p2 p1)
510 (assert (= 1 (length (package-implemented-by-list p1))))
511 (delete-package p2)
512 (assert (= 0 (length (package-implemented-by-list p1)))))
513 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
514 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
516 (with-test (:name (:delete-package :implementated-package))
517 (let (p1 p2)
518 (unwind-protect
519 (progn
520 (setf p1 (make-package "DELETE-PACKAGE/IMPLEMENTED-PACKAGE.1")
522 (add-implementation-package p2 p1)
523 (assert (= 1 (length (package-implements-list p2))))
524 (delete-package p1)
525 (assert (= 0 (length (package-implements-list p2)))))
526 (when p1 (delete-package p1))
527 (when p2 (delete-package p2)))))
529 (with-test (:name :package-local-nicknames)
530 ;; Clear slate
531 (without-package-locks
532 (when (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
533 (delete-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1))
534 (when (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-2)
535 (delete-package :package-local-nicknames-test-2)))
536 (eval `(defpackage :package-local-nicknames-test-1
537 (:local-nicknames (:l :cl) (:sb :sb-ext))))
538 (eval `(defpackage :package-local-nicknames-test-2
539 (:export "CONS")))
540 ;; Introspection
541 (let ((alist (package-local-nicknames :package-local-nicknames-test-1)))
542 (assert (equal (cons "L" (find-package "CL")) (assoc "L" alist :test 'string=)))
543 (assert (equal (cons "SB" (find-package "SB-EXT")) (assoc "SB" alist :test 'string=)))
544 (assert (eql 2 (length alist))))
545 ;; Usage
546 (let ((*package* (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)))
547 (let ((cons0 (read-from-string "L:CONS"))
548 (exit0 (read-from-string "SB:EXIT"))
549 (cons1 (find-symbol "CONS" :l))
550 (exit1 (find-symbol "EXIT" :sb))
551 (cl (find-package :l))
552 (sb (find-package :sb)))
553 (assert (eq 'cons cons0))
554 (assert (eq 'cons cons1))
555 (assert (equal "L:CONS" (prin1-to-string cons0)))
556 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit0))
557 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit1))
558 (assert (equal "SB:EXIT" (prin1-to-string exit0)))
559 (assert (eq cl (find-package :common-lisp)))
560 (assert (eq sb (find-package :sb-ext)))))
561 ;; Can't add same name twice for different global names.
562 (assert (eq :oopsie
563 (handler-case
564 (add-package-local-nickname :l :package-local-nicknames-test-2
565 :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
566 (error ()
567 :oopsie))))
568 ;; But same name twice is OK.
569 (add-package-local-nickname :l :cl :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
570 ;; Removal.
571 (assert (remove-package-local-nickname :l :package-local-nicknames-test-1))
572 (let ((*package* (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)))
573 (let ((exit0 (read-from-string "SB:EXIT"))
574 (exit1 (find-symbol "EXIT" :sb))
575 (sb (find-package :sb)))
576 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit0))
577 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit1))
578 (assert (equal "SB:EXIT" (prin1-to-string exit0)))
579 (assert (eq sb (find-package :sb-ext)))
580 (assert (not (find-package :l)))))
581 ;; Adding back as another package.
582 (assert (eq (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
583 (add-package-local-nickname :l :package-local-nicknames-test-2
584 :package-local-nicknames-test-1)))
585 (let ((*package* (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)))
586 (let ((cons0 (read-from-string "L:CONS"))
587 (exit0 (read-from-string "SB:EXIT"))
588 (cons1 (find-symbol "CONS" :l))
589 (exit1 (find-symbol "EXIT" :sb))
590 (cl (find-package :l))
591 (sb (find-package :sb)))
592 (assert (eq cons0 cons1))
593 (assert (not (eq 'cons cons0)))
594 (assert (eq (find-symbol "CONS" :package-local-nicknames-test-2)
595 cons0))
596 (assert (equal "L:CONS" (prin1-to-string cons0)))
597 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit0))
598 (assert (eq 'sb-ext:exit exit1))
599 (assert (equal "SB:EXIT" (prin1-to-string exit0)))
600 (assert (eq cl (find-package :package-local-nicknames-test-2)))
601 (assert (eq sb (find-package :sb-ext)))))
602 ;; Interaction with package locks.
603 (lock-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
604 (assert (eq :package-oopsie
605 (handler-case
606 (add-package-local-nickname :c :sb-c :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
607 (package-lock-violation ()
608 :package-oopsie))))
609 (assert (eq :package-oopsie
610 (handler-case
611 (remove-package-local-nickname :l :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
612 (package-lock-violation ()
613 :package-oopsie))))
614 (unlock-package :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
615 (add-package-local-nickname :c :sb-c :package-local-nicknames-test-1)
616 (remove-package-local-nickname :l :package-local-nicknames-test-1))
618 (defmacro with-tmp-packages (bindings &body body)
619 `(let ,(mapcar #'car bindings)
620 (unwind-protect
621 (progn
622 (setf ,@(apply #'append bindings))
623 ,@body)
624 ,@(mapcar (lambda (p)
625 `(when ,p (delete-package ,p)))
626 (mapcar #'car bindings)))))
628 (with-test (:name (:delete-package :locally-nicknames-others))
629 (with-tmp-packages ((p1 (make-package "LOCALLY-NICKNAMES-OTHERS"))
630 (p2 (make-package "LOCALLY-NICKNAMED-BY-OTHERS")))
631 (add-package-local-nickname :foo p2 p1)
632 (assert (equal (list p1) (package-locally-nicknamed-by-list p2)))
633 (delete-package p1)
634 (assert (not (package-locally-nicknamed-by-list p2)))))
636 (with-test (:name (:delete-package :locally-nicknamed-by-others))
637 (with-tmp-packages ((p1 (make-package "LOCALLY-NICKNAMES-OTHERS"))
638 (p2 (make-package "LOCALLY-NICKNAMED-BY-OTHERS")))
639 (add-package-local-nickname :foo p2 p1)
640 (assert (package-local-nicknames p1))
641 (delete-package p2)
642 (assert (not (package-local-nicknames p1)))))
644 (with-test (:name :own-name-as-local-nickname)
645 (with-tmp-packages ((p1 (make-package "OWN-NAME-AS-NICKNAME1"))
646 (p2 (make-package "OWN-NAME-AS-NICKNAME2")))
647 (assert (eq :oops
648 (handler-case
649 (add-package-local-nickname :own-name-as-nickname1 p2 p1)
650 (error ()
651 :oops))))
652 (handler-bind ((error #'continue))
653 (add-package-local-nickname :own-name-as-nickname1 p2 p1))
654 (assert (eq (intern "FOO" p2)
655 (let ((*package* p1))
656 (intern "FOO" :own-name-as-nickname1))))))
658 (with-test (:name :own-nickname-as-local-nickname)
659 (with-tmp-packages ((p1 (make-package "OWN-NICKNAME-AS-NICKNAME1"
660 :nicknames '("OWN-NICKNAME")))
661 (p2 (make-package "OWN-NICKNAME-AS-NICKNAME2")))
662 (assert (eq :oops
663 (handler-case
664 (add-package-local-nickname :own-nickname p2 p1)
665 (error ()
666 :oops))))
667 (handler-bind ((error #'continue))
668 (add-package-local-nickname :own-nickname p2 p1))
669 (assert (eq (intern "FOO" p2)
670 (let ((*package* p1))
671 (intern "FOO" :own-nickname))))))
673 (defun random-package-name (min max)
674 (let* ((s (make-string (+ min (random (- max min))))))
675 (dotimes (i (length s) s)
676 (setf (char s i) (code-char (+ (char-code #\A) (random 26)))))))
678 ;;; Hammer on the somewhat intricate structure that maintains the bidirection mapping
679 ;;; between PLNs and packages, and PLN ID to package.
680 (with-test (:name :pln-data-structure-bashing)
681 (with-tmp-packages ((referencing-pkg (make-package "FOO")))
682 (prog (plns)
683 (dotimes (i 40)
684 (let ((package (make-package (random-package-name 10 12)))
685 (local-nick (random-package-name 3 6)))
686 (push (cons local-nick package) plns)
687 (add-package-local-nickname local-nick package referencing-pkg)))
688 iterate
689 ;; Test all 3 directions of the mapping
690 (dolist (entry plns)
691 ;; local nickname to package
692 (assert (eq (sb-impl::pkgnick-search-by-name (car entry) referencing-pkg)
693 (cdr entry)))
694 ;; numeric id to package
695 (let ((id (sb-int:info-gethash (car entry) (car sb-impl::*package-nickname-ids*))))
696 (assert (eq (sb-impl::pkgnick-search-by-id id referencing-pkg)
697 (cdr entry))))
698 ;; package to local nickname
699 (assert (string= (sb-impl::package-local-nickname (cdr entry)
700 referencing-pkg)
701 (car entry))))
702 ;; Delete a random package that has a local nickname
703 (let ((entry (nth (random (length plns)) plns)))
704 (delete-package (cdr entry))
705 ;; Deletion removes from local nicknames on attempted lookup
706 (assert (not (sb-impl::find-package-using-package (car entry) referencing-pkg)))
707 (setq plns (delete entry plns))
708 (assert (= (length (car (sb-impl::package-%local-nicknames referencing-pkg)))
709 (* 2 (length plns)))))
710 (when plns (go iterate)))))
712 (defun intern-in-fixed-pkg-designator (x) (intern x "PWELN"))
713 (compile 'intern-in-fixed-pkg-designator)
715 (with-test (:name :cached-find-package)
716 (with-tmp-packages
717 ((p1 (make-package "PKG-WITH-EXCEEDINGLY-LONG-NAME"))
718 (p2 (make-package "PKG-WHICH-EVERYONE-LOVES-NOW" :nicknames '("PWELN")))
719 (p3 (defpackage "USERPKG"
720 (:local-nicknames ("PWELN" "PKG-WITH-EXCEEDINGLY-LONG-NAME")
721 ("FOOCL" "COMMON-LISP")))))
722 (let ((s (intern-in-fixed-pkg-designator "A")))
723 (assert (eq (symbol-package s) p2))) ; global PWELN package
724 (let ((s (let ((*package* p3))
725 (intern-in-fixed-pkg-designator "A"))))
726 (assert (eq (symbol-package s) p1))) ; local PWELN package
727 (delete-package p1) ; will lazily delete "inbound" nicknames
728 (let ((s (let ((*package* p3))
729 (intern-in-fixed-pkg-designator "A"))))
730 (assert (eq (symbol-package s) p2))))) ; global PWELN package
732 (with-test (:name :delete-package-restart)
733 (let* (ok
734 (result
735 (handler-bind
736 ((sb-kernel:simple-package-error
737 (lambda (c)
738 (setf ok t)
739 (continue c))))
740 (delete-package (gensym)))))
741 (assert ok)
742 (assert (not result))))
744 ;; WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR isn't well-exercised by tests (though LOOP uses it)
745 ;; so here's a basic correctness test with some complications involving
746 ;; shadowing symbols.
747 (make-package "FOOFORMAT" :use '("CL"))
748 (export 'fooformat::format-error 'fooformat)
749 (export 'fooformat::%compiler-walk-format-string 'fooformat)
750 (make-package "P1" :use '("FOOFORMAT"))
751 (make-package "P2")
752 (export 'p1::foo 'p1)
753 (shadow "FORMAT-ERROR" 'p1)
754 (make-package "A" :use '("FOOFORMAT" "P1" "P2"))
755 (shadow '("PROG2" "FOO") 'a)
756 (intern "BLAH" "P2")
757 (export 'p2::(foo bar baz) 'p2)
758 (export 'a::goodfun 'a)
760 (with-test (:name :with-package-iterator)
761 (let ((tests '((:internal) (:external) (:inherited)
762 (:internal :inherited)
763 (:internal :external)
764 (:external :inherited)
765 (:internal :external :inherited)))
766 (maximum-answer
767 '(;; symbols visible in A
768 (a::prog2 :internal "A")
769 (a::foo :internal "A")
770 (a:goodfun :external "A")
771 (p2:bar :inherited "A")
772 (p2:baz :inherited "A")
773 (fooformat:%compiler-walk-format-string :inherited "A")
774 (fooformat:format-error :inherited "A")
775 ;; ... P1
776 (p1:foo :external "P1")
777 (p1::format-error :internal "P1")
778 (fooformat:%compiler-walk-format-string :inherited "P1")
779 ;; ... P2
780 (p2::blah :internal "P2")
781 (p2:foo :external "P2")
782 (p2:bar :external "P2")
783 (p2:baz :external "P2"))))
784 ;; Compile a new function to test each combination of
785 ;; accessibility-kind since the macro doesn't eval them.
786 (dolist (access tests)
787 ; (print `(testing ,access))
788 (let ((f (compile
790 `(lambda ()
791 (with-package-iterator (iter '(p1 a p2) ,@access)
792 (let (res)
793 (loop
794 (multiple-value-bind (foundp sym access pkg) (iter)
795 (if foundp
796 (push (list sym access (package-name pkg)) res)
797 (return))))
798 res))))))
799 (let ((answer (funcall f))
800 (expect (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member (second x) access))
801 maximum-answer)))
802 ;; exactly as many results as expected
803 (assert (equal (length answer) (length expect)))
804 ;; each result is right
805 (assert (equal (length (intersection answer expect :test #'equal))
806 (length expect))))))))
808 ;; Assert that changes in size of a symbo-hashset's symbol vector
809 ;; do not cause WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR to crash. The vector shouldn't grow,
810 ;; because it is not permitted to INTERN new symbols, but it can shrink
811 ;; because it is expressly permitted to UNINTERN the current symbol.
812 ;; (In fact we allow INTERN, but that's beside the point)
813 (with-test (:name :with-package-iterator-and-mutation)
814 (flet ((table-size (pkg)
815 (length (sb-impl::symtbl-cells
816 (sb-impl::package-internal-symbols pkg)))))
817 (let* ((p (make-package (string (gensym))))
818 (initial-table-size (table-size p))
819 (strings
820 '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m")))
821 (dolist (x strings)
822 (intern x p))
823 (let ((grown-table-size (table-size p)))
824 (assert (> grown-table-size initial-table-size))
825 (let ((n 0))
826 (with-package-iterator (iter p :internal)
827 (loop (multiple-value-bind (foundp sym) (iter)
828 (cond (foundp
829 (incf n)
830 (unintern sym p))
832 (return)))))
833 (assert (= n (length strings)))
834 ;; while we're at it, assert that calling the iterator
835 ;; a couple more times returns nothing.
836 (dotimes (i 2)
837 (assert (not (iter))))))
838 (let ((shrunk-table-size (table-size p)))
839 (assert (< shrunk-table-size grown-table-size)))))))
841 (with-test (:name :symbol-externalp)
842 (with-package-iterator (iter (list-all-packages) :internal :external)
843 (loop
844 (multiple-value-bind (foundp sym access pkg) (iter)
845 (unless foundp (return))
846 (when (eq access :external)
847 (assert (sb-impl::symbol-externalp sym pkg)))))))
849 ;; example from CLHS
850 (with-test (:name :do-symbols-block-scope)
851 (assert (eq t
852 (block nil
853 (do-symbols (s (or (find-package "FROB") (return nil)))
854 (print s))
855 t))))
857 (with-test (:name :export-inaccessible-lookalike)
858 (make-package "E1")
859 (make-package "E2")
860 (export (intern "A" "E2") 'e2)
861 (multiple-value-bind (answer condition)
862 (ignore-errors (export (intern "A" "E1") 'e2))
863 (assert (and (not answer)
864 (and (typep condition 'sb-kernel:simple-package-error)
865 (search "not accessible"
866 (simple-condition-format-control condition)))))))
868 ;; Concurrent FIND-SYMBOL was adversely affected by package rehash.
869 ;; It's slightly difficult to show that this is fixed, because this
870 ;; test only sometimes failed prior to the fix. Now it never fails though.
871 (with-test (:name :concurrent-find-symbol :skipped-on (not :sb-thread))
872 (let ((pkg (make-package (gensym)))
873 (threads)
874 (names)
875 (run nil))
876 (dotimes (i 50)
877 (let ((s (string (gensym "FRED"))))
878 (push s names)
879 (intern s pkg)))
880 (dotimes (i 5)
881 (push (sb-thread:make-thread
882 (lambda ()
883 (wait-for run)
884 (let ((n-missing 0))
885 (dotimes (i 10 n-missing)
886 (dolist (name names)
887 (unless (find-symbol name pkg)
888 (incf n-missing)))))))
889 threads))
890 (setq run t)
891 ;; Interning new symbols can't cause the pre-determined
892 ;; 50 names to transiently disappear.
893 (let ((s (make-string 3))
895 (dotimes (i (expt 32 3))
896 (setf (char s 0) (char alphabet (ldb (byte 5 10) i))
897 (char s 1) (char alphabet (ldb (byte 5 5) i))
898 (char s 2) (char alphabet (ldb (byte 5 0) i)))
899 (intern s pkg)))
900 (let ((tot-missing 0))
901 (dolist (thread threads (assert (zerop tot-missing)))
902 (incf tot-missing (sb-thread:join-thread thread))))))
904 (with-test (:name :defpackage-multiple-nicknames)
905 (let* ((name1 (string (gensym)))
906 (name2 (string (gensym)))
907 (names (package-nicknames
908 (eval `(defpackage ,(gensym)
909 (:nicknames ,name1)
910 (:nicknames ,name2))))))
911 (assert (or (equal
912 names
913 (list name1 name2))
914 (equal
915 names
916 (list name2 name1))))))
918 (with-test (:name (defpackage :local-nicknames :lock))
919 (destructuring-bind (name1 name2 name3)
920 (loop :repeat 3 :collect (string (gensym)))
921 (let ((package1 (eval `(defpackage ,name1)))
922 (package2 (eval `(defpackage ,name2
923 (:local-nicknames (,name3 ,name1))
924 (:lock t)))))
925 (assert (equal (package-local-nicknames package2) `((,name3 . ,package1))))
926 (assert (package-locked-p package2)))))
928 (with-test (:name :locally-nicknamed-by-dedup)
929 (with-tmp-packages
930 ((p1 (make-package "LONGNAME.SAMPLE.FRED"))
931 (p2 (defpackage "BAZ"
932 (:local-nicknames (:fred "LONGNAME.SAMPLE.FRED")
934 (assert (equal (package-locally-nicknamed-by-list "LONGNAME.SAMPLE.FRED")
935 (list (find-package "BAZ"))))))
937 ;;; Now a possibly useless test on an essentially useless function.
938 ;;; But we may as well get it right - assert that GENTEMP returns
939 ;;; a symbol that definitely did not exist in the specified package
940 ;;; even if multiple threads are calling it simultaneously.
942 ;;; We'll create about 25000 symbols, and mark the ones that were returned
943 ;;; by GENTEMP. Because *GENTEMP-COUNTER* isn't synchronized, but INTERN is,
944 ;;; returning an indicator of whether it created a symbol, it's simple enough
945 ;;; to make GENTEMP not accidentally return a symbol created by someone else.
947 ;;; Use array of fixnums because there're no atomic ops on array of word.
948 ;;; This is either 58000 useful bits or 126000 bits depending on word size.
949 (defglobal *scoreboard* (make-array 2000 :initial-element 0))
950 (defglobal *testpkg* (make-package "A-NICE-PACKAGE"))
952 (defun hammer-on-gentemp (package n-iter)
953 (dotimes (i n-iter)
954 (let ((index (parse-integer (string (gentemp "T" package)) :start 1)))
955 ;; Mark this index in the scoreboard, failing if already set.
956 (multiple-value-bind (elt-index bit-index)
957 (floor index sb-vm:n-positive-fixnum-bits)
958 (let ((old (svref *scoreboard* elt-index)))
959 (loop
960 (when (logbitp bit-index old) (return-from hammer-on-gentemp :fail))
961 (let ((actual-old
962 (cas (svref *scoreboard* elt-index)
963 old (logior old (ash 1 bit-index)))))
964 (if (eq old actual-old) (return))
965 (setq old actual-old))))))))
967 ;; This test would consistently fail when GENTEMP first called FIND-SYMBOL
968 ;; and then INTERN when FIND-SYMBOL said that it found no symbol.
969 (with-test (:name (gentemp :threadsafety) :skipped-on (not :sb-thread))
970 (let ((n-threads 5)
971 (n-iter 1000)
972 (threads))
973 (dotimes (i n-threads)
974 (push (sb-thread:make-thread #'hammer-on-gentemp
975 :arguments (list *testpkg* n-iter))
976 threads))
977 (let ((results (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)))
978 (assert (not (find :fail results))))))
980 ;;; This test is a bit weak in that prior to the fix for what it tests,
981 ;;; it didn't fail often enough to convincingly show that there was a problem.
982 ;;; Nonetheless it did sometimes fail, and now should never fail.
983 (with-test (:name :concurrent-intern-bad-published-symbol-package
984 ;; No point in wasting time on concurrency bugs otherwise
985 :skipped-on (not :sb-thread))
986 ;; Confirm that the compiler does not know that KEYWORDICATE
987 ;; returns a KEYWORD (so the answer isn't constant-folded)
988 (assert (sb-kernel:type= (sb-int:info :function :type 'sb-int:keywordicate)
989 (sb-kernel:find-classoid 'function)))
990 (let ((sema (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
991 (n-threads 10))
992 (dotimes (i 10) ; number of trials
993 (let ((threads))
994 (dotimes (i n-threads)
995 (push (make-join-thread
996 (lambda ()
997 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sema)
998 (keywordp (sb-int:keywordicate "BLUB"))))
999 threads))
1000 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sema n-threads)
1001 (let ((count 0))
1002 (dolist (thread threads)
1003 (when (sb-thread:join-thread thread) (incf count)))
1004 (unintern (sb-int:keywordicate "BLUB") "KEYWORD")
1005 (assert (= count n-threads)))))))
1007 (with-test (:name :name-conflict-non-pretty-message)
1008 (make-package "SILLYPACKAGE1")
1009 (export (intern "ASILLYSYM" 'sillypackage1) 'sillypackage1)
1010 (make-package "SILLYPACKAGE2")
1011 (export (intern "ASILLYSYM" 'sillypackage2) 'sillypackage2)
1012 (use-package 'sillypackage1)
1013 (handler-case (use-package 'sillypackage2)
1014 (name-conflict (c) ; No silly string in the result
1015 (assert (not (search "symbols:SILLY"
1016 (write-to-string c :pretty nil :escape nil)))))
1017 (condition () (error "Should not get here"))
1018 (:no-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) (error "Should not get here"))))
1020 ;; git revision f7d1550c0e16262f28213c9e3c048f42e3f0b476 broke find-all-symbols
1021 (with-test (:name :find-all-symbols)
1022 (find-all-symbols "FIXNUM"))
1024 (defun foo-intern (x) (intern x "PKG-A"))
1025 (compile 'foo-intern)
1026 ;;; Basic smoke test of compiler transform of INTERN
1027 (with-test (:name :cached-find-package)
1028 (assert-error (foo-intern "X"))
1029 (make-package "PKG-A")
1030 (locally (declare (notinline intern find-symbol))
1031 (assert (eq (foo-intern "X") (find-symbol "X" "PKG-A")))
1032 (delete-package "PKG-A")
1033 (make-package "PKG-B" :nicknames '("PKG-A"))
1034 (assert (eq (foo-intern "X") (find-symbol "X" "PKG-B")))))
1036 ;;; The concept behind the intricate storage representation of local nicknames
1037 ;;; was that adding a nickname does not create a strong reference to the
1038 ;;; nicknamed package, but nonetheless avoids having to do a FIND-PACKAGE
1039 ;;; on its actual name. This is efficient, but it is complicated because
1040 ;;; it involves weak objects. Here is a test which asserts that.
1041 ;;; [It probably would have been fine to penalize DELETE-PACKAGE by forcing
1042 ;;; it to scan all other packages for local nicknames of the deleted one,
1043 ;;; but I guess I didn't want to do that. But I wonder if it might be possible
1044 ;;; to reduce the complexity now that we have package IDs.]
1045 (defvar *the-weak-ptr*) ; to determine that the test worked
1046 (defun prepare-nickname-weakness-test ()
1047 (setq *the-weak-ptr* (make-weak-pointer (make-package "SOMEPACKAGE")))
1048 (make-package "MYPKG" :use '("CL"))
1049 (add-package-local-nickname "SP" "SOMEPACKAGE" "MYPKG")
1050 (intern "ZOOK" "SOMEPACKAGE")
1051 (let ((*package* (find-package "MYPKG")))
1052 (assert (eq (find-symbol "ZOOK" "SP")
1053 (find-symbol "ZOOK" "SOMEPACKAGE")))))
1055 (with-test (:name :local-nicknames-like-weak-pointers)
1056 (prepare-nickname-weakness-test)
1057 ;; Check that SP is a local nickname
1058 (assert (let ((*package* (find-package "MYPKG"))) (find-symbol "ZOOK" "SP")))
1059 ;;; But not a global name of any package
1060 (assert-error (find-symbol "ZOOK" "SP"))
1061 (delete-package "SOMEPACKAGE")
1062 ;; Assert that the local nickname vector has not yet removed the
1063 ;; deleted package. DELETE-PACKAGE does not scan all packages to adjust
1064 ;; their local nicknames. (There's no "locally nicknamed by" accessor so it
1065 ;; definitely would need to visit all packages which I didn't like.
1066 ;; It wouldn't be the worst thing, but I opted not to store a reverse lookup)
1067 ;; Rather interestingly, this operation overwrites a words of the control stack
1068 ;; that might otherwise randomly contain the very package that got deleted.
1069 (assert (= (sb-int:weak-vector-len
1070 (cdr (sb-impl::package-%local-nicknames (find-package "MYPKG"))))
1072 (sb-sys:scrub-control-stack)
1073 (gc :full t)
1074 ;; Asserting that the weak pointer gets splatted _before_ doing the next FIND-SYMBOL
1075 ;; confirms that the nickname representation did not store a strong reference
1076 ;; to #<SOMEPACKAGE>. Package-local nicknames are necessarily purged of any deleted
1077 ;; packages just-in-time, so the assertion would not demonstrate anything if run
1078 ;; _after_ calling FIND-SYMBOL. I don't know why this fails on #+win32, SEARCH-ROOTS
1079 ;; did not return a path, so there must also be a deficiency in that.
1080 #-win32 (assert (not (weak-pointer-value *the-weak-ptr*)))
1081 (assert-error (let ((*package* (find-package "MYPKG")))
1082 ;; the nickname magically went away!
1083 (find-symbol "ZOOK" "SP"))))
1085 ;;; This is probably, strictly speaking, non-conforming code according
1086 ;;; to ANSI under item 1 for symbol, taking package "same"ness
1087 ;;; to mean EQness.
1088 (with-test (:name :defpackage-rename-package-redefpackage)
1089 (ctu:file-compile
1090 `((eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
1091 (when (find-package "DEFPACKAGE4")
1092 (rename-package "DEFPACKAGE4" "DEFPACKAGE4")))
1093 (defpackage "DEFPACKAGE4"
1094 (:use :cl))
1095 (in-package "DEFPACKAGE4")
1096 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
1097 (export '(f))))
1098 :load t)
1099 (assert (eq (nth-value 1 (find-symbol "F" "DEFPACKAGE4"))
1100 :external)))
1102 (with-test (:name :defpackage-rename-package)
1103 (delete-package "BAR")
1104 (ctu:file-compile
1105 `((eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
1106 (cond
1107 ((find-package "FOO")
1108 (rename-package "FOO"
1109 "BAR"))
1110 ((not (find-package "BAR"))
1111 (make-package "BAR" :use '("CL")))))
1113 (in-package "BAR")
1115 (defun stable-union (bar) bar))
1116 :before-load (lambda ()
1117 (delete-package "BAR")
1118 (defpackage foo (:use :cl)))
1119 :load t)
1120 (assert (find-symbol "STABLE-UNION" "BAR"))
1121 (delete-package "BAR"))
1123 (with-test (:name :defpackage-rename-package-symbol-conflict)
1124 (with-scratch-file (fasl2 "fasl")
1125 (compile-file "package-test-2.lisp" :output-file fasl2)
1126 (delete-package "BAR")
1127 (with-scratch-file (fasl1 "fasl")
1128 (compile-file "package-test-1.lisp" :output-file fasl1)
1129 (load fasl2)))
1130 (assert (eq (symbol-package (find-symbol "BAZ" "BAR"))
1131 (find-package "BAR")))
1132 (assert (eq (funcall (find-symbol "BAZ" "BAR"))
1133 :good))
1134 (delete-package "BAR"))
1136 (with-test (:name :defpackage-rename-package-preserve-externals)
1137 (with-scratch-file (fasl4 "fasl")
1138 (compile-file "package-test-4.lisp" :output-file fasl4)
1139 (delete-package "FOO-NEW")
1140 (with-scratch-file (fasl3 "fasl")
1141 (compile-file "package-test-3.lisp" :output-file fasl3)
1142 (load fasl4)))
1143 (assert (eq (nth-value 1 (find-symbol "BAR" "FOO-NEW"))
1144 :external))
1145 (delete-package "FOO-NEW"))
1147 (with-test (:name :defpackage-delete-package-redefpackage-fasloader)
1148 (with-scratch-file (fasl5 "fasl")
1149 (compile-file "package-test-5.lisp" :output-file fasl5)
1150 (load fasl5)
1151 (if (find-package "BAR-DRRFL") (delete-package "BAR-DRRFL"))
1152 (with-scratch-file (fasl6 "fasl")
1153 (compile-file "package-test-6.lisp" :output-file fasl6)
1154 (load fasl6)
1155 (load fasl6))
1156 (delete-package "BAR-DRRFL")))
1158 ;;; We were not creating fasls correctly when a file defining a
1159 ;;; package was compiled twice, since we were relying on the compile
1160 ;;; time effect of that happening to change the behavior of what code
1161 ;;; to put in the same component.
1162 (with-test (:name :make-package-compile-twice)
1163 (with-scratch-file (fasl7 "fasl")
1164 (compile-file "package-test-7.lisp" :output-file fasl7)
1165 (compile-file "package-test-7.lisp" :output-file fasl7)
1166 (delete-package "COMPILE-TWICE")
1167 (load fasl7)
1168 (delete-package "COMPILE-TWICE")))