x86-64: Treat more symbols as having immediate storage class
[sbcl.git] / src / code / target-defstruct.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp 12")
14 ;;;; structure frobbing primitives
16 ;;; Allocate a new instance with LENGTH data slots.
17 (defun %make-instance (length)
18 (declare (type index length))
19 (%make-instance length))
21 ;;; Given an instance, return its length.
22 (defun %instance-length (instance)
23 (declare (type instance instance))
24 (%instance-length instance))
26 ;;; Return the value from the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE. This is SETFable.
27 (defun %instance-ref (instance index)
28 (%instance-ref instance index))
30 ;;; Set the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE to NEW-VALUE.
31 (defun %instance-set (instance index new-value)
32 (setf (%instance-ref instance index) new-value))
34 ;;; Normally IR2 converted, definition needed for interpreted structure
35 ;;; constructors only.
36 #!+(or sb-eval sb-fasteval)
37 (defun %make-structure-instance (dd slot-specs &rest slot-values)
38 (let ((instance (%make-instance (dd-length dd))) ; length = sans header word
39 (value-index 0))
40 (declare (index value-index))
41 (setf (%instance-layout instance) (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
42 (dolist (spec slot-specs instance)
43 (destructuring-bind (kind raw-type . index) spec
44 (if (eq kind :unbound)
45 (setf (%instance-ref instance index)
46 (sb!sys:%primitive make-unbound-marker))
47 (macrolet ((make-case ()
48 `(ecase raw-type
49 ((t)
50 (setf (%instance-ref instance index) value))
51 ,@(map 'list
52 (lambda (rsd)
53 `(,(raw-slot-data-raw-type rsd)
54 (setf (,(raw-slot-data-accessor-name rsd)
55 instance index)
56 value)))
57 *raw-slot-data*))))
58 (let ((value (fast-&rest-nth value-index slot-values)))
59 (incf value-index)
60 (make-case))))))))
62 (defun %instance-layout (instance)
63 (%instance-layout instance))
65 (defun %set-instance-layout (instance new-value)
66 (%set-instance-layout instance new-value))
68 (defun %make-funcallable-instance (len)
69 (%make-funcallable-instance len))
71 (defun funcallable-instance-p (x)
72 (funcallable-instance-p x))
74 (defun %funcallable-instance-info (fin i)
75 (%funcallable-instance-info fin i))
77 (defun %set-funcallable-instance-info (fin i new-value)
78 (%set-funcallable-instance-info fin i new-value))
80 (defun funcallable-instance-fun (fin)
81 (%funcallable-instance-function fin))
83 (defun (setf funcallable-instance-fun) (new-value fin)
84 (setf (%funcallable-instance-function fin) new-value))
86 ;;;; target-only parts of the DEFSTRUCT top level code
88 ;;; A list of hooks designating functions of one argument, the
89 ;;; classoid, to be called when a defstruct is evaluated.
90 (!defvar *defstruct-hooks* nil)
92 ;;; the part of %DEFSTRUCT which makes sense only on the target SBCL
93 ;;;
94 (defun %target-defstruct (dd)
95 (declare (type defstruct-description dd))
97 #!+(and sb-show (host-feature sb-xc))
98 (progn (write `(%target-defstruct ,(dd-name dd))) (terpri))
100 (when (dd-doc dd)
101 (setf (fdocumentation (dd-name dd) 'structure)
102 (dd-doc dd)))
104 (let* ((classoid (find-classoid (dd-name dd)))
105 (layout (classoid-layout classoid)))
106 (when (eq (dd-pure dd) t)
107 (setf (layout-pure layout) t))
108 ;; Make a vector of EQUALP slots comparators, indexed by (- word-index data-start).
109 ;; This has to be assigned to something regardless of whether there are
110 ;; raw slots just in case someone mutates a layout which had raw
111 ;; slots into one which does not - although that would probably crash
112 ;; unless no instances exist or all raw slots miraculously contained
113 ;; bits which were the equivalent of valid Lisp descriptors.
114 (setf (layout-equalp-tests layout)
115 (if (eql (layout-bitmap layout) +layout-all-tagged+)
117 ;; The initial element of NIL means "do not compare".
118 ;; Ignored words (comparator = NIL) fall into two categories:
119 ;; - pseudo-ignored, which get compared by their
120 ;; predecessor word, as for complex-double-float,
121 ;; - internal padding words which are truly ignored.
122 ;; Other words are compared as tagged if the comparator is 0,
123 ;; or as untagged if the comparator is a type-specific function.
124 (let ((comparators
125 ;; If data-start is 1, subtract 1 because we don't need
126 ;; a comparator for the LAYOUT slot.
127 (make-array (- (dd-length dd) sb!vm:instance-data-start)
128 :initial-element nil)))
129 (dolist (slot (dd-slots dd) comparators)
130 ;; -1 because LAYOUT (slot index 0) has no comparator stored.
131 (setf (aref comparators
132 (- (dsd-index slot) sb!vm:instance-data-start))
133 (let ((rsd (dsd-raw-slot-data slot)))
134 (if (not rsd)
135 0 ; means recurse using EQUALP
136 (raw-slot-data-comparer rsd))))))))
138 (dolist (fun *defstruct-hooks*)
139 (funcall fun classoid)))
141 (values))
143 ;;; Copy any old kind of structure.
144 (defun copy-structure (structure)
145 "Return a copy of STRUCTURE with the same (EQL) slot values."
146 (declare (type structure-object structure))
147 (let ((layout (%instance-layout structure)))
148 (when (layout-invalid layout)
149 (error "attempt to copy an obsolete structure:~% ~S" structure))
150 ;; Previously this had to used LAYOUT-LENGTH in the allocation,
151 ;; to avoid copying random bits from the stack to the heap if you had a
152 ;; padding word in a stack-allocated instance. This is no longer an issue.
153 ;; %INSTANCE-LENGTH returns the number of words that are logically in the
154 ;; instance, with no padding. Using %INSTANCE-LENGTH allows potentially
155 ;; interesting nonstandard things like variable-length structures.
156 (let* ((len (%instance-length structure))
157 (res (%make-instance len)))
158 (declare (type index len))
159 (let ((bitmap (layout-bitmap layout)))
160 ;; Don't assume that %INSTANCE-REF can access the layout.
161 (setf (%instance-layout res) (%instance-layout structure))
162 ;; On backends which don't segregate descriptor vs. non-descriptor
163 ;; registers, we could speed up this code in an obvious way.
164 (macrolet ((copy-loop (tagged-p &optional step)
165 `(do ((i sb!vm:instance-data-start (1+ i)))
166 ((>= i len))
167 (declare (index i))
168 (if ,tagged-p
169 (setf (%instance-ref res i)
170 (%instance-ref structure i))
171 (setf (%raw-instance-ref/word res i)
172 (%raw-instance-ref/word structure i)))
173 ,step)))
174 (cond ((eql bitmap +layout-all-tagged+) (copy-loop t))
175 ;; The fixnum case uses fixnum operations for ODDP and ASH.
176 ((fixnump bitmap) ; shift and mask is faster than logbitp
177 (copy-loop (oddp (truly-the fixnum bitmap))
178 (setq bitmap (ash bitmap -1))))
179 (t ; bignum - use LOGBITP to avoid consing more bignums
180 (copy-loop (logbitp i bitmap))))))
181 res)))
183 ;;; default PRINT-OBJECT method
185 ;;; Printing formerly called the auto-generated accessor functions,
186 ;;; but reading the slots more primitively confers several advantages:
187 ;;; - it works even if the user clobbered an accessor
188 ;;; - it works if the slot fails a type-check and the reader was SAFE-P,
189 ;; i.e. was required to perform a check. This is a feature, not a bug.
190 (macrolet ((access-fn (dsd)
191 `(acond ((dsd-raw-slot-data ,dsd)
192 (symbol-function (raw-slot-data-accessor-name it)))
193 (t #'%instance-ref))))
195 (defun %default-structure-pretty-print (structure stream name dd)
196 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "#S(" :suffix ")")
197 (prin1 name stream)
198 (let ((remaining-slots (dd-slots dd)))
199 (when remaining-slots
200 (write-char #\space stream)
202 ;; but I can't see why. -- WHN 20000205
203 (pprint-newline :linear stream)
204 (loop (pprint-pop)
205 (let ((slot (pop remaining-slots)))
206 (output-symbol (dsd-name slot) *keyword-package* stream)
207 (write-char #\space stream)
208 (pprint-newline :miser stream)
209 (output-object (funcall (access-fn slot) structure (dsd-index slot))
210 stream)
211 (when (null remaining-slots)
212 (return))
213 (write-char #\space stream)
214 (pprint-newline :linear stream)))))))
216 (defun %default-structure-ugly-print (structure stream name dd)
217 (descend-into (stream)
218 (write-string "#S(" stream)
219 (prin1 name stream)
220 (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
221 (limit (or (and (not *print-readably*) *print-length*)
222 most-positive-fixnum))
223 (remaining-slots (dd-slots dd) (cdr remaining-slots)))
224 ((or (null remaining-slots) (>= index limit))
225 (write-string (if remaining-slots " ...)" ")") stream))
226 (declare (type index index))
227 (write-char #\space stream)
228 (let ((slot (first remaining-slots)))
229 (output-symbol (dsd-name slot) *keyword-package* stream)
230 (write-char #\space stream)
231 (output-object (funcall (access-fn slot) structure (dsd-index slot))
232 stream)))))
233 ) ; end MACROLET
235 (defun default-structure-print (structure stream depth)
236 (declare (ignore depth))
237 (if (funcallable-instance-p structure)
238 (print-unreadable-object (structure stream :identity t :type t))
239 (let* ((layout (%instance-layout structure))
240 (dd (layout-info layout))
241 (name (classoid-name (layout-classoid layout))))
242 (cond ((not dd)
243 ;; FIXME? this branch may be unnecessary as a consequence
244 ;; of change f02bee325920166b69070e4735a8a3f295f8edfd which
245 ;; stopped the badness is a stronger way. It should be the case
246 ;; that absence of a DD can't happen unless the classoid is absent.
247 ;; KLUDGE: during PCL build debugging, we can sometimes
248 ;; attempt to print out a PCL object (with null LAYOUT-INFO).
249 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "#<" :suffix ">")
250 (prin1 name stream)
251 (write-char #\space stream)
252 (write-string "(no LAYOUT-INFO)" stream)))
253 ((not (dd-slots dd))
254 ;; the structure type doesn't count as a component for *PRINT-LEVEL*
255 ;; processing. We can likewise elide the logical block processing,
256 ;; since all we have to print is the type name. -- CSR, 2004-10-05
257 (write-string "#S(" stream)
258 (prin1 name stream)
259 (write-char #\) stream))
261 (funcall (if *print-pretty*
262 #'%default-structure-pretty-print
263 #'%default-structure-ugly-print)
264 structure stream name dd))))))
266 (defmethod print-object ((x structure-object) stream)
267 (default-structure-print x stream *current-level-in-print*))
269 (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp end of file")