x86-64: Treat more symbols as having immediate storage class
[sbcl.git] / src / code / repack-xref.lisp
1 ;;;; Repacking xref information exploiting occurrence frequencies
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 ;;;; Since the most frequently referenced names (even just within SBCL
13 ;;;; itself) are not known until the system is built, the computing
14 ;;;; the frequencies has to be done in warm load. However, all xref
15 ;;;; information has already been collected and stored by that
16 ;;;; time. Therefore, after the frequencies have been computed, all
17 ;;;; xref information is unpacked and repacked, this time exploiting
18 ;;;; the compact encoding for the most frequent names.
20 (in-package "SB-C")
22 (labels ((functoid-simple-fun (functoid)
23 (typecase functoid
24 (fdefn
25 (functoid-simple-fun (fdefn-fun functoid)))
26 (closure
27 (let ((fun (%closure-fun functoid)))
28 (if (and (eq (%fun-name fun) 'sb-impl::encapsulation))
29 (functoid-simple-fun
30 (sb-impl::encapsulation-info-definition
31 (sb-impl::encapsulation-info functoid)))
32 fun)))
33 ((and function (not funcallable-instance))
34 (%fun-fun functoid)))))
36 ;;; Note that this function is used by sb-introspect.
37 (defun map-simple-funs (function)
38 (let ((function (%coerce-callable-to-fun function)))
39 (labels ((process (name value)
40 (awhen (functoid-simple-fun value)
41 (funcall function name it))))
42 (call-with-each-globaldb-name
43 (lambda (name)
44 ;; In general it might be unsafe to call INFO with a NAME
45 ;; that is not valid for the kind of info being retrieved,
46 ;; as when the defaulting function tries to perform a
47 ;; sanity-check. But here it's safe.
48 (awhen (or (info :function :macro-function name)
49 (info :function :definition name))
50 (cond
51 ((and (fdefn-p it)
52 (typep (fdefn-fun it) 'generic-function))
53 (loop for method in (sb-mop:generic-function-methods (fdefn-fun it))
54 for fun = (sb-pcl::safe-method-fast-function method)
55 when fun do (process (sb-kernel:%fun-name fun) fun)))
56 ;; Methods are already processed above
57 ((and (fdefn-p it)
58 (typep (fdefn-name it)
59 '(cons (member sb-pcl::slow-method
60 sb-pcl::fast-method)))))
62 (process name it))))))))))
64 ;;; Repack all xref data vectors in the system, potentially making
65 ;;; them compact, but without changing their meaning:
66 ;;;
67 ;;; 1. Go through all xref data vectors, unpacking their contents
68 ;;; (using the current values of
69 ;;; **MOST-COMMON-XREF-NAMES-BY-{INDEX,NAME}**) and determining the
70 ;;; COMPACT-NAME-COUNT most frequently referenced names.
71 ;;;
72 ;;; 2. Update **MOST-COMMON-XREF-NAMES-BY-{INDEX,NAME}** with this
73 ;;; information.
74 ;;;
75 ;;; 3. Repack all xref data vectors using the updated
77 (defun repack-xref (&key (compact-name-count 256) verbose)
78 (let ((verbose (ecase verbose
79 ((nil) 0)
80 ((1 2) verbose)
81 ((t) 2)))
82 (counts '())
83 (counts-by-name (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
84 (all-unpacked '())
85 (old-size 0)
86 (new-size 0))
87 (flet ((xref-size (xref)
88 ;; Disregarding overhead for array headers, required
89 ;; space is number of octets in nested octet-vector plus
90 ;; one word for each element in outer vector.
91 (+ (* sb-vm:n-word-bytes (length xref))
92 (length (aref xref 0)))))
94 ;; Unpack (using old values of
95 ;; **MOST-COMMON-XREF-NAMES-BY-{INDEX,NAME}**) xref data and count
96 ;; occurrence frequencies of names.
97 (map-simple-funs
98 (lambda (name fun)
99 (declare (ignore name))
100 (binding* ((xrefs (%simple-fun-xrefs fun) :exit-if-null)
101 (seen (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
102 (unpacked '()))
103 ;; Record size of the xref data for this simple fun.
104 (incf old-size (xref-size xrefs))
105 (map-packed-xref-data
106 (lambda (kind name number)
107 ;; Count NAME, but only once for each FUN.
108 (unless (gethash name seen)
109 (setf (gethash name seen) t)
110 (incf (cdr (or (gethash name counts-by-name)
111 (let ((cell (cons name 0)))
112 (push cell counts)
113 (setf (gethash name counts-by-name) cell))))))
114 ;; Store (KIND NAME NUMBER) tuple for repacking.
115 (setf (getf unpacked kind) (nconc (getf unpacked kind)
116 (list (cons name number)))))
117 xrefs)
118 (unless unpacked (break))
119 ;; Store FUN and UNPACKED for repacking.
120 (push (cons fun unpacked) all-unpacked))))
123 (let* ((sorted-names (mapcar #'car (stable-sort counts #'> :key #'cdr)))
124 (new-names (subseq sorted-names 0 (min (length sorted-names)
125 compact-name-count))))
126 (when (>= verbose 2)
127 (format t "; Updating most frequently cross-referenced names~%")
128 (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* new-names :per-line-prefix "; ")
129 (format t "~:[no cross references~;~:*~
130 ~{~/sb-impl:print-symbol-with-prefix/~^ ~:_~}~]"
131 (coerce new-names 'list)))
132 (terpri))
133 (setf **most-common-xref-names-by-index** (coerce new-names 'vector))
134 (let ((table **most-common-xref-names-by-name**))
135 (clrhash table)
136 (loop for name in new-names
137 for i from 0
138 do (setf (gethash name table) i))))
140 ;; Repack with updated **MOST-COMMON-XREF-NAMES-BY-{INDEX,NAME}**.
141 (when (>= verbose 1)
142 (format t "; Repacking xref information~%"))
143 (loop for (fun . unpacked) in all-unpacked do
144 (let ((info (%simple-fun-info fun))
145 (new-xrefs (pack-xref-data unpacked)))
146 (incf new-size (xref-size new-xrefs))
147 (setf (%simple-fun-info fun) (if (consp info)
148 (cons (car info) new-xrefs)
149 new-xrefs)))))
151 (when (>= verbose 1)
152 (format t "; Old xref size ~11:D byte~:P~@
153 ; New xref size ~11:D byte~:P~%"
154 old-size new-size))))