x86-64: Treat more symbols as having immediate storage class
[sbcl.git] / src / code / fop.lisp
1 ;;;; FOP definitions
3 (in-package "SB!FASL")
5 ;;; Bind STACK-VAR and PTR-VAR to the start of a subsequence of
6 ;;; the fop stack of length COUNT, then execute BODY.
7 ;;; Within the body, FOP-STACK-REF is used in lieu of SVREF
8 ;;; to elide bounds checking.
9 (defmacro with-fop-stack (((stack-var &optional stack-expr) ptr-var count)
10 &body body)
11 `(macrolet ((fop-stack-ref (i)
12 `(locally
13 #-sb-xc-host
14 (declare (optimize (sb!c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
15 (svref ,',stack-var (truly-the index ,i)))))
16 (let* (,@(when stack-expr
17 (list `(,stack-var (the simple-vector ,stack-expr))))
18 (,ptr-var (truly-the index (fop-stack-pop-n ,stack-var ,count))))
19 ,@body)))
21 ;;; Define NAME as a fasl operation, with op-code FOP-CODE.
22 ;;; PUSHP describes what the body does to the fop stack:
23 ;;; T - The result of the body is pushed on the fop stack.
24 ;;; NIL - The result of the body is discarded.
25 ;;; In either case, the body is permitted to pop the stack.
26 ;;;
27 (defmacro !define-fop (fop-code &rest stuff)
28 (multiple-value-bind (name allowp operands stack-args pushp forms)
29 (let ((allowp (if (eq (car stuff) :not-host)
30 (progn (pop stuff) (or #+sb-xc t))
31 t)))
32 (destructuring-bind ((name &optional arglist (pushp t)) . forms) stuff
33 (aver (member pushp '(nil t)))
34 (multiple-value-bind (operands stack-args)
35 (if (atom (car arglist))
36 (values nil arglist)
37 (ecase (caar arglist)
38 (:operands (values (cdar arglist) (cdr arglist)))))
39 (assert (<= (length operands) 3))
40 (values name allowp operands stack-args pushp forms))))
41 `(progn
42 (defun ,name (.fasl-input. ,@operands)
43 (declare (ignorable .fasl-input.))
44 ,@(if allowp
45 `((macrolet
46 ((fasl-input () '(truly-the fasl-input .fasl-input.))
47 (fasl-input-stream () '(%fasl-input-stream (fasl-input)))
48 (operand-stack () '(%fasl-input-stack (fasl-input)))
49 (skip-until () '(%fasl-input-skip-until (fasl-input))))
50 ,@(if (null stack-args)
51 forms
52 (with-unique-names (stack ptr)
53 `((with-fop-stack ((,stack (operand-stack))
54 ,ptr ,(length stack-args))
55 (multiple-value-bind ,stack-args
56 (values ,@(loop for i below (length stack-args)
57 collect `(fop-stack-ref (+ ,ptr ,i))))
58 ,@forms)))))))
59 `((declare (ignore ,@operands))
60 (error ,(format nil "Not-host fop invoked: ~A" name)))))
61 (!%define-fop ',name ,fop-code ,(length operands) ,(if pushp 1 0)))))
63 (defun !%define-fop (name base-opcode n-operands pushp)
64 (declare (type (mod 4) n-operands))
65 ;; If at least one non-stack operand is present, the same fop function
66 ;; appears in 4 consecutive cells in the fop table, with the low 2 bits
67 ;; of the fopcode determining the number of additional bytes to read
68 ;; for the first operand. The second and third operands are varint-encoded.
69 (let ((n-slots (if (plusp n-operands) 4 1)))
70 (unless (zerop (mod base-opcode n-slots))
71 (error "Opcode for fop ~S must be a multiple of ~D" name n-slots))
72 (loop for opcode from base-opcode below (+ base-opcode n-slots)
73 for function = (svref **fop-funs** opcode)
74 when (functionp function)
75 do (let ((oname (nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression function))))
76 (when (and oname (not (eq oname name)))
77 (error "fop ~S with opcode ~D conflicts with fop ~S."
78 name opcode oname))))
79 (let ((existing-opcode (get name 'opcode)))
80 (when (and existing-opcode (/= existing-opcode base-opcode))
81 (error "multiple codes for fop name ~S: ~D and ~D"
82 name base-opcode existing-opcode)))
83 (setf (get name 'opcode) base-opcode)
84 ;; The low 2 bits of the opcode comprise the length modifier if there is
85 ;; at least one non-stack integer operand.
86 ;; If there is more than 1, they follow, using varint encoding.
87 (dotimes (j n-slots)
88 (let ((opcode (+ base-opcode j)))
89 (setf (svref **fop-funs** opcode) (symbol-function name)
90 (aref (car **fop-signatures**) opcode) n-operands
91 (sbit (cdr **fop-signatures**) opcode) pushp))))
92 name)
94 ;;; a helper function for reading string values from FASL files: sort
95 ;;; of like READ-SEQUENCE specialized for files of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8),
96 ;;; with an automatic conversion from (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) into CHARACTER
97 ;;; for each element read
98 (defun read-string-as-bytes (stream string &optional (length (length string)))
99 (declare (type (simple-array character (*)) string)
100 (type index length)
101 (optimize speed))
102 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream)
103 (dotimes (i length)
104 (setf (aref string i)
105 (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-byte)))))
106 string)
107 (defun read-base-string-as-bytes (stream string &optional (length (length string)))
108 (declare (type (simple-array base-char (*)) string)
109 (type index length)
110 (optimize speed))
111 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream)
112 (dotimes (i length)
113 (setf (aref string i)
114 (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-byte)))))
115 string)
116 #!+(and sb-unicode (host-feature sb-xc))
117 (defun read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32
118 (stream string &optional (length (length string)))
119 (declare (type (simple-array character (*)) string)
120 (type index length)
121 (optimize speed))
122 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream)
123 (dotimes (i length)
124 (setf (aref string i)
125 (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-u-integer 4)))))
126 string)
128 ;;;; miscellaneous fops
130 ;;; Setting this variable causes execution of a FOP-NOP4 to produce
131 ;;; output to *DEBUG-IO*. This can be handy when trying to follow the
132 ;;; progress of FASL loading.
133 #!+sb-show
134 (defvar *show-fop-nop4-p* nil)
136 ;;; CMU CL had a single no-op fop, FOP-NOP, with fop code 0. Since 0
137 ;;; occurs disproportionately often in fasl files for other reasons,
138 ;;; FOP-NOP is less than ideal for writing human-readable patterns
139 ;;; into fasl files for debugging purposes. There's no shortage of
140 ;;; unused fop codes, so we add this second NOP, which reads 4
141 ;;; arbitrary bytes and discards them.
142 (!define-fop 137 (fop-nop4 () nil)
143 (let ((arg (read-arg 4 (fasl-input-stream))))
144 (declare (ignorable arg))
145 #!+sb-show
146 (when *show-fop-nop4-p*
147 (format *debug-io* "~&/FOP-NOP4 ARG=~W=#X~X~%" arg arg))))
149 (!define-fop 0 (fop-nop () nil))
150 (!define-fop 1 (fop-pop (x) nil) (push-fop-table x (fasl-input)))
151 (!define-fop 2 (fop-empty-list) nil)
152 (!define-fop 3 (fop-truth) t)
153 (!define-fop 4 (fop-push ((:operands index)))
154 (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) index))
155 (!define-fop 9 (fop-move-to-table (x))
156 (push-fop-table x (fasl-input))
159 (!define-fop 66 :not-host (fop-misc-trap)
160 (make-unbound-marker))
162 (!define-fop 76 (fop-character ((:operands char-code)))
163 (code-char char-code))
165 ;; %MAKE-INSTANCE does not exist on the host.
166 (!define-fop 48 :not-host (fop-struct ((:operands size) layout))
167 (let ((res (%make-instance size)) ; number of words excluding header
168 ;; Discount the layout from number of user-visible words.
169 (n-data-words (- size sb!vm:instance-data-start)))
170 (setf (%instance-layout res) layout)
171 (with-fop-stack ((stack (operand-stack)) ptr n-data-words)
172 (declare (type index ptr))
173 (let ((bitmap (layout-bitmap layout)))
174 ;; Values on the stack are in the same order as in the structure itself.
175 (do ((i sb!vm:instance-data-start (1+ i)))
176 ((>= i size))
177 (declare (type index i))
178 (let ((val (fop-stack-ref ptr)))
179 (if (logbitp i bitmap)
180 (setf (%instance-ref res i) val)
181 (setf (%raw-instance-ref/word res i) val))
182 (incf ptr)))))
183 res))
185 (!define-fop 45 (fop-layout (name inherits depthoid length bitmap))
186 (find-and-init-or-check-layout name length inherits depthoid bitmap))
188 ;; Allocate a CLOS object. This is used when the compiler detects that
189 ;; MAKE-LOAD-FORM returned a simple use of MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS,
190 ;; or possibly a hand-written equivalent (however unlikely).
191 (!define-fop 68 :not-host (fop-allocate-instance (name) nil)
192 (let ((instance (allocate-instance (find-class (the symbol name)))))
193 (push-fop-table instance (fasl-input))))
195 ;; Fill in object slots as dictated by the second return value from
197 ;; This wants a 'count' as the first item in the SLOT-NAMES argument
198 ;; rather than using read-arg because many calls of this might share
199 ;; the list, which must be constructed into the fop-table no matter what.
200 (!define-fop 69 :not-host (fop-set-slot-values (slot-names obj) nil)
201 (let* ((n-slots (pop slot-names))
202 (stack (operand-stack))
203 (ptr (fop-stack-pop-n stack n-slots)))
204 (dotimes (i n-slots)
205 (let ((val (svref stack (+ ptr i)))
206 (slot-name (pop slot-names)))
207 (if (unbound-marker-p val)
208 ;; SLOT-MAKUNBOUND-USING-CLASS might do something nonstandard.
209 (slot-makunbound obj slot-name)
210 (setf (slot-value obj slot-name) val))))))
212 (!define-fop 64 (fop-end-group () nil)
213 (/show0 "THROWing FASL-GROUP-END")
214 (throw 'fasl-group-end t))
216 ;;; We used to have FOP-NORMAL-LOAD as 81 and FOP-MAYBE-COLD-LOAD as
217 ;;; 82 until GENESIS learned how to work with host symbols and
218 ;;; packages directly instead of piggybacking on the host code.
220 (!define-fop 62 (fop-verify-table-size () nil)
221 (let ((expected-index (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
222 (unless (= (svref (%fasl-input-table (fasl-input)) 0) expected-index)
223 (bug "fasl table of improper size"))))
224 (!define-fop 63 (fop-verify-empty-stack () nil)
225 (unless (fop-stack-empty-p (operand-stack))
226 (bug "fasl stack not empty when it should be")))
228 ;;;; fops for loading symbols
230 (defstruct (undefined-package (:copier nil))
231 (error nil :read-only t))
232 (declaim (freeze-type undefined-package))
234 ;; Cold load has its own implementation of all symbol fops,
235 ;; but we have to execute define-fop now to assign their numbers.
236 (labels #+sb-xc-host ()
237 #-sb-xc-host
238 ((read-symbol-name (length+flag fasl-input)
239 (let* ((namelen (ash (the fixnum length+flag) -1))
240 (base-p (logand length+flag 1))
241 (elt-type (if (eql base-p 1) 'base-char 'character))
242 (buffer (%fasl-input-name-buffer fasl-input))
243 (string (the string (svref buffer base-p))))
244 (when (< (length string) namelen) ; grow
245 (setf string (make-string namelen :element-type elt-type)
246 (svref buffer base-p) string))
247 (funcall (if (eql base-p 1)
248 'read-base-string-as-bytes
249 'read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32)
250 (%fasl-input-stream fasl-input) string namelen)
251 (values string namelen elt-type)))
252 (aux-fop-intern (length+flag package fasl-input)
253 (multiple-value-bind (name length elt-type)
254 (read-symbol-name length+flag fasl-input)
255 (if (undefined-package-p package)
256 (error 'simple-package-error
257 :format-control "Error finding package for symbol ~s:~% ~a"
258 :format-arguments
259 (list (subseq name 0 length)
260 (undefined-package-error package)))
261 (push-fop-table (without-package-locks
262 (%intern name length package elt-type))
263 fasl-input))))
264 ;; Symbol-hash is usually computed lazily and memoized into a symbol.
265 ;; Laziness slightly improves the speed of allocation.
266 ;; But when loading fasls, the time spent in the loader totally swamps
267 ;; any time savings of not precomputing symbol-hash.
268 ;; INTERN hashes everything anyway, so let's be consistent
269 ;; and precompute the hashes of uninterned symbols too.
270 (ensure-hashed (symbol)
271 (ensure-symbol-hash symbol)
272 symbol))
274 #-sb-xc-host (declare (inline ensure-hashed))
275 (!define-fop 80 :not-host (fop-lisp-symbol-save ((:operands length+flag)))
276 (aux-fop-intern length+flag *cl-package* (fasl-input)))
277 (!define-fop 84 :not-host (fop-keyword-symbol-save ((:operands length+flag)))
278 (aux-fop-intern length+flag *keyword-package* (fasl-input)))
279 (!define-fop #xF0 :not-host (fop-symbol-in-package-save ((:operands length+flag pkg-index)))
280 (aux-fop-intern length+flag (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) pkg-index) (fasl-input)))
282 (!define-fop 96 :not-host (fop-uninterned-symbol-save ((:operands length+flag)))
283 (multiple-value-bind (name len) (read-symbol-name length+flag (fasl-input))
284 (push-fop-table (ensure-hashed (make-symbol (subseq name 0 len)))
285 (fasl-input))))
287 (!define-fop 104 :not-host (fop-copy-symbol-save ((:operands table-index)))
288 (push-fop-table (ensure-hashed
289 (copy-symbol (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) table-index)))
290 (fasl-input))))
292 (!define-fop 44 (fop-package (pkg-designator))
293 (find-undeleted-package-or-lose pkg-designator))
295 (!define-fop 156 :not-host (fop-named-package-save ((:operands length)) nil)
296 (let ((package-name (make-string length)))
297 #!-sb-unicode (read-string-as-bytes (fasl-input-stream) package-name)
298 #!+sb-unicode (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 (fasl-input-stream) package-name)
299 (push-fop-table
300 (handler-case (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package-name)
301 (simple-package-error (c)
302 (make-undefined-package :error (princ-to-string c))))
303 (fasl-input))))
305 ;;;; fops for loading numbers
307 ;;; Load a signed integer LENGTH bytes long from FASL-INPUT-STREAM.
308 (defun load-s-integer (length fasl-input-stream)
309 (declare (fixnum length)
310 (optimize speed))
311 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) fasl-input-stream)
312 (do* ((index length (1- index))
313 (byte 0 (fast-read-byte))
314 (result 0 (+ result (ash byte bits)))
315 (bits 0 (+ bits 8)))
316 ((= index 0)
317 (if (logbitp 7 byte) ; look at sign bit
318 (- result (ash 1 bits))
319 result))
320 (declare (fixnum index byte bits)))))
322 (!define-fop 36 (fop-integer ((:operands n-bytes)))
323 (load-s-integer n-bytes (fasl-input-stream)))
325 (!define-fop 34 (fop-word-integer)
326 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) (fasl-input-stream))
327 (fast-read-s-integer #.sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
329 (!define-fop 35 (fop-byte-integer)
330 ;; FIXME: WITH-FAST-READ-BYTE for exactly 1 byte is not really faster/better
331 ;; than regular READ-BYTE. The expansion of READ-ARG corroborates this claim.
332 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) (fasl-input-stream))
333 (fast-read-s-integer 1)))
335 ;; No %MAKE-RATIO on host
336 (!define-fop 70 :not-host (fop-ratio (num den)) (%make-ratio num den))
338 ;; No %MAKE-COMPLEX on host
339 (!define-fop 71 :not-host (fop-complex (realpart imagpart))
340 (%make-complex realpart imagpart))
342 (macrolet ((fast-read-single-float ()
343 '(make-single-float (fast-read-s-integer 4)))
344 (fast-read-double-float ()
345 '(let ((lo (fast-read-u-integer 4)))
346 (make-double-float (fast-read-s-integer 4) lo))))
347 (macrolet ((define-complex-fop (opcode name type)
348 (let ((reader (symbolicate "FAST-READ-" type)))
349 `(!define-fop ,opcode (,name)
350 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) (fasl-input-stream))
351 (complex (,reader) (,reader))))))
352 (define-float-fop (opcode name type)
353 (let ((reader (symbolicate "FAST-READ-" type)))
354 `(!define-fop ,opcode (,name)
355 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) (fasl-input-stream))
356 (,reader))))))
357 (define-complex-fop 72 fop-complex-single-float single-float)
358 (define-complex-fop 73 fop-complex-double-float double-float)
359 #!+long-float
360 (define-complex-fop 67 fop-complex-long-float long-float)
361 (define-float-fop 46 fop-single-float single-float)
362 (define-float-fop 47 fop-double-float double-float)
363 #!+long-float
364 (define-float-fop 52 fop-long-float long-float)))
366 #!+sb-simd-pack
367 (!define-fop 88 (fop-simd-pack)
368 (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) (fasl-input-stream))
369 (%make-simd-pack (fast-read-s-integer 8)
370 (fast-read-u-integer 8)
371 (fast-read-u-integer 8))))
373 ;;;; loading lists
375 (defun fop-list-from-stack (stack n)
376 ;; N is 0-255 when called from FOP-LIST,
377 ;; but it is as large as ARRAY-RANK-LIMIT in FOP-ARRAY.
378 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) n)
379 (optimize (speed 3)))
380 (with-fop-stack ((stack) ptr n)
381 (do* ((i (+ ptr n) (1- i))
382 (res () (cons (fop-stack-ref i) res)))
383 ((= i ptr) res)
384 (declare (type index i)))))
386 (!define-fop 33 (fop-list)
387 (fop-list-from-stack (operand-stack) (read-byte-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
388 (!define-fop 16 (fop-list*)
389 ;; N is the number of cons cells (0 is ok)
390 (let ((n (read-byte-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
391 (with-fop-stack ((stack (operand-stack)) ptr (1+ n))
392 (do* ((i (+ ptr n) (1- i))
393 (res (fop-stack-ref (+ ptr n))
394 (cons (fop-stack-ref i) res)))
395 ((= i ptr) res)
396 (declare (type index i))))))
398 (macrolet ((frob (name op fun n)
399 (let ((args (make-gensym-list n)))
400 `(!define-fop ,op (,name ,args) (,fun ,@args)))))
402 (frob fop-list-1 17 list 1)
403 (frob fop-list-2 18 list 2)
404 (frob fop-list-3 19 list 3)
405 (frob fop-list-4 20 list 4)
406 (frob fop-list-5 21 list 5)
407 (frob fop-list-6 22 list 6)
408 (frob fop-list-7 23 list 7)
409 (frob fop-list-8 24 list 8)
411 (frob fop-list*-1 25 list* 2)
412 (frob fop-list*-2 26 list* 3)
413 (frob fop-list*-3 27 list* 4)
414 (frob fop-list*-4 28 list* 5)
415 (frob fop-list*-5 29 list* 6)
416 (frob fop-list*-6 30 list* 7)
417 (frob fop-list*-7 31 list* 8)
418 (frob fop-list*-8 32 list* 9))
420 ;;;; fops for loading arrays
422 (!define-fop 100 :not-host (fop-base-string ((:operands length)))
423 (logically-readonlyize
424 (read-base-string-as-bytes (fasl-input-stream)
425 (make-string length :element-type 'base-char))))
427 ;; FIXME: can save space by UTF-8 encoding, or use 1 bit to indicate pure ASCII
428 ;; in the fasl even though the result will be a non-base string.
429 #!+sb-unicode
430 (!define-fop 160 :not-host (fop-character-string ((:operands length)))
431 (logically-readonlyize
432 (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 (fasl-input-stream)
433 (make-string length))))
435 (!define-fop 92 (fop-vector ((:operands size)))
436 (if (zerop size)
438 (let ((res (make-array size))
439 (stack (operand-stack)))
440 (declare (fixnum size))
441 (let ((ptr (fop-stack-pop-n stack size)))
442 (replace res stack :start2 ptr))
443 (logically-readonlyize res))))
445 ;; No MAKE-ARRAY-HEADER on host
446 (!define-fop 89 :not-host (fop-array (vec))
447 (let* ((rank (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
448 (length (length vec))
449 (res (make-array-header sb!vm:simple-array-widetag rank)))
450 (declare (simple-array vec)
451 (type (unsigned-byte #.(- sb!vm:n-word-bits sb!vm:n-widetag-bits)) rank))
452 (set-array-header res vec length nil 0
453 (fop-list-from-stack (operand-stack) rank)
454 nil t)
455 res))
457 (defglobal **saetp-bits-per-length**
458 (let ((array (make-array (1+ sb!vm:widetag-mask)
459 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
460 :initial-element 255)))
461 (loop for saetp across sb!vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
463 (setf (aref array (sb!vm:saetp-typecode saetp))
464 (sb!vm:saetp-n-bits saetp)))
465 array)
466 "255 means bad entry.")
467 (declaim (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#.(1+ sb!vm:widetag-mask)))
468 **saetp-bits-per-length**))
470 ;; No ALLOCATE-VECTOR on host (nor READ-N-BYTES)
471 (!define-fop 43 :not-host (fop-spec-vector)
472 (let* ((length (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
473 (widetag (read-byte-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
474 (bits-per-length (aref **saetp-bits-per-length** widetag))
475 (bits (progn (aver (< bits-per-length 255))
476 (* length bits-per-length)))
477 (bytes (ceiling bits sb!vm:n-byte-bits))
478 (words (ceiling bytes sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
479 (vector (if (and (= widetag sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)
480 (= words 0))
482 (logically-readonlyize
483 (allocate-vector widetag length words)))))
484 (declare (type index length bytes words)
485 (type word bits))
486 (read-n-bytes (fasl-input-stream) vector 0 bytes)
487 vector))
489 (!define-fop 53 (fop-eval (expr)) ; This seems to be unused
490 (if (skip-until)
491 expr
492 (eval expr)))
494 (!define-fop 54 (fop-eval-for-effect (expr) nil) ; This seems to be unused
495 (unless (skip-until)
496 (eval expr))
497 nil)
499 (defun fop-funcall* (input-stream stack skipping)
500 (let ((argc (read-byte-arg input-stream)))
501 (with-fop-stack ((stack) ptr (1+ argc))
502 (unless skipping
503 (do ((i (+ ptr argc))
504 (args))
505 ((= i ptr) (apply (fop-stack-ref i) args))
506 (declare (type index i))
507 (push (fop-stack-ref i) args)
508 (decf i))))))
510 ;; FIXME: there should be a syntax to share these identical bodies
511 (!define-fop 55 (fop-funcall)
512 (fop-funcall* (fasl-input-stream) (operand-stack) (skip-until)))
513 (!define-fop 56 (fop-funcall-for-effect () nil)
514 (fop-funcall* (fasl-input-stream) (operand-stack) (skip-until)))
516 ;;; For LOAD-TIME-VALUE which is used for MAKE-LOAD-FORM
517 (!define-fop 57 (fop-funcall-no-skip)
518 (fop-funcall* (fasl-input-stream) (operand-stack) nil))
520 ;;;; fops for fixing up circularities
522 (!define-fop 200 (fop-rplaca (val) nil)
523 (let ((obj (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
524 (idx (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
525 (setf (car (nthcdr idx obj)) val)))
527 (!define-fop 201 (fop-rplacd (val) nil)
528 (let ((obj (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
529 (idx (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
530 (setf (cdr (nthcdr idx obj)) val)))
532 (!define-fop 202 (fop-svset (val) nil)
533 (let* ((obi (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
534 (obj (ref-fop-table (fasl-input) obi))
535 (idx (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))))
536 (if (%instancep obj) ; suspicious. should have been FOP-STRUCTSET
537 #+sb-xc (setf (%instance-ref obj idx) val)
538 #-sb-xc (bug "%instance-set?")
539 (setf (svref obj idx) val))))
541 (!define-fop 204 :not-host (fop-structset (val) nil)
542 (setf (%instance-ref (ref-fop-table (fasl-input)
543 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
544 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
545 val))
547 ;;; In the original CMUCL code, this actually explicitly declared PUSHP
548 ;;; to be T, even though that's what it defaults to in DEFINE-FOP.
549 (!define-fop 203 (fop-nthcdr (obj))
550 (nthcdr (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream)) obj))
552 ;;;; fops for loading functions
554 ;;; (In CMU CL there was a FOP-CODE-FORMAT (47) which was
555 ;;; conventionally placed at the beginning of each fasl file to test
556 ;;; for compatibility between the fasl file and the CMU CL which
557 ;;; loaded it. In SBCL, this functionality has been replaced by
558 ;;; putting the implementation and version in required fields in the
559 ;;; fasl file header.)
561 ;; Cold-load calls COLD-LOAD-CODE instead
562 (!define-fop #xE0 :not-host (fop-code ((:operands n-code-bytes n-boxed-words nfuns)))
563 ;; add 1 word for the toplevel-p flag and one for the debug-info
564 (with-fop-stack ((stack (operand-stack)) ptr (+ n-boxed-words 2))
565 (load-code nfuns n-boxed-words n-code-bytes stack ptr (fasl-input))))
567 ;; this gets you an #<fdefn> object, not the result of (FDEFINITION x)
568 ;; cold-loader uses COLD-FDEFINITION-OBJECT instead.
569 (!define-fop 60 :not-host (fop-fdefn (name))
570 (awhen (deprecated-thing-p 'function name) ; returns the stage of deprecation
571 (pushnew (list* it name :function)
572 (%fasl-input-deprecated-stuff (fasl-input)) :test 'equal))
573 (find-or-create-fdefn name))
575 (!define-fop 65 :not-host (fop-known-fun (name))
576 (%coerce-name-to-fun name))
578 #!-(or x86 (and x86-64 (not immobile-space)))
579 (!define-fop 61 :not-host (fop-sanctify-for-execution (component))
580 (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution component)
581 component)
583 ;;; Modify a slot in a CONSTANTS object.
584 (!define-fop 140 :not-host (fop-alter-code ((:operands index) code value) nil)
585 (setf (code-header-ref code index) value)
586 (values))
588 (!define-fop #xFC :not-host (fop-fun-entry ((:operands fun-index)
589 code-object name arglist type info))
590 (let ((fun (%code-entry-point code-object fun-index)))
591 (setf (%simple-fun-name fun) name)
592 (setf (%simple-fun-arglist fun) arglist)
593 (setf (%simple-fun-type fun) type)
594 (setf (%simple-fun-info fun) info)
595 fun))
597 ;;;; Some Dylan FOPs used to live here. By 1 November 1998 the code
598 ;;;; was sufficiently stale that the functions it called were no
599 ;;;; longer defined, so I (William Harold Newman) deleted it.
600 ;;;;
601 ;;;; In case someone in the future is trying to make sense of FOP layout,
602 ;;;; it might be worth recording that the Dylan FOPs were
609 ;;;; assemblerish fops
611 (!define-fop 144 (fop-assembler-code)
612 (error "cannot load assembler code except at cold load"))
614 (!define-fop 145 (fop-assembler-routine)
615 (error "cannot load assembler code except at cold load"))
617 (!define-fop 146 :not-host (fop-symbol-tls-fixup (code-object kind symbol))
618 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
619 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
620 (ensure-symbol-tls-index symbol)
621 kind)
622 code-object)
624 #!+immobile-space
625 (!define-fop 134 :not-host (fop-immobile-obj-fixup (code-object kind obj))
626 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
627 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
628 (get-lisp-obj-address obj) ; OBJ can't move
629 kind :immobile-object)
630 code-object)
632 #!+immobile-code
633 (progn
634 (!define-fop 133 :not-host (fop-named-call-fixup (code-object kind name))
635 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
636 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
637 (sb!vm::fdefn-entry-address name)
638 kind :named-call)
639 code-object)
641 (!define-fop 135 :not-host (fop-static-call-fixup (code-object kind name))
642 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
643 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
644 (sb!vm::function-raw-address name)
645 kind)
646 code-object))
648 (!define-fop 147 :not-host (fop-foreign-fixup (code-object kind))
649 (let* ((len (read-byte-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
650 (sym (make-string len :element-type 'base-char)))
651 (read-n-bytes (fasl-input-stream) sym 0 len)
652 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
653 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
654 (foreign-symbol-address sym)
655 kind)
656 code-object))
658 (!define-fop 148 :not-host (fop-assembler-fixup (code-object kind routine))
659 (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash routine *assembler-routines*)
660 (unless found
661 (error "undefined assembler routine: ~S" routine))
662 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
663 value kind))
664 code-object)
666 (!define-fop 149 :not-host (fop-code-object-fixup (code-object kind))
667 ;; Note: We don't have to worry about GC moving the code-object after
668 ;; the GET-LISP-OBJ-ADDRESS and before that value is deposited, because
669 ;; we can only use code-object fixups when code-objects don't move.
670 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
671 (get-lisp-obj-address code-object) kind)
672 code-object)
674 #!+linkage-table
675 (!define-fop 150 :not-host (fop-foreign-dataref-fixup (code-object kind))
676 (let* ((len (read-byte-arg (fasl-input-stream)))
677 (sym (make-string len :element-type 'base-char)))
678 (read-n-bytes (fasl-input-stream) sym 0 len)
679 (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object
680 (read-word-arg (fasl-input-stream))
681 (foreign-symbol-address sym t)
682 kind)
683 code-object))
685 ;;; FOPs needed for implementing an IF operator in a FASL
687 ;;; Skip until a FOP-MAYBE-STOP-SKIPPING with the same POSITION is
688 ;;; executed. While skipping, we execute most FOPs normally, except
689 ;;; for ones that a) funcall/eval b) start skipping. This needs to
690 ;;; be done to ensure that the fop table gets populated correctly
691 ;;; regardless of the execution path.
692 (!define-fop 151 (fop-skip (position) nil)
693 (unless (skip-until)
694 (setf (skip-until) position))
695 (values))
697 ;;; As before, but only start skipping if the top of the FOP stack is NIL.
698 (!define-fop 152 (fop-skip-if-false (position condition) nil)
699 (unless (or condition (skip-until))
700 (setf (skip-until) position))
701 (values))
703 ;;; If skipping, pop the top of the stack and discard it. Needed for
704 ;;; ensuring that the stack stays balanced when skipping.
705 (!define-fop 153 (fop-drop-if-skipping () nil)
706 (when (skip-until)
707 (fop-stack-pop-n (operand-stack) 1))
708 (values))
710 ;;; If skipping, push a dummy value on the stack. Needed for
711 ;;; ensuring that the stack stays balanced when skipping.
712 (!define-fop 154 (fop-push-nil-if-skipping () nil)
713 (when (skip-until)
714 (push-fop-stack nil (fasl-input)))
715 (values))
717 ;;; Stop skipping if the top of the stack matches SKIP-UNTIL
718 (!define-fop 155 (fop-maybe-stop-skipping (label) nil)
719 (when (eql (skip-until) label)
720 (setf (skip-until) nil))
721 (values))
723 ;;; Primordial layouts.
724 (macrolet ((frob (&rest specs)
725 `(progn
726 (defun known-layout-fop (name)
727 (case name
728 ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec) `((,(cadr spec)) ,(car spec)))
729 specs)))
730 ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
731 `(!define-fop ,(car spec)
732 (,(symbolicate "FOP-LAYOUT-OF-"
733 (cadr spec)))
734 (find-layout ',(cadr spec))))
735 specs))))
736 (frob (#x6c t)
737 (#x6d structure-object)
738 (#x6f definition-source-location)
739 (#x70 sb!c::debug-fun)
740 (#x71 sb!c::compiled-debug-fun)
741 (#x72 sb!c::debug-info)
742 (#x73 sb!c::compiled-debug-info)
743 (#x74 sb!c::debug-source)
744 (#x75 defstruct-description)
745 (#x76 defstruct-slot-description)))