Change a COND over STRING= to ECASE on symbols
[sbcl.git] / tests / format.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (enable-test-parallelism)
14 (defvar *format-mode*)
16 (defun format* (format-control &rest arguments)
17 (ecase *format-mode*
18 (:interpret
19 (eval `(format nil ,format-control ,@arguments)))
20 (:compile
21 (let ((names (sb-int:make-gensym-list (length arguments))))
22 (funcall (checked-compile
23 `(lambda ,names (format nil ,format-control ,@names)))
24 arguments)))))
26 (defmacro with-compiled-and-interpreted-format (() &body body)
27 `(flet ((run-body (mode)
28 (let ((*format-mode* mode))
29 (handler-case
30 (progn ,@body)
31 (error (condition)
32 (error "~@<Error in ~A FORMAT: ~A~@:>"
33 mode condition))))))
34 (run-body :interpret)
35 (run-body :compile)))
37 (defun format-error-format-control-string-p (condition)
38 (and (typep condition 'sb-format:format-error)
39 (sb-format::format-error-control-string condition)))
41 (deftype format-error-with-control-string ()
42 `(and sb-format:format-error
43 (satisfies format-error-format-control-string-p)))
45 (with-test (:name :combine-directives)
46 ;; The scratch buffer for rematerializing a control string after extracting
47 ;; user-fun directives (~//) needs to account for the expansion of the input
48 ;; if a directive is converted immediately to a run of literal characters.
49 (sb-format::extract-user-fun-directives "Oh hello~10%~/f/"))
51 (with-test (:name (:[-directive :non-integer-argument))
52 (with-compiled-and-interpreted-format ()
53 (assert-error (format* "~[~]" 1d0) format-error-with-control-string)))
55 (with-test (:name (:P-directive :no-previous-argument))
56 (with-compiled-and-interpreted-format ()
57 (assert-error (format* "~@<~:P~@:>" '()) format-error-with-control-string)))
59 (with-test (:name (:*-directive :out-of-bounds))
60 (with-compiled-and-interpreted-format ()
61 (assert-error (format* "~2@*" '()) format-error-with-control-string)
62 (assert-error (format* "~1:*" '()) format-error-with-control-string)))
64 (with-test (:name :encapsulated-~/-formatter
65 :broken-on (and :gc-stress :x86-64))
66 (let ((s (make-string-output-stream)))
67 (declare (notinline format))
68 (sb-int:encapsulate 'sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix 'test
69 (lambda (f stream obj &rest args)
70 (write-string "{{" stream)
71 (apply f stream obj args)
72 (write-string "}}" stream)))
73 (format s "~/sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix/" 'cl-user::test)
74 (sb-int:unencapsulate 'sb-ext:print-symbol-with-prefix 'test)
75 (assert (string= "{{COMMON-LISP-USER::TEST}}" (get-output-stream-string s)))))
77 (with-test (:name :non-simple-string)
78 (let ((control (make-array 2 :element-type 'base-char
79 :initial-element #\A
80 :fill-pointer 1)))
81 (checked-compile-and-assert
83 `(lambda () (with-output-to-string (stream)
84 (funcall (formatter ,control) stream)))
85 (() "A" :test #'equal))
86 (checked-compile-and-assert
88 `(lambda () (format nil ,control))
89 (() "A" :test #'equal))
90 (checked-compile-and-assert
92 `(lambda () (cerror ,control ,control))
93 (() (condition 'simple-error)))
94 (checked-compile-and-assert
96 `(lambda () (error ,control))
97 (() (condition 'simple-error)))))
99 (with-test (:name :tokenize-curly-brace-nonliteral-empty)
100 (flet ((try (string)
101 (let ((tokens (sb-format::tokenize-control-string string)))
102 (assert (and (= (length tokens) 3)
103 (string= (second tokens) ""))))))
104 ;; Each of these curly-brace-wrapped expressions needs to preserve
105 ;; the insides as an empty string so that it does not degenerate
106 ;; to the control string "~{~}".
107 (try "~{~
108 ~}")
109 (try "~{~0|~}")
110 (try "~{~0~~}")
111 (try "~{~0%~}")
112 ;; these are also each three parsed tokens:
113 ;; 0 newlines plus an ignored newline
114 (try "~{~0%~
115 ~}")
116 ;; 0 newlines, an ignored newline, and 0 tildes
117 (try "~{~0%~
118 ~0|~0~~}")))
120 (with-test (:name :no-compiler-notes)
121 ;; you should't see optimization notes from compiling format strings.
122 ;; (the FORMATTER macro is a heavy user of PRINC)
123 (checked-compile
124 '(lambda (x) (declare (optimize speed)) (princ x))
125 :allow-notes nil)
126 (checked-compile
127 '(lambda () (declare (optimize speed)) (formatter "~:*"))))
129 (defun format-to-string-stream (thing string-stream)
130 (declare (notinline format))
131 ;; Tokenizing this string will cons about 224 bytes
132 (format string-stream "Test ~D" thing)
133 ;; CLEAR-OUTPUT should work, but doesn't
134 (file-position string-stream 0))
136 (with-test (:name :cached-tokenized-string
137 :skipped-on :interpreter)
138 (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream)))
139 (format-to-string-stream 45678 stream)
140 (ctu:assert-no-consing (format-to-string-stream 45678 stream))))
142 (with-test (:name :uncached-tokenized-string)
143 (let ((control-string
144 ;; super-smart compiler might see that the result of
145 ;; this call is constantly "hello ~a"
146 (locally (declare (notinline format)) (format nil "hello ~~a"))))
147 (let ((s1 (format nil control-string '(1 2)))
149 (progn
150 (setf (aref control-string 0) #\Y)
151 (format nil control-string '(1 2)))))
152 (assert (string= s1 "hello (1 2)"))
153 (assert (string= s2 "Yello (1 2)")))))
155 (with-test (:name :return-value)
156 (let ((formatter (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda () (formatter "~a"))))))
157 (with-output-to-string (s)
158 (assert (null (funcall formatter s 1)))
159 (assert (equal (funcall formatter s 1 2) '(2))))
160 (assert (null (format (make-array 3 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0) formatter 1 2)))))