Make split-core accept cores for either GC regardless of host GC
[sbcl.git] / tests / debug.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This file is for testing debugging functionality, using
2 ;;;; test machinery which might have side effects (e.g.
3 ;;;; executing DEFUN).
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
9 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
10 ;;;; from CMU CL.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
13 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
14 ;;;; more information.
16 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
18 ;;; The debugger doesn't have any native knowledge of the interpreter
19 (when (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret)
20 (invoke-restart 'run-tests::skip-file))
22 #+(or x86 x86-64)
23 (with-test (:name :legal-bpt-lra-object)
24 (sb-int:binding* ((code (sb-kernel:fun-code-header #'read))
25 (sap (sb-sys:sap+ (sb-kernel:code-instructions code) 13)) ; random
26 ((bpt-sap bpt-code-obj) (sb-di::make-bpt-lra sap)))
27 (declare (ignore bpt-sap))
28 ;; This was causing heap corruption
29 (assert (zerop (sb-kernel:code-jump-table-words bpt-code-obj)))))
32 ;;;; Check that we get debug arglists right.
34 (defun zoop (zeep &key beep)
35 (declare (ignore zeep beep) (special blurp))
36 blurp)
37 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%fun-lambda-list #'zoop) '(zeep &key beep)))
39 ;;; Check some predefined functions too.
40 ;;;
41 ;;; (We don't know exactly what the arguments are, e.g. the first
42 ;;; argument of PRINT might be SB-IMPL::OBJECT or SB-KERNEL::OBJ or
43 ;;; whatever. But we do know the general structure that a correct
44 ;;; answer should have, so we can safely do a lot of checks.)
45 (with-test (:name :predefined-functions-1)
46 (destructuring-bind (object-sym andoptional-sym stream-sym)
47 (sb-kernel:%fun-lambda-list #'print)
48 (assert (symbolp object-sym))
49 (assert (eql andoptional-sym '&optional))
50 (assert (symbolp stream-sym))))
52 (with-test (:name :predefined-functions-2)
53 (destructuring-bind (dest-sym control-sym andrest-sym format-args-sym)
54 (sb-kernel:%fun-lambda-list #'format)
55 (assert (symbolp dest-sym))
56 (assert (symbolp control-sym))
57 (assert (eql andrest-sym '&rest))
58 (assert (symbolp format-args-sym))))
60 ;;;; test TRACE
62 (defmacro with-traced-function ((name &rest options) &body body)
63 `(with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
64 (unwind-protect
65 (progn
66 (trace ,name ,@options)
67 ,@body)
68 (ignore-errors (untrace ,name)))))
70 (defun call-collecting-traces (fn trace-arguments)
71 (let ((traces nil))
72 (flet ((collect (depth what when frame values)
73 (declare (ignore frame))
74 (flet ((ensure-readable (x)
75 (typecase x
76 (function (sb-impl::%fun-name x))
77 (sb-debug::unprintable-object
78 (sb-debug::unprintable-object-string x))
79 (t x))))
80 (push (list* depth
81 (ensure-readable what)
82 when
83 (mapcar #'ensure-readable values))
84 traces))))
85 (unwind-protect
86 (let ((sb-debug:*trace-report-default* #'collect))
87 (eval `(trace ,@trace-arguments))
88 (funcall fn))
89 (ignore-errors (untrace))
90 (assert (null (trace)))))
91 (nreverse traces)))
93 (defmacro collecting-traces ((&rest trace-arguments) &body body)
94 `(call-collecting-traces (lambda () ,@body) ',trace-arguments))
96 (defun trace-this (&optional arg)
97 (declare (ignore arg))
98 'ok)
100 (defun mv-trace-this (&optional arg)
101 (case arg
102 (2 (values 'ok "hi"))
103 (3 (values 'ok "hi" :foo))
104 (4 (values 'ok "hi" :foo :bar))))
106 (defun trace-fact (n)
107 (if (zerop n)
109 (* n (trace-fact (1- n)))))
111 (with-test (:name (trace :simple))
112 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-this)
113 (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this))))))
114 (assert (search "TRACE-THIS" output))
115 (assert (search "returned OK" output))))
117 (with-test (:name (trace :print-readably))
118 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-this)
119 (let ((*print-readably* t))
120 (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this (sb-int:make-unprintable-object "foo"))))))))
121 (assert (search "TRACE-THIS" output))
122 (assert (search "foo" output))
123 (assert (search "returned OK" output))))
125 ;;; The following should not work:
126 ;;; (DEFUN G () (M))
127 ;;; (DEFMACRO M (&REST r) (format t "M invoked: ~S~%" r))
128 ;;; (ENCAPSULATE 'M 'foo (lambda (f &rest r) (format t "encapsulation: ~S ~S~%" f r)))
129 ;;; (G)
130 ;;; If (ENCAPSULATE) were permitted, M's guard trampoline would be replaced by the
131 ;;; encapsulation which is not meaningful. Most uses of the macro M will NOT invoke
132 ;;; the encapsulation since we don't store macro functions in the symbol-function location.
133 ;;; Only a consumer of M being accidentally compiled first and resolving M to an
134 ;;; fdefinition would see the encapulation. That should just be an error.
135 (with-test (:name :no-macro-encapsulation)
136 (assert-error (sb-int:encapsulate 'cond 'tryme
137 (lambda (f &rest stuff)
138 (declare (ignore f stuff))))))
140 (defparameter *breakpoint-tracing-expectations*
141 '(:fails-on (or :arm :arm64)
142 :broken-on (or :freebsd :ppc :ppc64)))
144 ;;; bug 379
145 (with-test (:name (trace :encapsulate nil)
146 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
147 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-this :encapsulate nil)
148 (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this))))))
149 (assert (search "TRACE-THIS" output))
150 (assert (search "returned OK" output))))
152 (with-test (:name :breakpoint-trace-multival . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
153 (let ((output (with-traced-function (mv-trace-this :encapsulate nil)
154 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (mv-trace-this 2))
155 '(ok "hi"))))))
156 (assert (search "MV-TRACE-THIS" output))
157 (assert (search "returned OK" output)))
158 (let ((output (with-traced-function (mv-trace-this :encapsulate nil)
159 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (mv-trace-this 3))
160 '(ok "hi" :foo))))))
161 (assert (search "MV-TRACE-THIS" output))
162 (assert (search "returned OK" output)))
163 (let ((output (with-traced-function (mv-trace-this :encapsulate nil)
164 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (mv-trace-this 4))
165 '(ok "hi" :foo :bar))))))
166 (assert (search "MV-TRACE-THIS" output))
167 (assert (search "returned OK" output))))
169 (with-test (:name (trace :encapsulate nil :recursive)
170 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
171 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-fact :encapsulate nil)
172 (assert (= 120 (trace-fact 5))))))
173 (assert (search "TRACE-FACT" output))
174 (assert (search "returned 1" output))
175 (assert (search "returned 120" output))))
177 (defun trace-and-fmakunbound-this (x)
180 (with-test (:name (trace fmakunbound :bug-667657))
181 (trace trace-and-fmakunbound-this)
182 (fmakunbound 'trace-and-fmakunbound-this)
183 ;; FIXME: this generates a pointless warning that we can't untrace a formerly
184 ;; traced function. Function redefinition knows to untrace/re-trace because of
185 ;; the setf-fdefn hook. fmakunbound can do something similar - drop the trace.
186 (untrace)
187 (assert (not (trace))))
189 (with-test (:name (trace :report nil :smoke))
190 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-this :report nil)
191 (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this))))))
192 (assert (sequence:emptyp output))))
194 (with-test (:name (trace :report nil :print))
195 (let ((output (with-traced-function
196 (trace-fact :report nil :print (sb-debug:arg 0))
197 (assert (eq '2 (trace-fact 2))))))
198 (assert (string= output (format nil "2~@
200 0~%")))))
202 (defvar *collected-traces*)
203 (defun custom-trace-report (depth what when frame values)
204 (push (list* depth what when (sb-di:frame-p frame) values)
205 *collected-traces*))
207 (with-test (:name (trace :custom-report))
208 (let ((*collected-traces* nil))
209 (let ((output (with-traced-function (trace-fact :report custom-trace-report)
210 (trace-fact 2))))
211 (assert (zerop (length output)))
212 (assert (equalp (reverse *collected-traces*)
213 '((0 trace-fact :enter t 2)
214 (1 trace-fact :enter t 1)
215 (2 trace-fact :enter t 0)
216 (2 trace-fact :exit t 1)
217 (1 trace-fact :exit t 1)
218 (0 trace-fact :exit t 2)))))))
220 (with-test (:name (trace :anonymous) . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
221 (assert (equalp (call-collecting-traces
222 (lambda ()
223 (trace-fact 1))
224 `(:function ,#'trace-fact :condition (plusp (sb-debug:arg 0))))
225 '((0 trace-fact :enter 1)
226 (0 trace-fact :exit 1)))))
228 (defgeneric trace-gf (x)
229 (:method ((x float)) (+ x (call-next-method)))
230 (:method :before ((x float)) 'bf)
231 (:method :around ((x float)) (call-next-method))
232 (:method :after ((x float)) 'af)
233 (:method ((x number)) (+ x (call-next-method)))
234 (:method :before ((x number)) 'bn)
235 (:method :around ((x number)) (call-next-method))
236 (:method :after ((x number)) 'an)
237 (:method ((x (eql 21.0))) (call-next-method))
238 (:method (x) 0))
240 (with-test (:name (trace :all-methods))
241 (assert (equal (collecting-traces (trace-gf :methods t)
242 (trace-gf 21.0))
243 '((0 trace-gf :enter 21.0)
244 (1 (method trace-gf :around (float)) :enter 21.0)
245 (2 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :enter 21.0)
246 (3 (sb-pcl::combined-method trace-gf) :enter 21.0)
247 (4 (method trace-gf :before (float)) :enter 21.0)
248 (4 (method trace-gf :before (float)) :exit bf)
249 (4 (method trace-gf :before (number)) :enter 21.0)
250 (4 (method trace-gf :before (number)) :exit bn)
251 (4 (method trace-gf ((eql 21.0))) :enter 21.0)
252 (5 (method trace-gf (float)) :enter 21.0)
253 (6 (method trace-gf (number)) :enter 21.0)
254 (7 (method trace-gf (t)) :enter 21.0)
255 (7 (method trace-gf (t)) :exit 0)
256 (6 (method trace-gf (number)) :exit 21.0)
257 (5 (method trace-gf (float)) :exit 42.0)
258 (4 (method trace-gf ((eql 21.0))) :exit 42.0)
259 (4 (method trace-gf :after (number)) :enter 21.0)
260 (4 (method trace-gf :after (number)) :exit an)
261 (4 (method trace-gf :after (float)) :enter 21.0)
262 (4 (method trace-gf :after (float)) :exit af)
263 (3 (sb-pcl::combined-method trace-gf) :exit 42.0)
264 (2 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :exit 42.0)
265 (1 (method trace-gf :around (float)) :exit 42.0)
266 (0 trace-gf :exit 42.0)))))
268 (with-test (:name (trace :methods))
269 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method trace-gf :after (float))
270 (method trace-gf :around (number))
271 (method trace-gf (t)))
272 (trace-gf 42.0))
273 '((0 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :enter 42.0)
274 (1 (method trace-gf (t)) :enter 42.0)
275 (1 (method trace-gf (t)) :exit 0)
276 (1 (method trace-gf :after (float)) :enter 42.0)
277 (1 (method trace-gf :after (float)) :exit af)
278 (0 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :exit 84.0)))))
280 (with-test (:name (trace :methods :encapsulate nil)
281 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
282 (assert (equal (collecting-traces (:encapsulate nil
283 (method trace-gf :after (float))
284 (method trace-gf :around (number))
285 (method trace-gf (t)))
286 (trace-gf 42.0))
287 '((0 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf :around (number)) :enter 42.0)
288 (1 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf (t)) :enter "unused argument")
289 (1 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf (t)) :exit 0)
290 (1 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf :after (float)) :enter "unused argument")
291 (1 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf :after (float)) :exit af)
292 (0 (sb-pcl::fast-method trace-gf :around (number)) :exit 84.0)))))
294 (defparameter *expected-trace-gf-number+t-trace*
295 '((0 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :enter 42.0)
296 (1 (method trace-gf (t)) :enter 42.0)
297 (1 (method trace-gf (t)) :exit 0)
298 (0 (method trace-gf :around (number)) :exit 84.0)))
300 (with-test (:name (trace :methods :untrace-some))
301 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method trace-gf :after (float))
302 (method trace-gf :around (number))
303 (method trace-gf (t)))
304 (untrace (method trace-gf :after (float)))
305 (trace-gf 42.0))
306 *expected-trace-gf-number+t-trace*)))
308 (with-test (:name (trace :methods :untrace-many))
309 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method trace-gf :around (number))
310 (method trace-gf (t))
311 trace-gf :methods t)
312 (untrace trace-gf)
313 (trace-gf 42.0))
314 *expected-trace-gf-number+t-trace*)))
316 (with-test (:name (trace :methods :trace-more))
317 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method trace-gf (t)))
318 (eval '(trace (method trace-gf :around (number))))
319 (trace-gf 42.0))
320 *expected-trace-gf-number+t-trace*)))
322 (defgeneric (setf trace-gf) (value)
323 (:method ((x float)) (call-next-method))
324 (:method :before ((x number)) 'before)
325 (:method ((x number)) x))
327 (with-test (:name (trace :setf-methods))
328 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method (setf trace-gf) (float))
329 (method (setf trace-gf) (number))
330 (method (setf trace-gf) :before (number)))
331 (setf (trace-gf) 42.0))
332 '((0 (method (setf trace-gf) :before (number)) :enter 42.0)
333 (0 (method (setf trace-gf) :before (number)) :exit before)
334 (0 (method (setf trace-gf) (float)) :enter 42.0)
335 (1 (method (setf trace-gf) (number)) :enter 42.0)
336 (1 (method (setf trace-gf) (number)) :exit 42.0)
337 (0 (method (setf trace-gf) (float)) :exit 42.0)))))
339 (defun global-fact (x)
340 (declare (optimize (debug 3))) ; suppress inlining
341 (labels ((fact (x)
342 (flet ((multiply (x y)
343 (* x y)))
344 (if (zerop x)
346 (multiply x (fact (1- x)))))))
347 (fact x)))
349 (with-test (:name (trace :labels) . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
350 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((labels fact :in global-fact)
351 (flet multiply :in global-fact))
352 (global-fact 1))
353 '((0 (labels fact :in global-fact) :enter 1)
354 (1 (labels fact :in global-fact) :enter 0)
355 (1 (labels fact :in global-fact) :exit 1)
356 (1 (flet multiply :in global-fact) :enter 1 1)
357 (1 (flet multiply :in global-fact) :exit 1)
358 (0 (labels fact :in global-fact) :exit 1)))))
360 (defgeneric gfact (x)
361 (:method ((x number))
362 (declare (optimize (debug 3))) ; suppress inlining
363 (flet ((fact (x) (global-fact x)))
364 (fact x))))
366 (with-test (:name (trace :labels :within-method)
367 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
368 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((flet fact :in (method gfact (number))))
369 (gfact 3))
370 '((0 (flet fact :in (method gfact (number))) :enter 3)
371 (0 (flet fact :in (method gfact (number))) :exit 6)))))
373 (with-test (:name (trace :labels :within-untraced-method)
374 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
375 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method gfact (number))
376 (flet fact :in (method gfact (number))))
377 (untrace (method gfact (number)))
378 (gfact 3))
379 '((0 (flet fact :in (method gfact (number))) :enter 3)
380 (0 (flet fact :in (method gfact (number))) :exit 6)))))
382 (defun trace-foo ()
383 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
384 (flet ((body () 'original-foo))
385 (body)))
387 (defun call-with-trace-foo-redefined (fn)
388 (let ((original (fdefinition 'trace-foo)))
389 ;; the local function will be named (FLET BODY) instead of (FLET
390 ;; BODY :IN TRACE-FOO) unless we use EVAL here.
391 (eval '(defun trace-foo ()
392 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
393 (flet ((body () 'redefined-foo))
394 (body))))
395 (unwind-protect
396 (funcall fn)
397 (setf (fdefinition 'trace-foo) original))))
399 (with-test (:name (trace :labels :redefined)
400 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
401 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((flet body :in trace-foo))
402 (trace-foo)
403 (call-with-trace-foo-redefined 'trace-foo))
404 '((0 (flet body :in trace-foo) :enter)
405 (0 (flet body :in trace-foo) :exit original-foo)
406 (0 (flet body :in trace-foo) :enter)
407 (0 (flet body :in trace-foo) :exit redefined-foo)))))
409 (defmethod trace-foo-gf ()
410 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
411 (flet ((body () 'original-foo))
412 (body)))
414 (defun call-with-trace-foo-gf-redefined (fn)
415 ;; using ADD-METHOD and REMOVE-METHOD yields outdated DEBUG-FUN
416 ;; info, so work around that using EVAL.
417 (eval '(defmethod trace-foo-gf ()
418 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
419 (flet ((body () 'redefined-foo))
420 (body))))
421 (unwind-protect
422 (funcall fn)
423 (eval '(defmethod trace-foo-gf ()
424 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
425 (flet ((body () 'original-foo))
426 (body))))))
428 (with-test (:name (trace :labels :redefined-method)
429 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
430 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((flet body :in (method trace-foo-gf ())))
431 (trace-foo-gf)
432 (call-with-trace-foo-gf-redefined 'trace-foo-gf))
433 '((0 (flet body :in (method trace-foo-gf ())) :enter)
434 (0 (flet body :in (method trace-foo-gf ())) :exit original-foo)
435 (0 (flet body :in (method trace-foo-gf ())) :enter)
436 (0 (flet body :in (method trace-foo-gf ())) :exit redefined-foo)))))
438 (defun fn-with-cmac (x) x)
440 (define-compiler-macro fn-with-cmac (x)
441 (declare (ignore x) (optimize (debug 3))) ; suppress flet inlining
442 (flet ((body () 42))
443 (body)))
445 (with-test (:name (trace :compiler-macro)
446 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
447 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((compiler-macro fn-with-cmac))
448 (compile nil '(lambda () (fn-with-cmac 0))))
449 '((0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :enter (fn-with-cmac 0) "unused argument")
450 (0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :exit 42)))))
452 (with-test (:name (trace :flet :within-compiler-macro)
453 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
454 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)))
455 (compile nil '(lambda () (fn-with-cmac 0))))
456 '((0 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :enter)
457 (0 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :exit 42)))))
459 (defun call-with-compiler-macro-redefined (fn)
460 (eval `(define-compiler-macro fn-with-cmac (x)
461 (declare (ignore x) (optimize (debug 3)))
462 (flet ((body () ''redefined))
463 (body))))
464 (unwind-protect
465 (funcall fn)
466 (eval `(define-compiler-macro fn-with-cmac (x)
467 (declare (ignore x) (optimize (debug 3)))
468 (flet ((body () 42))
469 (body))))))
471 #-(or ppc ppc64)
472 (with-test (:name (trace :compiler-macro :redefined)
473 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
474 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)
475 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)))
476 (compile nil '(lambda () (fn-with-cmac 0)))
477 (call-with-compiler-macro-redefined
478 (lambda () (compile nil '(lambda () (fn-with-cmac 0))))))
479 '((0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :enter (fn-with-cmac 0) "unused argument")
480 (1 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :enter)
481 (1 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :exit 42)
482 (0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :exit 42)
483 (0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :enter (fn-with-cmac 0) "unused argument")
484 (1 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :enter)
485 (1 (flet body :in (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac)) :exit 'redefined)
486 (0 (compiler-macro fn-with-cmac) :exit 'redefined)))))
488 (defun throw-foo ()
489 (throw 'foo 42))
491 (defun catch-foo ()
492 (catch 'foo (throw-foo)))
494 (with-test (:name (trace :non-local-exit))
495 (assert (equal (collecting-traces (throw-foo)
496 (catch-foo))
497 '((0 throw-foo :enter)
498 (0 throw-foo :non-local-exit)))))
500 (with-test (:name (trace :non-local-exit :standard-report))
501 (let ((output (with-traced-function (throw-foo)
502 (catch-foo))))
503 (assert (search "exited non-locally" output))))
505 (defun trace-inner-function (x)
508 (defun trace-outer-function (x)
509 (declare (optimize (debug 3))) ; avoid tail call optimization
510 (trace-inner-function x))
512 (defun test-trace-inner-function (&key encapsulate)
513 (assert (equal (let ((sb-debug:*trace-encapsulate-default* encapsulate))
514 (collecting-traces (trace-inner-function
515 :wherein trace-outer-function)
516 (trace-outer-function 'outer-value)
517 (trace-inner-function 'inner-value)))
518 '((0 trace-inner-function :enter outer-value)
519 (0 trace-inner-function :exit outer-value)))))
521 (with-test (:name (trace :wherein :encapsulate t))
522 (test-trace-inner-function :encapsulate t))
524 (with-test (:name (trace :wherein :encapsulate nil)
525 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
526 (test-trace-inner-function :encapsulate nil))
528 (defun test-trace-fact-wherein (&key encapsulate)
529 (assert (equal (let ((sb-debug:*trace-encapsulate-default* encapsulate))
530 (collecting-traces (trace-fact :wherein trace-fact)
531 (trace-fact 1)))
532 '((0 trace-fact :enter 0)
533 (0 trace-fact :exit 1)))))
535 (with-test (:name (trace :wherein :recursive :encapsulate t))
536 (test-trace-fact-wherein :encapsulate t))
538 (with-test (:name (trace :wherein :recursive :encapsulate nil)
539 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
540 (test-trace-fact-wherein :encapsulate nil))
542 (defmacro macro-fact (x)
543 (labels ((fact (x) (if (zerop x) 1 (* x (fact (1- x))))))
544 (fact x)))
546 (with-test (:name (trace :macro)
547 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
548 (assert (equal (collecting-traces (macro-fact)
549 (macroexpand-1 '(macro-fact 3)))
550 '((0 macro-fact :enter (macro-fact 3) "unused argument")
551 (0 macro-fact :exit 6)))))
553 (with-test (:name (trace :labels :within-macro)
554 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
555 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((labels fact :in macro-fact))
556 (macroexpand-1 '(macro-fact 0)))
557 '((0 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :enter 0)
558 (0 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :exit 1)))))
560 (defun call-with-macro-fact-redefined (fn)
561 (handler-bind ((sb-kernel:redefinition-with-defmacro #'muffle-warning))
562 (eval `(defmacro macro-fact (x)
563 (declare (ignore x) (optimize (debug 3)))
564 (labels ((fact () 'redefined)) (fact))))
565 (unwind-protect
566 (funcall fn)
567 (eval `(defmacro macro-fact (x)
568 (labels ((fact (x) (if (zerop x) 1 (* x (fact (1- x))))))
569 (fact x)))))))
571 #-(or ppc ppc64)
572 (with-test (:name (trace :macro :redefined)
573 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
574 (assert (equal (collecting-traces (macro-fact
575 (labels fact :in macro-fact))
576 (macroexpand-1 '(macro-fact 0))
577 (call-with-macro-fact-redefined
578 (lambda () (macroexpand-1 '(macro-fact 0)))))
579 '((0 macro-fact :enter (macro-fact 0) "unused argument")
580 (1 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :enter 0)
581 (1 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :exit 1) (0 macro-fact :exit 1)
582 (0 macro-fact :enter (macro-fact 0) "unused argument")
583 (1 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :enter)
584 (1 (labels fact :in macro-fact) :exit redefined)
585 (0 macro-fact :exit redefined)))))
587 (defun (cas trace-cas) (old new x)
588 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
589 (flet (((cas body) (o n)
590 (+ o n x)))
591 (cas (body) old new)))
593 (with-test (:name (trace :cas)
594 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
595 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((cas trace-cas)
596 (flet (cas body) :in (cas trace-cas)))
597 (cas (trace-cas 1) 21 20))
598 '((0 (cas trace-cas) :enter 21 20 1)
599 (1 (flet (cas body) :in (cas trace-cas)) :enter 21 20)
600 (1 (flet (cas body) :in (cas trace-cas)) :exit 42)
601 (0 (cas trace-cas) :exit 42)))))
603 (defmethod (cas trace-cas-gf) (old new x)
604 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
605 (flet (((cas body) (o n)
606 (+ o n x)))
607 (cas (body) old new)))
609 (with-test (:name (trace :cas :generic)
610 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
611 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t))
612 (flet (cas body) :in (method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t))))
613 (cas (trace-cas-gf 1) 21 20))
614 '((0 (method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t)) :enter 21 20 1)
615 (1 (flet (cas body) :in (method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t))) :enter 21 20)
616 (1 (flet (cas body) :in (method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t))) :exit 42)
617 (0 (method (cas trace-cas-gf) (t t t)) :exit 42)))))
619 (defun (setf trace-setf) (value x)
620 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
621 (flet (((setf body) (value)
622 (+ value x)))
623 (setf (body) value)))
625 (with-test (:name (trace :setf)
626 . #.*breakpoint-tracing-expectations*)
627 (assert (equal (collecting-traces ((setf trace-setf)
628 (flet (setf body) :in (setf trace-setf)))
629 (setf (trace-setf 11) 31))
630 '((0 (setf trace-setf) :enter 31 11)
631 (1 (flet (setf body) :in (setf trace-setf)) :enter 31)
632 (1 (flet (setf body) :in (setf trace-setf)) :exit 42)
633 (0 (setf trace-setf) :exit 42)))))
635 (with-test (:name :bug-414)
636 (handler-bind ((warning #'error))
637 (with-scratch-file (output "fasl")
638 (load (compile-file "bug-414.lisp" :output-file output
639 :verbose nil :print nil)))
640 (with-output-to-string (s)
641 (disassemble 'bug-414 :stream s))))
643 ;; A known function can be stored as a code constant in lieu of the
644 ;; usual mode of storing an #<fdefn> and looking up the function from it.
645 ;; One such usage occurs with TAIL-CALL-VARIABLE (e.g. via APPLY).
646 ;; Show that declaring the function locally notinline uses the #<fdefn>
647 ;; by first compiling a call that would have elided the #<fdefn>
648 ;; and then TRACE.
649 ;; XXX: what purpose has the JUNK argument?
650 (defun test-compile-then-load (filename junk)
651 (declare (notinline compile-file load))
652 (with-scratch-file (output "fasl")
653 (apply 'load (apply 'compile-file filename :output-file output junk)
654 junk)))
655 (compile 'test-compile-then-load)
656 (with-test (:name :traceable-known-fun)
657 (let ((s (make-string-output-stream)))
658 (trace compile-file load)
659 (let ((*trace-output* s))
660 (test-compile-then-load "bug-414.lisp" nil))
661 (untrace)
662 (assert (>= (count #\Newline (get-output-stream-string s)) 4))))
664 (with-test (:name :bug-310175)
665 ;; KLUDGE: Not all DX-enabled platforms DX CONS, and the compiler
666 ;; transforms two-arg-LIST* (and one-arg-LIST) to CONS. Therefore,
667 ;; use two-arg-LIST, which should get through to VOP LIST, and thus
668 ;; stack-allocate on a predictable set of machines.
669 (let ((dx-arg (list t t)))
670 (declare (dynamic-extent dx-arg))
671 (flet ((dx-arg-backtrace (x)
672 (declare (optimize (debug 2)))
673 (prog1 (sb-debug:list-backtrace :count 10)
674 (assert (sb-debug::stack-allocated-p x)))))
675 (declare (notinline dx-arg-backtrace))
676 (assert (member-if (lambda (frame)
677 (and (consp frame)
678 (consp (car frame))
679 (equal '(flet dx-arg-backtrace :in) (butlast (car frame)))
680 (notany #'sb-debug::stack-allocated-p (cdr frame))))
681 (dx-arg-backtrace dx-arg))))))
683 (with-test (:name :bug-795245)
684 (assert
685 (eq :ok
686 (catch 'done
687 (handler-bind
688 ((error (lambda (e)
689 (declare (ignore e))
690 (handler-case
691 (sb-debug:print-backtrace :count 100
692 :stream (make-broadcast-stream))
693 (error ()
694 (throw 'done :error))
695 (:no-error ()
696 (throw 'done :ok))))))
697 (apply '/= nil 1 2 nil))))))
699 ;;;; test infinite error protection
701 (defmacro nest-errors (n-levels error-form)
702 (if (< 0 n-levels)
703 `(handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition)
704 (declare (ignore condition))
705 ,error-form)))
706 (nest-errors ,(1- n-levels) ,error-form))
707 error-form))
709 (defun erroring-debugger-hook (condition old-debugger-hook)
710 (let ((*debugger-hook* old-debugger-hook))
711 (format t "recursive condition: ~A~%" condition) (force-output)
712 (error "recursive condition: ~A" condition)))
714 (defun test-infinite-error-protection ()
715 ;; after 50 successful throws to SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-CATCHER sbcl used
716 ;; to halt, it produces so much garbage that's hard to suppress that
717 ;; it is tested only once
719 (let ((*debugger-hook* #'erroring-debugger-hook))
720 (loop repeat 1 do
721 (let ((error-counter 0)
722 (*terminal-io* (make-broadcast-stream)))
723 (assert
724 (not (eq
725 :normal-exit
726 (catch 'sb-impl::toplevel-catcher
727 (nest-errors 20 (error "infinite error ~s"
728 (incf error-counter)))
729 :normal-exit)))))))
730 (write-line "--END OF H-B-A-B--"))
732 ;;; *debugger-hook* is now cleared after trying to enter the debugger
733 ;;; *once in ERROR-ERROR, breaking these tests.
734 (with-test (:name :infinite-error-protection
735 :skipped-on :sbcl)
736 (enable-debugger)
737 (test-infinite-error-protection))
739 (with-test (:name (:infinite-error-protection :thread)
740 :skipped-on (or :sbcl (not :sb-thread)))
741 (enable-debugger)
742 (let ((thread (sb-thread:make-thread #'test-infinite-error-protection)))
743 (loop while (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread))))
745 ;; unconditional, in case either previous left it enabled
746 (disable-debugger)
748 ;;;; test some limitations of MAKE-LISP-OBJ
750 ;;; Older GENCGC systems had a bug in the pointer validation used by
751 ;;; MAKE-LISP-OBJ that made SIMPLE-FUN objects always fail to
752 ;;; validate.
753 (with-test (:name (:make-lisp-obj :simple-funs))
754 (sb-sys:without-gcing
755 (assert (eq #'identity
756 (sb-kernel:make-lisp-obj
757 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address
758 #'identity))))))
760 ;;; Older CHENEYGC systems didn't perform any real pointer validity
761 ;;; checks beyond "is this pointer to somewhere in heap space".
762 (with-test (:name (:make-lisp-obj :pointer-validation))
763 ;; Fun and games: We need to test MAKE-LISP-OBJ with a known-bogus
764 ;; address, but we also need the GC to not pitch a fit if it sees an
765 ;; object with said bogus address. Thus, construct our known-bogus
766 ;; object within an area of unboxed storage (a vector) in static
767 ;; space. We'll make it a simple object, (CONS 0 0), which has an
768 ;; in-memory representation of two consecutive zero words. We
769 ;; allocate a three-word vector so that we can guarantee a
770 ;; double-word aligned double-word of zeros no matter what happens
771 ;; with the vector-data-offset (currently double-word aligned).
772 (let* ((memory (sb-int:make-static-vector 3 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,sb-vm:n-word-bits)
773 :initial-element 0))
774 (vector-data-address (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-kernel::vector-sap memory)))
775 (object-base-address (logandc2 (+ vector-data-address sb-vm:lowtag-mask) sb-vm:lowtag-mask))
776 (object-tagged-address (+ object-base-address sb-vm:list-pointer-lowtag)))
777 (multiple-value-bind (object valid-p)
778 (sb-kernel:make-lisp-obj object-tagged-address nil)
779 (declare (ignore object))
780 (assert (not valid-p)))))
782 (defun test-debugger (control form &rest targets)
783 (let ((out (make-string-output-stream))
784 (oops t))
785 (unwind-protect
786 (progn
787 (with-simple-restart (debugger-test-done! "Debugger Test Done!")
788 (let* ((*debug-io* (make-two-way-stream
789 (make-string-input-stream control)
790 (make-broadcast-stream out #+nil *standard-output*)))
791 ;; Initial announcement goes to *ERROR-OUTPUT*
792 (*error-output* *debug-io*)
793 (*invoke-debugger-hook* nil))
794 (handler-bind ((error #'invoke-debugger))
795 (eval form))))
796 (setf oops nil))
797 (when oops
798 (error "Uncontrolled unwind from debugger test.")))
799 ;; For sanity's sake this is outside the *debug-io* rebinding -- otherwise
800 ;; it could swallow our asserts!
801 (with-input-from-string (s (get-output-stream-string out))
802 (loop for line = (read-line s nil)
803 while line
804 do (assert targets nil "Line = ~a" line)
805 #+nil
806 (format *error-output* "Got: ~A~%" line)
807 (let ((match (pop targets)))
808 (if (eq '* match)
809 ;; Whatever, till the next line matches.
810 (let ((text (pop targets)))
811 #+nil
812 (format *error-output* "Looking for: ~A~%" text)
813 (unless (search text line)
814 (push text targets)
815 (push match targets)))
816 (unless (search match line)
817 (format *error-output* "~&Wanted: ~S~% Got: ~S~%" match line)
818 (setf oops t))))))
819 ;; Check that we saw everything we wanted
820 (when targets
821 (error "Missed: ~S" targets))
822 (assert (not oops))))
824 (with-test (:name (:debugger :source 1))
825 (test-debugger
827 source 0
828 debugger-test-done!"
829 `(progn
830 (defun this-will-break (x)
831 (declare (optimize debug))
832 (let* ((y (- x x))
833 (z (/ x y)))
834 (+ x z)))
835 (this-will-break 1))
837 "debugger invoked"
840 "Operation was (/ 1 0)"
844 "1]"
845 "(/ X Y)"
846 "1]"))
848 (with-test (:name (:debugger :source 2))
849 (test-debugger
851 source 0
852 debugger-test-done!"
853 `(locally (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
854 (let ((f #'(lambda (x cont)
855 (print x (make-broadcast-stream))
856 (if (zerop x)
857 (error "~%foo")
858 (funcall cont (1- x) cont)))))
859 (funcall f 10 f)))
861 "debugger"
863 "foo"
865 "source: (ERROR \"~%foo\")"
867 "(LAMBDA (X CONT)"
869 "(FUNCALL CONT (1- X) CONT)"
870 "1]"))
872 (with-test (:name (:debugger :bogus-debug-fun :source) :skipped-on :ppc)
873 (test-debugger
875 debugger-test-done!"
876 `(let ()
877 (#.(gensym)))
879 "undefined function"
881 "1]"))
883 (with-test (:name (disassemble :high-debug-eval))
884 (eval `(defun this-will-be-disassembled (x)
885 (declare (optimize debug))
886 (+ x x)))
887 (let* ((oopses (make-string-output-stream))
888 (disassembly
889 (let ((*error-output* oopses))
890 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
891 (disassemble 'this-will-be-disassembled)))))
892 (with-input-from-string (s disassembly)
893 (assert (search "; disassembly for THIS-WILL-BE-DISASSEMBLED"
894 (read-line s))))
895 (let ((problems (get-output-stream-string oopses)))
896 (unless (zerop (length problems))
897 (error problems)))))
899 (defun this-too-will-be-disasssembled (x)
900 (declare (optimize debug))
901 (+ x x))
903 (with-test (:name (disassemble :high-debug-load))
904 (let* ((oopses (make-string-output-stream))
905 (disassembly
906 (let ((*error-output* oopses))
907 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
908 (disassemble 'this-too-will-be-disasssembled)))))
909 (with-input-from-string (s disassembly)
910 (assert (equal "; disassembly for THIS-TOO-WILL-BE-DISASSSEMBLED"
911 (read-line s))))
912 (let ((problems (get-output-stream-string oopses)))
913 (unless (zerop (length problems))
914 (error problems)))))
916 (with-test (:name (:xep-arglist-clean-up :bug-1192929))
917 (assert
918 (block nil
919 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (e)
920 (declare (ignore e))
921 (return (< (length (car (sb-debug:list-backtrace :count 1)))
922 10)))))
923 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (i) (declare ((mod 65536) i)) i)) nil)))))
925 ;;; bug-1261646
927 (defun print-backtrace-to-string/debug-print-variable-alist (x)
928 (values
929 (with-output-to-string (stream)
930 (let ((*debug-print-variable-alist* '((*print-length* . 5)
931 (*print-level* . 3))))
932 (sb-debug:print-backtrace :stream stream :count 5)))
933 x)) ; Force use of X to prevent flushing
935 (with-test (:name (:print-frame-call :respect *debug-print-variable-alist*
936 *print-length* :bug-1261646))
937 (let* ((printed (print-backtrace-to-string/debug-print-variable-alist
938 (make-array 200 :initial-element 0)))
940 (position (+ (search call printed) (length call))))
941 (assert (eql position (search "#(0 0 0 0 0 ...)" printed :start2 position)))))
943 (with-test (:name (:print-frame-call :respect *debug-print-variable-alist*
944 *print-level* :bug-1261646))
945 (let* ((printed (print-backtrace-to-string/debug-print-variable-alist
946 '(((((1)))))))
948 (position (+ (search call printed) (length call))))
949 (assert (eql position (search "((#))" printed :start2 position)))))
952 (defvar *x* nil)
953 (defun foo (a) a)
955 (with-test (:name :trace-debug-arg)
956 (trace foo :print-after (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)))
957 (foo 1)
958 (assert (eql *x* 1))
960 (trace foo :print (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)))
961 (foo 2)
962 (assert (eql *x* 2))
964 (trace foo :condition (eql (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)) 0))
965 (foo 3)
966 (assert (eql *x* 3))
968 (trace foo :condition-after (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)))
969 (foo 4)
970 (assert (eql *x* 4))
972 (trace foo :break (and (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)) nil))
973 (foo 5)
974 (assert (eql *x* 5))
976 (trace foo :break-all (and (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)) nil))
977 (foo 6)
978 (assert (eql *x* 6))
979 (trace foo :break-after (and (setf *x* (sb-debug:arg 0)) nil))
980 (foo 7))
982 (defun frobbleize (arg) (declare (ignore arg)) (sb-debug:list-backtrace) 'win)
983 (defmethod low-debug-method ((self t))
984 (declare (optimize (debug 0)))
985 (frobbleize 'me) ; make this not a tail call, so it remains on stack
987 (with-test (:name :clean-fast-method-frame-lossage)
988 (low-debug-method 42)) ; no need to assert. it either crashes or doesn't
990 (defun return-65535 ()
991 65535)
993 (with-test (:name :indirect-closure-values)
994 (let ((count 0))
995 (block nil
996 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
997 (declare (ignore c))
998 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
999 (lambda (frame)
1000 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame)
1001 (name (sb-debug::frame-call frame)))
1002 (when (or (eq name 'test)
1003 (and (consp name)
1004 (or (eql (search '(labels f1) name) 0)
1005 (eql (search '(labels f2) name) 0))))
1006 (incf count)
1007 (assert (eql (var 'a) 2))))))
1008 (return))))
1009 (funcall
1010 (compile nil
1011 `(sb-int:named-lambda test ()
1012 (declare (optimize debug))
1013 (let ((a 1))
1014 (labels
1015 ((f1 ()
1016 (incf a)
1017 (signal 'error))
1018 (f2 ()
1019 (f1)))
1020 (f2))))))))
1021 (assert (= count 3))))
1023 (with-test (:name :indirect-closure-values.2)
1024 (let ((count 0))
1025 (block nil
1026 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1027 (declare (ignore c))
1028 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1029 (lambda (frame)
1030 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame)
1031 (name (sb-debug::frame-call frame)))
1032 (when (or (eq name 'test)
1033 (and (consp name)
1034 (or (eql (search '(labels f1) name) 0)
1035 (eql (search '(labels f2) name) 0))))
1036 (incf count)
1037 (assert (eql (var 'a) 65535))))))
1038 (return))))
1039 (funcall
1040 (compile nil
1041 `(sb-int:named-lambda test ()
1042 (declare (optimize debug))
1043 (let ((a (return-65535)))
1044 (declare ((unsigned-byte 16) a))
1045 (labels
1046 ((f1 ()
1047 (incf a)
1048 (signal 'error))
1049 (f2 ()
1050 (f1)))
1051 (f2))))))))
1052 (assert (= count 3))))
1054 (with-test (:name :indirect-closure-values.crash)
1055 (block nil
1056 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1057 (declare (ignore c))
1058 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1059 (lambda (frame)
1060 (let ((name (sb-debug::frame-call frame))
1061 (location (sb-di:frame-code-location frame))
1062 (d-fun (sb-di:frame-debug-fun frame)))
1063 (when (eq name 'test)
1064 (assert (sb-di:debug-var-info-available d-fun))
1065 (dolist (v (sb-di:ambiguous-debug-vars d-fun ""))
1066 (assert (not (sb-debug::var-valid-in-frame-p v location frame))))
1067 (return))))))))
1068 (funcall
1069 (compile nil
1070 `(sb-int:named-lambda test ()
1071 (declare (optimize debug safety))
1072 (signal 'error)
1073 (let ((protos '()))
1074 (mapcar (lambda (x)
1075 (print x))
1076 protos))))))))
1078 (with-test (:name :non-tail-self-call-bad-variables)
1079 (let ((count 0))
1080 (block nil
1081 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1082 (declare (ignore c))
1083 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1084 (lambda (frame)
1085 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame))
1086 (multiple-value-bind (name args)
1087 (sb-debug::frame-call frame)
1088 (when (eq name 'test)
1089 (assert (or (null args)
1090 (equal args '(nil))))
1091 (incf count))))))
1092 (return))))
1093 (funcall
1094 (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test (&optional x)
1095 (declare (optimize sb-c::recognize-self-calls))
1096 (signal 'error :format-control "~a" :format-arguments (list x))
1097 (test 1)
1098 1)))))
1099 (assert (= count 1))))
1101 (with-test (:name :local-tail-call-variables)
1102 (let ((count 0))
1103 (block nil
1104 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1105 (declare (ignore c))
1106 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1107 (lambda (frame)
1108 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame))
1109 (multiple-value-bind (name args)
1110 (sb-debug::frame-call frame)
1111 (when (eq name 'test)
1112 (assert (equal args '(error)))
1113 (incf count))))))
1114 (return))))
1115 (funcall
1116 (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test (x)
1117 (signal x)
1118 ;; If :local-tail-call fails, this will fail
1119 ;; too, because there's no jump between
1120 ;; SIGNAL and the call to TAIL and it will
1121 ;; show (flet tail) in the backtrace.
1122 (flet ((tail ()))
1123 (declare (notinline tail))
1124 (tail))))
1125 'error)))
1126 (assert (= count 1))))
1128 (with-test (:name :variables-surrounding-inlined-code)
1129 (let ((count 0))
1130 (block nil
1131 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1132 (declare (ignore c))
1133 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1134 (lambda (frame)
1135 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame))
1136 (multiple-value-bind (name)
1137 (sb-debug::frame-call frame)
1138 (when (eq name 'test)
1139 (assert (equal (sb-debug:var 'l) '(1 2 3)))
1140 (incf count))))))
1141 (return))))
1142 (funcall
1143 (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test (a i)
1144 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
1145 (let ((l (list 1 2 3)))
1146 (aref a i)
1147 l)))
1148 #(1) 2)))
1149 (assert (= count 1))))
1151 (with-test (:name :variables-surrounding-inlined-code.2)
1152 (let ((count 0))
1153 (block nil
1154 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
1155 (declare (ignore c))
1156 (sb-debug:map-backtrace
1157 (lambda (frame)
1158 (let ((sb-debug::*current-frame* frame))
1159 (multiple-value-bind (name)
1160 (sb-debug::frame-call frame)
1161 (when (eq name 'test)
1162 (assert (equal (sb-debug:var 'l) '(1 2 3)))
1163 (incf count))))))
1164 (return))))
1165 (funcall
1166 (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test (c)
1167 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
1168 (let ((l (list 1 2 3)))
1169 (map 'list #'signal c)
1170 l)))
1171 '(error))))
1172 (assert (= count 1))))
1174 (with-test (:name :properly-tagged-p-internal)
1175 ;; Pick a code component that has a ton of restarts.
1176 (let* ((code (sb-kernel:fun-code-header #'sb-impl::update-package-with-variance))
1177 (n (sb-kernel:code-n-entries code)))
1178 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (code)
1179 (let* ((base (logandc2 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code)
1180 sb-vm:lowtag-mask))
1181 (limit (+ base (sb-ext:primitive-object-size code))))
1182 (flet ((properly-tagged-p (ptr)
1183 (eql (alien-funcall (extern-alien "properly_tagged_p_internal"
1184 (function int unsigned unsigned))
1185 ptr base)
1186 1)))
1187 ;; For architectures that don't use LRAs, there are exactly 'n-entries'
1188 ;; properly tagged interior pointers. For those which do use LRAs,
1189 ;; there are at least that many, because we allow pointing to LRAs,
1190 ;; but they aren't enumerable so we don't know the actual count.
1191 (assert (#+(or x86 x86-64 arm64) =
1192 #-(or x86 x86-64 arm64) >
1193 (loop for ptr from (+ base (* 2 sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
1194 below limit count (properly-tagged-p ptr))
1196 ;; Verify that the binary search algorithm for simple-fun-index works.
1197 (let ((count 0))
1198 (loop for ptr from base below limit
1200 (let ((index (alien-funcall
1201 (extern-alien "simple_fun_index"
1202 (function int unsigned unsigned))
1203 base ptr)))
1204 (unless (eql index -1)
1205 (let ((tagged-fun (logior ptr sb-vm:fun-pointer-lowtag)))
1206 (assert (properly-tagged-p tagged-fun))
1207 (incf count)
1208 #+nil
1209 (format t "~x -> ~d (~a)~%"
1210 ptr index (sb-kernel:make-lisp-obj tagged-fun))))))
1211 (assert (= count n))))))))
1213 (with-test (:name :repeatable-fasl)
1214 (with-scratch-file (output1 "fasl")
1215 (compile-file "bug-414.lisp" ; compile this file, why not
1216 ::output-file output1 :verbose nil :print nil)
1217 (with-scratch-file (output2 "fasl")
1218 (compile-file "bug-414.lisp" ; compile this file, why not
1219 ::output-file output2 :verbose nil :print nil)
1220 (with-open-file (fasl1 output1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
1221 (with-open-file (fasl2 output2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
1222 (assert (= (file-length fasl1) (file-length fasl2)))
1223 (loop repeat (file-length fasl1)
1224 do (assert (= (read-byte fasl1) (read-byte fasl2)))))))))
1226 ;; lp#1901781
1227 (defun ll-unknown (x y) (declare (optimize (debug 0))) (+ x y))
1228 (compile 'll-unknown)
1229 (with-test (:name :unknown-lambda-list)
1230 (assert (eq (sb-kernel:%fun-lambda-list #'ll-unknown) :unknown)))
1232 ;;;; SB-DEBUG:*STACK-TOP-HINT* management
1234 (defun buggy-handler (c)
1235 (declare (ignore c))
1236 ;; signal a nondescript condition to avoid triggering WITH-TEST's error
1237 ;; handling.
1238 (error 'simple-condition :format-control "buggy handler"))
1240 (defun signal-and-handle-with-buggy-handler ()
1241 (handler-bind ((program-error #'buggy-handler))
1242 (signal 'program-error)))
1244 (defun call-getting-stack-top-on-invoke-debugger (fn)
1245 (block nil
1246 (let ((*invoke-debugger-hook*
1247 (lambda (condition hook)
1248 (declare (ignore condition hook))
1249 (let ((top (sb-debug::resolve-stack-top-hint)))
1250 (return (caar (sb-debug:list-backtrace :from top)))))))
1251 (funcall fn))))
1253 (defun ds-bind-when (x)
1254 (when x
1255 (sb-c::ds-bind-error '(foo) 2 3 '((:macro baz . deftype))))
1256 (print "something to prevent tco"))
1258 (with-test (:name (:stack-top-hint :arg-count-error))
1259 (assert (eq 'ds-bind-when
1260 (block nil
1261 (handler-bind ((error
1262 (lambda (c)
1263 (declare (ignore c))
1264 (let ((top (sb-debug::resolve-stack-top-hint)))
1265 (return (caar (sb-debug:list-backtrace :from top)))))))
1266 (ds-bind-when t))))))
1268 ;; If an error occurs within a signal handler, we want to see the handling
1269 ;; frames in the backtrace.
1270 (with-test (:name (:stack-top-hint :signal))
1271 (assert (eq 'buggy-handler
1272 (call-getting-stack-top-on-invoke-debugger
1273 #'signal-and-handle-with-buggy-handler))))
1275 ;; When breaking on signals, we don't need to see the SIGNAL frame or other
1276 ;; frames above that.
1277 (with-test (:name (:stack-top-hint :signal :break-on-signals))
1278 (assert (eq 'signal-and-handle-with-buggy-handler
1279 (let ((*break-on-signals* t))
1280 (call-getting-stack-top-on-invoke-debugger
1281 #'signal-and-handle-with-buggy-handler)))))