Unbreak 32-bit ppc
[sbcl.git] / tests / array.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
5 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
6 ;;;; from CMU CL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (enable-test-parallelism)
14 ;;; Array initialization has complicated defaulting for :ELEMENT-TYPE,
15 ;;; and both compile-time and run-time logic takes a whack at it.
16 (with-test (:name (make-array :element-type :bug-126))
17 (let ((testcases '(;; Bug 126, confusion between high-level default string
18 ;; initial element #\SPACE and low-level default array
19 ;; element #\NULL, is gone.
20 (#\null (make-array 11 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\null)
21 simple-string)
22 (#\space (make-string 11 :initial-element #\space) string)
23 (#\* (make-string 11 :initial-element #\*))
24 (#\null (make-string 11))
25 (#\null (make-string 11 :initial-element #\null))
26 (#\x (make-string 11 :initial-element #\x))
27 ;; And the other tweaks made when fixing bug 126 didn't
28 ;; mess things up too badly either.
29 (0 (make-array 11 :initial-element 0) simple-vector)
30 (nil (make-array 11 :initial-element nil))
31 (12 (make-array 11 :initial-element 12))
32 (0 (make-array 11 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4) :initial-element 0)
33 (simple-array (unsigned-byte 4) (*)))
34 (12 (make-array 11
35 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4)
36 :initial-element 12)))))
37 (dolist (testcase testcases)
38 (destructuring-bind (expected-result form &optional type) testcase
39 (unless (eql expected-result (aref (eval form) 3))
40 (error "expected ~S in EVAL ~S" expected-result form))
41 (unless (eql expected-result
42 (aref (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda () ,form)
43 :allow-warnings t))
44 3))
45 (error "expected ~S in FUNCALL COMPILE ~S" expected-result form))
46 ;; also do some testing of compilation and verification that
47 ;; errors are thrown appropriately.
48 (unless (eql expected-result
49 (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda () (aref ,form 3))
50 :allow-warnings t)))
51 (error "expected ~S in COMPILED-AREF ~S" expected-result form))
52 (when type
53 (unless (eql expected-result
54 (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda ()
55 (let ((x ,form))
56 (declare (type ,type x))
57 (aref x 3)))
58 :allow-warnings t)))
59 (error "expected ~S in COMPILED-DECLARED-AREF ~S" expected-result form)))
60 (when (ignore-errors (aref (eval form) 12))
61 (error "error not thrown in EVAL ~S" form))
62 (when (ignore-errors (aref (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda () ,form)
63 :allow-warnings t))
64 12))
65 (error "error not thrown in FUNCALL COMPILE ~S" form))
66 (when (ignore-errors (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda () (aref ,form 12))
67 :allow-warnings t)))
68 (error "error not thrown in COMPILED-AREF ~S" form))
69 (when type
70 (when (ignore-errors (funcall
71 (checked-compile `(lambda ()
72 (let ((x ,form))
73 (declare (type ,type x))
74 (aref x 12)))
75 :allow-warnings t)))
76 (error "error not thrown in COMPILED-DECLARED-AREF ~S" form)))))))
78 ;;; On the SPARC, until sbcl-, there was a bug in array
79 ;;; references for small vector elements (spotted by Raymond Toy); the
80 ;;; bug persisted on the PPC until sbcl-
81 (let (vector)
82 (loop for i below 64
83 for list = (make-list 64 :initial-element 1)
84 do (setf (nth i list) 0)
85 do (setf vector (make-array 64 :element-type 'bit
86 :initial-contents list))
87 do (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize '(:speed 3 :safety 0))
88 `(lambda (rmdr)
89 (declare (type (simple-array bit (*)) rmdr))
90 (aref rmdr ,i))
91 ((vector) 0))))
93 ;;; Following refactoring of sequence functions to detect bad type
94 ;;; specifiers, REVERSE was left broken on vectors with fill pointers.
95 (with-test (:name :reverse-fill-pointer.string)
96 (let ((a (make-array 10
97 :fill-pointer 5
98 :element-type 'character
99 :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
100 (assert (string= (reverse a) "edcba"))))
102 (with-test (:name :reverse-fill-pointer.fixnum)
103 (let ((a (make-array 10
104 :fill-pointer 6
105 :element-type 'fixnum
106 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10))))
107 (assert (equalp (reverse a) #(5 4 3 2 1 0)))))
109 ;;; ARRAY-IN-BOUNDS-P should work when given non-INDEXes as its
110 ;;; subscripts (and return NIL, of course)
111 (with-test (:name array-in-bounds-p)
112 (macrolet
113 ((test-case (array subscript expected)
114 `(progn
115 (assert (,(if expected 'progn 'not)
116 (array-in-bounds-p ,array ,subscript)))
117 (assert (,(if expected 'progn 'not)
118 (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda (array subscript)
119 (array-in-bounds-p array subscript)))
120 ,array ,subscript))))))
121 (let ((a (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 5)))
122 (test-case a -1 nil)
123 (test-case a 3 t)
124 (test-case a 7 t)
125 (test-case a 11 nil)
126 (test-case a (1+ most-positive-fixnum) nil))))
128 ;;; arrays of bits should work:
129 (with-test (:name (make-array :element-type bit))
130 (let ((a (make-array '(10 10) :element-type 'bit :adjustable t)))
131 (setf (bit a 0 0) 1)
132 (assert (= (bit a 0 0) 1)))
133 (let ((a (make-array '(10 10) :element-type 'bit)))
134 (setf (sbit a 0 0) 1)
135 (assert (= (sbit a 0 0) 1))))
137 (with-test (:name (copy-seq bit-and equalp))
138 (let ((x (copy-seq #*0011))
139 (y (copy-seq #*0101)))
140 (assert (equalp (bit-and x y nil) #*0001))))
142 ;;; arrays of NIL should work, FSVO "work".
143 (with-test (:name (make-array upgraded-array-element-type :element-type nil))
144 (let ((a (make-array '(10 10) :element-type 'nil)))
145 (assert (= (array-total-size a) 100))
146 (assert (equal (array-dimensions a) '(10 10)))
147 (assert (eq (array-element-type a) 'nil)))
149 (assert (eq (upgraded-array-element-type 'nil) 'nil)))
151 (with-test (:name (aref 0 :compile-time-error))
152 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail)
153 (checked-compile `(lambda () (aref (make-array 0) 0))
154 :allow-warnings t)
155 (assert fail)
156 (assert-error (funcall fun) sb-int:invalid-array-index-error)))
158 (with-test (:name (aref 1 :compile-time-error))
159 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail)
160 (checked-compile `(lambda () (aref (make-array 1) 1))
161 :allow-warnings t)
162 (assert fail)
163 (assert-error (funcall fun) sb-int:invalid-array-index-error)))
165 (with-test (:name (make-array :element-type :compile-time error))
166 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warnings style-warnings)
167 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array 5 :element-type 'undefined-type))
168 :allow-style-warnings t)
169 (declare (ignore fun fail warnings))
170 (assert style-warnings)))
172 (with-test (:name (make-array :default :element-type :supplied :compile-time warning))
173 ;; Supplied :initial-element, EQL to the default initial element,
174 ;; results in full warning, even if not "used" due to 0 array total
175 ;; size.
176 (flet ((check (dimensions)
177 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warnings)
178 (checked-compile
179 `(lambda ()
180 (make-array ,dimensions
181 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'string))
182 :allow-warnings t)
183 (declare (ignore fun fail))
184 (assert (= (length warnings) 1)))))
185 (check 1)
186 (check 0)))
188 (with-test (:name (make-array :default :element-type :implicit :compile-time style-warning))
189 ;; Implicit default initial element used to initialize array
190 ;; elements results in a style warning.
191 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warnings style-warnings)
192 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array 5 :element-type 'string))
193 :allow-style-warnings t)
194 (declare (ignore fun fail warnings))
195 (assert (= (length style-warnings) 1)))
197 ;; But not if the default initial-element is not actually used to
198 ;; initialize any elements due to 0 array total size.
199 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array 0 :element-type 'string)))
200 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array '(0 2) :element-type 'string))))
202 (with-test (:name (make-array standard-char))
203 ;; Maybe this is a kludge, but STANDARD-CHAR should just work,
204 ;; I don't care if #\nul is nonstandard. Because, seriously?
205 (checked-compile '(lambda ()
206 (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'standard-char))))
208 (with-test (:name :big-array)
209 ;; we used to have leakage from cross-compilation hosts of the INDEX
210 ;; type, which prevented us from actually using all the large array
211 ;; dimensions that we promised. Let's make sure that we can create
212 ;; an array with more than 2^24 elements, since that was a symptom
213 ;; from the CLISP and OpenMCL hosts.
214 (let ((big-array (opaque-identity
215 (make-array (expt 2 26) :element-type 'bit))))
216 (assert (= (length big-array) (expt 2 26)))))
218 ;;; Bug reported by Kalle Olavi Niemitalo for CMUCL through Debian BTS
219 (with-test (:name (make-array aref :rank 0))
220 (let ((array (make-array nil :initial-contents nil)))
221 (assert (eql (aref array) nil))))
223 (with-test (:name (make-array (setf aref) length))
224 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
225 '(lambda ()
226 (let ((a (make-array '(4)
227 :element-type 'base-char
228 :initial-element #\z)))
229 (setf (aref a 0) #\a)
230 (setf (aref a 1) #\b)
231 (setf (aref a 2) #\c)
233 (() 4 :test (lambda (values expected)
234 (= (length (first values)) (first expected))))))
236 ;;; I have no idea how this is testing adjust-array with an initial-element !
237 (with-test (:name (make-array adjust-array :initial-element))
238 (let ((x (make-array nil :initial-element 'foo)))
239 ;; make the result look used
240 (opaque-identity (adjust-array x nil))
241 (assert (eql (aref x) 'foo))))
243 ;;; BUG 315: "no bounds check for access to displaced array"
244 ;;; reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
245 ;;; test suite.
246 (with-test (:name (:displaced-to aref sb-int:invalid-array-index-error :bug-315))
247 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3) (speed 0)))
248 (let* ((x (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4 :element-type 'character
249 :initial-element #\space :adjustable t))
250 (y (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4 :element-type 'character
251 :displaced-to x)))
252 (assert (eq x (adjust-array x '(5))))
253 (assert (eq :error (handler-case
254 (char y 0)
255 (sb-int:invalid-array-error (e)
256 (assert (eq y (type-error-datum e)))
257 (assert (equal `(vector character 10)
258 (type-error-expected-type e)))
259 :error)))))))
261 ;;; MISC.527: bit-vector bitwise operations used LENGTH to get a size
262 ;;; of a vector
263 (with-test (:name (bit-vector :bitwise-operations))
264 (flet ((bit-vector-equal (v1 v2)
265 (and (bit-vector-p v1) (bit-vector-p v2)
266 (equal (array-dimension v1 0) (array-dimension v2 0))
267 (loop for i below (array-dimension v1 0)
268 always (eql (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i))))))
269 (let* ((length 1024)
270 (v1 (make-array length :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 0))
271 (v2 (make-array length :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 1)))
272 (loop for i from 0 below length
273 for x1 in '#1=(0 0 1 1 . #1#)
274 and x2 in '#2=(0 1 0 1 . #2#)
275 do (setf (aref v1 i) x1)
276 do (setf (aref v2 i) x2))
277 (loop for (bf lf) in '((bit-and logand)
278 (bit-andc1 logandc1)
279 (bit-andc2 logandc2)
280 (bit-eqv logeqv)
281 (bit-ior logior)
282 (bit-nand lognand)
283 (bit-nor lognor)
284 (bit-orc1 logorc1)
285 (bit-orc2 logorc2)
286 (bit-xor logxor)
287 ((lambda (x y) (bit-not x)) #.(lambda (x y)
288 (declare (ignore y))
289 (lognot x))))
290 for fun = (checked-compile `(lambda (v)
291 (declare (type (array bit (*)) v))
292 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
293 (,bf v ,v2))
294 :allow-style-warnings t)
295 for r1 = (funcall fun v1)
296 and r2 = (coerce (loop for i below length
297 collect (logand 1 (funcall lf (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i))))
298 'bit-vector)
299 do (assert (bit-vector-equal r1 r2))))))
301 (with-test (:name (adjust-array fill-pointer))
302 ;; CLHS, ADJUST-ARRAY: An error of type error is signaled if
303 ;; fill-pointer is supplied and non-nil but array has no fill pointer.
304 (assert (eq :good
305 (handler-case
306 (let ((array (make-array 12)))
307 (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)))
308 ;; make the result look used
309 (opaque-identity (adjust-array array 12 :fill-pointer t))
310 array)
311 (type-error ()
312 :good)))))
314 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :multidimensional))
315 (let ((ary (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element 0)))
316 ;; SBCL used to give multidimensional arrays a bogus fill-pointer
317 (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p (adjust-array ary '(2 2)))))))
319 (with-test (:name :%set-fill-pointer/error)
320 (let ((v (make-array 3 :fill-pointer 0)))
321 (handler-case
322 (progn
323 (setf (fill-pointer v) 12)
324 (error "WTF"))
325 (error (e)
326 (assert (eql 12 (type-error-datum e)))
327 (assert (equal '(integer 0 3) (type-error-expected-type e)))))))
329 (with-test (:name array-storage-vector)
330 (let ((vec (vector 1 2 3)))
331 (assert (eq vec (sb-ext:array-storage-vector vec)))
332 (assert (equalp (vector 1 2 3 4)
333 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector
334 (make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents '((1 2) (3 4))))))
335 (assert (eq 'fixnum (array-element-type
336 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector (make-array '(3 4 5)
337 :element-type 'fixnum)))))
338 (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p
339 (sb-ext::array-storage-vector
340 (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 4)))))))
342 (with-test (:name :invalid-array-index-error)
343 (let ((array (make-array '(3 3 3))))
344 (assert
345 (eq :right
346 (handler-case
347 (eval `(aref ,array 0 1 3))
348 (sb-int:invalid-array-index-error (e)
349 (when (and (eq array (sb-kernel::invalid-array-index-error-array e))
350 (= 3 (type-error-datum e))
351 (equal '(integer 0 (3)) (type-error-expected-type e)))
352 :right)))))))
354 (with-test (:name :out-of-bounds-error-details)
355 (assert (eq :good
356 (handler-case
357 (flet ((test (array i)
358 (aref array i)))
359 (test (eval '(vector 0 1 2 3)) 6))
360 (sb-int:invalid-array-index-error (e)
361 (when (and (equal '(integer 0 (4))
362 (type-error-expected-type e))
363 (eql 6 (type-error-datum e)))
364 :good))))))
366 (with-test (:name :odd-keys-for-make-array)
367 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warnings)
368 (checked-compile `(lambda (m) (make-array m 1))
369 :allow-warnings 'simple-warning)
370 (declare (ignore fun fail))
371 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))))
374 (with-test (:name :bug-1096359)
375 (let ((a (make-array 1 :initial-element 5)))
376 (assert (equalp (adjust-array a 2 :initial-element 10)
377 #(5 10)))))
379 (with-test (:name (:make-array-transform-unknown-type :bug-1156095))
380 (assert (nth-value 3 (checked-compile
381 `(lambda () (make-array '(1 2) :element-type ',(gensym)))
382 :allow-style-warnings t))))
384 (with-test (:name :dont-make-array-bad-keywords)
385 ;; This used to get a heap exhaustion error because of trying
386 ;; to make the array before checking keyword validity.
387 (handler-case
388 (locally
389 (declare (notinline make-array))
390 (make-array (1- array-total-size-limit)
391 :initial-contents '(a b c) :initial-element 9))
392 (simple-error (c)
393 (assert
394 (string= (simple-condition-format-control c)
395 "Can't specify both :INITIAL-ELEMENT and :INITIAL-CONTENTS")))))
397 (with-test (:name (make-array :sanity-check-dims-first))
398 ;; A full call to %MAKE-ARRAY will signal a TYPE-ERROR on these inputs
399 ;; instead of trying to consume a massive amount of memory.
400 ;; Additionally, the relevent IR1 transform should give up.
401 (flet ((test (inline)
402 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
403 (checked-compile
404 `(lambda ()
405 (declare (,inline make-array))
406 (make-array `(-1 -1 ,(- (ash array-dimension-limit -2) 4))))
407 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
408 (ecase inline
409 (inline
410 (assert failure-p)
411 (assert (= 1 (length warnings))))
412 (notinline
413 (assert failure-p)
414 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))))
415 (assert-error (funcall fun) type-error))))
416 (test 'inline)
417 (test 'notinline)))
419 (with-test (:name (make-array :size-overflow)
420 ;; size limit is small enough that this fails by not failing
421 ;; in the expected way
422 :skipped-on :ubsan)
423 ;; 1-bit fixnum tags make array limits overflow the word length
424 ;; when converted to bytes
425 (when (and (= sb-vm:n-fixnum-tag-bits 1)
426 (<= (- most-positive-fixnum
427 array-total-size-limit)
429 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
430 (checked-compile
431 '(lambda ()
432 (make-array (1- array-total-size-limit)))
433 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
434 (assert failure-p)
435 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))
436 (assert-error (funcall fun) type-error))))
438 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :non-adjustable))
439 (let* ((a (make-array '(2 3) :initial-contents '((0 1 2) (3 4 5))))
440 (b (adjust-array a '(2 2))))
441 (setf (aref a 0 0) 11)
442 (assert (zerop (aref b 0 0)))
443 (assert (not (eq a b)))))
445 (with-test (:name :check-bound-elision)
446 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
447 `(lambda (x)
448 (char "abcd" x))
449 ((4) (condition 'sb-int:invalid-array-index-error)))
450 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize '(:safety 0))
451 `(lambda (x)
452 ;; Strings are null-terminated for C interoperability
453 (char #.(coerce "abcd" 'simple-base-string) x))
454 ((4) #\Nul)))
455 (defun check-bound-multiple-reads (x i)
456 (let* ((x (truly-the simple-vector x))
457 (l (sb-c::vector-length x)))
458 (sb-kernel:%check-bound x l i)
460 (compile 'check-bound-multiple-reads)
461 (with-test (:name :check-bound-vop-optimize)
462 ;; could have crashed with the bad optimizer
463 (check-bound-multiple-reads #(a b c) 2))
465 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :transform))
466 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
467 `(lambda ()
468 (adjust-array #(1 2 3) 3 :displaced-to #(4 5 6)))
469 (() #(4 5 6) :test #'equalp)))
471 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :fill-pointer))
472 (let ((array (make-array 10 :fill-pointer t :initial-element 0)))
473 (assert (= (fill-pointer (adjust-array array 5 :fill-pointer 2))
474 2))))
476 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :initial-element))
477 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
478 `(lambda (x)
479 (adjust-array x 5 :initial-element #\x))
480 (("abc") "abcxx")))
482 (with-test (:name (make-array :initial-contents 1))
483 (flet ((f (x y)
484 (sb-int:dx-let ((a (make-array `(,x ,y)
485 :initial-contents
486 '((a b c) (1 2 3)))))
487 (eval a)
488 nil)))
489 (f 2 3)
490 (assert-error (f 3 2))))
492 (with-test (:name (make-array :initial-contents 2))
493 (labels ((compute-contents () '((a b c) (1 2 3)))
494 (f (x y)
495 (sb-int:dx-let ((a (make-array `(,x ,y)
496 :initial-contents
497 (compute-contents))))
498 (eval a)
499 nil)))
500 (declare (notinline compute-contents))
501 (f 2 3)
502 (assert-error (f 3 2))))
504 (with-test (:name (make-array :initial-contents 3))
505 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
506 (checked-compile
507 '(lambda (z)
508 (symbol-macrolet ((x (+ 1 1)) (y (* 2 1)))
509 (make-array `(,x ,y)
510 :initial-contents
511 `((,z ,z 1) (,z ,z ,z)))))
512 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
513 (assert failure-p)
514 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))
515 (assert-error (funcall fun 0) error)))
517 (with-test (:name (adjust-array :element-type))
518 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
519 `(lambda (array)
520 (adjust-array array 3 :element-type '(signed-byte 2)))
521 ((#(1 2 3)) (condition 'error)))
522 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
523 `(lambda (array)
524 (adjust-array array 5 :displaced-to #(1 2 3)))
525 (((make-array 5 :adjustable t :element-type 'fixnum)) (condition 'error))))
527 (with-test (:name (make-array :transform :fill-pointer nil))
528 (flet ((test (form)
529 (assert (not (ctu:ir1-named-calls `(lambda () ,form))))))
530 (test '(make-array 3 :fill-pointer nil))
531 (test '(make-array 3 :fill-pointer nil))
532 (test '(make-array 3 :fill-pointer t))
533 (test '(make-array 3 :adjustable nil))
534 (test '(make-array '(3 3) :adjustable nil))
535 (test '(make-array '(3 3) :fill-pointer nil))))
537 (with-test (:name (make-array :transform :adjustable :fill-pointer))
538 (multiple-value-bind (calls fun)
539 (ctu:ir1-named-calls '(lambda (fp) (make-array 3 :adjustable t :fill-pointer fp)))
540 (assert (not (member 'sb-kernel:%make-array calls)))
541 (assert (= (length (funcall fun t)) 3))
542 (assert (array-has-fill-pointer-p (funcall fun t)))
543 (assert (= (length (funcall fun 2)) 2))
544 (assert (= (array-total-size (funcall fun 2)) 3))
545 (assert-error (funcall fun 4))
546 (assert-error (funcall fun 'abc))
547 (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p (funcall fun nil))))
548 (assert (= (length (funcall fun nil)) 3))))
550 (with-test (:name (make-array :transform :non-constant-fill-pointer))
551 ;; Known adjustable with any fill-pointer can be inlined
552 (multiple-value-bind (calls fun)
553 (ctu:ir1-named-calls '(lambda (n fillp)
554 (make-array (the (mod 20) n)
555 :adjustable t :fill-pointer fillp)))
556 (assert (not (member 'sb-kernel:%make-array calls)))
557 (let ((a (funcall fun 10 3)))
558 (assert (= (length a) 3))
559 (assert (= (array-dimension a 0) 10))))
560 ;; Non-adjustable w/ non-constant numeric fill-pointer can be inlined
561 (multiple-value-bind (calls fun)
562 (ctu:ir1-named-calls '(lambda (n)
563 (make-array (the (mod 20) n)
564 :fill-pointer (floor n 2))))
565 (assert (not (member 'sb-kernel:%make-array calls)))
566 (let ((a (funcall fun 10)))
567 (assert (= (length a) 5))
568 (assert (= (array-dimension a 0) 10)))))
570 (with-test (:name :check-bound-fixnum-check)
571 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
572 `(lambda (x) (aref #100(a) x))
573 ((#\Nul) (condition 'type-error))))
575 (with-test (:name (make-array :erroneous-type-specifiers))
576 (dolist (atom '(signed-byte unsigned-byte))
577 (assert (handler-case (eval `(make-array 10 :element-type '(,atom "oops")))
578 (error (c) (search (format nil "bad size specified for ~A" atom)
579 (princ-to-string c)))
580 (:no-error (obj) obj nil)))))
582 (with-test (:name (make-array :strange-type-specifiers))
583 (assert (stringp (make-array 10 :element-type (opaque-identity '(base-char)))))
584 (assert (stringp (make-array 10 :element-type (opaque-identity '(standard-char)))))
585 ;; If there are no extended characters (as on #-sb-unicode), then EXTENDED-CHAR is
586 ;; the empty type. You'll get exactly what you ask for: an array which can hold
587 ;; nothing. It's not a string, which is the right answer.
588 #+sb-unicode
589 (assert (stringp (make-array 10 :element-type (opaque-identity '(extended-char)))))
590 (assert (bit-vector-p (make-array 10 :element-type (opaque-identity '(bit))))))
592 (with-test (:name :make-array-satisifies-element-type)
593 (checked-compile-and-assert
595 '(lambda (type)
596 (make-array 3 :initial-element #\a :element-type type))
597 (('(and character (satisfies eval))) "aaa" :test #'equal)
598 (('(and character (or (satisfies eval) base-char))) "aaa" :test #'equal)))
600 (with-test (:name :make-array-or-unsigned-byte-type)
601 (checked-compile-and-assert
603 '(lambda (type)
604 (make-array 1 :element-type type :initial-element 0))
605 (('(or (eql -16) unsigned-byte)) #(0) :test #'equalp)))
607 (with-test (:name :check-bound-signed-bound-notes
608 :fails-on (not (or :x86-64 :x86 :arm64)))
609 (checked-compile-and-assert
610 (:allow-notes nil)
611 `(lambda (x y)
612 (declare (fixnum y))
613 (svref x (+ y 2)))
614 ((#(1 2 3) 0) 3)))
616 (with-test (:name :make-array-header*-type-derivation)
617 (let ((fun (checked-compile
618 '(lambda (a)
619 (declare ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) a))
620 (make-array '(10 20) :element-type (array-element-type a))))))
621 (assert (typep (funcall fun #A((1) (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) 0))
622 '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (10 20))))
623 (assert
624 (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type fun)
625 '(function ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
626 (values (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (10 20)) &optional))))))
628 (with-test (:name :displaced-to-with-intitial)
629 (checked-compile-and-assert
631 `(lambda (x)
632 (make-array 1 :displaced-to x :initial-element 1))
633 ((#(0)) (condition 'error)))
634 (assert
635 (nth-value 2
636 (checked-compile
637 `(lambda ()
638 (lambda (x)
639 (make-array 1 :displaced-to (the vector x) :initial-contents '(1))))
640 :allow-warnings t))))
642 (with-test (:name :check-bound-type-error)
643 (assert (nth-value 2
644 (checked-compile
645 `(lambda (p)
646 (unless (svref p 0)
647 (svref p nil)))
648 :allow-warnings t))))
650 (with-test (:name :array-has-fill-pointer-p-folding)
651 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
652 (checked-compile `(lambda (x)
653 (declare ((array * (* *)) x))
654 (array-has-fill-pointer-p x))))
655 `(function ((array * (* *))) (values null &optional)))))
657 (with-test (:name :array-has-fill-pointer-p-transform)
658 (checked-compile-and-assert
660 `(lambda (n)
661 (let ((a (make-array n)))
662 (declare (vector a))
663 (map-into a #'identity a)))
664 ((0) #() :test #'equalp)))
666 (with-test (:name :displaced-index-offset-disallow-nil)
667 (assert-error (eval '(make-array 4 :displaced-index-offset nil))))
669 (with-test (:name :adjust-array-copies-above-fill-pointer)
670 (let ((a (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 2 :initial-contents '(a b c d))))
671 (let ((b (adjust-array a 6 :initial-element 'e)))
672 (assert (eq (aref b 2) 'c))
673 (assert (eq (aref b 3) 'd))
674 (assert (eq (aref b 4) 'e))
675 (assert (eq (aref b 5) 'e)))))
677 (with-test (:name :test-array-dimensions-other-pointer-check)
678 (checked-compile-and-assert
680 `(lambda (a)
681 (typep a '(simple-array t (2 1))))
682 ((1) nil)
683 ((#2A((1) (1))) t)))
685 (with-test (:name :typep-constant-%array-data-folding)
686 (checked-compile-and-assert
688 `(lambda ()
689 (typep "abcd" '(simple-array t 2)))
690 (() nil)))
692 (with-test (:name :vector-push-extend-specialized)
693 (let ((extend (checked-compile `(lambda (e a)
694 (vector-push-extend e a)
695 a))))
696 (loop for saetp across sb-vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
697 for type = (sb-vm:saetp-specifier saetp)
698 when type
700 (let* ((value (sb-vm:saetp-initial-element-default saetp))
701 (value (if (characterp value)
702 (code-char (1+ (char-code value)))
703 (1+ value))))
704 (assert (eql (aref (funcall extend value (make-array 1 :element-type type
705 :adjustable t
706 :fill-pointer t))
708 value))))))
710 (with-test (:name :intersection-type-complexp)
711 (assert (equal (caddr (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
712 (checked-compile `(lambda (x)
713 (declare ((and (simple-array * (10))
714 (not simple-vector))
716 (length x)))))
717 `(values (integer 10 10) &optional))))
719 (with-test (:name :vector-length-intersection-types)
720 (assert (equal (caddr (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
721 (checked-compile `(lambda (x)
722 (declare ((and (or (simple-array * (11))
723 (simple-array * (12)))
724 (not simple-vector))
726 (length x)))))
727 `(values (integer 11 12) &optional))))
729 (with-test (:name :aref-dimension-checking)
730 (checked-compile-and-assert
731 (:optimize :safe)
732 `(lambda (x)
733 (aref x 0))
734 ((#2A((1 2) (3 4))) (condition 'type-error))))
736 (with-test (:name :aref-constant-type-derive)
737 (flet ((test (form type)
738 (assert
739 (type-specifiers-equal
740 (caddr
741 (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
742 (checked-compile
743 `(lambda (a)
744 ,form))))
745 `(values ,type &optional)))))
746 (test `(aref #(1 2 3) a)
747 '(integer 1 3))
748 (test `(svref #(1 2 3.0) a)
749 '(or (integer 1 2) single-float))
750 (test `(aref ,(make-array 3 :fill-pointer 2 :initial-contents #(1 2 3.0)) a)
751 '(or (integer 1 2) single-float))))
753 (with-test (:name :make-array-initial-contents-zero-dimensions)
754 (checked-compile-and-assert
755 (:optimize :safe)
756 `(lambda (d)
757 (make-array d :initial-contents 1))
758 ((nil) #0a1 :test #'equalp)))
760 (with-test (:name :negative-fill-pointer)
761 (checked-compile-and-assert
762 (:optimize :safe)
763 `(lambda (a f)
764 (setf (fill-pointer a) f))
765 (((make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0) -1) (condition 'type-error))))
767 (with-test (:name :large-index
768 :skipped-on (not :64-bit))
769 (checked-compile
770 `(lambda ()
771 (make-array
772 (1+ (ash 1 32))
773 :element-type 'base-char
774 :initial-element #\a)))
775 (checked-compile
776 `(lambda (x a)
777 (setf (sbit x (ash 1 34)) a)))
778 (checked-compile
779 `(lambda (fn)
780 (let ((s (make-string 536870910)))
781 (declare (dynamic-extent s))
782 (funcall fn s))))
783 (checked-compile
784 `(lambda (fn)
785 (let ((s (make-string 536870910 :element-type 'base-char)))
786 (declare (dynamic-extent s))
787 (funcall fn s)))))
789 (with-test (:name :hairy-aref-check-bounds)
790 (assert (= (count 'sb-kernel:%check-bound
791 (ctu:ir1-named-calls
792 `(lambda (x)
793 (declare ((vector t) x))
794 (aref x 0))
795 nil))
796 0)))
798 (with-test (:name :setf-aref-simple-vector-from-new-value)
799 (assert (not
800 (ctu:ir1-named-calls
801 `(lambda (x)
802 (declare ((simple-array * (*)) x))
803 (setf (aref x 0) 'm))))))
805 (with-test (:name :typep-displaced)
806 (checked-compile-and-assert
808 `(lambda (a)
809 (typep a '(vector double-float)))
810 (((make-array 1 :element-type 'double-float :displaced-to (make-array '(1 1) :element-type 'double-float))) t))
811 (checked-compile-and-assert
813 `(lambda (a)
814 (typep a '(vector t 2)))
815 (((make-array 2 :displaced-to (make-array '(2 1)))) t)))
817 (defun aindex (i array) (aref array i))
818 (defun 2d-aindex (i array) (aref array i i))
819 (defun seqindex (i seq) (elt seq i))
821 (with-test (:name :array-index-error-wording)
822 ;; message contains a "should be ... below"
823 (macrolet ((try (form)
824 `(handler-case ,form
825 (:no-error (x) (error "Got ~S instead an error" x))
826 (condition (c)
827 (let ((str (princ-to-string c)))
828 (assert (search "Invalid index" str))
829 (assert (search "should be" str)))))))
830 (try (aindex 5 #(1)))
831 (try (2d-aindex 5 (make-array '(10 1))))
832 (try (seqindex 5 #(1)))
833 (try (seqindex 5 (make-array 9 :fill-pointer 1))))
834 ;; message does not contains a "should be"
835 (macrolet ((try (form)
836 `(handler-case ,form
837 (:no-error (x) (error "Got ~S instead of an error" x))
838 (condition (c)
839 (let ((str (princ-to-string c)))
840 (assert (search "Invalid index" str))
841 (assert (not (search "should be" str)))
842 (assert (not (search "below 0" str))))))))
843 (try (aindex 5 #()))
844 (try (2d-aindex 5 (make-array '(10 0))))
845 (try (seqindex 5 #()))
846 (try (seqindex 5 (make-array 9 :fill-pointer 0)))))
848 (with-test (:name :fill-pointer-derive-type)
849 (assert-type
850 (lambda (n)
851 (make-array n :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0))
852 (and (vector character) (not simple-array)))
853 (assert-type
854 (lambda (n f)
855 (make-array n :element-type 'character :fill-pointer f))
856 (array character)))
858 (with-test (:name :backquote-transform)
859 (assert (nth-value 2
860 (checked-compile
861 `(lambda (a)
862 (make-array `(,a (+ 1 2))))
863 :allow-warnings t))))