Fix return-single vop, ironclad miscompile
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / x86-64 / pred.lisp
1 ;;;; predicate VOPs for the x86 VM
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB-VM")
14 ;;;; the branch VOP
16 ;;; The unconditional branch, emitted when we can't drop through to the desired
17 ;;; destination. Dest is the continuation we transfer control to.
18 (define-vop (branch)
19 (:info dest)
20 (:generator 5
21 (inst jmp dest)))
24 ;;;; Generic conditional VOPs
26 ;;; The generic conditional branch, emitted immediately after test
27 ;;; VOPs that only set flags.
28 ;;;
29 ;;; FLAGS is a list of condition descriptors. If the first descriptor
30 ;;; is CL:NOT, the test was true if all the remaining conditions are
31 ;;; false. Otherwise, the test was true if any of the conditions is.
32 ;;;
33 ;;; NOT-P flips the meaning of the test, as with regular :CONDITIONAL
34 ;;; VOP. If NOT-P is true, the code must branch to dest if the test was
35 ;;; false. Otherwise, the code must branch to dest if the test was true.
37 (define-vop (branch-if)
38 (:info dest not-p flags)
39 (:vop-var vop)
40 (:generator 0
41 (let ((flags (conditional-flags-flags flags)))
42 (when (cdr flags)
43 ;; Specifying multiple flags is an extremely confusing convention that supports
44 ;; floating-point inequality tests utilizing the flag register in an unusual way,
45 ;; as documented in the COMISS and COMISD instructions:
46 ;; "the ZF, PF, and CF flags in the EFLAGS register according
47 ;; to the result (unordered, greater than, less than, or equal)"
48 ;; I think it would have been better if, instead of allowing more than one flag,
49 ;; we passed in a pseudo-condition code such as ':sf<=' and deferred to this vop
50 ;; to interpret the abstract condition in terms of how to CPU sets the bits
51 ;; in those particular instructions.
52 ;; Note that other architectures allow only 1 flag in branch-if, if it works at all.
53 ;; Enable this assertion if you need to sanity-check the preceding claim.
54 ;; There's really no "dynamic" reason for it to fail.
55 #+nil
56 (aver (memq (vop-name (sb-c::vop-prev vop))
57 '(<single-float <double-float <=single-float <=double-float
58 >single-float >double-float >=single-float >=double-float
59 =/single-float =/double-float))))
60 (when (eq (car flags) 'not)
61 (pop flags)
62 (setf not-p (not not-p)))
63 (cond ((null (rest flags))
64 (inst jmp
65 (if not-p
66 (negate-condition (first flags))
67 (first flags))
68 dest))
69 (not-p
70 (let ((not-lab (gen-label))
71 (last (car (last flags))))
72 (dolist (flag (butlast flags))
73 (inst jmp flag not-lab))
74 (inst jmp (negate-condition last) dest)
75 (emit-label not-lab)))
77 (dolist (flag flags)
78 (inst jmp flag dest)))))))
80 (define-vop (jump-table)
81 (:args (index :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg any-reg)
82 :target offset))
83 (:info targets otherwise min max)
84 (:temporary (:sc any-reg :from (:argument 0)) offset)
85 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) table)
86 (:generator 0
87 (let ((fixnump (sc-is index any-reg)))
88 (flet ((fix (x)
89 (if fixnump
90 (fixnumize x)
91 x)))
92 (let (disp)
93 (unless (zerop min)
94 (let ((byte-disp (- (* min n-word-bytes))))
95 (if (and (not otherwise)
96 (typep byte-disp '(signed-byte 32)))
97 (setf disp byte-disp)
98 (let ((diff (- (fix min))))
99 (unless (typep diff '(signed-byte 32))
100 (inst mov table diff)
101 (setf diff table))
102 (cond ((location= offset index)
103 (inst add offset diff))
105 (inst lea offset (ea diff index))
106 (setf index offset)))))))
107 (when otherwise
108 (inst cmp index (fix (- max min)))
109 (inst jmp :a otherwise))
110 (inst lea table (register-inline-constant :jump-table targets))
111 (inst jmp (if disp
112 (ea disp table index (if fixnump 4 8))
113 (ea table index (if fixnump 4 8)))))))))
115 (defun convert-conditional-move-p (dst-tn)
116 (sc-case dst-tn
117 ((descriptor-reg any-reg)
118 'move-if/t)
119 (unsigned-reg
120 'move-if/unsigned)
121 (signed-reg
122 'move-if/signed)
123 ;; FIXME: Can't use CMOV with byte registers, and characters live
124 ;; in such outside of unicode builds. A better solution then just
125 ;; disabling MOVE-IF/CHAR should be possible, though.
126 #+sb-unicode
127 (character-reg
128 'move-if/char)
129 (sap-reg
130 'move-if/sap)
131 (t)))
133 (define-vop (move-if)
134 (:args (then) (else))
135 (:results (res))
136 (:info flags)
137 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) temp)
138 (:generator 0
139 (let* ((flags (conditional-flags-flags flags))
140 (not-p (eq (first flags) 'not))
141 (size))
142 (when not-p (pop flags))
143 (when (location= res then)
144 (rotatef then else)
145 (setf not-p (not not-p)))
146 (flet ((load-immediate (dst constant-tn
147 &optional (sc-reg dst))
148 (let ((encode (encode-value-if-immediate constant-tn
149 (sc-is sc-reg any-reg descriptor-reg))))
150 (if (typep encode '(unsigned-byte 31))
151 (unless size
152 (setf size :dword))
153 (setf size :qword))
154 ;; Can't use ZEROIZE, since XOR will affect the flags.
155 (inst mov dst encode))))
156 (cond ((null (rest flags))
157 (cond ((sc-is else immediate)
158 (load-immediate res else))
160 (setf size :qword)
161 (move res else)))
162 (cond ((sc-is then immediate)
163 (load-immediate temp then res)
164 (setf then temp))
166 (setf size :qword)))
167 (inst cmov size (if not-p
168 (negate-condition (first flags))
169 (first flags))
171 then))
172 (not-p
173 (cond ((sc-is then immediate)
174 (when (location= else res)
175 (inst mov temp else)
176 (setf else temp))
177 (load-immediate res then))
178 ((location= else res)
179 (move temp else)
180 (move res then)
181 (setf else temp))
183 (move res then)))
184 (when (sc-is else immediate)
185 (load-immediate temp else res)
186 (setf else temp))
187 (dolist (flag flags)
188 (inst cmov flag res else)))
190 (if (sc-is else immediate)
191 (load-immediate res else)
192 (move res else))
193 (when (sc-is then immediate)
194 (load-immediate temp then res)
195 (setf then temp))
196 (dolist (flag flags)
197 (inst cmov flag res then))))))))
199 (macrolet ((def-move-if (name type reg stack)
200 `(define-vop (,name move-if)
201 (:args (then :scs (immediate ,@(ensure-list reg) ,stack) :to :eval
202 :load-if (not (or (sc-is then immediate)
203 (and (sc-is then ,stack)
204 (not (location= else res))))))
205 (else :scs (immediate ,@(ensure-list reg) ,stack) :target res
206 :load-if (not (sc-is else immediate ,stack))))
207 (:arg-types ,type ,type)
208 (:results (res :scs ,(ensure-list reg)))
209 (:result-types ,type))))
210 (def-move-if move-if/t t (descriptor-reg any-reg) control-stack)
211 (def-move-if move-if/unsigned unsigned-num unsigned-reg unsigned-stack)
212 (def-move-if move-if/signed signed-num signed-reg signed-stack)
213 ;; FIXME: See convert-conditional-move-p above.
214 #+sb-unicode
215 (def-move-if move-if/char character character-reg character-stack)
216 (def-move-if move-if/sap system-area-pointer sap-reg sap-stack))
218 ;;; Return a hint about how to calculate the answer from X,Y and flags.
219 ;;; Return NIL to give up.
220 (defun computable-from-flags-p (res x y flags)
221 ;; TODO: handle unsigned-reg
222 (unless (and (singleton-p flags)
223 (sc-is res sb-vm::any-reg sb-vm::descriptor-reg))
224 (return-from computable-from-flags-p nil))
225 ;; There are plenty more algebraic transforms possible,
226 ;; but this picks off some very common cases.
227 (flet ((try-shift (x y)
228 (and (eql x 0)
229 (typep y '(and fixnum unsigned-byte))
230 (= (logcount y) 1)
231 'shl))
232 (try-add (x y) ; commutative
233 ;; (signed-byte 32) is gonna work for sure.
234 ;; Other things might too, but "perfect is the enemy of good".
235 ;; The constant in LEA is pre-fixnumized.
236 ;; Post-fixnumizing instead would open up a few more possibilities.
237 (and (fixnump x)
238 (fixnump y)
239 (typep (fixnumize x) '(signed-byte 32))
240 (typep (fixnumize y) '(signed-byte 32))
241 (member (abs (fixnumize (- x y))) '(2 4 8))
242 'add)))
243 (or #+sb-thread (or (and (eq x t) (eq y nil) 'boolean)
244 (and (eq x nil) (eq y t) 'boolean))
245 (try-shift x y)
246 (try-shift y x)
247 (try-add x y))))
249 (define-vop (compute-from-flags)
250 (:args (x-tn :scs (immediate constant))
251 (y-tn :scs (immediate constant)))
252 (:results (res :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)))
253 (:info flags)
254 (:generator 3
255 (let* ((x (tn-value x-tn))
256 (y (tn-value y-tn))
257 #+gs-seg (thread-tn nil)
258 (hint (computable-from-flags-p res x y flags))
259 (flag (car flags)))
260 (ecase hint
261 (boolean
262 ;; FIXNUMP -> {T,NIL} could be special-cased, reducing the instruction count by
263 ;; 1 or 2 depending on whether the argument and result are in the same register.
264 ;; Best case would be "AND :dword res, arg, 1 ; MOV res, [ea]".
265 (when (eql x t)
266 ;; T is at the lower address, so to pick it out we need index=0
267 ;; which makes the condition in (IF BIT T NIL) often flipped.
268 (setq flag (negate-condition flag)))
269 (inst set flag res)
270 (inst movzx '(:byte :dword) res res)
271 (inst mov :dword res
272 (ea thread-segment-reg (ash thread-t-nil-constants-slot word-shift)
273 thread-tn res 4)))
274 (shl
275 (when (eql x 0)
276 (setq flag (negate-condition flag)))
277 (let ((bit (1- (integer-length (fixnumize (logior x y))))))
278 (inst set flag res)
279 (inst movzx '(:byte :dword) res res)
280 (inst shl (if (> bit 31) :qword :dword) res bit)))
281 (add
282 (let* ((x (fixnumize x))
283 (y (fixnumize y))
284 (min (min x y))
285 (delta (abs (- x y)))
286 ;; [RES+RES+n] encodes more compactly than [RES*2+n]
287 (ea (if (= delta 2) (ea min res res) (ea min nil res delta))))
288 (when (eql x min)
289 (setq flag (negate-condition flag)))
290 (inst set flag res)
291 (inst movzx '(:byte :dword) res res)
292 ;; Retain bit 63... if either is negative
293 (inst lea (if (or (minusp x) (minusp y)) :qword :dword) res ea)))))))
295 ;;;; conditional VOPs
297 ;;; Note: a constant-tn is allowed in CMP; it uses an EA displacement,
298 ;;; not immediate data.
299 (define-vop (if-eq)
300 (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg control-stack))
301 (y :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg control-stack immediate constant)))
302 (:conditional :e)
303 (:policy :fast-safe)
304 (:translate eq)
305 (:arg-refs x-tn-ref)
306 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) temp)
307 (:generator 6
308 (cond
309 ((sc-is y constant)
310 (inst cmp x (cond ((sc-is x descriptor-reg any-reg) y)
311 (t (inst mov temp y) temp))))
312 ((sc-is y immediate)
313 (let* ((value (encode-value-if-immediate y))
314 (immediate (plausible-signed-imm32-operand-p value)))
315 (when (and (null (tn-value y)) (tn-ref-type x-tn-ref))
316 ;; if the complement of X's type with respect to type NULL can't
317 ;; be a cons, then we don't need a 4-byte comparison against NIL.
318 ;; It suffices to test the low byte. Similar logic could pertain to many
319 ;; other type tests, e.g. STRINGP on known (OR INSTANCE STRING)
320 ;; could skip the widetag test.
321 ;; I'm starting to wonder if it would be better to expose the lowtag/widetag
322 ;; tests in IR1 as an AND expression so that type inference can remove what's
323 ;; possible to deduce. The we just need a way to efficiently recombine
324 ;; the AND back to one vop where we can. "selection DAG, anyone?"
325 (when (not (types-equal-or-intersect
326 (type-difference (tn-ref-type x-tn-ref) (specifier-type 'null))
327 (specifier-type 'cons)))
328 (inst cmp :byte x (logand nil-value #xff))
329 (return-from if-eq)))
330 (cond ((fixup-p value) ; immobile object
331 (inst cmp x value))
332 ((and (zerop value) (sc-is x any-reg descriptor-reg))
333 (inst test x x))
334 (immediate
335 (inst cmp x immediate))
336 ((not (sc-is x control-stack))
337 (inst cmp x (constantize value)))
339 (inst mov temp value)
340 (inst cmp x temp)))))
341 ((and (sc-is x control-stack) (sc-is y control-stack))
342 (inst mov temp x)
343 (inst cmp temp y))
345 (inst cmp x y)))))
347 ;; The template above is a very good fallback for the generic
348 ;; case. However, it is sometimes possible to perform unboxed
349 ;; comparisons. Repurpose char= and eql templates here, instead
350 ;; of forcing values to be boxed and then compared.
352 ;; We only weaken EQL => EQ for characters and fixnums, and detect
353 ;; when types definitely mismatch. No need to import other EQL
354 ;; VOPs (e.g. floats).
355 (macrolet ((def (eq-name eql-name cost)
356 `(define-vop (,eq-name ,eql-name)
357 (:translate eq)
358 (:variant-cost ,cost))))
359 (def fast-if-eq-character fast-char=/character 3)
360 (def fast-if-eq-character/c fast-char=/character/c 2)
361 (def fast-if-eq-fixnum fast-eql/fixnum 3)
362 (def fast-if-eq-fixnum/c fast-eql-c/fixnum 2)
363 (def fast-if-eq-signed fast-if-eql/signed 5)
364 (def fast-if-eq-signed/c fast-if-eql-c/signed 4)
365 (def fast-if-eq-unsigned fast-if-eql/unsigned 5)
366 (def fast-if-eq-unsigned/c fast-if-eql-c/unsigned 4))
368 (define-vop (%instance-ref-eq)
369 (:args (instance :scs (descriptor-reg))
370 (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg)
371 :load-if (or (not (sc-is x immediate))
372 (typep (tn-value x)
373 '(and integer
374 (not (signed-byte #.(- 32 n-fixnum-tag-bits))))))))
375 (:arg-types * (:constant (unsigned-byte 16)) *)
376 (:info slot)
377 (:translate %instance-ref-eq)
378 (:conditional :e)
379 (:policy :fast-safe)
380 (:generator 1
381 (inst cmp :qword
382 (ea (+ (- instance-pointer-lowtag)
383 (ash (+ slot instance-slots-offset) word-shift))
384 instance)
385 (encode-value-if-immediate x))))
387 ;;; See comment below about ASSUMPTIONS
388 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
389 (assert (eql other-pointer-lowtag #b1111))
390 ;; This is also assumed in src/runtime/x86-64-assem.S
391 (assert (eql (min bignum-widetag ratio-widetag single-float-widetag double-float-widetag
392 complex-rational-widetag complex-single-float-widetag complex-double-float-widetag)
393 bignum-widetag))
394 (assert (eql (max bignum-widetag ratio-widetag single-float-widetag double-float-widetag
395 complex-rational-widetag complex-single-float-widetag complex-double-float-widetag)
396 complex-double-float-widetag)))
398 ;;; Most uses of EQL are transformed into a non-generic form, but when we need
399 ;;; the general form, it's possible to make it nearly as efficient as EQ.
400 ;;; I think it's worth the extra 25 bytes or so per call site versus just
401 ;;; punting to an assembly routine always.
402 (define-vop (if-eql)
403 (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg) :target rdi)
404 (y :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg) :target rsi))
405 (:arg-refs x-ref y-ref)
406 (:conditional :e)
407 (:policy :fast-safe)
408 (:translate eql)
409 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdi-offset :from (:argument 0)) rdi)
410 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rsi-offset :from (:argument 1)) rsi)
411 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rax-offset) rax)
412 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset r11-offset) asm-temp)
413 (:vop-var vop)
414 (:ignore asm-temp)
415 (:generator 15
416 (inst cmp x y)
417 (inst jmp :e done) ; affirmative
418 (let ((x-ratiop (csubtypep (tn-ref-type x-ref) (specifier-type 'ratio)))
419 (y-ratiop (csubtypep (tn-ref-type y-ref) (specifier-type 'ratio))))
420 (cond ((and x-ratiop y-ratiop)
421 (move rdi x)
422 (move rsi y)
423 (invoke-asm-routine 'call 'eql-ratio vop))
424 ((or x-ratiop y-ratiop)
425 (let ((check (if x-ratiop
427 x)))
428 (%lea-for-lowtag-test rax check other-pointer-lowtag)
429 (inst test :byte rax other-pointer-lowtag)
430 (inst jmp :ne done)
431 (inst cmp :byte (ea -15 check) ratio-widetag)
432 (inst jmp :ne done))
433 (move rdi x)
434 (move rsi y)
435 (invoke-asm-routine 'call 'eql-ratio vop))
437 ;; If they are not both OTHER-POINTER objects, return false.
438 ;; ASSUMPTION: other-pointer-lowtag = #b1111
439 ;; This ANDing trick would be wrong if, e.g., the OTHER-POINTER tag
440 ;; were #b0011 and the two inputs had lowtags #b0111 and #b1011
441 ;; which when ANDed look like #b0011.
442 ;; We use :BYTE rather than :DWORD here because byte-sized
443 ;; operations on the accumulator encode more compactly.
444 (inst mov :byte rax x)
445 (inst and :byte rax y) ; now AL = #x_F only if both lowtags were #xF
446 (inst not :byte rax) ; now AL = #x_0 only if it was #x_F
447 (inst and :byte rax #b00001111) ; will be all 0 if ok
448 (inst jmp :ne done) ; negative
450 ;; If the widetags are not the same, return false.
451 ;; Using a :dword compare gets us the bignum length check almost for free
452 ;; unless the length's representation requires more 4 bytes.
453 ;; I bet nobody would mind if MAXIMUM-BIGNUM-LENGTH were #xFFFFFF.
454 (inst mov :dword rax (ea (- other-pointer-lowtag) x))
455 (inst cmp :dword rax (ea (- other-pointer-lowtag) y))
456 (inst jmp :ne done) ; negative
458 ;; If not a numeric widetag, return false. See ASSUMPTIONS re widetag order.
459 (inst sub :byte rax bignum-widetag)
460 (inst cmp :byte rax (- complex-double-float-widetag bignum-widetag))
461 ;; "above" means CF=0 and ZF=0 so we're returning the right thing here
462 (inst jmp :a done)
463 ;; The hand-written assembly code receives args in the C arg registers.
464 ;; It also receives AL holding the biased down widetag.
465 ;; Anything else it needs will be callee-saved.
466 (move rdi x) ; load the C call args
467 (move rsi y)
468 (invoke-asm-routine 'call 'generic-eql vop))))
469 DONE))