Draft NEWS for sbcl-2.4.10
[sbcl.git] / src / code / ppc-vm.lisp
1 ;;; This file contains the PPC specific runtime stuff.
2 ;;;
3 (in-package "SB-VM")
5 (defun machine-type ()
6 "Returns a string describing the type of the local machine."
7 #-64-bit "PowerPC"
8 #+64-bit "PowerPC64")
10 (defun return-machine-address (scp)
11 (sap-int (context-lr scp)))
15 ;;;; "Sigcontext" access functions, cut & pasted from x86-vm.lisp then
16 ;;;; hacked for types.
18 (define-alien-routine ("os_context_lr_addr" context-lr-addr) (* unsigned-long)
19 (context (* os-context-t)))
21 (defun context-lr (context)
22 (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context))
23 (int-sap (deref (context-lr-addr context))))
24 ;;; This is like CONTEXT-REGISTER, but returns the value of a float
25 ;;; register. FORMAT is the type of float to return.
27 ;;; FIXME: Whether COERCE actually knows how to make a float out of a
28 ;;; long is another question. This stuff still needs testing.
29 #+nil
30 (define-alien-routine ("os_context_fpregister_addr" context-float-register-addr)
31 (* long)
32 (context (* os-context-t))
33 (index int))
34 (defun context-float-register (context index format)
35 (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context))
36 (error "context-float-register not working yet? ~S" (list context index format))
37 #+nil
38 (coerce (deref (context-float-register-addr context index)) format))
39 (defun %set-context-float-register (context index format new)
40 (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context))
41 (error "%set-context-float-register not working yet? ~S" (list context index format new))
42 #+nil
43 (setf (deref (context-float-register-addr context index))
44 (coerce new format)))
46 ;;; Given a signal context, return the floating point modes word in
47 ;;; the same format as returned by FLOATING-POINT-MODES.
48 ;;;
49 ;;; FIXME: surely this must be accessible under some other operating systems?
50 #+linux
51 (define-alien-routine ("os_context_fp_control" context-floating-point-modes)
52 (unsigned 32)
53 (context (* os-context-t)))
58 ;;; GIVEN a (POSIX) signal context, extract the internal error
59 ;;; arguments from the instruction stream. This is e.g.
61 ;;; INTERNAL-ERROR-ARGS -- interface.
62 ;;;
63 ;;; Given the sigcontext, extract the internal error arguments from the
64 ;;; instruction stream.
65 ;;;
66 (defun internal-error-args (context)
67 (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context))
68 (let* ((pc (context-pc context))
69 (bad-inst (sap-ref-32 pc 0))
70 (op (ldb (byte 16 16) bad-inst))
71 (regnum (ldb (byte 5 0) op)))
72 (declare (type system-area-pointer pc))
73 (cond ((= op #+64-bit
74 (logior (ash 2 10) (ash 1 5) null-offset) ;; TDI LGT,$NULL
75 #-64-bit
76 (logior (ash 3 10) (ash 6 5))) ;; twllei r0
77 (let ((trap-number (ldb (byte 8 0) bad-inst)))
78 (sb-kernel::decode-internal-error-args (sap+ pc 4) trap-number)))
79 ((and (= (ldb (byte 6 10) op) 3) ;; twi
80 (or (= regnum #.(sc+offset-offset arg-count-sc))
81 (= (ldb (byte 5 5) op) 24))) ;; :ne
82 ;; Type errors are encoded as
83 ;; twi 0 value-register error-code
84 ;; twi :ne temp-register x
85 (let ((prev (sap-ref-32 (int-sap (- (sap-int pc) 4)) 0)))
86 (if (and (= (ldb (byte 5 5) op) 24) ;; is the condition :ne?
87 (= (ldb (byte 6 26) prev) 3) ;; is it twi?
88 (= (ldb (byte 5 21) prev) 0)) ;; is it non-trapping?
89 (values (ldb (byte 16 0) prev)
90 (list (make-sc+offset any-reg-sc-number
91 (ldb (byte 5 16) prev))))
92 ;; arg-count errors are encoded as
93 ;; twi {:ne :llt :lgt} nargs arg-count
94 (values #.(error-number-or-lose 'invalid-arg-count-error)
95 '(#.arg-count-sc)))))
97 (values #.(error-number-or-lose 'unknown-error) nil)))))
99 ;;; To support linkage-space as efficiently as on x86-64, these
100 ;;; things have to happen:
101 ;;; * funcallable-instances must become directly callable objects
102 ;;; * simple-fun-self, closure-fun, fin-fun must be raw addresses
103 ;;; * LRAs should be removed
104 ;;; For now, I'm using a hand-assembled simple-fun as simplifying wrapper
105 ;;; since executable funinstances are not supported.
106 #+64-bit
107 (progn
108 (defun ensure-simplistic (function name)
109 (when (simple-fun-p function)
110 (return-from ensure-simplistic function))
111 (binding*
112 ((nraw (* 8 n-word-bytes))
113 (code (sb-c:allocate-code-object nil 4 nraw))
114 ;; FIXME: why does an undef FUNCTION come in as either/or? Can I settle on just one?
115 (undef (or (eql function 0) (null function)))
116 ;; It's nice if these blobs of code are all the same size but the funinstance case
117 ;; doesn't fit entirely within NRAW bytes, so it calls an ASM routine.
118 ((insts helper)
119 (cond (undef
120 (values
121 #(#xE95FFFD8 ; LD $FDEFN,-40($LIP) ; [debug-info] = the function name
123 #x7FE903A6 ; MTCTR $LIP
124 #x4E800420) ; BCTR
125 'undefined-tramp))
126 ((funcallable-instance-p function)
127 (values
128 #(#xEABFFFD8 ; LD $LEXENV,-40($LIP) ; [debug-info] = the funinstance
130 #x7FE903A6 ; MTCTR $LIP
131 #x4E800420) ; BCTR
132 'funcallable-instance-tramp))
133 (t ; closure
134 #(#xEABFFFD8 ; LD $LEXENV,-40($LIP) ; [debug-info] = the closure
135 #x38000002 ; ADDI $ZERO,$ZERO,2
136 #x7FF5002A ; LDX $LIP,$LEXENV,$ZERO ; get closure's simple-fun entrypoint
137 #x7FE903A6 ; MTCTR $LIP
138 #x4E800420))))) ; BCTR
139 (with-pinned-objects (code)
140 (let ((self (sap+ (code-instructions code) 16)))
141 (setf (sap-ref-word self (ash -2 word-shift)) 1 ; jump table word count
142 (sap-ref-word self (ash -1 word-shift)) 0 ; unused
143 (sap-ref-word self 0) (logior #x600 simple-fun-widetag)
144 (sap-ref-sap self 8) (sap+ self 16))
145 (let ((start (sap+ self 16)))
146 (dotimes (i (length insts))
147 (setf (sap-ref-32 start (ash i 2)) (aref insts i)))
148 (when helper
149 (let ((imm (- (sb-fasl:get-asm-routine helper) nil-value)))
150 (setf (sap-ref-32 start 4) (logior (sap-ref-32 start 4) imm)))))
151 ;; Store trailing data
152 (let ((end (sap+ self (- nraw 16)))) ; undo 16 added above
153 (setf (sap-ref-32 end -8) #x10 ; code-instructions to fun-base offset
154 (sap-ref-16 end -4) (ash 1 5) ; simple-fun count
155 (sap-ref-16 end -2) 8)))) ; trailer len in bytes
156 (code-header-set code code-debug-info-slot (if undef name function))
157 (%code-entry-point code 0)))
159 (defun stepper-fun (closure) (ensure-simplistic closure nil))
160 ) ; end PROGN