Correctly grovel ssize_t on win32.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / array.lisp
1 ;;;; functions to implement arrays
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB-VM")
14 (declaim (inline adjustable-array-p
15 array-displacement))
17 ;;;; miscellaneous accessor functions
19 ;;; These functions are only needed by the interpreter, 'cause the
20 ;;; compiler inlines them.
21 (macrolet ((def (name)
22 `(progn
23 (defun ,name (array)
24 (,name array))
25 (defun (setf ,name) (value array)
26 (setf (,name array) value)))))
27 (def %array-fill-pointer)
28 (def %array-available-elements)
29 (def %array-data)
30 (def %array-displacement)
31 (def %array-displaced-p)
32 (def %array-displaced-from))
34 (defun %array-rank (array)
35 (%array-rank array))
37 (defun %array-dimension (array axis)
38 (%array-dimension array axis))
40 (defun %check-bound (array bound index)
41 (declare (type index bound)
42 (fixnum index))
43 (%check-bound array bound index))
45 (defun check-bound (array bound index)
46 (declare (type index bound)
47 (fixnum index))
48 (%check-bound array bound index)
49 index)
51 (defun %with-array-data/fp (array start end)
52 (%with-array-data-macro array start end :check-bounds t :check-fill-pointer t))
54 (defun %with-array-data (array start end)
55 (%with-array-data-macro array start end :check-bounds t :array-header-p t))
57 (defun %data-vector-and-index (array index)
58 (if (array-header-p array)
59 (multiple-value-bind (vector index)
60 (%with-array-data array index nil)
61 (values vector index))
62 (values (truly-the (simple-array * (*)) array) index)))
65 ;;;; MAKE-ARRAY
66 (defun %integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift (signed high)
67 (let ((unsigned-table
68 #.(let ((map (make-array (1+ n-word-bits))))
69 (loop for saetp across
70 (reverse *specialized-array-element-type-properties*)
71 for ctype = (saetp-ctype saetp)
72 when (and (numeric-type-p ctype)
73 (eq (numeric-type-class ctype) 'integer)
74 (zerop (numeric-type-low ctype)))
75 do (fill map (cons (saetp-typecode saetp)
76 (saetp-n-bits-shift saetp))
77 :end (1+ (integer-length (numeric-type-high ctype)))))
78 map))
79 (signed-table
80 #.(let ((map (make-array (1+ n-word-bits))))
81 (loop for saetp across
82 (reverse *specialized-array-element-type-properties*)
83 for ctype = (saetp-ctype saetp)
84 when (and (numeric-type-p ctype)
85 (eq (numeric-type-class ctype) 'integer)
86 (minusp (numeric-type-low ctype)))
87 do (fill map (cons (saetp-typecode saetp)
88 (saetp-n-bits-shift saetp))
89 :end (+ (integer-length (numeric-type-high ctype)) 2)))
90 map)))
91 (cond ((> high n-word-bits)
92 (values #.simple-vector-widetag
93 #.(1- (integer-length n-word-bits))))
94 (signed
95 (let ((x (aref signed-table high)))
96 (values (car x) (cdr x))))
98 (let ((x (aref unsigned-table high)))
99 (values (car x) (cdr x)))))))
101 ;;; This is a bit complicated, but calling subtypep over all
102 ;;; specialized types is exceedingly slow
103 (defun %vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift (type)
104 (macrolet ((with-parameters ((arg-type &key intervals)
105 (&rest args) &body body)
106 (let ((type-sym (gensym)))
107 `(let (,@(loop for arg in args
108 collect `(,arg '*)))
109 (declare (ignorable ,@args))
110 (when (consp type)
111 (let ((,type-sym (cdr type)))
112 (block nil
113 ,@(loop for arg in args
114 collect
115 `(cond ((consp ,type-sym)
116 (let ((value (pop ,type-sym)))
117 (if (or (eq value '*)
118 (typep value ',arg-type)
119 ,(if intervals
120 `(and (consp value)
121 (null (cdr value))
122 (typep (car value)
123 ',arg-type))))
124 (setf ,arg value)
125 (ill-type))))
126 ((null ,type-sym)
127 (return))
129 (ill-type)))))
130 (when ,type-sym
131 (ill-type))))
132 ,@body)))
133 (ill-type ()
134 `(go fastidiously-parse))
135 (result (widetag)
136 (let ((value (symbol-value widetag)))
137 `(values ,value
138 ,(saetp-n-bits-shift
139 (find value
140 *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
141 :key #'saetp-typecode))))))
142 (flet ((integer-interval-widetag (low high)
143 (if (minusp low)
144 (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift
146 (1+ (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))
147 (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift
149 (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))))
150 (tagbody
151 (binding*
152 ((consp (consp type))
153 (type-name (if consp (car type) type))
154 ((widetag n-bits-shift)
155 (case type-name
156 ((t)
157 (when consp
158 (ill-type))
159 (result simple-vector-widetag))
160 ((base-char standard-char #-sb-unicode character)
161 (when consp
162 (ill-type))
163 (result simple-base-string-widetag))
164 #+sb-unicode
165 ((character extended-char)
166 (when consp
167 (ill-type))
168 (result simple-character-string-widetag))
169 (bit
170 (when consp
171 (ill-type))
172 (result simple-bit-vector-widetag))
173 (fixnum
174 (when consp
175 (ill-type))
176 (result simple-array-fixnum-widetag))
177 (unsigned-byte
178 (with-parameters ((integer 1)) (high)
179 (if (eq high '*)
180 (result simple-vector-widetag)
181 (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift nil high))))
182 (signed-byte
183 (with-parameters ((integer 1)) (high)
184 (if (eq high '*)
185 (result simple-vector-widetag)
186 (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift t high))))
187 (double-float
188 (with-parameters (double-float :intervals t) (low high)
189 (if (and (not (eq low '*))
190 (not (eq high '*))
191 (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
192 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
193 (> low high)))
194 (result simple-array-nil-widetag)
195 (result simple-array-double-float-widetag))))
196 (single-float
197 (with-parameters (single-float :intervals t) (low high)
198 (if (and (not (eq low '*))
199 (not (eq high '*))
200 (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
201 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
202 (> low high)))
203 (result simple-array-nil-widetag)
204 (result simple-array-single-float-widetag))))
205 (mod
206 (if (and (consp type)
207 (consp (cdr type))
208 (null (cddr type))
209 (typep (cadr type) '(integer 1)))
210 (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift
211 nil (integer-length (1- (cadr type))))
212 (ill-type)))
213 #+long-float
214 (long-float
215 (with-parameters (long-float :intervals t) (low high)
216 (if (and (not (eq low '*))
217 (not (eq high '*))
218 (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
219 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
220 (> low high)))
221 (result simple-array-nil-widetag)
222 (result simple-array-long-float-widetag))))
223 (integer
224 (with-parameters (integer :intervals t) (low high)
225 (let ((low (if (consp low)
226 (1+ (car low))
227 low))
228 (high (if (consp high)
229 (1- (car high))
230 high)))
231 (cond ((or (eq high '*)
232 (eq low '*))
233 (result simple-vector-widetag))
234 ((> low high)
235 (result simple-array-nil-widetag))
237 (integer-interval-widetag low high))))))
238 (complex
239 (with-parameters (t) (subtype)
240 (if (eq subtype '*)
241 (result simple-vector-widetag)
242 (let ((ctype (specifier-type type)))
243 (cond ((eq ctype *empty-type*)
244 (result simple-array-nil-widetag))
245 ((union-type-p ctype)
246 (cond ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex double-float)))
247 (result
248 simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
249 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex single-float)))
250 (result
251 simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
252 #+long-float
253 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex long-float)))
254 (result
255 simple-array-complex-long-float-widetag))
257 (result simple-vector-widetag))))
259 (case (numeric-type-format ctype)
260 (double-float
261 (result
262 simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
263 (single-float
264 (result
265 simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
266 #+long-float
267 (long-float
268 (result
269 simple-array-complex-long-float-widetag))
271 (result simple-vector-widetag)))))))))
272 ((nil)
273 (result simple-array-nil-widetag))
275 (go fastidiously-parse)))))
276 (return-from %vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift
277 (values widetag n-bits-shift)))
278 fastidiously-parse)
279 ;; Do things the hard way after falling through the tagbody.
280 (let* ((ctype (type-or-nil-if-unknown type))
281 (ctype (and ctype
282 (sb-kernel::replace-hairy-type ctype))))
283 (typecase ctype
284 (null (result simple-vector-widetag))
285 (union-type
286 (let ((types (union-type-types ctype)))
287 (cond ((not (every #'numeric-type-p types))
288 (result simple-vector-widetag))
289 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'integer))
290 (block nil
291 (integer-interval-widetag
292 (dx-flet ((low (x)
293 (or (numeric-type-low x)
294 (return (result simple-vector-widetag)))))
295 (reduce #'min types :key #'low))
296 (dx-flet ((high (x)
297 (or (numeric-type-high x)
298 (return (result simple-vector-widetag)))))
299 (reduce #'max types :key #'high)))))
300 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'double-float))
301 (result simple-array-double-float-widetag))
302 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'single-float))
303 (result simple-array-single-float-widetag))
304 #+long-float
305 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'long-float))
306 (result simple-array-long-float-widetag))
307 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'complex-double-float))
308 (result simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
309 ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'complex-single-float))
310 (result simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
312 (result simple-vector-widetag)))))
313 (intersection-type
314 (let ((types (intersection-type-types ctype)))
315 (loop for type in types
316 unless (hairy-type-p type)
317 return (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift (type-specifier type)))))
318 (character-set-type
319 #-sb-unicode (result simple-base-string-widetag)
320 #+sb-unicode
321 (if (loop for (start . end)
322 in (character-set-type-pairs ctype)
323 always (and (< start base-char-code-limit)
324 (< end base-char-code-limit)))
325 (result simple-base-string-widetag)
326 (result simple-character-string-widetag)))
328 (let ((expansion (type-specifier ctype)))
329 (if (equal expansion type)
330 (result simple-vector-widetag)
331 (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift expansion)))))))))
333 (defun %complex-vector-widetag (widetag)
334 (macrolet ((make-case ()
335 `(case widetag
336 ,@(loop for saetp across *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
337 for complex = (saetp-complex-typecode saetp)
338 when complex
339 collect (list (saetp-typecode saetp) complex))
341 #.complex-vector-widetag))))
342 (make-case)))
344 (declaim (inline vector-length-in-words))
345 (defun vector-length-in-words (length n-bits-shift)
346 (declare (type (integer 0 7) n-bits-shift))
347 (let ((mask (ash (1- n-word-bits) (- n-bits-shift)))
348 (shift (- n-bits-shift
349 (1- (integer-length n-word-bits)))))
350 (ash (+ length mask) shift)))
352 ;;; N-BITS-SHIFT is the shift amount needed to turn LENGTH into array-size-in-bits,
353 ;;; i.e. log(2,bits-per-elt)
354 (defun allocate-vector-with-widetag (#+ubsan poisoned widetag length n-bits-shift)
355 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) widetag)
356 (type index length))
357 (let* ( ;; KLUDGE: add SAETP-N-PAD-ELEMENTS "by hand" since there is
358 ;; but a single case involving it now.
359 (full-length (+ length (if (= widetag simple-base-string-widetag) 1 0)))
360 ;; Be careful not to allocate backing storage for element type NIL.
361 ;; Both it and type BIT have N-BITS-SHIFT = 0, so the determination
362 ;; of true size can't be left up to VECTOR-LENGTH-IN-WORDS.
363 ;; VECTOR-LENGTH-IN-WORDS potentially returns a machine-word-sized
364 ;; integer, so it doesn't match the primitive type restriction of
365 ;; POSITIVE-FIXNUM for the last argument of the vector alloc vops.
366 (nwords (the fixnum
367 (if (/= widetag simple-array-nil-widetag)
368 (vector-length-in-words full-length n-bits-shift)
369 0))))
370 #+ubsan (if poisoned ; first arg to allocate-vector must be a constant
371 (allocate-vector t widetag length nwords)
372 (allocate-vector nil widetag length nwords))
373 #-ubsan (allocate-vector widetag length nwords)))
375 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (array) (integer 128 255)) array-underlying-widetag))
376 (defun array-underlying-widetag (array)
377 (macrolet ((generate-table ()
378 (macrolet ((to-index (x) `(ash ,x -2)))
379 (let ((table (sb-xc:make-array 64 :initial-element 0
380 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
381 (dovector (saetp *specialized-array-element-type-properties*)
382 (let* ((typecode (saetp-typecode saetp))
383 (complex-typecode (saetp-complex-typecode saetp)))
384 (setf (aref table (to-index typecode)) typecode)
385 (when complex-typecode
386 (setf (aref table (to-index complex-typecode)) typecode))))
387 (setf (aref table (to-index simple-array-widetag)) 0
388 (aref table (to-index complex-vector-widetag)) 0
389 (aref table (to-index complex-array-widetag)) 0)
390 table)))
391 (to-index (x) `(ash ,x -2)))
392 (named-let recurse ((x array))
393 (let ((result (aref (generate-table)
394 (to-index (%other-pointer-widetag x)))))
395 (if (= 0 result)
396 (recurse (%array-data x))
397 (truly-the (integer 128 255) result))))))
399 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (array) (values (integer 128 255) (unsigned-byte 8)))
400 array-underlying-widetag-and-shift))
401 (defun array-underlying-widetag-and-shift (array)
402 (declare (explicit-check))
403 (let ((widetag (array-underlying-widetag array)))
404 (values widetag
405 (truly-the (unsigned-byte 8)
406 (aref %%simple-array-n-bits-shifts%% widetag)))))
408 ;; Complain in various ways about wrong MAKE-ARRAY and ADJUST-ARRAY arguments,
409 ;; returning the two initialization arguments needed for DATA-VECTOR-FROM-INITS.
410 ;; This is an unhygienic macro which would be a MACROLET other than for
411 ;; doing so would entail moving toplevel defuns around for no good reason.
412 (defmacro check-make-array-initargs (displaceable &optional element-type size)
413 `(cond ,@(when displaceable
414 `((displaced-to
415 (when (or element-p contents-p)
416 (if (and element-p contents-p)
417 (error "Neither :INITIAL-ELEMENT nor :INITIAL-CONTENTS ~
418 may be specified with the :DISPLACED-TO option")
419 (error "~S may not be specified with the :DISPLACED-TO option"
420 (if element-p :initial-element :initial-contents))))
421 (unless (= (array-underlying-widetag displaced-to) widetag)
422 ;; Require exact match on upgraded type (lp#1331299)
423 (error "Can't displace an array of type ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/ ~
424 into another of type ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/"
425 ,element-type (array-element-type displaced-to)))
426 (when (< (array-total-size displaced-to)
427 (+ displaced-index-offset ,size))
428 (error "The :DISPLACED-TO array is too small.")))
429 (offset-p
430 (error "Can't specify :DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET without :DISPLACED-TO"))))
431 ((and element-p contents-p)
432 (error "Can't specify both :INITIAL-ELEMENT and :INITIAL-CONTENTS"))
433 (element-p (values :initial-element initial-element))
434 (contents-p (values :initial-contents initial-contents))))
435 (defmacro make-array-bad-fill-pointer (actual max adjective)
436 ;; There was a comment implying that this should be TYPE-ERROR
437 ;; but I don't see that as a spec requirement.
438 `(error "Can't supply a value for :FILL-POINTER (~S) that is larger ~
439 than the~A size of the vector (~S)" ,actual ,adjective ,max))
441 (declaim (inline %save-displaced-array-backpointer
442 %save-displaced-new-array-backpointer))
443 (defun %save-displaced-array-backpointer (array data)
444 (flet ((purge (pointers)
445 (remove-if (lambda (value)
446 (or (not value) (eq array value)))
447 pointers
448 :key #'weak-pointer-value)))
449 (let ((old-data (%array-data array)))
450 (unless (eq old-data data)
451 ;; Add backpointer to the new data vector if it has a header.
452 (when (array-header-p data)
453 (setf (%array-displaced-from data)
454 (cons (make-weak-pointer array)
455 (purge (%array-displaced-from data)))))
456 ;; Remove old backpointer, if any.
457 (when (array-header-p old-data)
458 (setf (%array-displaced-from old-data)
459 (purge (%array-displaced-from old-data))))))))
461 (defun %save-displaced-new-array-backpointer (array data)
462 (flet ((purge (pointers)
463 (remove-if-not #'weak-pointer-value pointers)))
464 (setf (%array-displaced-from data)
465 (cons (make-weak-pointer array)
466 (purge (%array-displaced-from data))))))
468 (defmacro populate-dimensions (header list-or-index rank)
469 `(if (listp ,list-or-index)
470 (let ((dims ,list-or-index))
471 (dotimes (axis ,rank)
472 (declare ((integer 0 ,array-rank-limit) axis))
473 (%set-array-dimension ,header axis (pop dims))))
474 (%set-array-dimension ,header 0 ,list-or-index)))
476 (declaim (inline rank-and-total-size-from-dims))
477 (defun rank-and-total-size-from-dims (dims)
478 (cond ((not (listp dims)) (values 1 (the index dims)))
479 ((not dims) (values 0 1))
480 (t (let ((rank 1) (product (car dims)))
481 (declare (%array-rank rank) (index product))
482 (dolist (dim (cdr dims) (values rank product))
483 (setq product (* product (the index dim)))
484 (incf rank))))))
486 (declaim (inline widetag->element-type))
487 (defun widetag->element-type (widetag)
488 (svref #.(let ((a (make-array 32 :initial-element 0)))
489 (dovector (saetp *specialized-array-element-type-properties* a)
490 (let ((tag (saetp-typecode saetp)))
491 (setf (aref a (ash (- tag #x80) -2)) (saetp-specifier saetp)))))
492 (- (ash widetag -2) 32)))
494 (defun initial-contents-error (content-length length)
495 (error "There are ~W elements in the :INITIAL-CONTENTS, but ~
496 the vector length is ~W."
497 content-length length))
499 ;;; Widetag is the widetag of the underlying vector,
500 ;;; it'll be the same as the resulting array widetag only for simple vectors
501 (defun %make-array (dimensions widetag n-bits
502 &key
503 element-type
504 (initial-element nil element-p)
505 (initial-contents nil contents-p)
506 adjustable fill-pointer
507 displaced-to
508 (displaced-index-offset 0 offset-p))
509 (declare (ignore element-type))
510 (binding* (((array-rank total-size) (rank-and-total-size-from-dims dimensions))
511 ((initialize initial-data)
512 ;; element-type might not be supplied, but widetag->element is always good
513 (check-make-array-initargs t (widetag->element-type widetag) total-size))
514 (simple (and (null fill-pointer)
515 (not adjustable)
516 (null displaced-to))))
518 (cond ((and simple (= array-rank 1))
519 (let ((vector ; a (SIMPLE-ARRAY * (*))
520 (allocate-vector-with-widetag #+ubsan (not (or element-p contents-p))
521 widetag total-size n-bits)))
522 ;; presence of at most one :INITIAL-thing keyword was ensured above
523 (cond (element-p
524 (fill vector initial-element))
525 (contents-p
526 (let ((content-length (length initial-contents)))
527 (unless (= total-size content-length)
528 (initial-contents-error content-length total-size)))
529 (replace vector initial-contents))
530 #+ubsan
532 ;; store the function which bears responsibility for creation of this
533 ;; array in case we need to blame it for not initializing.
534 (set-vector-extra-data (if (= widetag simple-vector-widetag) ; no shadow bits.
535 vector ; use the LENGTH slot directly
536 (vector-extra-data vector))
537 (ash (sap-ref-word (current-fp) n-word-bytes) 3)) ; XXX: magic
538 (cond ((= widetag simple-vector-widetag)
539 (fill vector (%make-lisp-obj unwritten-vector-element-marker)))
540 ((array-may-contain-random-bits-p widetag)
541 ;; Leave the last word alone for base-string,
542 ;; in case the mandatory trailing null is part of a data word.
543 (dotimes (i (- (vector-length-in-words total-size n-bits)
544 (if (= widetag simple-base-string-widetag) 1 0)))
545 (setf (%vector-raw-bits vector i) sb-ext:most-positive-word))))))
546 vector))
548 ;; it's non-simple or multidimensional, or both.
549 (when fill-pointer
550 (unless (= array-rank 1)
551 (error "Only vectors can have fill pointers."))
552 (when (and (integerp fill-pointer) (> fill-pointer total-size))
553 (make-array-bad-fill-pointer fill-pointer total-size "")))
554 (let* ((data (or displaced-to
555 (data-vector-from-inits dimensions total-size widetag n-bits
556 initialize initial-data)))
557 (array (make-array-header
558 (cond ((= array-rank 1)
559 (%complex-vector-widetag widetag))
560 (simple simple-array-widetag)
561 (t complex-array-widetag))
562 array-rank)))
563 (cond (fill-pointer
564 (logior-array-flags array +array-fill-pointer-p+)
565 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array)
566 (if (eq fill-pointer t) total-size fill-pointer)))
568 (reset-array-flags array +array-fill-pointer-p+)
569 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array) total-size)))
570 (setf (%array-available-elements array) total-size)
571 (setf (%array-data array) data)
572 (setf (%array-displaced-from array) nil)
573 (cond (displaced-to
574 (setf (%array-displacement array) (or displaced-index-offset 0))
575 (setf (%array-displaced-p array) t)
576 (when (adjustable-array-p data)
577 (%save-displaced-new-array-backpointer array data)))
579 (setf (%array-displaced-p array) nil)))
580 (populate-dimensions array dimensions array-rank)
581 array)))))
583 (defun make-array (dimensions &rest args
584 &key (element-type t)
585 initial-element initial-contents
586 adjustable
587 fill-pointer
588 displaced-to
589 displaced-index-offset)
590 (declare (ignore initial-element
591 initial-contents adjustable
592 fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset))
593 (declare (explicit-check))
594 (multiple-value-bind (widetag shift) (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift element-type)
595 (apply #'%make-array dimensions widetag shift args)))
597 (defun make-static-vector (length &key
598 (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
599 (initial-contents nil contents-p)
600 (initial-element nil element-p))
601 "Allocate vector of LENGTH elements in static space. Only allocation
602 of specialized arrays is supported."
603 ;; STEP 1: check inputs fully
605 ;; This way of doing explicit checks before the vector is allocated
606 ;; is expensive, but probably worth the trouble as once we've allocated
607 ;; the vector we have no way to get rid of it anymore...
608 (when (eq t (upgraded-array-element-type element-type))
609 (error "Static arrays of type ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/ not supported."
610 element-type))
611 (check-make-array-initargs nil) ; for effect
612 (when contents-p
613 (unless (= length (length initial-contents))
614 (error "There are ~W elements in the :INITIAL-CONTENTS, but the ~
615 vector length is ~W."
616 (length initial-contents)
617 length))
618 (unless (every (lambda (x) (typep x element-type)) initial-contents)
619 (error ":INITIAL-CONTENTS contains elements not of type ~
620 ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/."
621 element-type)))
622 (when element-p
623 (unless (typep initial-element element-type)
624 (error ":INITIAL-ELEMENT ~S is not of type ~
625 ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/."
626 initial-element element-type)))
627 ;; STEP 2
629 ;; Allocate and possibly initialize the vector.
630 (multiple-value-bind (type n-bits-shift)
631 (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift element-type)
632 (let* ((full-length
633 ;; KLUDGE: add SAETP-N-PAD-ELEMENTS "by hand" since there is
634 ;; but a single case involving it now.
635 (+ length (if (= type simple-base-string-widetag) 1 0)))
636 (vector
637 (allocate-static-vector type length
638 (vector-length-in-words full-length
639 n-bits-shift))))
640 (cond (element-p
641 (fill vector initial-element))
642 (contents-p
643 (replace vector initial-contents))
645 vector)))))
647 #+darwin-jit
648 (defun make-static-code-vector (length initial-contents)
649 "Allocate vector of LENGTH elements in static space. Only allocation
650 of specialized arrays is supported."
651 (let ((vector (allocate-static-code-vector simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag
652 length
653 (* length n-word-bytes))))
654 (with-pinned-objects (initial-contents)
655 (jit-memcpy (vector-sap vector) (vector-sap initial-contents) length))
656 vector))
658 ;;; DATA-VECTOR-FROM-INITS returns a simple rank-1 array that has the
659 ;;; specified array characteristics. Dimensions is only used to pass
660 ;;; to FILL-DATA-VECTOR for error checking on the structure of
661 ;;; initial-contents.
662 (defun data-vector-from-inits (dimensions total-size widetag n-bits initialize initial-data)
663 (declare (fixnum widetag n-bits)) ; really just that they're non-nil
664 (let ((data (allocate-vector-with-widetag #+ubsan (not initialize) widetag total-size n-bits)))
665 (ecase initialize
666 (:initial-element
667 (fill (the vector data) initial-data))
668 (:initial-contents
669 ;; DIMENSIONS can be supplied as a list or integer now
670 (dx-let ((list-of-dims (list dimensions))) ; ok if already a list
671 (fill-data-vector data
672 (if (listp dimensions) dimensions list-of-dims)
673 initial-data)))
674 ((nil)))
675 data))
677 (defun vector (&rest objects)
678 "Construct a SIMPLE-VECTOR from the given objects."
679 (let ((v (make-array (length objects))))
680 (do-rest-arg ((x i) objects 0 v)
681 (setf (aref v i) x))))
684 ;;;; accessor/setter functions
686 ;;; Dispatch to an optimized routine the data vector accessors for
687 ;;; each different specialized vector type. Do dispatching by looking
688 ;;; up the widetag in the array rather than with the typecases, which
689 ;;; as of 1.0.5 compiles to a naive sequence of linear TYPEPs. Also
690 ;;; provide separate versions where bounds checking has been moved
691 ;;; from the callee to the caller, since it's much cheaper to do once
692 ;;; the type information is available. Finally, for each of these
693 ;;; routines also provide a slow path, taken for arrays that are not
694 ;;; vectors or not simple.
695 ;;; FIXME: how is this not redundant with DEFINE-ARRAY-DISPATCH?
696 ;;; Which is to say, why did DEFINE-ARRAY-DISPATCH decide to do
697 ;;; something different instead of figuring out how to unify the ways
698 ;;; that we call an element of an array accessed by widetag?
699 (macrolet ((def (name table-name)
700 `(progn
701 (define-load-time-global ,table-name
702 (make-array ,(1+ widetag-mask)))
703 (declaim (type (simple-array function (,(1+ widetag-mask)))
704 ,table-name))
705 (defmacro ,name (array-var &optional type)
706 (if type
707 `(the function
708 (svref ,',table-name (%other-pointer-widetag
709 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
710 (the ,type ,array-var)))))
711 `(the function
712 ;; Assigning TAG to 0 initially produces slightly better
713 ;; code than would be generated by the more natural expression
714 ;; (let ((tag (if (%other-ptr ...) (widetag ...) 0)))
715 ;; but either way is suboptimal. As expressed, if the array-var
716 ;; is known to satisfy %other-pointer-p, then it performs a
717 ;; move-immediate-to-register which is clobbered right away
718 ;; by a zero-extending load. A peephole pass could eliminate
719 ;; the first move as effectless. If expressed the other way,
720 ;; it would produce a jump around a jump because the compiler
721 ;; is unwilling to *unconditionally* assign 0 into a register
722 ;; to begin with. It actually wants to guard an immediate load
723 ;; when it doesn't need to, as if both consequents of the IF
724 ;; have side-effects that should not happen.
725 (let ((tag 0))
726 (when (%other-pointer-p ,array-var)
727 (setf tag (%other-pointer-widetag ,array-var)))
728 (svref ,',table-name tag))))))))
729 (def !find-data-vector-setter %%data-vector-setters%%)
730 (def !find-data-vector-setter/check-bounds %%data-vector-setters/check-bounds%%)
731 ;; Used by DO-VECTOR-DATA -- which in turn appears in DOSEQUENCE expansion,
732 ;; meaning we can have post-build dependences on this.
733 (def %find-data-vector-reffer %%data-vector-reffers%%)
734 (def !find-data-vector-reffer/check-bounds %%data-vector-reffers/check-bounds%%))
736 ;;; Like DOVECTOR, but more magical -- can't use this on host.
737 (defmacro sb-impl::do-vector-data ((elt vector &optional result) &body body)
738 (multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body nil)
739 (with-unique-names (index vec start end ref)
740 `(with-array-data ((,vec ,vector)
741 (,start)
742 (,end)
743 :check-fill-pointer t)
744 (let ((,ref (%find-data-vector-reffer ,vec)))
745 (declare (function ,ref))
746 (do ((,index ,start (1+ ,index)))
747 ((>= ,index ,end)
748 (let ((,elt nil))
749 ,@(sb-impl::filter-dolist-declarations decls)
750 ,elt
751 ,result))
752 (let ((,elt (funcall ,ref ,vec ,index)))
753 ,@decls
754 (tagbody ,@forms))))))))
756 (macrolet ((%ref (accessor-getter extra-params &optional vector-check)
757 `(sb-c::%funcall-no-nargs (,accessor-getter array ,vector-check) array index ,@extra-params))
758 (define (accessor-name slow-accessor-name accessor-getter
759 extra-params check-bounds)
760 `(progn
761 (defun ,accessor-name (array index ,@extra-params)
762 (declare (explicit-check))
763 (declare (optimize speed
764 ;; (SAFETY 0) is ok. All calls to
765 ;; these functions are generated by
766 ;; the compiler, so argument count
767 ;; checking isn't needed. Type checking
768 ;; is done implicitly via the widetag
769 ;; dispatch.
770 (safety 0)))
771 (%ref ,accessor-getter ,extra-params))
772 (defun ,(symbolicate 'vector- accessor-name) (array index ,@extra-params)
773 (declare (explicit-check)
774 (optimize speed (safety 0)))
775 (%ref ,accessor-getter ,extra-params vector))
776 (defun ,(symbolicate 'string- accessor-name) (array index ,@extra-params)
777 (declare (explicit-check)
778 (optimize speed (safety 0)))
779 (%ref ,accessor-getter ,extra-params string))
780 (defun ,slow-accessor-name (array index ,@extra-params)
781 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0))
782 (array array))
783 (if (not (%array-displaced-p array))
784 ;; The reasonably quick path of non-displaced complex
785 ;; arrays.
786 (let ((array (%array-data array)))
787 (%ref ,accessor-getter ,extra-params))
788 ;; The real slow path.
789 (with-array-data
790 ((array array)
791 (index (locally
792 (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 1)))
793 (,@check-bounds index)))
794 (end)
795 :force-inline t)
796 (declare (ignore end))
797 (%ref ,accessor-getter ,extra-params)))))))
798 (define hairy-data-vector-ref slow-hairy-data-vector-ref
799 %find-data-vector-reffer
800 nil (progn))
801 (define hairy-data-vector-set slow-hairy-data-vector-set
802 !find-data-vector-setter
803 (new-value) (progn))
804 (define hairy-data-vector-ref/check-bounds
805 slow-hairy-data-vector-ref/check-bounds
806 !find-data-vector-reffer/check-bounds
807 nil (check-bound array (%array-dimension array 0)))
808 (define hairy-data-vector-set/check-bounds
809 slow-hairy-data-vector-set/check-bounds
810 !find-data-vector-setter/check-bounds
811 (new-value) (check-bound array (%array-dimension array 0))))
813 (defun hairy-ref-error (array index &optional new-value)
814 (declare (ignore index new-value)
815 (optimize (sb-c:verify-arg-count 0)))
816 (error 'type-error
817 :datum array
818 :expected-type 'vector))
820 (macrolet ((define-reffer (saetp check-form)
821 (let* ((type (saetp-specifier saetp))
822 (atype `(simple-array ,type (*))))
823 `(named-lambda (optimized-data-vector-ref ,type) (vector index)
824 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0))
825 ;; Obviously these all coerce raw words to lispobjs
826 ;; so don't keep spewing notes about it.
827 (muffle-conditions compiler-note)
828 (ignorable index))
829 ,(if type
830 `(data-vector-ref (the ,atype vector)
831 (the index
832 (locally
833 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
834 (,@check-form index))))
835 `(data-nil-vector-ref (the ,atype vector) index)))))
836 (define-setter (saetp check-form)
837 (let* ((type (saetp-specifier saetp))
838 (atype `(simple-array ,type (*))))
839 `(named-lambda (optimized-data-vector-set ,type) (vector index new-value)
840 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
841 ;; Impossibly setting an elt of an (ARRAY NIL)
842 ;; returns no value. And nobody cares.
843 (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
844 (data-vector-set (the ,atype vector)
845 (locally
846 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
847 (the index
848 (,@check-form index)))
849 (locally
850 ;; SPEED 1 needed to avoid the compiler
851 ;; from downgrading the type check to
852 ;; a cheaper one.
853 (declare (optimize (speed 1)
854 (safety 1)))
855 (the* (,type :context sb-c::aref-context) new-value)))
856 ;; Low-level setters return no value
857 new-value)))
858 (define-reffers (symbol deffer check-form slow-path)
859 `(progn
860 ;; FIXME/KLUDGE: can't just FILL here, because genesis doesn't
861 ;; preserve the binding, so re-initiaize as NS doesn't have
862 ;; the energy to figure out to change that right now.
863 (setf ,symbol (make-array (1+ widetag-mask)
864 :initial-element #'hairy-ref-error))
865 ,@(loop for widetag in '(complex-vector-widetag
866 complex-bit-vector-widetag
867 #+sb-unicode complex-character-string-widetag
868 complex-base-string-widetag
869 simple-array-widetag
870 complex-array-widetag)
871 collect `(setf (svref ,symbol ,widetag) ,slow-path))
872 ,@(loop for saetp across *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
873 for widetag = (saetp-typecode saetp)
874 collect `(setf (svref ,symbol ,widetag)
875 (,deffer ,saetp ,check-form))))))
876 (defun !hairy-data-vector-reffer-init ()
877 (define-reffers %%data-vector-reffers%% define-reffer
878 (progn)
879 #'slow-hairy-data-vector-ref)
880 (define-reffers %%data-vector-setters%% define-setter
881 (progn)
882 #'slow-hairy-data-vector-set)
883 (define-reffers %%data-vector-reffers/check-bounds%% define-reffer
884 (check-bound vector (length vector))
885 #'slow-hairy-data-vector-ref/check-bounds)
886 (define-reffers %%data-vector-setters/check-bounds%% define-setter
887 (check-bound vector (length vector))
888 #'slow-hairy-data-vector-set/check-bounds)))
890 ;;; (Ordinary DATA-VECTOR-REF usage compiles into a vop, but
891 ;;; DATA-VECTOR-REF is also FOLDABLE, and this ordinary function
892 ;;; definition is needed for the compiler to use in constant folding.)
893 (defun data-vector-ref (array index)
894 (declare (explicit-check))
895 (hairy-data-vector-ref array index))
897 (defun data-vector-ref-with-offset (array index offset)
898 (declare (explicit-check))
899 (hairy-data-vector-ref array (+ index offset)))
901 (defun invalid-array-p (array)
902 (and (array-header-p array)
903 (consp (%array-displaced-p array))))
905 (declaim (ftype (function (array) nil) invalid-array-error))
906 (define-error-wrapper invalid-array-error (array)
907 (aver (array-header-p array))
908 ;; Array invalidation stashes the original dimensions here...
909 (let ((dims (%array-displaced-p array))
910 (et (array-element-type array)))
911 (error 'invalid-array-error
912 :datum array
913 :expected-type
914 (if (cdr dims)
915 `(array ,et ,dims)
916 `(vector ,et ,@dims)))))
918 (declaim (ftype (function (array t integer &optional t) nil)
919 invalid-array-index-error))
920 (define-error-wrapper invalid-array-index-error (array index bound &optional axis)
921 (if (invalid-array-p array)
922 (invalid-array-error array)
923 (error 'invalid-array-index-error
924 :array array
925 :axis axis
926 :datum index
927 :expected-type `(integer 0 (,bound)))))
929 ;;; SUBSCRIPTS has a dynamic-extent list structure and is destroyed
930 (defun %array-row-major-index (array &rest subscripts)
931 (declare (dynamic-extent subscripts)
932 (array array))
933 (let ((length (length subscripts)))
934 (cond ((array-header-p array)
935 (let ((rank (%array-rank array)))
936 (unless (= rank length)
937 (error "Wrong number of subscripts, ~W, for array of rank ~W."
938 length rank))
939 (do ((axis (1- rank) (1- axis))
940 (chunk-size 1)
941 (result 0))
942 ((minusp axis) result)
943 (declare (fixnum axis chunk-size result))
944 (let ((index (fast-&rest-nth axis subscripts))
945 (dim (%array-dimension array axis)))
946 (unless (and (fixnump index) (< -1 index dim))
947 (invalid-array-index-error array index dim axis))
948 (setf result
949 (truly-the fixnum
950 (+ result
951 (truly-the fixnum (* chunk-size index))))
952 chunk-size (truly-the fixnum (* chunk-size dim)))))))
953 ((/= length 1)
954 (error "Wrong number of subscripts, ~W, for array of rank 1."
955 length))
957 (let ((index (fast-&rest-nth 0 subscripts))
958 (length (length (the (simple-array * (*)) array))))
959 (unless (and (fixnump index) (< -1 index length))
960 (invalid-array-index-error array index length))
961 index)))))
963 (defun array-in-bounds-p (array &rest subscripts)
964 "Return T if the SUBSCRIPTS are in bounds for the ARRAY, NIL otherwise."
965 (declare (dynamic-extent subscripts))
966 (let ((length (length subscripts)))
967 (cond ((array-header-p array)
968 (let ((rank (%array-rank array)))
969 (unless (= rank length)
970 (error "Wrong number of subscripts, ~W, for array of rank ~W."
971 length rank))
972 (loop for i below length
973 for s = (fast-&rest-nth i subscripts)
974 always (and (typep s '(and fixnum unsigned-byte))
975 (< s (%array-dimension array i))))))
976 ((/= length 1)
977 (error "Wrong number of subscripts, ~W, for array of rank 1."
978 length))
980 (let ((subscript (fast-&rest-nth 0 subscripts)))
981 (and (typep subscript '(and fixnum unsigned-byte))
982 (< subscript
983 (length (truly-the (simple-array * (*)) array)))))))))
985 (defun array-row-major-index (array &rest subscripts)
986 (declare (dynamic-extent subscripts))
987 (apply #'%array-row-major-index array subscripts))
989 (defun aref (array &rest subscripts)
990 "Return the element of the ARRAY specified by the SUBSCRIPTS."
991 (declare (dynamic-extent subscripts))
992 (row-major-aref array (apply #'%array-row-major-index array subscripts)))
994 ;;; (setf aref/bit/sbit) are implemented using setf-functions,
995 ;;; because they have to work with (setf (apply #'aref array subscripts))
996 ;;; All other setfs can be done using setf-functions too, but I
997 ;;; haven't found technical advantages or disadvantages for either
998 ;;; scheme.
999 (defun (setf aref) (new-value array &rest subscripts)
1000 (declare (dynamic-extent subscripts)
1001 (type array array))
1002 (setf (row-major-aref array (apply #'%array-row-major-index array subscripts))
1003 new-value))
1005 (defun row-major-aref (array index)
1006 "Return the element of array corresponding to the row-major index. This is
1007 SETFable."
1008 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
1009 (row-major-aref array index))
1011 (defun %set-row-major-aref (array index new-value)
1012 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
1013 (setf (row-major-aref array index) new-value))
1015 (defun svref (simple-vector index)
1016 "Return the INDEXth element of the given Simple-Vector."
1017 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
1018 (aref simple-vector index))
1020 (defun %svset (simple-vector index new)
1021 (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
1022 (setf (aref simple-vector index) new))
1024 (defun bit (bit-array &rest subscripts)
1025 "Return the bit from the BIT-ARRAY at the specified SUBSCRIPTS."
1026 (declare (type (array bit) bit-array)
1027 (dynamic-extent subscripts)
1028 (optimize (safety 1)))
1029 (row-major-aref bit-array (apply #'%array-row-major-index bit-array subscripts)))
1031 (defun (setf bit) (new-value bit-array &rest subscripts)
1032 (declare (type (array bit) bit-array)
1033 (type bit new-value)
1034 (dynamic-extent subscripts)
1035 (optimize (safety 1)))
1036 (setf (row-major-aref bit-array
1037 (apply #'%array-row-major-index bit-array subscripts))
1038 new-value))
1040 (defun sbit (simple-bit-array &rest subscripts)
1041 "Return the bit from SIMPLE-BIT-ARRAY at the specified SUBSCRIPTS."
1042 (declare (type (simple-array bit) simple-bit-array)
1043 (dynamic-extent subscripts)
1044 (optimize (safety 1)))
1045 (row-major-aref simple-bit-array
1046 (apply #'%array-row-major-index simple-bit-array subscripts)))
1048 (defun (setf sbit) (new-value bit-array &rest subscripts)
1049 (declare (type (simple-array bit) bit-array)
1050 (type bit new-value)
1051 (dynamic-extent subscripts)
1052 (optimize (safety 1)))
1053 (setf (row-major-aref bit-array
1054 (apply #'%array-row-major-index bit-array subscripts))
1055 new-value))
1057 ;;;; miscellaneous array properties
1059 (define-load-time-global *saetp-widetag-ctype* (make-array 32 :initial-element (make-unbound-marker)))
1061 (defun array-element-ctype (array)
1062 ;; same as (SPECIFIER-TYPE (ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE ARRAY)) but more efficient
1063 (svref *saetp-widetag-ctype*
1064 (- (ash (array-underlying-widetag array) -2) 32)))
1066 (defun array-element-type (array)
1067 "Return the type of the elements of the array"
1068 (declare (explicit-check array))
1069 (truly-the (or list symbol)
1070 (widetag->element-type (array-underlying-widetag array))))
1072 (defun array-rank (array)
1073 "Return the number of dimensions of ARRAY."
1074 (%array-rank array))
1076 (defun array-dimension (array axis-number)
1077 "Return the length of dimension AXIS-NUMBER of ARRAY."
1078 (declare (array array) (type index axis-number))
1079 (cond ((not (array-header-p array))
1080 (unless (= axis-number 0)
1081 (error "Vector axis is not zero: ~S" axis-number))
1082 (length (the (simple-array * (*)) array)))
1083 ((>= axis-number (%array-rank array))
1084 (error "Axis number ~W is too big; ~S only has ~D dimension~:P."
1085 axis-number array (%array-rank array)))
1087 (%array-dimension array axis-number))))
1089 (defun array-dimensions (array)
1090 "Return a list whose elements are the dimensions of the array"
1091 (declare (explicit-check))
1092 (cond ((array-header-p array)
1093 (do ((results nil (cons (%array-dimension array index) results))
1094 (index (1- (%array-rank array)) (1- index)))
1095 ((minusp index) results)))
1096 ((typep array 'vector)
1097 (list (length array)))
1099 (sb-c::%type-check-error/c array 'object-not-array-error nil))))
1101 (defun array-total-size (array)
1102 "Return the total number of elements in the Array."
1103 (declare (explicit-check))
1104 (cond ((array-header-p array)
1105 (%array-available-elements array))
1106 ((typep array 'vector)
1107 (length array))
1109 (sb-c::%type-check-error/c array 'object-not-array-error nil))))
1111 (defun array-displacement (array)
1112 "Return the values of :DISPLACED-TO and :DISPLACED-INDEX-offset
1113 options to MAKE-ARRAY, or NIL and 0 if not a displaced array."
1114 (declare (type array array))
1115 (if (and (array-header-p array) ; if unsimple and
1116 (%array-displaced-p array)) ; displaced
1117 (values (%array-data array) (%array-displacement array))
1118 (values nil 0)))
1120 (defun adjustable-array-p (array)
1121 "Return T if and only if calling ADJUST-ARRAY on ARRAY will return
1122 the identical object."
1123 (declare (array array))
1124 ;; Note that this appears not to be a fundamental limitation.
1125 ;; non-vector SIMPLE-ARRAYs are in fact capable of being adjusted,
1126 ;; but in practice we test using ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P in ADJUST-ARRAY.
1127 ;; -- CSR, 2004-03-01.
1128 (not (typep array 'simple-array)))
1130 ;;;; fill pointer frobbing stuff
1132 (setf (info :function :predicate-truth-constraint 'array-has-fill-pointer-p)
1133 '(and vector (not simple-array)))
1134 (defun array-has-fill-pointer-p (array)
1135 "Return T if the given ARRAY has a fill pointer, or NIL otherwise."
1136 (array-has-fill-pointer-p array))
1138 (define-error-wrapper fill-pointer-error (vector)
1139 (declare (optimize (sb-c::verify-arg-count 0)))
1140 (error 'simple-type-error
1141 :datum vector
1142 :expected-type '(and vector (satisfies array-has-fill-pointer-p))
1143 :format-control "~S is not an array with a fill pointer."
1144 :format-arguments (list vector)))
1147 (defun fill-pointer (vector)
1148 "Return the FILL-POINTER of the given VECTOR."
1149 (declare (explicit-check))
1150 (fill-pointer vector))
1152 (defun %set-fill-pointer (vector new)
1153 (declare (explicit-check))
1154 (cond ((not (and (arrayp vector)
1155 (array-has-fill-pointer-p vector)))
1156 (fill-pointer-error vector))
1158 (let ((max (%array-available-elements vector)))
1159 (when (> (the (and unsigned-byte fixnum) new) max)
1160 (error 'simple-type-error
1161 :datum new
1162 :expected-type (list 'integer 0 max)
1163 :format-control "The new fill pointer, ~S, is larger than the length of the vector (~S.)"
1164 :format-arguments (list new max)))
1165 (setf (%array-fill-pointer vector) (truly-the index new))))))
1167 ;;; FIXME: It'd probably make sense to use a MACROLET to share the
1168 ;;; guts of VECTOR-PUSH between VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND. Such a macro
1169 ;;; should probably be based on the VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND code (which is
1170 ;;; new ca. sbcl-0.7.0) rather than the VECTOR-PUSH code (which dates
1171 ;;; back to CMU CL).
1172 (defun vector-push (new-element array)
1173 "Attempt to set the element of ARRAY designated by its fill pointer
1174 to NEW-ELEMENT, and increment the fill pointer by one. If the fill pointer is
1175 too large, NIL is returned, otherwise the index of the pushed element is
1176 returned."
1177 (declare (explicit-check))
1178 (let ((fill-pointer (fill-pointer array)))
1179 (cond ((= fill-pointer (%array-available-elements array))
1180 nil)
1182 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
1183 (setf (aref array fill-pointer) new-element))
1184 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array) (1+ fill-pointer))
1185 fill-pointer))))
1187 #-system-tlabs
1188 (defmacro reallocate-vector-with-widetag (old-vector &rest args)
1189 (declare (ignore old-vector))
1190 `(allocate-vector-with-widetag ,@args))
1192 ;;; This does not try to allow for resizing (ARRAY NIL) - there's no backing storage anyway.
1193 ;;; However, ADJUST-ARRAY apparently thinks it can resize non-simple arrays of
1194 ;;; element type NIL, but fails in ZAP-ARRAY-DATA-AUX. e.g.:
1195 ;;; (adjust-array (make-array '(10 10) :element-type nil) '(20 20))
1196 ;;; allocates a non-simple 10x10 array pointing to a (SIMPLE-ARRAY NIL 100)
1197 ;;; and then gets "An attempt to access an array of element-type NIL was made"
1198 ;;; because it doesn't know not to try to copy elements.
1199 ;;; So unless we think that that is one of the most pressing issues that demands
1200 ;;; a fix, who cares how we reallocate?
1201 ;;; If you're manipulating such arrays, quite literally you deserve to lose.
1202 ;;; FIXME: does not support #+ubsan, which is fairly bit-rotted, so ... meh.
1203 #+system-tlabs
1204 (defun reallocate-vector-with-widetag (old-vector widetag length n-bits-shift)
1205 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) widetag)
1206 (type index length))
1207 ;; KLUDGE: add SAETP-N-PAD-ELEMENTS "by hand" since there is
1208 ;; but a single case involving it now.
1209 (let* ((full-length (+ length (if (= widetag simple-base-string-widetag) 1 0)))
1210 (nwords (the fixnum (vector-length-in-words full-length n-bits-shift))))
1211 (if (sb-vm::force-to-heap-p old-vector)
1212 (locally (declare (sb-c::tlab :system))
1213 (allocate-vector widetag length nwords))
1214 (allocate-vector widetag length nwords))))
1216 (defun extend-vector (vector min-extension)
1217 (declare (optimize speed)
1218 (vector vector))
1219 (let* ((old-length (length vector))
1220 (min-extension (or min-extension
1221 (min old-length
1222 (- array-dimension-limit old-length))))
1223 (new-length (the index (+ old-length
1224 (max 1 min-extension))))
1225 (fill-pointer (1+ old-length)))
1226 (declare (fixnum new-length min-extension))
1227 (with-array-data ((old-data vector) (old-start)
1228 (old-end old-length))
1229 (let* ((widetag (%other-pointer-widetag old-data))
1230 (n-bits-shift (aref %%simple-array-n-bits-shifts%% widetag))
1231 (new-data
1232 ;; FIXME: mark prefix of shadow bits assigned, suffix unassigned
1233 (reallocate-vector-with-widetag old-data #+ubsan nil
1234 widetag new-length n-bits-shift)))
1235 ;; Copy the data
1236 (if (= widetag simple-vector-widetag) ; the most common case
1237 (replace (truly-the simple-vector new-data) ; transformed
1238 (truly-the simple-vector old-data)
1239 :start2 old-start :end2 old-end)
1240 (let ((copier (blt-copier-for-widetag widetag)))
1241 (if copier
1242 (funcall (truly-the function copier) old-data old-start new-data 0 old-length)
1243 (replace new-data old-data :start2 old-start :end2 old-end))))
1244 (setf (%array-data vector) new-data
1245 (%array-available-elements vector) new-length
1246 (%array-fill-pointer vector) fill-pointer
1247 (%array-displacement vector) 0
1248 (%array-displaced-p vector) nil)
1249 (%set-array-dimension vector 0 new-length)
1250 vector))))
1252 (defun vector-push-extend (new-element vector &optional min-extension)
1253 (declare (type (or null (and index (integer 1))) min-extension))
1254 (declare (explicit-check))
1255 (let* ((fill-pointer (fill-pointer vector))
1256 (new-fill-pointer (1+ fill-pointer)))
1257 (if (= fill-pointer (%array-available-elements vector))
1258 (extend-vector vector min-extension)
1259 (setf (%array-fill-pointer vector) new-fill-pointer))
1260 ;; disable bounds checking
1261 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
1262 (setf (aref vector fill-pointer) new-element))
1263 fill-pointer))
1265 (defun vector-pop (array)
1266 "Decrease the fill pointer by 1 and return the element pointed to by the
1267 new fill pointer."
1268 (declare (explicit-check))
1269 (let ((fill-pointer (fill-pointer array)))
1270 (if (zerop fill-pointer)
1271 (error "There is nothing left to pop.")
1272 ;; disable bounds checking (and any fixnum test)
1273 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
1274 (aref array
1275 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array)
1276 (1- fill-pointer)))))))
1279 ;;;; ADJUST-ARRAY
1281 (defun adjust-array (array dimensions &key
1282 (element-type (array-element-type array) element-type-p)
1283 (initial-element nil element-p)
1284 (initial-contents nil contents-p)
1285 fill-pointer
1286 displaced-to (displaced-index-offset 0 offset-p))
1287 "Adjust ARRAY's dimensions to the given DIMENSIONS and stuff."
1288 (when (invalid-array-p array)
1289 (invalid-array-error array))
1290 (binding*
1291 (((rank new-total-size) (rank-and-total-size-from-dims dimensions))
1292 (widetag
1293 (let ((widetag (array-underlying-widetag array)))
1294 (unless (= (array-rank array) rank) ; "drive-by" check of the rank
1295 (error "Expected ~D new dimension~:P for array, but received ~D."
1296 (array-rank array) rank))
1297 (if (or (not element-type-p)
1298 ;; Quick pass if ELEMENT-TYPE is same as the element type based on widetag
1299 (equal element-type (widetag->element-type widetag))
1300 (= (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift element-type) widetag))
1301 widetag
1302 (error "The new element type, ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/, is incompatible ~
1303 with old type, ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/."
1304 element-type (array-element-type array)))))
1305 (new-fill-pointer
1306 (cond (fill-pointer
1307 (unless (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
1308 (if (/= rank 1)
1309 (error "Only vectors can have fill pointers.")
1310 ;; I believe the sentence saying that this is an error pre-dates the removal
1311 ;; of the restriction of calling ADJUST-ARRAY only on arrays that
1312 ;; are actually adjustable. Making a new array should always work,
1313 ;; so I think this may be a bug in the spec.
1314 (fill-pointer-error array)))
1315 (cond ((eq fill-pointer t) new-total-size)
1316 ((<= fill-pointer new-total-size) fill-pointer)
1317 (t (make-array-bad-fill-pointer fill-pointer new-total-size " new"))))
1318 ((array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
1319 ;; "consequences are unspecified if array is adjusted to a size smaller than its fill pointer"
1320 (let ((old-fill-pointer (%array-fill-pointer array)))
1321 (when (< new-total-size old-fill-pointer)
1322 (error "can't adjust vector ~S to a size (~S) smaller than ~
1323 its current fill pointer (~S)"
1324 array new-total-size old-fill-pointer))
1325 old-fill-pointer))))
1326 ((initialize initial-data)
1327 (check-make-array-initargs t element-type new-total-size))
1328 (n-bits-shift (aref %%simple-array-n-bits-shifts%% widetag)))
1330 (cond
1331 (displaced-to ; super easy - just repoint ARRAY to new data
1332 (if (adjustable-array-p array)
1333 (set-array-header array displaced-to new-total-size new-fill-pointer
1334 displaced-index-offset dimensions t nil)
1335 (%make-array dimensions widetag n-bits-shift
1336 :displaced-to displaced-to
1337 :displaced-index-offset displaced-index-offset)))
1338 (contents-p ; array former contents replaced by INITIAL-CONTENTS
1339 (let ((array-data (data-vector-from-inits dimensions new-total-size widetag n-bits-shift
1340 initialize initial-data)))
1341 (cond ((adjustable-array-p array)
1342 (set-array-header array array-data new-total-size new-fill-pointer
1343 0 dimensions nil nil))
1344 ((array-header-p array)
1345 ;; simple multidimensional array.
1346 ;; fill-pointer vectors satisfy ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P (in SBCL, that is)
1347 ;; and therefore are handled by the first stanza of the cond.
1348 (%make-array dimensions widetag n-bits-shift
1349 :initial-contents initial-contents))
1351 array-data))))
1352 ((= rank 1)
1353 (let ((old-length (array-total-size array)))
1354 ;; Because ADJUST-ARRAY has to ignore any fill-pointer when
1355 ;; copying from the old data, we can't just pass ARRAY as the
1356 ;; second argument of REPLACE.
1357 (with-array-data ((old-data array) (old-start) (old-end old-length))
1358 (let ((new-data
1359 (if (and (= new-total-size old-length)
1360 (not (and (array-header-p array) (%array-displaced-p array))))
1361 ;; if total size is unchanged, and it was not a displaced array,
1362 ;; then this array owns the data and can retain it.
1363 old-data
1364 (let ((data
1365 (reallocate-vector-with-widetag old-data #+ubsan t
1366 widetag new-total-size
1367 n-bits-shift)))
1368 (replace data old-data
1369 :start1 0 :end1 new-total-size
1370 :start2 old-start :end2 old-end)
1371 (when (and element-p (> new-total-size old-length))
1372 (fill data initial-element :start old-length))
1373 data))))
1374 (if (adjustable-array-p array)
1375 (set-array-header array new-data new-total-size new-fill-pointer
1376 0 dimensions nil nil)
1377 new-data)))))
1379 (let ((old-total-size (%array-available-elements array)))
1380 (with-array-data ((old-data array) (old-start) (old-end old-total-size))
1381 (declare (ignore old-end))
1382 (let ((new-data (if (or (and (array-header-p array)
1383 (%array-displaced-p array))
1384 (> new-total-size old-total-size)
1385 (not (adjustable-array-p array)))
1386 (data-vector-from-inits dimensions new-total-size widetag
1387 n-bits-shift initialize initial-data)
1388 old-data)))
1389 (if (or (zerop old-total-size) (zerop new-total-size))
1390 (when element-p (fill new-data initial-element))
1391 (zap-array-data old-data (array-dimensions array)
1392 old-start
1393 new-data dimensions new-total-size
1394 element-type initial-element
1395 element-p))
1396 (if (adjustable-array-p array)
1397 (set-array-header array new-data new-total-size
1398 nil 0 dimensions nil nil)
1399 (let ((new-array (make-array-header simple-array-widetag rank)))
1400 (set-array-header new-array new-data new-total-size
1401 nil 0 dimensions nil t))))))))))
1403 ;;; Destructively alter VECTOR, changing its length to NEW-LENGTH,
1404 ;;; which must be less than or equal to its current length. This can
1405 ;;; be called on vectors without a fill pointer but it is slightly
1406 ;;; dangerous to do so: shrinking the size of an object accessible
1407 ;;; to another thread could cause it to access an out-of-bounds element.
1408 ;;; GC should generally be fine no matter what happens, because it either
1409 ;;; reads the old length or the new length. If it reads the old length,
1410 ;;; then the whole vector is skipped if unboxed; if it reads the new length,
1411 ;;; then the next object is a filler.
1412 ;;; Exception: for SIMPLE-VECTOR we always zeroized the unused tail,
1413 ;;; because the garbage collector can scan certain pages without regard
1414 ;;; to object boundaries. The situation we need to avoid is this:
1415 ;;; "old" #(...............|.....)
1416 ;;; "new" #(..........)Fill|.....
1417 ;;; ^ page boundary
1418 ;;; where GC reads the objects on the page just after the filler
1419 ;;; because it doesn't know not to.
1421 (defmacro make-filler (n)
1422 `(logior (ash ,n #+64-bit 32 #-64-bit ,n-widetag-bits) filler-widetag))
1423 (defmacro filler-nwords (header)
1424 `(ash ,header #+64-bit -32 #-64-bit ,(- n-widetag-bits)))
1426 (defun %shrink-vector (vector new-length
1427 &aux (old-length (length vector))
1428 (new-length* new-length))
1429 (declare (vector vector))
1430 (cond
1431 ((simple-vector-p vector)
1432 ;; We do in fact call %SHRINK-VECTOR a lot from sequence functions
1433 ;; that overallocate a temporary result. In all places where that happens,
1434 ;; the discarded suffix was never used. So assuming pre-zeroed heap,
1435 ;; it kind of just worked. But I don't want to assume that.
1436 ;; For what it's worth, adding this assertion prior to FILL:
1437 ;; (WHEN (FIND 0 VECTOR :START OLD-LENGTH :TEST #'NEQ) (BUG "No can do"))
1438 ;; produced no failures in the regression suite.
1439 (when (< new-length old-length) (fill vector 0 :start new-length)))
1440 ((not (or (array-header-p vector) (typep vector '(simple-array nil (*)))))
1441 (when (simple-base-string-p vector)
1442 ;; We can blindly store the hidden #\null at NEW-LENGTH, but it would
1443 ;; appear to be an out-of-bounds access if the length is not
1444 ;; changing at all. i.e. while it's safe to always do a store,
1445 ;; the length check has to be skipped.
1446 (locally (declare (optimize (sb-c:insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
1447 (setf (schar vector new-length) (code-char 0)))
1448 ;; Now treat both the old and new lengths as if they include
1449 ;; the byte that holds the implicit string terminator.
1450 (incf old-length)
1451 (incf new-length*))
1452 (let* ((n-bits-shift (aref %%simple-array-n-bits-shifts%%
1453 (%other-pointer-widetag vector)))
1454 (old-nwords (ceiling (ash old-length n-bits-shift) n-word-bits))
1455 (new-nwords (ceiling (ash new-length* n-bits-shift) n-word-bits)))
1456 (when (< new-nwords old-nwords)
1457 (with-pinned-objects (vector)
1458 ;; VECTOR-SAP is only for unboxed vectors. Use the vop directly.
1459 (let ((data (%primitive vector-sap vector)))
1460 ;; There is no requirement to zeroize memory corresponding
1461 ;; to unused array elements.
1462 ;; However, it's slightly nicer if the padding word (if present) is 0.
1463 (when (oddp new-nwords)
1464 (setf (sap-ref-word data (ash new-nwords word-shift)) 0))
1465 (let* ((aligned-old (align-up old-nwords 2))
1466 (aligned-new (align-up new-nwords 2)))
1467 ;; Only if physically shrunk as determined by PRIMITIVE-OBJECT-SIZE
1468 ;; will we need to (and have adequate room to) place a filler.
1469 (when (< aligned-new aligned-old)
1470 (let ((diff (- aligned-old aligned-new)))
1471 ;; Certainly if the vector is unboxed it can't possibly matter
1472 ;; if GC sees this bit pattern prior to setting the new length;
1473 ;; but even for SIMPLE-VECTOR, it's OK, it turns out.
1474 (setf (sap-ref-word data (ash aligned-new word-shift))
1475 (make-filler diff)))))))))))
1476 ;; Only arrays have fill-pointers, but vectors have their length
1477 ;; parameter in the same place.
1478 (setf (%array-fill-pointer vector) new-length)
1479 vector)
1481 (defun shrink-vector (vector new-length)
1482 (declare (vector vector))
1483 (cond
1484 ((eq (length vector) new-length)
1485 vector)
1486 ((array-has-fill-pointer-p vector)
1487 (setf (%array-fill-pointer vector) new-length)
1488 vector)
1489 (t (subseq vector 0 new-length))))
1493 ;;; ADJUST-ARRAY/SET-ARRAY-HEADER, and its callees are very
1494 ;;; thread unsafe. They are nonatomic, and can mess with parallel
1495 ;;; code using the same arrays.
1497 ;;; A likely seeming fix is an additional level of indirection:
1498 ;;; ARRAY-HEADER -> ARRAY-INFO -> ... where ARRAY-HEADER would
1499 ;;; hold nothing but the pointer to ARRAY-INFO, and ARRAY-INFO
1500 ;;; would hold everything ARRAY-HEADER now holds. This allows
1501 ;;; consing up a new ARRAY-INFO and replacing it atomically in
1502 ;;; the ARRAY-HEADER.
1504 ;;; %WALK-DISPLACED-ARRAY-BACKPOINTERS is an especially nasty
1505 ;;; one: not only is it needed extremely rarely, which makes
1506 ;;; any thread safety bugs involving it look like rare random
1507 ;;; corruption, but because it walks the chain *upwards*, which
1508 ;;; may violate user expectations.
1510 ;;; Fill in array header with the provided information, and return the array.
1511 (defun set-array-header (array data length fill-pointer displacement dimensions
1512 displacedp newp)
1513 (labels ((%walk-displaced-array-backpointers (array new-length)
1514 (dolist (p (%array-displaced-from array))
1515 (let ((from (weak-pointer-value p)))
1516 (when (and from (eq array (%array-data from)))
1517 (let ((requires (+ (%array-available-elements from)
1518 (%array-displacement from))))
1519 (unless (>= new-length requires)
1520 ;; ANSI sayeth (ADJUST-ARRAY dictionary entry):
1522 ;; "If A is displaced to B, the consequences are unspecified if B is
1523 ;; adjusted in such a way that it no longer has enough elements to
1524 ;; satisfy A.
1526 ;; since we're hanging on a weak pointer here, we can't signal an
1527 ;; error right now: the array that we're looking at might be
1528 ;; garbage. Instead, we set all dimensions to zero so that next
1529 ;; safe access to the displaced array will trap. Additionally, we
1530 ;; save the original dimensions, so we can signal a more
1531 ;; understandable error when the time comes.
1532 (%walk-displaced-array-backpointers from 0)
1533 (setf (%array-fill-pointer from) 0
1534 (%array-available-elements from) 0
1535 (%array-displaced-p from) (array-dimensions array))
1536 (dotimes (i (%array-rank from))
1537 (%set-array-dimension from i 0)))))))))
1538 (if newp
1539 (setf (%array-displaced-from array) nil)
1540 (%walk-displaced-array-backpointers array length))
1541 (when displacedp
1542 (%save-displaced-array-backpointer array data))
1543 (setf (%array-data array) data)
1544 (setf (%array-available-elements array) length)
1545 (cond (fill-pointer
1546 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array) fill-pointer)
1547 (logior-array-flags array +array-fill-pointer-p+))
1549 (setf (%array-fill-pointer array) length)
1550 (reset-array-flags array +array-fill-pointer-p+)))
1551 (setf (%array-displacement array) displacement)
1552 (populate-dimensions array dimensions (array-rank array))
1553 (setf (%array-displaced-p array) displacedp)
1554 array))
1556 ;;; User visible extension
1557 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (array) (simple-array * (*))) array-storage-vector))
1558 (defun array-storage-vector (array)
1559 "Returns the underlying storage vector of ARRAY, which must be a non-displaced array.
1561 In SBCL, if ARRAY is a of type \(SIMPLE-ARRAY * \(*)), it is its own storage
1562 vector. Multidimensional arrays, arrays with fill pointers, and adjustable
1563 arrays have an underlying storage vector with the same ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE as
1564 ARRAY, which this function returns.
1566 Important note: the underlying vector is an implementation detail. Even though
1567 this function exposes it, changes in the implementation may cause this
1568 function to be removed without further warning."
1569 ;; KLUDGE: Without TRULY-THE the system is not smart enough to figure out that
1570 ;; the return value is always of the known type.
1571 (truly-the (simple-array * (*))
1572 (cond ((not (array-header-p array))
1573 array)
1574 ((%array-displaced-p array)
1575 (error "~S cannot be used with displaced arrays. Use ~S instead."
1576 'array-storage-vector 'array-displacement))
1578 (%array-data array)))))
1583 ;;; This does the grinding work for ADJUST-ARRAY. It zaps the data
1584 ;;; from the OLD-DATA in an arrangement specified by the OLD-DIMS to
1585 ;;; the NEW-DATA in an arrangement specified by the NEW-DIMS. OFFSET
1586 ;;; is a displaced offset to be added to computed indices of OLD-DATA.
1587 (defun zap-array-data (old-data old-dims offset new-data new-dims new-length
1588 element-type initial-element initial-element-p)
1589 (declare (list old-dims new-dims)
1590 (fixnum new-length))
1591 ;; OLD-DIMS comes from array-dimensions, which returns a fresh list
1592 ;; at least in SBCL.
1593 ;; NEW-DIMS comes from the user.
1594 (setf old-dims (nreverse old-dims)
1595 new-dims (reverse new-dims))
1596 (cond ((eq old-data new-data)
1598 ;; INITIAL-ELEMENT-P are used when OLD-DATA and NEW-DATA are
1599 ;; EQ; in this case, a temporary must be used and filled
1600 ;; appropriately. specified initial-element.
1601 ;; FIXME: transforming this TYPEP to someting a bit faster
1602 ;; would be a win...
1603 (unless (or (not initial-element-p)
1604 (typep initial-element element-type))
1605 (error "~S can't be used to initialize an array of type ~
1606 ~/sb-impl:print-type-specifier/."
1607 initial-element element-type))
1608 (let ((temp (if initial-element-p
1609 (make-array new-length :initial-element initial-element)
1610 (make-array new-length))))
1611 (declare (simple-vector temp))
1612 (zap-array-data-aux old-data old-dims offset temp new-dims)
1613 (dotimes (i new-length)
1614 (setf (aref new-data i) (aref temp i)))
1615 ;; Kill the temporary vector to prevent garbage retention.
1616 (%shrink-vector temp 0)))
1618 ;; When OLD-DATA and NEW-DATA are not EQ, NEW-DATA has
1619 ;; already been filled with any
1620 (zap-array-data-aux old-data old-dims offset new-data new-dims))))
1622 (defun zap-array-data-aux (old-data old-dims offset new-data new-dims)
1623 (declare (fixnum offset))
1624 (let ((limits (mapcar (lambda (x y)
1625 (declare (fixnum x y))
1626 (1- (the fixnum (min x y))))
1627 old-dims new-dims)))
1628 (macrolet ((bump-index-list (index limits)
1629 `(do ((subscripts ,index (cdr subscripts))
1630 (limits ,limits (cdr limits)))
1631 ((null subscripts) :eof)
1632 (cond ((< (the fixnum (car subscripts))
1633 (the fixnum (car limits)))
1634 (rplaca subscripts
1635 (1+ (the fixnum (car subscripts))))
1636 (return ,index))
1637 (t (rplaca subscripts 0))))))
1638 (do ((index (make-list (length old-dims) :initial-element 0)
1639 (bump-index-list index limits)))
1640 ((eq index :eof))
1641 (setf (aref new-data (row-major-index-from-dims index new-dims))
1642 (aref old-data
1643 (+ (the fixnum (row-major-index-from-dims index old-dims))
1644 offset)))))))
1646 ;;; Figure out the row-major-order index of an array reference from a
1647 ;;; list of subscripts and a list of dimensions. This is for internal
1648 ;;; calls only, and the subscripts and dim-list variables are assumed
1649 ;;; to be reversed from what the user supplied.
1650 (defun row-major-index-from-dims (rev-subscripts rev-dim-list)
1651 (do ((rev-subscripts rev-subscripts (cdr rev-subscripts))
1652 (rev-dim-list rev-dim-list (cdr rev-dim-list))
1653 (chunk-size 1)
1654 (result 0))
1655 ((null rev-dim-list) result)
1656 (declare (fixnum chunk-size result))
1657 (setq result (+ result
1658 (the fixnum (* (the fixnum (car rev-subscripts))
1659 chunk-size))))
1660 (setq chunk-size (* chunk-size (the fixnum (car rev-dim-list))))))
1662 ;;;; some bit stuff
1664 (defun bit-array-same-dimensions-p (array1 array2)
1665 (declare (type (array bit) array1 array2))
1666 (let ((rank (array-rank array1)))
1667 (and (= rank (array-rank array2))
1668 (if (= rank 1)
1669 (= (array-total-size array1)
1670 (array-total-size array2))
1671 (dotimes (index rank t)
1672 (when (/= (%array-dimension array1 index)
1673 (%array-dimension array2 index))
1674 (return nil)))))))
1676 (defun copy-array-header (array)
1677 (let* ((rank (%array-rank array))
1678 (size (%array-available-elements array))
1679 (result (make-array-header simple-array-widetag
1680 rank)))
1681 (loop for i below rank
1682 do (%set-array-dimension result i
1683 (%array-dimension array i)))
1684 ;; fill-pointer-p defaults to 0
1685 (setf (%array-displaced-from result) nil
1686 (%array-displaced-p result) nil
1687 (%array-fill-pointer result) size
1688 (%array-available-elements result) size)
1689 result))
1691 (defun pick-result-array (result-bit-array bit-array-1)
1692 (case result-bit-array
1693 ((t) bit-array-1)
1694 ((nil)
1695 (if (vectorp bit-array-1)
1696 (make-array (array-total-size bit-array-1)
1697 :element-type 'bit
1698 :initial-element 0)
1699 (let ((header (copy-array-header bit-array-1)))
1700 (setf (%array-data header)
1701 (make-array (%array-available-elements bit-array-1)
1702 :element-type 'bit
1703 :initial-element 0))
1704 header)))
1706 (unless (bit-array-same-dimensions-p bit-array-1
1707 result-bit-array)
1708 (error "~S and ~S don't have the same dimensions."
1709 bit-array-1 result-bit-array))
1710 result-bit-array)))
1712 ;;; This used to be a DEFMACRO, but depending on the target's support for Unicode,
1713 ;;; it got a constant-folding-error in the FORMAT call when producing the load-time
1714 ;;; macro. CONCATENATE-FORMAT-P returns true, so then we want to know whether the
1715 ;;; result is a base-string which entails calling SB-KERNEL:SIMPLE-BASE-STRING-P
1716 ;;; which has no definition in the cross-compiler. (We could add one of course)
1718 ;;; Bit array operations are allowed to leave arbitrary values in the
1719 ;;; trailing bits of the result. Examples:
1720 ;;; * (format t "~b~%" (%vector-raw-bits (bit-not #*1001) 0))
1721 ;;; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110110
1722 ;;; * (format t "~b~%" (%vector-raw-bits (bit-nor #*1001 #*1010) 0))
1723 ;;; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110010
1724 ;;; But because reading is more common than writing, it seems that a better
1725 ;;; technique might be to enforce an invariant that the last word contain 0
1726 ;;; in all unused bits so that EQUAL and SXHASH become far simpler.
1728 (macrolet ((def-bit-array-op (name function)
1729 `(defun ,name (bit-array-1 bit-array-2 &optional result-bit-array)
1730 ,(format nil
1731 "Perform a bit-wise ~A on the elements of BIT-ARRAY-1 and ~
1732 BIT-ARRAY-2,~% putting the results in RESULT-BIT-ARRAY. ~
1733 If RESULT-BIT-ARRAY is T,~% BIT-ARRAY-1 is used. If ~
1734 RESULT-BIT-ARRAY is NIL or omitted, a new array is~% created. ~
1735 All the arrays must have the same rank and dimensions."
1736 (symbol-name function))
1737 (declare (type (array bit) bit-array-1 bit-array-2)
1738 (type (or (array bit) (member t nil)) result-bit-array))
1739 (unless (bit-array-same-dimensions-p bit-array-1 bit-array-2)
1740 (error "~S and ~S don't have the same dimensions."
1741 bit-array-1 bit-array-2))
1742 (let ((result-bit-array (pick-result-array result-bit-array bit-array-1)))
1743 (if (and (simple-bit-vector-p bit-array-1)
1744 (simple-bit-vector-p bit-array-2)
1745 (simple-bit-vector-p result-bit-array))
1746 (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1747 (,name bit-array-1 bit-array-2 result-bit-array))
1748 (with-array-data ((data1 bit-array-1) (start1) (end1))
1749 (with-array-data ((data2 bit-array-2) (start2) (end2))
1750 (with-array-data ((data3 result-bit-array) (start3) (end3))
1751 (if (and (zerop start1)
1752 (zerop start2)
1753 (zerop start3)
1754 (= (length data1) end1)
1755 (= (length data2) end2)
1756 (= (length data3) end3))
1757 (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1758 (,name data1 data2 data3))
1759 (do ((index-1 start1 (1+ index-1))
1760 (index-2 start2 (1+ index-2))
1761 (index-3 start3 (1+ index-3)))
1762 ((>= index-3 end3))
1763 (declare (type index index-1 index-2 index-3))
1764 (setf (sbit data3 index-3)
1765 (logand (,function (sbit data1 index-1)
1766 (sbit data2 index-2))
1767 1))))
1768 result-bit-array))))))))
1770 (def-bit-array-op bit-and logand)
1771 (def-bit-array-op bit-ior logior)
1772 (def-bit-array-op bit-xor logxor)
1773 (def-bit-array-op bit-eqv logeqv)
1774 (def-bit-array-op bit-nand lognand)
1775 (def-bit-array-op bit-nor lognor)
1776 (def-bit-array-op bit-andc1 logandc1)
1777 (def-bit-array-op bit-andc2 logandc2)
1778 (def-bit-array-op bit-orc1 logorc1)
1779 (def-bit-array-op bit-orc2 logorc2)
1780 ) ; end MACROLET
1782 (defun bit-not (bit-array &optional result-bit-array)
1783 "Performs a bit-wise logical NOT on the elements of BIT-ARRAY,
1784 putting the results in RESULT-BIT-ARRAY. If RESULT-BIT-ARRAY is T,
1785 BIT-ARRAY is used. If RESULT-BIT-ARRAY is NIL or omitted, a new array is
1786 created. Both arrays must have the same rank and dimensions."
1787 (declare (type (array bit) bit-array)
1788 (type (or (array bit) (member t nil)) result-bit-array))
1789 (let ((result-bit-array (pick-result-array result-bit-array bit-array)))
1790 (if (and (simple-bit-vector-p bit-array)
1791 (simple-bit-vector-p result-bit-array))
1792 (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1793 (bit-not bit-array result-bit-array))
1794 (with-array-data ((src bit-array) (src-start) (src-end))
1795 (with-array-data ((dst result-bit-array) (dst-start) (dst-end))
1796 (if (and (zerop src-start)
1797 (zerop dst-start)
1798 (= src-end (length src))
1799 (= dst-end (length dst)))
1800 (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1801 (bit-not src dst))
1802 (do ((src-index src-start (1+ src-index))
1803 (dst-index dst-start (1+ dst-index)))
1804 ((>= dst-index dst-end))
1805 (declare (type index src-index dst-index))
1806 (setf (sbit dst dst-index)
1807 (logxor (sbit src src-index) 1))))
1808 result-bit-array)))))
1810 ;;;; array type dispatching
1812 ;;; Given DISPATCH-FOO as the DISPATCH-NAME argument (unevaluated),
1813 ;;; defines the functions
1818 ;;; ...
1820 ;;; PARAMS are the function parameters in the definition of each
1821 ;;; specializer function. The array being specialized must be the
1822 ;;; first parameter in PARAMS. A type declaration for this parameter
1823 ;;; is automatically inserted into the body of each function.
1825 ;;; The dispatch table %%FOO-FUNS%% is defined and populated by these
1826 ;;; functions. The table is padded by the function
1829 ;;; Finally, the DISPATCH-FOO macro is defined which does the actual
1830 ;;; dispatching when called. It expects arguments that match PARAMS.
1832 (defmacro sb-impl::!define-array-dispatch (style dispatch-name params nil-array &body body)
1833 #-(or x86 x86-64 arm64) (setq style :call)
1834 (let ((table-name (symbolicate "%%" dispatch-name "-FUNS%%"))
1835 (error-name (symbolicate "HAIRY-" dispatch-name "-ERROR")))
1836 (declare (ignorable table-name))
1837 `(progn
1838 (defun ,error-name (,(first params) &rest rest)
1839 (declare (ignore rest))
1840 (error 'type-error
1841 :datum ,(first params)
1842 :expected-type '(simple-array * (*))))
1844 ,@(ecase style
1845 (:call
1846 `((define-load-time-global ,table-name ,(sb-xc:make-array (1+ widetag-mask)))
1848 ;; This SUBSTITUTE call happens ** after ** all the SETFs below it.
1849 ;; DEFGLOBAL's initial value is dumped by genesis as a vector filled
1850 ;; with 0 (it would not work if the vector held function objects).
1851 ;; Then the SETFs happen, as cold-load can process %SVSET, which
1852 ;; is great, because it means that hairy sequence dispatch may occur
1853 ;; as early as you'd like in cold-init without regard to file order.
1854 ;; However when it comes to actually executing the toplevel forms
1855 ;; that were compiled into thunks of target code to invoke,
1856 ;; all the known good entries must be preserved.
1857 (nsubstitute #',error-name 0 ,table-name)
1859 ,@(loop for info across *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
1860 for typecode = (saetp-typecode info)
1861 for specifier = (saetp-specifier info)
1862 for primitive-type-name = (saetp-primitive-type-name info)
1863 collect (let ((fun-name (symbolicate (string dispatch-name)
1864 "/" primitive-type-name)))
1865 `(progn
1866 (defun ,fun-name ,params
1867 (declare (type (simple-array ,specifier (*))
1868 ,(first params)))
1869 ,@(if (null specifier)
1870 nil-array
1871 body))
1872 (setf (svref ,table-name ,typecode) #',fun-name))))
1873 (defmacro ,dispatch-name (&rest args)
1874 (aver (symbolp (first args)))
1875 (let ((tag (gensym "TAG")))
1876 `(,',(if (find '&rest params)
1877 'apply
1878 'funcall)
1879 (truly-the function
1880 (let ((,tag 0))
1881 (when (%other-pointer-p ,(first args))
1882 (setf ,tag (%other-pointer-widetag ,(first args))))
1883 (svref (truly-the (simple-vector 256) (load-time-value ,',table-name t))
1884 ,tag)))
1885 ,@args)))))
1886 (:jump-table
1887 (multiple-value-bind (body decls) (parse-body body nil)
1888 `((declaim (inline ,dispatch-name))
1889 (defun ,dispatch-name ,params
1890 (declare (optimize (sb-c:jump-table 3)))
1891 ,@decls
1892 (case (if (%other-pointer-p ,(first params))
1893 (ash (%other-pointer-widetag ,(first params)) -2)
1895 ,@(loop
1896 for info across *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
1897 for specifier = (saetp-specifier info)
1898 collect `(,(ash (saetp-typecode info) -2)
1899 (let ((,(first params)
1900 (truly-the (simple-array ,specifier (*))
1901 ,(first params))))
1902 ,@(if (null specifier)
1903 nil-array
1904 body))))
1906 (,error-name ,@params)))))))))))
1908 (defun sb-kernel::check-array-shape (array dimensions)
1909 (when (let ((dimensions dimensions))
1910 (dotimes (i (array-rank array))
1911 (unless (eql (array-dimension array i) (pop dimensions))
1912 (return t))))
1913 (error "malformed :INITIAL-CONTENTS: ~S should have dimensions ~S"
1914 (make-array dimensions :displaced-to (%array-data array)
1915 :element-type (array-element-type array))
1916 (array-dimensions array)))
1917 array)
1919 ;;; Horrible kludge for the "static-vectors" system
1920 ;;; which uses an internal symbol in SB-IMPL.
1921 (import '%vector-widetag-and-n-bits-shift 'sb-impl)