[sbcl.git] / src / assembly / x86 / arith.lisp
1 ;;;; simple cases for generic arithmetic
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB-VM")
14 ;;;; addition, subtraction, and multiplication
16 (macrolet ((define-generic-arith-routine ((fun cost) &body body)
17 `(define-assembly-routine (,(symbolicate "GENERIC-" fun)
18 (:cost ,cost)
19 (:return-style :full-call-no-return)
20 (:translate ,fun)
21 (:policy :safe)
22 (:save-p t))
23 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
24 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
26 (:res res (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
28 ,@(if (eq fun '*)
29 '((:temp eax unsigned-reg eax-offset)))
30 (:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
32 ,@(multiple-value-bind (reg byte)
33 (if (eq fun '*) (values 'eax 'al-tn) (values 'ecx 'cl-tn))
34 `((inst mov ,reg x)
35 (inst or ,reg y)
36 (inst test ,byte fixnum-tag-mask))) ; both fixnums?
38 (inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN) ; no - do generic
40 ,@body
41 (inst clc) ; single-value return
42 (inst ret)
45 ;; Same as: (inst enter (fixnumize 1))
46 (inst push ebp-tn)
47 (inst mov ebp-tn esp-tn)
48 (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 1))
49 (inst push (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn
50 :disp (frame-byte-offset return-pc-save-offset)))
51 (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2)) ; arg count
52 (inst jmp
53 (make-ea :dword
54 :disp (+ nil-value
55 (static-fun-offset
56 ',(symbolicate "TWO-ARG-" fun))))))))
58 (define-generic-arith-routine (+ 10)
59 (move res x)
60 (inst add res y)
61 (inst jmp :no OKAY)
62 (inst rcr res 1) ; carry has correct sign
63 (inst sar res 1) ; remove type bits
65 (move ecx res)
67 (alloc-other res bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset) nil)
68 (storew ecx res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
70 OKAY)
72 (define-generic-arith-routine (- 10)
73 (move res x)
74 (inst sub res y)
75 (inst jmp :no OKAY)
76 (inst cmc) ; carry has correct sign now
77 (inst rcr res 1)
78 (inst sar res 1) ; remove type bits
80 (move ecx res)
82 (alloc-other res bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset) nil)
83 (storew ecx res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
84 OKAY)
86 (define-generic-arith-routine (* 30)
87 (move eax x) ; must use eax for 64-bit result
88 (inst sar eax n-fixnum-tag-bits) ; remove *4 fixnum bias
89 (inst imul y) ; result in edx:eax
90 (inst jmp :no OKAY) ; still fixnum
92 ;; zzz jrd changed edx to ebx in here, as edx isn't listed as a temp, above
93 ;; pfw says that loses big -- edx is target for arg x and result res
94 ;; note that 'edx' is not defined -- using x
95 (inst shrd eax x n-fixnum-tag-bits) ; high bits from edx
96 (inst sar x n-fixnum-tag-bits) ; now shift edx too
98 (move ecx x) ; save high bits from cdq
99 (inst cdq) ; edx:eax <- sign-extend of eax
100 (inst cmp x ecx)
101 (inst jmp :e SINGLE-WORD-BIGNUM)
103 (alloc-other res bignum-widetag (+ bignum-digits-offset 2) nil)
104 (storew eax res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
105 (storew ecx res (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag)
106 (inst jmp DONE)
110 (alloc-other res bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset) nil)
111 (storew eax res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
112 (inst jmp DONE)
114 OKAY
115 (move res eax)
116 DONE))
118 ;;;; negation
120 (define-assembly-routine (generic-negate
121 (:cost 10)
122 (:return-style :full-call)
123 (:policy :safe)
124 (:translate %negate)
125 (:save-p t))
126 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
127 (:res res (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
128 (:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
129 (inst test x fixnum-tag-mask)
130 (inst jmp :z FIXNUM)
132 (inst push ebp-tn)
133 (inst mov ebp-tn esp-tn)
134 (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 1))
135 (inst push (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn
136 :disp (frame-byte-offset return-pc-save-offset)))
137 (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 1)) ; arg count
138 (inst jmp (make-ea :dword
139 :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset '%negate))))
142 (move res x)
143 (inst neg res) ; (- most-negative-fixnum) is BIGNUM
144 (inst jmp :no OKAY)
145 (inst shr res n-fixnum-tag-bits) ; sign bit is data - remove type bits
146 (move ecx res)
148 (alloc-other res bignum-widetag (1+ bignum-digits-offset) nil)
149 (storew ecx res bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
151 OKAY)
153 ;;;; comparison
155 (macrolet ((define-cond-assem-rtn (name translate static-fn test)
156 `(define-assembly-routine (,name
157 (:translate ,translate)
158 (:policy :safe)
159 (:save-p t)
160 (:conditional ,test)
161 (:cost 10))
162 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
163 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
165 (:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
167 (inst mov ecx x)
168 (inst or ecx y)
169 (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask)
170 (inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN) ; are both fixnums?
172 (inst cmp x y)
173 (inst ret)
176 (inst push ebp-tn)
177 (inst mov ebp-tn esp-tn)
178 (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
179 (inst mov (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
180 :disp (frame-byte-offset
181 (+ sp->fp-offset
183 ocfp-save-offset)))
184 ebp-tn)
185 (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
186 :disp (frame-byte-offset
187 (+ sp->fp-offset
189 ocfp-save-offset))))
190 (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
191 (inst call (make-ea :dword
192 :disp (+ nil-value
193 (static-fun-offset ',static-fn))))
194 ;; HACK: We depend on NIL having the lowest address of all
195 ;; static symbols (including T)
196 ,@(ecase test
197 (:l `((inst mov y (1+ nil-value))
198 (inst cmp y x)))
199 (:g `((inst cmp x (1+ nil-value)))))
200 (inst pop ebp-tn))))
201 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :l)
202 (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :g))
204 (define-assembly-routine (generic-eql
205 (:translate eql)
206 (:policy :safe)
207 (:save-p t)
208 (:conditional :e)
209 (:cost 10))
210 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
211 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
213 (:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
214 (inst mov ecx x)
215 (inst and ecx y)
216 (inst and ecx lowtag-mask)
217 (inst cmp ecx other-pointer-lowtag)
218 (inst jmp :e DO-STATIC-FUN)
220 ;; At least one fixnum
221 (inst cmp x y)
223 (inst ret)
226 ;; Might as well fast path that...
227 (inst cmp x y)
228 (inst jmp :e RET)
230 (inst push ebp-tn)
231 (inst mov ebp-tn esp-tn)
232 (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
233 (inst mov (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
234 :disp (frame-byte-offset
235 (+ sp->fp-offset
237 ocfp-save-offset)))
238 ebp-tn)
239 (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
240 :disp (frame-byte-offset
241 (+ sp->fp-offset
243 ocfp-save-offset))))
244 (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
245 (inst call (make-ea :dword
246 :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'eql))))
247 (load-symbol y t)
248 (inst cmp x y)
249 (inst pop ebp-tn))
251 (define-assembly-routine (generic-=
252 (:translate =)
253 (:policy :safe)
254 (:save-p t)
255 (:conditional :e)
256 (:cost 10))
257 ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
258 (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
260 (:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
261 (inst mov ecx x)
262 (inst or ecx y)
263 (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask)
264 (inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN)
266 ;; Both fixnums
267 (inst cmp x y)
268 (inst ret)
271 (inst push ebp-tn)
272 (inst mov ebp-tn esp-tn)
273 (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
274 (inst mov (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
275 :disp (frame-byte-offset
276 (+ sp->fp-offset
278 ocfp-save-offset)))
279 ebp-tn)
280 (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn
281 :disp (frame-byte-offset
282 (+ sp->fp-offset
284 ocfp-save-offset))))
285 (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
286 (inst call (make-ea :dword
287 :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=))))
288 (load-symbol y t)
289 (inst cmp x y)
290 (inst pop ebp-tn))
293 ;;; Support for the Mersenne Twister, MT19937, random number generator
294 ;;; due to Matsumoto and Nishimura.
296 ;;; Makoto Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, "Mersenne twister: A
297 ;;; 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number
298 ;;; generator.", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation,
299 ;;; 1997, to appear.
301 ;;; State:
302 ;;; 0-1: Constant matrix A. [0, #x9908b0df] (not used here)
303 ;;; 2: Index; init. to 1.
304 ;;; 3-626: State.
306 ;;; This assembly routine is called from the inline VOP and updates
307 ;;; the state vector with new random numbers. The state vector is
308 ;;; passed in the EAX register.
309 #+sb-assembling ; We don't want a vop for this one.
310 (define-assembly-routine
311 (random-mt19937-update)
312 ((:temp state unsigned-reg eax-offset)
313 (:temp k unsigned-reg ebx-offset)
314 (:temp y unsigned-reg ecx-offset)
315 (:temp tmp unsigned-reg edx-offset))
317 ;; Save the temporary registers.
318 (inst push k)
319 (inst push y)
320 (inst push tmp)
322 ;; Generate a new set of results.
323 (inst xor k k)
324 LOOP1
325 (inst mov y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset 3))
326 (inst mov tmp (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset (+ 1 3)))
327 (inst and y #x80000000)
328 (inst and tmp #x7fffffff)
329 (inst or y tmp)
330 (inst shr y 1)
331 (inst jmp :nc skip1)
332 (inst xor y #x9908b0df)
333 SKIP1
334 (inst xor y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset (+ 397 3)))
335 (inst mov (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset 3) y)
336 (inst inc k)
337 (inst cmp k (- 624 397))
338 (inst jmp :b loop1)
339 LOOP2
340 (inst mov y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset 3))
341 (inst mov tmp (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset (+ 1 3)))
342 (inst and y #x80000000)
343 (inst and tmp #x7fffffff)
344 (inst or y tmp)
345 (inst shr y 1)
346 (inst jmp :nc skip2)
347 (inst xor y #x9908b0df)
348 SKIP2
349 (inst xor y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset (+ (- 397 624) 3)))
350 (inst mov (make-ea-for-vector-data state :index k :offset 3) y)
351 (inst inc k)
352 (inst cmp k (- 624 1))
353 (inst jmp :b loop2)
355 (inst mov y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :offset (+ (- 624 1) 3)))
356 (inst mov tmp (make-ea-for-vector-data state :offset (+ 0 3)))
357 (inst and y #x80000000)
358 (inst and tmp #x7fffffff)
359 (inst or y tmp)
360 (inst shr y 1)
361 (inst jmp :nc skip3)
362 (inst xor y #x9908b0df)
363 SKIP3
364 (inst xor y (make-ea-for-vector-data state :offset (+ (- 397 1) 3)))
365 (inst mov (make-ea-for-vector-data state :offset (+ (- 624 1) 3)) y)
367 ;; Restore the temporary registers and return.
368 (inst pop tmp)
369 (inst pop y)
370 (inst pop k))