overflow-transform-unknown-x: discard non-integer types.
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-bsd-sockets / inet.lisp
1 (in-package :sb-bsd-sockets)
3 ;;;
5 (define-condition unknown-protocol (error)
6 ((name :initarg :name
7 :reader unknown-protocol-name))
8 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
9 (format stream "Protocol not found: ~A"
10 (prin1-to-string (unknown-protocol-name condition))))))
12 (defvar *protocols*
13 `((:tcp ,sockint::ipproto_tcp "tcp" "TCP")
14 (:udp ,sockint::ipproto_udp "udp" "UDP")
15 (:ip ,sockint::ipproto_ip "ip" "IP")
16 (:ipv6 ,sockint::ipproto_ipv6 "ipv6" "IPV6")
17 (:icmp ,sockint::ipproto_icmp "icmp" "ICMP")
18 (:igmp ,sockint::ipproto_igmp "igmp" "IGMP")
19 (:raw ,sockint::ipproto_raw "raw" "RAW")))
21 ;;; Try to get to a protocol quickly, falling back to calling
22 ;;; getprotobyname if it's available.
23 (defun get-protocol-by-name (name)
24 "Given a protocol name, return the protocol number, the protocol name, and
25 a list of protocol aliases"
26 (let ((result (cdr (if (keywordp name)
27 (assoc name *protocols*)
28 (assoc name *protocols* :test #'string-equal)))))
29 (if result
30 (values (first result) (second result) (third result))
31 #-android
32 (getprotobyname (string-downcase name))
33 #+android (error 'unknown-protocol :name name))))
35 #+(and sb-thread (not os-provides-getprotoby-r) (not android))
36 ;; Since getprotobyname is not thread-safe, we need a lock.
37 (sb-ext:defglobal **getprotoby-lock** (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "getprotoby lock"))
39 ;;; msan sanitizer does not intercept getprotobyname_r() and reports that the output
40 ;;; parameter does not get written by the library function. Minimal test program:
41 ;;; #include <netdb.h>
42 ;;; #include <stdio.h>
43 ;;; #include <sanitizer/msan_interface.h>
44 ;;;
45 ;;; long __attribute__((no_sanitize_memory)) get(void* p){ return *(long*)p; }
46 ;;; void main() {
47 ;;; struct protoent ent, *answer;
48 ;;; char strings[1024];
49 ;;; answer = (void*)0xaabbccddee;
50 ;;; __msan_allocated_memory(&answer, 8); // mark it as poisoned
51 ;;; int rc = getprotobyname_r("nosuchproto", &ent, strings, 1024, &answer);
52 ;;; printf("rc=%d answer=%lx\n", rc, get(&answer));
53 ;;; __msan_check_mem_is_initialized(&answer, 8);
54 ;;; }
55 ;;; Result:
56 ;;; rc=0 res=0
57 ;;; Uninitialized bytes in __msan_check_mem_is_initialized at offset 0 inside [0x7ffca9a14580, 8)
58 ;;; ==110705==WARNING: MemorySanitizer: use-of-uninitialized-value
60 ;;; getprotobyname only works in the internet domain, which is why this
61 ;;; is here
62 #-android
63 (defun getprotobyname (name)
64 ;; Brownie Points. Hopefully there's one person out there using
65 ;; RSPF sockets and SBCL who will appreciate the extra info
66 (labels ((protoent-to-values (protoent)
67 (values
68 (sockint::protoent-proto protoent)
69 (sockint::protoent-name protoent)
70 (let ((index 0))
71 (loop
72 for alias = (sb-alien:deref
73 (sockint::protoent-aliases protoent) index)
74 while (not (sb-alien:null-alien alias))
75 do (incf index)
76 collect (sb-alien::c-string-to-string
77 (sb-alien:alien-sap alias)
78 (sb-impl::default-external-format)
79 'character))))))
80 #+(and sb-thread os-provides-getprotoby-r)
81 (let ((buffer-length 1024)
82 (max-buffer 10000)
83 (result-buf nil)
84 (buffer nil)
85 #-solaris
86 (result nil))
87 (declare (type fixnum buffer-length)
88 (type fixnum max-buffer))
89 (loop
90 (unwind-protect
91 (progn
92 (setf result-buf (sb-alien:make-alien sockint::protoent)
93 buffer (sb-alien:make-alien sb-alien:char buffer-length))
94 #-solaris
95 (setf result (sb-alien:make-alien (* sockint::protoent)))
96 (when (or (sb-alien:null-alien result-buf)
97 (sb-alien:null-alien buffer)
98 (sb-alien:null-alien result))
99 (error "Could not allocate foreign memory."))
100 (let ((res (sockint::getprotobyname-r
101 name result-buf buffer buffer-length #-solaris result)))
102 (cond ((eql res 0)
103 #-solaris
104 (when (sb-alien:null-alien
105 ;; See comment above about spurious failure under MSAN.
106 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
107 (sb-alien:deref result 0)))
108 (error 'unknown-protocol :name name))
109 (return-from getprotobyname
110 (protoent-to-values result-buf)))
112 (let ((errno (sb-alien:get-errno)))
113 (cond ((eql errno sb-unix:enoent)
114 ;; Usually caused by missing /etc/protocols
115 (error 'unknown-protocol :name name))
116 ((eql errno sockint::erange)
117 (incf buffer-length 1024)
118 (when (> buffer-length max-buffer)
119 (error "Exceeded max-buffer of ~d" max-buffer)))
121 (error "Unexpected errno ~d" errno))))))))
122 (when result-buf
123 (sb-alien:free-alien result-buf))
124 (when buffer
125 (sb-alien:free-alien buffer))
126 #-solaris
127 (when result
128 (sb-alien:free-alien result)))))
129 #+(or (not sb-thread) (not os-provides-getprotoby-r))
130 (tagbody
131 (flet ((get-it ()
132 (let ((ent (sockint::getprotobyname name)))
133 (if (sb-alien::null-alien ent)
134 (go :error)
135 (return-from getprotobyname (protoent-to-values ent))))))
136 #+sb-thread
137 (sb-int:with-system-mutex (**getprotoby-lock**)
138 (get-it))
139 #-sb-thread
140 (get-it))
141 :error
142 (error 'unknown-protocol :name name))))