Unbreak 32-bit ppc
[sbcl.git] / benchmarks / bbtrees.lisp
1 (setq *evaluator-mode* :compile)
2 (load "src/code/redblack.lisp")
3 (with-compilation-unit () (load "tests/test-util.lisp"))
5 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
6 (import 'sb-int:dovector))
8 (in-package "SB-RBTREE.WORD")
9 (defun height (tree)
10 (sb-int:named-let recurse ((tree tree))
11 (if (not tree)
13 (1+ (max (recurse (left tree)) (recurse (right tree)))))))
14 (compile 'height)
16 (in-package "SB-BROTHERTREE")
17 (defmacro binary-node-parts (node)
18 `(let ((n ,node))
19 (if (fringe-binary-node-p n)
20 (values nil (binary-node-key n) nil) ; has only one data slot
21 ;; has left + right
22 (values (binary-node-%left n) (binary-node-key n) (binary-node-%right n)))))
23 (defun height (tree &aux (n 0))
24 (loop
25 (unless tree (return n))
26 (incf n)
27 ;; We're assuming that the brothertree invariant holds-
28 ;; the left and right heights are the same.
29 (typecase tree
30 (binary-node (setq tree (values (binary-node-parts tree))))
31 (unary-node (setq tree (child tree))))))
32 (compile 'height)
34 (in-package "CL-USER")
35 (defvar *brothertree* nil)
36 (defvar *rbtree* nil)
37 (defvar *solist* nil)
38 (defvar *hash-table* nil)
40 (defvar *lotta-strings*
41 (coerce
42 ;; Collect all pseudostatic symbols and all readonly strings
43 (mapcar (lambda (x)
44 (sb-kernel:%make-lisp-obj
45 (logandc2 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address x)
46 sb-vm:lowtag-mask)))
47 (nconc (sb-vm:list-allocated-objects
48 :dynamic
49 :type sb-vm:symbol-widetag
50 :test (lambda (x) (= (sb-kernel:generation-of x)
51 sb-vm:+pseudo-static-generation+)))
52 (sb-vm:list-allocated-objects
53 :read-only
54 :type sb-vm:simple-base-string-widetag)))
55 'vector))
56 (declaim (simple-vector *lotta-strings*))
58 (defun insert-all-brothertree ()
59 (let ((tree nil))
60 (dovector (str *lotta-strings*)
61 (setq tree (sb-brothertree:insert str tree)))
62 (setq *brothertree* tree)))
64 (defun insert-all-redblack ()
65 (let ((tree nil))
66 (dovector (str *lotta-strings*)
67 ;; because OF COURSE the arg orders are opposite
68 (setq tree (sb-rbtree.word:insert tree str)))
69 (setq *rbtree* tree)))
71 (defun insert-all-solist ()
72 (let ((set (let ((sb-lockless::*desired-elts-per-bin* 2))
73 (sb-lockless:make-so-set/addr))))
74 (dovector (str *lotta-strings*)
75 (sb-lockless:so-insert set str))
76 (setq *solist* set)))
78 (defun insert-all-hash-table ()
79 (let ((set (make-hash-table :test 'eq :synchronized t)))
80 (dovector (str *lotta-strings*)
81 (setf (gethash str set) t))
82 (setq *hash-table* set)))
84 (dolist (test '(insert-all-redblack insert-all-brothertree insert-all-solist insert-all-hash-table))
85 (gc)
86 (format t "Running ~S~%" test)
87 (time (funcall test)))
89 (let ((n (length *lotta-strings*)))
90 (format t "~&Memory:~:{~% ~8a=~8D ~3,1f~}~%"
91 (loop for (name . val) in `(("brother" . ,*brothertree*)
92 ("redblack" . ,*rbtree*)
93 ("solist" . ,*solist*)
94 ("hashtbl " . ,*hash-table*))
95 collect
96 (let ((mem (test-util:deep-size val)))
97 (list name mem (/ mem n))))))
99 (format t "~&Tree heights: redblack=~D brother=~D~2%"
100 (sb-rbtree.word::height *rbtree*)
101 (sb-brothertree::height *brothertree*))
103 (macrolet ((exercise (find-it)
104 `(ecase direction
105 (:up (loop for str across *lotta-strings*
106 count ,find-it))
107 (:down (let ((v *lotta-strings*))
108 (loop for i downfrom (1- (length v)) to 0
109 count (let ((str (svref v i))) ,find-it)))))))
110 (defun find-all-in-brothertree (&optional (direction :up) &aux (tree *brothertree*))
111 (exercise (sb-brothertree:find= str tree)))
112 (defun find-all-in-redblack-tree (&optional (direction :up) &aux (tree *rbtree*))
113 (exercise (sb-rbtree.word:find= str tree)))
114 (defun find-all-in-solist (&optional (direction :up) &aux (set *solist*))
115 (exercise (sb-lockless:so-find set str)))
116 (defun find-all-in-hash-table (&optional (direction :up) &aux (set *hash-table*))
117 (exercise (gethash str set))))
119 ;;; Each test will run *nthreads* threads and each thread will find each item.
120 (defvar *start-sem* (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
121 (defvar *completion-sem* (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
122 (defvar *function-to-run* nil)
123 (defglobal *results* nil)
124 (defun say (s)
125 (declare (simple-base-string s))
126 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (s)
127 ;; avoid interleaved output, usually
128 (sb-unix:unix-write 2 s 0 (length s))))
130 (defmacro with-cycle-counter (form)
131 `(multiple-value-bind (hi0 lo0) (sb-vm::%read-cycle-counter)
132 (values ,form
133 (multiple-value-bind (hi1 lo1) (sb-vm::%read-cycle-counter)
134 (+ (ash (- hi1 hi0) 32) (- lo1 lo0))))))
136 (defun workfun (my-index)
137 (let ((direction-to-scan (if (oddp my-index) :up :down)))
138 (loop ; (say (format nil "thread ~d waiting~%" my-index))
139 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore *start-sem*)
140 ; (say (format nil "thread ~d starting function under test~%" my-index))
141 (let ((test-fun *function-to-run*))
142 (when (null test-fun)
143 ;(say (format nil "thread ~d exiting~%" my-index))
144 (return))
145 ;(say (format nil "thread ~d working~%" my-index))
146 (multiple-value-bind (answer cycle-time)
147 (with-cycle-counter (funcall test-fun direction-to-scan))
148 (assert (= answer (length *lotta-strings*)))
149 (sb-ext:atomic-push cycle-time *results*))
150 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore *completion-sem*)))))
152 (defun perform-work-in-threads (test nthreads)
153 (setf *function-to-run* test
154 *results* nil)
155 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore *start-sem* nthreads)
156 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore *completion-sem* :n nthreads))
158 (defvar *find-tests* '(find-all-in-brothertree find-all-in-redblack-tree
159 find-all-in-solist find-all-in-hash-table))
161 (defun test-nthreads (&optional (nthreads 6))
162 (let ((threads (make-array nthreads)))
163 (dotimes (i nthreads)
164 (setf (aref threads i) (sb-thread:make-thread #'workfun :arguments (list i))))
165 (dolist (test *find-tests*)
166 (format t "~&Testing ~S~%" test)
167 (time (perform-work-in-threads test nthreads))
168 (let* ((cycle-times *results*)
169 (min (reduce #'min cycle-times))
170 (max (reduce #'max cycle-times))
171 (sum (reduce #'+ cycle-times)))
172 (format t " ==> min=~E max=~E avg=~E~2%"
173 min max (/ sum nthreads))))
174 (setq *function-to-run* nil)
175 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore *start-sem* nthreads)
176 (map nil #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)))
179 * (load"benchmarks/bbtrees")
180 Evaluation took:
181 0.012 seconds of real time
182 0.012138 seconds of total run time (0.012086 user, 0.000052 system)
183 100.00% CPU
184 29,126,552 processor cycles
185 21,916,768 bytes consed
187 Evaluation took:
188 0.007 seconds of real time
189 0.007634 seconds of total run time (0.007550 user, 0.000084 system)
190 114.29% CPU
191 18,334,338 processor cycles
192 18,640,080 bytes consed
194 Tree heights: redblack=25 brother=16