CHANGE-CLASS now works correctly on unbound slots
[sbcl.git] / src / code / package.lisp
1 ;;;; that part of the CMU CL package.lisp file which can run on the
2 ;;;; cross-compilation host
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
15 ;;;; the PACKAGE-HASHTABLE structure
17 ;;; comment from CMU CL:
18 ;;; Packages are implemented using a special kind of hashtable. It is
19 ;;; an open hashtable with a parallel 8-bit I-vector of hash-codes. The
20 ;;; primary purpose of the hash for each entry is to reduce paging by
21 ;;; allowing collisions and misses to be detected without paging in the
22 ;;; symbol and pname for an entry. If the hash for an entry doesn't
23 ;;; match that for the symbol that we are looking for, then we can
24 ;;; go on without touching the symbol, pname, or even hastable vector.
25 ;;; It turns out that, contrary to my expectations, paging is a very
26 ;;; important consideration the design of the package representation.
27 ;;; Using a similar scheme without the entry hash, the fasloader was
28 ;;; spending more than half its time paging in INTERN.
29 ;;; The hash code also indicates the status of an entry. If it zero,
30 ;;; the entry is unused. If it is one, then it is deleted.
31 ;;; Double-hashing is used for collision resolution.
33 (def!type hash-vector () '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
35 (def!struct (package-hashtable
36 (:constructor %make-package-hashtable
37 (table hash size &aux (free size)))
38 (:copier nil))
39 ;; The g-vector of symbols.
40 (table (missing-arg) :type simple-vector)
41 ;; The i-vector of pname hash values.
42 (hash (missing-arg) :type hash-vector)
43 ;; The total number of entries allowed before resizing.
45 ;; FIXME: CAPACITY would be a more descriptive name. (This is
46 ;; related to but not quite the same as HASH-TABLE-SIZE, so calling
47 ;; it SIZE seems somewhat misleading.)
48 (size (missing-arg) :type index)
49 ;; The remaining number of entries that can be made before we have to rehash.
50 (free (missing-arg) :type index)
51 ;; The number of deleted entries.
52 (deleted 0 :type index))
54 ;;;; the PACKAGE structure
56 ;;; KLUDGE: We use DEF!STRUCT to define this not because we need to
57 ;;; manipulate target package objects on the cross-compilation host,
58 ;;; but only because its MAKE-LOAD-FORM function needs to be hooked
59 ;;; into the pre-CLOS DEF!STRUCT MAKE-LOAD-FORM system so that we can
60 ;;; compile things like IN-PACKAGE in warm init before CLOS is set up.
61 ;;; The DEF!STRUCT side effect of defining a new PACKAGE type on the
62 ;;; cross-compilation host is just a nuisance, and in order to avoid
63 ;;; breaking the cross-compilation host, we need to work around it
64 ;;; around by putting the new PACKAGE type (and the PACKAGEP predicate
65 ;;; too..) into SB!XC. -- WHN 20000309
66 (def!struct (sb!xc:package
67 (:constructor internal-make-package)
68 (:make-load-form-fun (lambda (p)
69 (values `(find-undeleted-package-or-lose
70 ',(package-name p))
71 nil)))
72 (:predicate sb!xc:packagep))
73 #!+sb-doc
74 "the standard structure for the description of a package"
75 ;; the name of the package, or NIL for a deleted package
76 (%name nil :type (or simple-string null))
77 ;; nickname strings
78 (%nicknames () :type list)
79 ;; packages used by this package
80 (%use-list () :type list)
81 ;; a simple-vector of the external symbol hashtables for used packages.
82 ;; Derived from %USE-LIST, but maintained separately.
83 (tables #() :type simple-vector)
84 ;; index into TABLES of the table in which an inherited symbol was most
85 ;; recently found. On the next FIND-SYMBOL* operation, the indexed table
86 ;; is tested first.
87 (mru-table-index 0 :type index)
88 ;; packages that use this package
89 (%used-by-list () :type list)
90 ;; PACKAGE-HASHTABLEs of internal & external symbols
91 (internal-symbols (missing-arg) :type package-hashtable)
92 (external-symbols (missing-arg) :type package-hashtable)
93 ;; shadowing symbols
94 (%shadowing-symbols () :type list)
95 ;; documentation string for this package
96 (doc-string nil :type (or simple-string null))
97 ;; package locking
98 #!+sb-package-locks
99 (lock nil :type boolean)
100 #!+sb-package-locks
101 (%implementation-packages nil :type list)
102 ;; Definition source location
103 (source-location nil :type (or null sb!c:definition-source-location))
104 ;; Local package nicknames.
105 (%local-nicknames nil :type list)
106 (%locally-nicknamed-by nil :type list))
108 ;;;; iteration macros
110 (defmacro-mundanely do-symbols ((var &optional
111 (package '*package*)
112 result-form)
113 &body body-decls)
114 #!+sb-doc
116 Executes the FORMs at least once for each symbol accessible in the given
117 PACKAGE with VAR bound to the current symbol."
118 (multiple-value-bind (body decls)
119 (parse-body body-decls :doc-string-allowed nil)
120 (let ((flet-name (sb!xc:gensym "DO-SYMBOLS-")))
121 `(block nil
122 (flet ((,flet-name (,var)
123 ,@decls
124 (tagbody ,@body)))
125 (let* ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose ,package))
126 (shadows (package-%shadowing-symbols package)))
127 (flet ((iterate-over-hash-table (table ignore)
128 (let ((hash-vec (package-hashtable-hash table))
129 (sym-vec (package-hashtable-table table)))
130 (dotimes (i (length sym-vec))
131 (when (>= (aref hash-vec i) 2)
132 (let ((sym (aref sym-vec i)))
133 (declare (inline member))
134 (unless (member sym ignore :test #'string=)
135 (,flet-name sym))))))))
136 (iterate-over-hash-table (package-internal-symbols package) nil)
137 (iterate-over-hash-table (package-external-symbols package) nil)
138 (dolist (use (package-%use-list package))
139 (iterate-over-hash-table (package-external-symbols use)
140 shadows)))))
141 (let ((,var nil))
142 (declare (ignorable ,var))
143 ,@decls
144 ,result-form)))))
146 (defmacro-mundanely do-external-symbols ((var &optional
147 (package '*package*)
148 result-form)
149 &body body-decls)
150 #!+sb-doc
152 Executes the FORMs once for each external symbol in the given PACKAGE with
153 VAR bound to the current symbol."
154 (multiple-value-bind (body decls)
155 (parse-body body-decls :doc-string-allowed nil)
156 (let ((flet-name (sb!xc:gensym "DO-SYMBOLS-")))
157 `(block nil
158 (flet ((,flet-name (,var)
159 ,@decls
160 (tagbody ,@body)))
161 (let* ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose ,package))
162 (table (package-external-symbols package))
163 (hash-vec (package-hashtable-hash table))
164 (sym-vec (package-hashtable-table table)))
165 (dotimes (i (length sym-vec))
166 (when (>= (aref hash-vec i) 2)
167 (,flet-name (aref sym-vec i))))))
168 (let ((,var nil))
169 (declare (ignorable ,var))
170 ,@decls
171 ,result-form)))))
173 (defmacro-mundanely do-all-symbols ((var &optional
174 result-form)
175 &body body-decls)
176 #!+sb-doc
178 Executes the FORMs once for each symbol in every package with VAR bound
179 to the current symbol."
180 (multiple-value-bind (body decls)
181 (parse-body body-decls :doc-string-allowed nil)
182 (let ((flet-name (sb!xc:gensym "DO-SYMBOLS-")))
183 `(block nil
184 (flet ((,flet-name (,var)
185 ,@decls
186 (tagbody ,@body)))
187 (dolist (package (list-all-packages))
188 (flet ((iterate-over-hash-table (table)
189 (let ((hash-vec (package-hashtable-hash table))
190 (sym-vec (package-hashtable-table table)))
191 (dotimes (i (length sym-vec))
192 (when (>= (aref hash-vec i) 2)
193 (,flet-name (aref sym-vec i)))))))
194 (iterate-over-hash-table (package-internal-symbols package))
195 (iterate-over-hash-table (package-external-symbols package)))))
196 (let ((,var nil))
197 (declare (ignorable ,var))
198 ,@decls
199 ,result-form)))))
203 (defmacro-mundanely with-package-iterator ((mname package-list
204 &rest symbol-types)
205 &body body)
206 #!+sb-doc
207 "Within the lexical scope of the body forms, MNAME is defined via macrolet
208 such that successive invocations of (MNAME) will return the symbols, one by
209 one, from the packages in PACKAGE-LIST. SYMBOL-TYPES may be any
211 (with-unique-names (packages these-packages counter kind hash-vector vector
212 package-use-list init-macro end-test-macro real-symbol-p
213 inherited-symbol-p BLOCK)
214 (let ((ordered-types (let ((res nil))
215 (dolist (kind '(:inherited :external :internal) res)
216 (when (member kind symbol-types)
217 (push kind res)))))) ; Order SYMBOL-TYPES.
218 `(let* ((,these-packages ,package-list)
219 (,packages `,(mapcar (lambda (package)
220 (if (packagep package)
221 package
223 (or (find-package package)
224 (error 'simple-package-error
225 ;; could be a character
226 :package (string package)
227 :format-control "~@<~S does not name a package ~:>"
228 :format-arguments (list package)))))
229 (if (consp ,these-packages)
230 ,these-packages
231 (list ,these-packages))))
232 (,counter nil)
233 (,kind (car ,packages))
234 (,hash-vector nil)
235 (,vector nil)
236 (,package-use-list nil))
237 ,(if (member :inherited ordered-types)
238 `(setf ,package-use-list (package-%use-list (car ,packages)))
239 `(declare (ignore ,package-use-list)))
240 (macrolet ((,init-macro (next-kind)
241 (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
242 (let ((symbols (gensym)))
243 `(progn
244 (setf ,',kind ,next-kind)
245 (setf ,',counter nil)
246 ,(case next-kind
247 (:internal
248 `(let ((,symbols (package-internal-symbols
249 (car ,',packages))))
250 (when ,symbols
251 (setf ,',vector (package-hashtable-table ,symbols))
252 (setf ,',hash-vector
253 (package-hashtable-hash ,symbols)))))
254 (:external
255 `(let ((,symbols (package-external-symbols
256 (car ,',packages))))
257 (when ,symbols
258 (setf ,',vector (package-hashtable-table ,symbols))
259 (setf ,',hash-vector
260 (package-hashtable-hash ,symbols)))))
261 (:inherited
262 `(let ((,symbols (and ,',package-use-list
263 (package-external-symbols
264 (car ,',package-use-list)))))
265 (when ,symbols
266 (setf ,',vector (package-hashtable-table ,symbols))
267 (setf ,',hash-vector
268 (package-hashtable-hash ,symbols)))))))))
269 (,end-test-macro (this-kind)
270 `,(let ((next-kind (cadr (member this-kind
271 ',ordered-types))))
272 (if next-kind
273 `(,',init-macro ,next-kind)
274 `(if (endp (setf ,',packages (cdr ,',packages)))
275 (return-from ,',BLOCK)
276 (,',init-macro ,(car ',ordered-types)))))))
277 (when ,packages
278 ,(when (null symbol-types)
279 (error 'simple-program-error
280 :format-control
281 "At least one of :INTERNAL, :EXTERNAL, or ~
282 :INHERITED must be supplied."))
283 ,(dolist (symbol symbol-types)
284 (unless (member symbol '(:internal :external :inherited))
285 (error 'simple-program-error
286 :format-control
287 "~S is not one of :INTERNAL, :EXTERNAL, or :INHERITED."
288 :format-arguments (list symbol))))
289 (,init-macro ,(car ordered-types))
290 (flet ((,real-symbol-p (number)
291 (> number 1)))
292 (macrolet ((,mname ()
293 (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
294 `(block ,',BLOCK
295 (loop
296 (case ,',kind
297 ,@(when (member :internal ',ordered-types)
298 `((:internal
299 (setf ,',counter
300 (position-if #',',real-symbol-p
301 (the hash-vector ,',hash-vector)
302 :start (if ,',counter
303 (1+ ,',counter)
304 0)))
305 (if ,',counter
306 (return-from ,',BLOCK
307 (values t (svref ,',vector ,',counter)
308 ,',kind (car ,',packages)))
309 (,',end-test-macro :internal)))))
310 ,@(when (member :external ',ordered-types)
311 `((:external
312 (setf ,',counter
313 (position-if #',',real-symbol-p
314 (the hash-vector ,',hash-vector)
315 :start (if ,',counter
316 (1+ ,',counter)
317 0)))
318 (if ,',counter
319 (return-from ,',BLOCK
320 (values t (svref ,',vector ,',counter)
321 ,',kind (car ,',packages)))
322 (,',end-test-macro :external)))))
323 ,@(when (member :inherited ',ordered-types)
324 `((:inherited
325 (flet ((,',inherited-symbol-p (number)
326 (when (,',real-symbol-p number)
327 (let* ((p (position
328 number
329 (the hash-vector
330 ,',hash-vector)
331 :start (if ,',counter
332 (1+ ,',counter)
333 0)))
334 (s (svref ,',vector p)))
335 (eql (nth-value
336 1 (find-symbol
337 (symbol-name s)
338 (car ,',packages)))
339 :inherited)))))
340 (setf ,',counter
341 (when ,',hash-vector
342 (position-if #',',inherited-symbol-p
343 (the hash-vector
344 ,',hash-vector)
345 :start (if ,',counter
346 (1+ ,',counter)
347 0)))))
348 (cond (,',counter
349 (return-from
350 ,',BLOCK
351 (values t (svref ,',vector ,',counter)
352 ,',kind (car ,',packages))
355 (setf ,',package-use-list
356 (cdr ,',package-use-list))
357 (cond ((endp ,',package-use-list)
358 (setf ,',packages (cdr ,',packages))
359 (when (endp ,',packages)
360 (return-from ,',BLOCK))
361 (setf ,',package-use-list
362 (package-%use-list
363 (car ,',packages)))
364 (,',init-macro ,(car
365 ',ordered-types)))
366 (t (,',init-macro :inherited)
367 (setf ,',counter nil)))))))))))))
368 ,@body))))))))
370 (defmacro-mundanely with-package-graph ((&key) &body forms)
371 `(flet ((thunk () ,@forms))
372 (declare (dynamic-extent #'thunk))
373 (call-with-package-graph #'thunk)))