Simpify (X - (X & mask)) to (X & ~mask)
[sbcl.git] / tests / find-tests.lisp
1 (defun find-test-files ()
2 (append (directory "*.pure.lisp") (directory "*.impure.lisp")))
4 (defun file-tests (file)
5 (with-simple-restart (continue "Skip file ~S" file)
6 (let ((string (with-open-file (stream file
7 :direction :input
8 :element-type 'character
9 :external-format :utf-8)
10 (with-output-to-string (output)
11 (let ((buffer (make-string 4096)))
12 (loop for characters-read = (read-sequence buffer stream)
13 do (write-sequence buffer output :end characters-read)
14 while (= characters-read 4096)))))))
15 (loop with prefix = "(with-test "
16 for match = (search prefix string) then (search prefix string :start2 position)
17 for position = (when match (+ match (length prefix)))
18 while position
19 appending (with-simple-restart (continue "Skip WITH-TEST form")
20 (let* ((options (read-from-string string nil nil :start position))
21 (name (getf options :name)))
22 (list (cons name file))))))))
24 (defun all-tests ()
25 (let ((skip-count 0))
26 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition)
27 (declare (ignore condition))
28 (incf skip-count)
29 (continue))))
30 (prog1
31 (mapcan #'file-tests (find-test-files))
32 (when (plusp skip-count)
33 (warn "Skipped ~D WITH-TEST form~:P" skip-count))))))
35 (defun in-name-p (query name)
36 (let ((query (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user)))
37 (with-standard-io-syntax
38 (read-from-string query)))))
39 (labels ((in-name-p (name)
40 (typecase name
41 (cons (some #'in-name-p name))
42 (t (equal query name)))))
43 (in-name-p name))))
45 (defun in-name-p/fuzzy (query name)
46 (let ((query (string-downcase query)))
47 (labels ((in-name-p (name)
48 (typecase name
49 (cons (some #'in-name-p name))
50 (symbol (search query (string-downcase name)))
51 (t (search query (princ-to-string name))))))
52 (in-name-p name))))
54 (defun tests-for (query &key (test #'in-name-p/fuzzy))
55 (remove query (all-tests) :test-not test :key #'car))
57 (defun print-matches (matches &key (stream *standard-output*))
58 (let ((*print-right-margin* most-positive-fixnum)
59 (*print-miser-width* most-positive-fixnum))
60 (loop for (name . file) in matches
61 do (format stream "~32@<~A:~> ~S~%"
62 (enough-namestring file *default-pathname-defaults*) name))))
64 (multiple-value-bind (predicate queries)
65 (let ((args (rest sb-ext:*posix-argv*)))
66 (if (equal (first args) "--fuzzy")
67 (values #'in-name-p/fuzzy (rest args))
68 (values #'in-name-p args)))
69 (dolist (query queries)
70 (print-matches (tests-for query :test predicate))))