gencgc: Don't use defconstant for DYNAMIC-SPACE-END
[sbcl.git] / src / code / setf-funs.lisp
1 ;;;; stuff to automatically generate SETF functions for all the standard
2 ;;;; functions that are currently implemented with SETF macros
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB-KERNEL")
15 ;;; Fix unknown types in globaldb
16 (let ((l nil))
17 (do-all-symbols (s)
18 (when (and (fboundp s) (not (macro-function s)))
19 (let ((ftype (info :function :type s)))
20 (when (contains-unknown-type-p ftype)
21 (setf (info :function :type s)
22 (specifier-type (type-specifier ftype)))
23 (push s l)))))
24 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
25 (*print-length* nil))
26 (format t "~&; Fixed ftypes: ~S~%" (sort l #'string<))))
28 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
30 (defun compute-one-setter (name type)
31 (let ((args (second type)))
32 (cond
33 ((null (intersection args lambda-list-keywords))
34 (let ((res (type-specifier
35 (single-value-type
36 (values-specifier-type (third type)))))
37 (arglist (cons 'newval (or (sb-kernel:%fun-lambda-list
38 (symbol-function name))
39 ;; For low debug builds
40 (make-gensym-list (length args))))))
41 `(locally
42 (declare (muffle-conditions
43 ;; Expect SETF macro + function warnings.
44 (and style-warning
45 ;; Expect none of these,
46 ;; but just to make sure, show them.
47 (not sb-c:inlining-dependency-failure))))
48 (defun (setf ,name) ,arglist
49 (declare ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg type) `(type ,type ,arg))
50 arglist (cons res args)))
51 (setf (,name ,@(rest arglist)) ,(first arglist))))))
53 (warn "hairy SETF expander for function ~S" name)
54 nil))))
56 ;;; FIXME: should probably become MACROLET, but inline functions
57 ;;; within a macrolet capture the whole macrolet, which is dumb.
58 (defmacro define-setters (packages &rest ignore)
59 (collect ((res))
60 (dolist (pkg packages)
61 (do-external-symbols (sym pkg)
62 (when (and (fboundp sym)
63 (eq (info :function :kind sym) :function)
64 (info :setf :expander sym)
65 (not (memq sym ignore)))
66 (res sym))))
67 `(progn
68 ,@(mapcan
69 (lambda (sym)
70 (let ((type (type-specifier (proclaimed-ftype sym))))
71 (aver (consp type))
72 (list
73 #-sb-fluid `(declaim (inline (setf ,sym)))
74 (compute-one-setter sym type))))
75 (sort (res) #'string<)))))
77 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
79 (define-setters ("COMMON-LISP")
80 ;; Semantically silly...
81 getf apply ldb mask-field logbitp values
82 ;; Hairy lambda list
83 get subseq
84 ;; Have explicit redundant definitions...
85 bit sbit aref gethash)