Build sb-perf only on linux.
[sbcl.git] / make-host-1.lisp
1 (progn
2 (load "src/cold/shared.lisp")
3 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
4 (*print-length* nil))
5 (dolist (thing '(("SB-XC" "*FEATURES*")
7 (let* ((sym (intern (cadr thing) (car thing)))
8 (val (symbol-value sym)))
9 (when val
10 (format t "~&target ~S = ~S~%" sym val))))))
11 (in-package "SB-COLD")
12 #+sbcl
13 (declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions
14 sb-ext:compiler-note
15 (satisfies optional+key-style-warning-p)))
16 (progn
17 (setf *host-obj-prefix* (if (boundp 'cl-user::*sbcl-host-obj-prefix*)
18 (symbol-value 'cl-user::*sbcl-host-obj-prefix*)
19 "obj/from-host/"))
20 (load "src/cold/set-up-cold-packages.lisp")
21 (load "src/cold/defun-load-or-cload-xcompiler.lisp")
23 ;; Supress function/macro redefinition warnings under clisp.
24 #+clisp (setf custom:*suppress-check-redefinition* t)
26 (defmacro maybe-with-compilation-unit (&body forms)
27 ;; A compilation-unit seems to kill the compile. I'm not sure if it's
28 ;; running out of memory or what. I don't care to find out,
29 ;; but it's most definitely the cause of the breakage.
30 #+clisp `(progn ,@forms)
32 #+sbcl
33 ;; Watch for deferred warnings under SBCL.
34 ;; UNDEFINED-VARIABLE does not cause COMPILE-FILE to return warnings-p
35 ;; unless outside a compilation unit. You find out about it only upon
36 ;; exit of SUMMARIZE-COMPILATION-UNIT. So we set up a handler for that.
37 `(let (warnp style-warnp)
38 (handler-bind ((style-warning
39 ;; Any unmuffled STYLE-WARNING should fail
40 ;; These would typically be from undefined functions,
41 ;; or optional-and-key when that was visible.
42 (lambda (c)
43 (signal c) ; won't do SETQ if MUFFLE-WARNING is invoked
44 (setq style-warnp 'style-warning)))
45 (simple-warning
46 (lambda (c)
47 (declare (ignore c))
48 (setq warnp 'warning))))
49 (with-compilation-unit () ,@forms))
50 (when (and (string>= (cl:lisp-implementation-version) "2")
51 (or warnp style-warnp) *fail-on-warnings*)
52 (cerror "Proceed anyway"
53 "make-host-1 stopped due to unexpected ~A." (or warnp style-warnp))))
55 #-(or clisp sbcl) `(with-compilation-unit () ,@forms)))
57 ;;; Return T if we can skip rebuild of unicode data when re-running make-host-1.
58 (defun outputs-up-to-date (inputs outputs)
59 (let ((min-output-stamp))
60 (dolist (name outputs)
61 (unless (probe-file name)
62 (return-from outputs-up-to-date nil))
63 (let ((time (file-write-date name)))
64 (when (or (null min-output-stamp) (< time min-output-stamp))
65 (setq min-output-stamp time))))
66 (> min-output-stamp
67 (reduce #'max inputs :key #'file-write-date))))
69 (defvar *ucd-inputs*)
70 (defvar *ucd-outputs*)
72 ;;; Build the unicode database now. It depends on nothing in the cross-compiler
73 ;;; (and let's keep it that way). This code is slow to run, so compile it.
74 (multiple-value-bind (inputs outputs)
75 (with-open-file (stream "src/cold/ucd-filespecs.lisp-expr")
76 (values (read stream) (read stream)))
77 (unless (outputs-up-to-date inputs outputs)
78 (format t "~&; Building Unicode data~%")
79 (ensure-directories-exist "output/ucd/")
80 (let ((*ucd-inputs* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
81 (*ucd-outputs* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
82 (dolist (input inputs)
83 (setf (gethash input *ucd-inputs*) 'unused))
84 (dolist (output outputs)
85 (setf (gethash output *ucd-outputs*) 'unmade))
86 (let ((object (apply #'compile-file "tools-for-build/ucd.lisp"
87 ;; ECL creates its compiled files beside
88 ;; the truename of a source; that's bad
89 ;; when we're in a build tree of symlinks.
90 #+ecl
91 (list
92 :output-file
93 (compile-file-pathname "tools-for-build/ucd.lisp"))
94 #-ecl
95 ())))
96 (setf (gethash "tools-for-build/ucd.lisp" *ucd-inputs*) 'used)
97 (load object :verbose t)
98 (delete-file object))
99 (dolist (s '(sb-cold::slurp-ucd sb-cold::slurp-proplist sb-cold::output))
100 (funcall s))
101 (let (unused-inputs extra-inputs unused-outputs extra-outputs)
102 (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (eql v 'unused) (push k unused-inputs))) *ucd-inputs*)
103 (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (and (eql v 'used) (not (member k inputs :test 'equal)))
104 (push k extra-inputs)))
105 *ucd-inputs*)
106 (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (eql v 'unmade) (push k unused-outputs))) *ucd-outputs*)
107 (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (and (eql v 'made) (not (member k outputs :test 'equal)))
108 (push k extra-outputs)))
109 *ucd-outputs*)
110 (unless (and (null unused-inputs) (null extra-inputs)
111 (null unused-outputs) (null extra-outputs))
112 (error "~&~@[Unused ucd inputs: ~A~%~]~
113 ~@[Extra ucd inputs: ~A~%~]~
114 ~@[Uncreated ucd outputs: ~A~%~]~
115 ~@[Extra ucd outputs: ~A~%~]"
116 unused-inputs extra-inputs
117 unused-outputs extra-outputs))))))
119 ;;; I don't know the best combination of OPTIMIZE qualities to produce a correct
120 ;;; and reasonably fast cross-compiler in ECL. At over half an hour to complete
121 ;;; make-host-{1,2}, I don't really want to waste any more time finding out.
122 ;;; These settings work, while the defaults do not.
123 #+ecl (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (debug 2)))
125 (maybe-with-compilation-unit
126 ;; If make-host-1 is parallelized, it will produce host fasls without loading
127 ;; them. The host will have interpreted definitions of most everything,
128 ;; which is OK because writing out the C headers is not compute-intensive.
129 (load-or-cload-xcompiler #'host-cload-stem)
130 ;; propagate structure offset and other information to the C runtime
131 ;; support code.
132 (load "tools-for-build/corefile.lisp" :verbose nil)
133 (host-cload-stem "src/compiler/generic/genesis" nil)
134 ) ; END with-compilation-unit
136 (unless (member :crossbuild-test sb-xc:*features*)
137 (sb-cold:genesis :c-header-dir-name "src/runtime/genesis"))