Take out ~s out of format nil optimization.
[sbcl.git] / tests / backq.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests of backquote readmacro
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (in-package "CL-USER")
16 (with-test (:name :backq-smoke-test)
17 (assert (equalp (macroexpand '`#(() a #(#() nil x) #()))
18 ''#(NIL A #(#() NIL X) #()))))
20 (defparameter *qq* '(*rr* *ss*))
21 (defparameter *rr* '(3 5))
22 (defparameter *ss* '(4 6))
24 (defun *rr* (x)
25 (reduce #'* x))
27 (defparameter *x* '(a b))
28 (defparameter *y* '(c))
29 (defparameter *p* '(append *x* *y*))
30 (defparameter *q* '((append *x* *y*) (list 'sqrt 9)))
31 (defparameter *r* '(append *x* *y*))
32 (defparameter *s* '((append *x* *y*)))
34 (defun test-double-backquote (expression value)
35 #+nil(format t "~&Testing: ~A... " expression)
36 (assert (equal (eval (eval (read-from-string expression)))
37 value))
38 #+nil(progn (format t "Ok. Look at PPRINTed version: ")
39 (pprint (read-from-string expression))))
41 (defparameter *backquote-tests*
42 '(("``(,,*QQ*)" . (24))
43 ("``(,@,*QQ*)" . 24)
44 ("``(,,@*QQ*)" . ((3 5) (4 6)))
45 ("``(FOO ,,*P*)" . (foo (a b c)))
46 ("``(FOO ,,@*Q*)" . (foo (a b c) (sqrt 9)))
47 ("``(FOO ,',*R*)" . (foo (append *x* *y*)))
48 ("``(FOO ,',@*S*)" . (foo (append *x* *y*)))
49 ("``(FOO ,@,*P*)" . (foo a b c))
50 ("``(FOO ,@',*R*)" . (foo append *x* *y*))
51 ;; The following expression produces different result under LW.
52 ("``(FOO . ,,@*Q*)" . (foo a b c sqrt 9))
53 ;; These three did not work.
54 ("``(FOO ,@',@*S*)" . (foo append *x* *y*))
55 ("``(FOO ,@,@*Q*)" . (foo a b c sqrt 9))
56 ("``(,@,@*QQ*)" . (3 5 4 6))))
58 (mapc (lambda (test)
59 (test-double-backquote (car test) (cdr test)))
60 *backquote-tests*)
62 (let ((string "`(foobar a b ,c ,'(e f g) d ,@'(e f g) (h i j) ,@foo)"))
63 (assert (equalp (print (read-from-string string)) (read-from-string string))))
65 (let ((a '`(1 ,@a ,@b ,.c ,.d)))
66 (let ((*print-circle* t))
67 (assert (equalp (read-from-string (write-to-string a)) a))))
69 (let ((s '``(,,@(list 1 2 3) 10)))
70 (assert (equal (eval (eval s)) '(1 2 3 10))))
72 (with-test (:name :sharp-dot-resets-backquote-depth)
73 (assert (equalp `#.(write-to-string (read-from-string "#(1 2 3)"))
74 "#(1 2 3)"))
75 (assert (eq :error
76 (handler-case (read-from-string "`(foo bar #.(max 5 ,*print-base*))")
77 (reader-error () :error)))))
79 (with-test (:name :triple-backquote)
80 (flet ((expect (expect val)
81 (assert (string= (write-to-string val) expect))))
82 (let ((plet/fast 'val1)
83 (expr '```(,',',plet/fast ,',kernel ,@body)))
84 (declare (special plet/fast))
85 (expect "```(,',',PLET/FAST ,',KERNEL ,@BODY)" expr)
86 (expect "``(,','VAL1 ,',KERNEL ,@BODY)" (eval expr))
87 (let ((kernel 'val2))
88 (declare (special kernel))
89 (expect "`(,'VAL1 ,'VAL2 ,@BODY)" (eval (eval expr)))
90 (let ((body '((fn) (otherfn))))
91 (declare (special body))
92 (expect "(VAL1 VAL2 (FN) (OTHERFN))" (eval (eval (eval expr)))))))))
94 (defmacro broken-macro (more-bindings)
95 `(macrolet ((with-bindings (&body body)
96 `(let ((thing1 :something) ,',@more-bindings) ,@body)))
97 (with-bindings (thing))))
99 ;; In the above macro (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)) can be rendered unevaluable
100 ;; due to syntax error via improper format of MORE-BINDINGS.
101 ;; Regardless, the pprinter should faithfully indicate how BROKEN-MACRO expands.
102 ;; All of these tests except for the baseline "accidentally working" case
103 ;; either crashed the pprinter or displayed incorrectly.
104 (with-test (:name :bug-1063414-unprintable-nested-backquote)
105 (flet ((expect (expect form)
106 (assert (string= (write-to-string (macroexpand-1 form))
107 expect))))
109 ;; this example's expansion is correct but only by accident
112 ,@BODY)))
113 (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)))" '(broken-macro ((var val))))
115 ;; this example should correctly print QUOTE with no operand
118 ,@BODY)))
119 (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)))" '(broken-macro nil))
121 ;; ... or two operands
124 ,@BODY)))
125 (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)))" '(broken-macro ((var :some-form) (var2 2))))
127 ;; ... or an attempt to bind the symbol NIL
130 ,@BODY)))
131 (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)))" '(broken-macro (nil)))
133 ;; ... or even a meaningless dotted-list QUOTE form
136 ,@BODY)))
137 (WITH-BINDINGS (THING)))" '(broken-macro frob))))
139 (with-test (:name :preserving-inner-backquotes)
140 (flet ((expect (expect val)
141 (assert (string= (write-to-string val) expect))))
143 ;; Continuing with *BACKQUOTE-TESTS*, instead of checking for the value
144 ;; after twice evaluating, check for expected printed form after one eval.
145 (expect "`(,(*RR* *SS*))" ``(,,*QQ*))
146 (expect "`(,@(*RR* *SS*))" ``(,@,*QQ*))
147 (expect "`(,*RR* ,*SS*)" ``(,,@*QQ*))
149 ;; Three tests inspired by tests from CLISP, but our expected answers are,
150 ;; I think, better because inner backquotes are preserved.
151 (expect "(FOO `(BAR ,@'((BAZ 'A A) (BAZ 'B B) (BAZ 'C C) (BAZ 'D D))))"
152 (let ((list '(a b c d)))
153 `(foo `(bar ,@',(mapcar (lambda (sym) `(baz ',sym ,sym))
154 list)))))
156 (expect "```,,,X" ````,,,,'x)
158 ;; In this one the leftmost backquote's comma is the second from the left.
159 ;; That subform is "`,3" which is just 3. The inner quasiquote remains.
160 (expect "`,3" ``,,`,3)))
162 (with-test (:name :preserving-backquotes-difficult)
163 (assert (string= (write-to-string
164 (let ((c 'cee) (d 'dee) (g 'gee) (h 'hooray))
165 `(`(a ,b ,',c ,,d) . `(e ,f ,',g ,,h))))
166 "(`(A ,B ,'CEE ,DEE) . `(E ,F ,'GEE ,HOORAY))"))
167 (assert (string= (write-to-string
168 (let ((c 'cee) (d 'dee) (g 'gee) (h 'hooray))
169 `(foo `(a ,b ,',c ,,d) . `(e ,f ,',g ,,h))))
170 "(FOO `(A ,B ,'CEE ,DEE) . `(E ,F ,'GEE ,HOORAY))")))
172 (with-test (:name :backquote-permissible-circularity)
173 (flet ((expect (expect val)
174 (assert (string= (write-to-string val) expect))))
175 (let ((*print-circle* t))
176 ;; this should be agnostic of the circular form after the comma
177 (expect "`(FOO BAR ,(HI '#1=(BAR FOO #1# . #1#)))"
178 '`(FOO BAR ,(HI '#1=(BAR FOO #1# . #1#)))))))
180 (with-test (:name :read-backq-missing-expression)
181 (assert (string= (handler-case (read-from-string "`(foo ,@)")
182 (sb-int:simple-reader-error (c)
183 (simple-condition-format-control c)))
184 "Trailing ~A in backquoted expression.")))
185 (with-test (:name :read-backq-vector-illegal)
186 (assert (eql (search "Improper list"
187 (handler-case
188 (read-from-string "`((a #(foo bar . ,(cons 1 2))))")
189 (sb-int:simple-reader-error (c)
190 (simple-condition-format-control c))))
191 0)))
193 (with-test (:name :backq-vector)
194 (assert-error (eval (read-from-string "`#(,@#())")))
195 (assert-error (eval (read-from-string "`#(,@`#())")))
196 (assert (equalp `#(,@(list 1 2 3)) #(1 2 3)))
197 (assert (equalp `#(0 ,@(list 1 2 3)) #(0 1 2 3)))
198 (assert (equalp `#(,@(list 1 2 3) ,4) #(1 2 3 4))))
200 (with-test (:name :backq-standard-list-constructors)
201 (assert (equal (macroexpand '`(,.(list 1 2 3) 4))
202 '(nconc (list 1 2 3) '(4))))
203 (assert (equal (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'sb-int:quasiquote)
204 '`(,.(list 1 2 3) 4) nil)
205 '(nconc (list 1 2 3) '(4))))
206 (assert (equal (macroexpand '`(,@(list 1 2 3) 4))
207 '(append (list 1 2 3) '(4))))
208 (assert (equal (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'sb-int:quasiquote)
209 '`(,@(list 1 2 3) 4) nil)
210 '(sb-impl::|Append| (list 1 2 3) '(4)))))
212 (in-package sb-impl)
214 (test-util:with-test (:name :backquote-more-weirdness)
215 ;; No expectation on any other Lisp.
216 (flet ((expect (expect val)
217 (assert (string= (write-to-string val) expect))))
218 ;; There is one quasiquote and one comma
220 '`(quasiquote quasiquote cadr ,foo))
221 ;; There are three quasiquotes
222 (expect "```(CADR ,FOO)"
223 '`(quasiquote (quasiquote (cadr ,foo))))))