Fix FORMAT compilation on non-simple strings.
[sbcl.git] / tests / eval.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; various tests of EVAL with side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; Note: this stuff gets loaded in (by LOAD) and is therefore
15 ;;;; evaluated by EVAL, rather than compiled and then loaded; this is
16 ;;;; why this idiom (a sequence of top-level forms) works as a test of
17 ;;;; EVAL.
19 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
21 (load "assertoid.lisp")
22 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
24 ;;; Until sbcl-0.7.9.x, EVAL was not correctly treating LOCALLY,
25 ;;; MACROLET and SYMBOL-MACROLET, which should preserve top-levelness
26 ;;; of their body forms:
28 ;;; LOCALLY
29 (locally (defstruct locally-struct a (b t)))
31 (let ((x (make-locally-struct :a 1)))
32 (assert (eql (locally-struct-a x) 1))
33 (assert (eql (locally-struct-b x) t)))
35 (locally
36 (defmacro locally-macro (x) `(+ ,x 1))
37 (assert (= (locally-macro 3) 4)))
39 (locally (declare (special x))
40 (defun locally-special-test ()
42 (defun locally-special-test-aux ()
43 (let ((x 1))
44 (declare (special x))
45 (locally-special-test)))
46 (assert (= (locally-special-test-aux) 1)))
49 (macrolet ()
50 (defstruct macrolet-struct a (b t)))
52 (let ((x (make-macrolet-struct :a 1)))
53 (assert (eql (macrolet-struct-a x) 1))
54 (assert (eql (macrolet-struct-b x) t)))
56 (macrolet ()
57 (defmacro macrolet-macro (x) `(+ ,x 1))
58 (assert (= (macrolet-macro 3) 4)))
60 (locally (declare (special x))
61 (defun macrolet-special-test ()
63 (defun macrolet-special-test-aux ()
64 (let ((x 1))
65 (declare (special x))
66 (macrolet-special-test)))
67 (assert (= (macrolet-special-test-aux) 1)))
69 (macrolet ((foo (x) `(macrolet-bar ,x)))
70 (defmacro macrolet-bar (x) `(+ ,x 1))
71 (assert (= (foo 1) 2)))
74 (symbol-macrolet ()
75 (defstruct symbol-macrolet-struct a (b t)))
77 (let ((x (make-symbol-macrolet-struct :a 1)))
78 (assert (eql (symbol-macrolet-struct-a x) 1))
79 (assert (eql (symbol-macrolet-struct-b x) t)))
81 (symbol-macrolet ()
82 (defmacro symbol-macrolet-macro (x) `(+ ,x 1))
83 (assert (= (symbol-macrolet-macro 3) 4)))
85 (locally (declare (special x))
86 (defun symbol-macrolet-special-test ()
88 (defun symbol-macrolet-special-test-aux ()
89 (let ((x 1))
90 (declare (special x))
91 (symbol-macrolet-special-test)))
92 (assert (= (symbol-macrolet-special-test-aux) 1)))
94 (symbol-macrolet ((foo (symbol-macrolet-bar 1)))
95 (defmacro symbol-macrolet-bar (x) `(+ ,x 1))
96 (assert (= foo 2)))
98 ;;; Bug reported by Paul Dietz: CONSTANTP on a self-evaluating object
99 ;;; must return T
100 (assert (constantp (find-class 'symbol)))
101 (assert (constantp #p""))
103 ;;; More CONSTANTP tests
104 ;;; form constantp sb-int:constant-form-value
105 (dolist (test '((t t t)
106 (x nil)
107 ('x t x)
108 (:keyword t :keyword)
109 (42 t 42)
110 ((if t :ok x) t :ok)
111 ((if t x :no) nil)
112 ((progn
113 (error "oops")
114 t) nil)
115 ((progn 1 2 3) t 3)
116 ((block foo :good) t :good)
117 ((block foo
118 (return-from foo t)) nil)
119 ((progv
120 (list (gensym))
121 '(1)
122 (+ 1)) nil)
123 ((progv
124 '(x)
125 (list (random 2))
126 x) nil)
127 ((progv
128 '(x)
129 '(1)
130 (1+ x)) t 2)
131 ((progv '(x) '(t)
132 (if x 1 2)) t 1)
133 ((unwind-protect 1 nil) t 1)
134 ((unwind-protect 1
135 (xxx)) nil)
136 ((the integer 1) t 1)
137 ((the integer (+ 1 1)) t 2)
138 ((the integer (foo)) nil)
139 ((the symbol 1) nil)
140 ((the "bad type" 1) nil)
141 ((multiple-value-prog1
142 (+ 1 1)
143 :nada) t 2)
144 ((multiple-value-prog1
145 :nada
146 (/ 1 0)) nil)
147 ((/ 1 0) nil)
148 ((/ 1 1) t 1)
149 ((+ 1 2) t 3)))
150 (destructuring-bind (form c &optional v) test
151 (assert (eql (constantp form) c))
152 (when c
153 (assert (eql v (sb-int:constant-form-value form))))))
155 ;;; DEFPARAMETER must assign a dynamic variable
156 (let ((var (gensym)))
157 (assert (equal (eval `(list (let ((,var 1))
158 (defparameter ,var 2)
159 ,var)
160 ,var))
161 '(1 2))))
163 ;;; Bug 264: SYMBOL-MACROLET did not check for a bound SPECIAL
164 ;;; declaration
165 (assert-error (progv '(foo) '(1)
166 (eval '(symbol-macrolet ((foo 3))
167 (declare (special foo))
168 foo)))
169 error)
171 ;;; MAKE-PACKAGE (and other &key functions) should signal an error
172 ;;; when given a NIL key. This is kind of a compiler test really, but
173 ;;; this'll do as a resting place.
174 (handler-case
175 (eval '(make-package "FOO" nil nil))
176 (error () :ok)
177 (:no-error (c) (error "MAKE-PACKAGE succeeded: ~S" c)))
179 ;;; FUNCTION
180 (defun function-eq-test ()
181 'ok)
182 (trace function-eq-test)
183 (assert (eq (eval '(function function-eq-test))
184 (funcall (compile nil '(lambda () (function function-eq-test))))))
186 ;;; No extra output, please
187 (assert (equal ".."
188 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
189 (eval '(progn (princ ".") (let ((x 42)) t) (princ "."))))))
191 ;;; IF
192 (defun true () t)
193 (defun false () nil)
194 (defmacro oops () (throw :oops (list)))
195 (defun test-eval (ok form) (assert (eq ok (catch :oops (eval form)))))
196 (test-eval t '(if (false) (oops) t))
197 (test-eval t '(if (true) t (oops)))
198 (test-eval nil '(if (not (if (false) t)) (oops)))
200 ;;; TAGBODY
202 ;;; As of SBCL, TAGBODY should not accept duplicate go tags,
203 ;;; yet choked on two duplicate tags. Note that this test asserts a
204 ;;; failure.
205 (with-test (:name :tagbody-dual-go-tags)
206 (progn
207 (defun tagbody-dual-go-tags ()
208 (restart-case
209 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
210 (declare (ignore c))
211 (invoke-restart 'NOT-AN-ERROR))))
212 (tagbody :A :A) nil)
213 (NOT-AN-ERROR () t)))
214 (assert (tagbody-dual-go-tags))))
216 ;;; Ensure that NIL is a valid go tag.
217 (with-test (:name :tagbody-nil-is-valid-tag)
218 (progn
219 (defun tagbody-nil-is-valid-tag ()
220 (tagbody (go NIL) NIL) t)
221 (assert (tagbody-nil-is-valid-tag))))
223 ;;; top-level DECLARE is formally undefined, but we want it to raise
224 ;;; an error rather than silently return NIL.
225 (defvar *scratch*)
226 (with-test (:name :toplevel-declare)
227 (assert-error (eval '(declare (type pathname *scratch*)))))
229 (with-test (:name (eval :no-compiler-notes))
230 (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note #'error))
231 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile))
232 (eval '(let ((x 42))
233 (if nil x)))
234 (eval '(let ((* 13))
235 (let ((x 42)
236 (y *))
237 (declare (optimize speed))
238 (+ x y)))))))
240 (with-test (:name :bug-238)
241 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile))
242 (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note #'error))
243 (eval '(defclass bug-238 () ()))
244 (eval '(defmethod bug-238 ((x bug-238) (bug-238 bug-238))
245 (call-next-method)))
246 (eval '(handler-case
247 (with-input-from-string (*query-io* " no")
248 (yes-or-no-p))
249 (simple-type-error () 'error)))
250 t)))
252 (with-test (:name :bug-524707 :skipped-on (not :sb-eval))
253 (let ((*evaluator-mode* :interpret)
254 (lambda-form '(lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) (1+ x))))
255 (let ((fun (eval lambda-form)))
256 (assert (equal lambda-form (function-lambda-expression fun))))))
258 (with-test (:name (eval :source-context-in-compiler))
259 (let ((noise (with-output-to-string (*error-output*)
260 (let ((*evaluator-mode* :compile))
261 (eval `(defun source-context-test (x) y))))))
262 (with-input-from-string (s noise)
263 (assert (equal "; in: DEFUN SOURCE-CONTEXT-TEST" (read-line s))))))
265 (with-test (:name (eval :empty-let-is-not-toplevel))
266 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile))
267 (eval `(let ()
268 (defmacro empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x () :macro)
269 (defun empty-let-is-not-toplevel-fun ()
270 (empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x))))
271 (eval `(defun empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x () :fun))
272 (assert (eq :fun (empty-let-is-not-toplevel-fun))))
273 ;; While at it, test that we get the late binding under
274 ;; interpreter mode.
275 #+sb-eval
276 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
277 (eval `(let ()
278 (defmacro empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x () :macro)
279 (defun empty-let-is-not-toplevel-fun ()
280 (empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x))))
281 (assert (eq :macro (empty-let-is-not-toplevel-fun)))
282 (eval `(defun empty-let-is-not-toplevel-x () :fun))
283 (assert (eq :fun (empty-let-is-not-toplevel-fun)))))
285 (with-test (:name (eval function-lambda-expression))
286 (assert (equal `(sb-int:named-lambda eval-fle-1 (x)
287 (block eval-fle-1
288 (+ x 1)))
289 (function-lambda-expression
290 (eval `(progn
291 (defun eval-fle-1 (x) (+ x 1))
292 #'eval-fle-1)))))
293 (assert (equal `(lambda (x y z) (+ x 1 y z))
294 (function-lambda-expression
295 (eval `(lambda (x y z) (+ x 1 y z)))))))
297 (with-test (:name (:bug-573747 eval :compile))
298 (let ((*out* (make-string-output-stream))
299 (sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile))
300 (declare (special *out*))
301 (assert-error (eval '(declare (print "foo" *out*))))
302 (assert (string= (get-output-stream-string *out*) ""))))
304 (with-test (:name (:bug-573747 eval :interpret))
305 (let ((*out* (make-string-output-stream))
306 (sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
307 (declare (special *out*))
308 (assert-error (eval '(declare (print "foo" *out*))))
309 (assert (string= (get-output-stream-string *out*) ""))))
311 (with-test (:name :the-keyword-not-borked)
312 (assert (the (or integer keyword) :foo)))
314 ;; If the DEFUN macro produces a style-warning, it needs to perform the
315 ;; effect of defun no matter what. The style-warning comes from an EVAL-WHEN,
316 ;; not as part of the execution-time behavior of %DEFUN because it is neither
317 ;; polite nor useful to issue a warning about the co-existence of a DEFSETF
318 ;; and DEFUN SETF after compile-time. The other viable alternative would have
319 ;; been to remove the :EXECUTE situation from the expansion of DEFUN
320 ;; where it signal to warning.
321 (with-test (:name :handler-case-does-not-bork-defun)
322 (defsetf bar set-bar)
323 (handler-case (defun (setf bar) (newval x) (declare (ignore newval x)))
324 (style-warning () 'drat))
325 (assert (fboundp '(setf bar))))
326 ;;; success