Avoid notes for transforms that would not be applied due to policy.
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / knownfun.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains stuff for maintaining a database of special
2 ;;;; information about functions known to the compiler. This includes
3 ;;;; semantic information such as side effects and type inference
4 ;;;; functions as well as transforms and IR2 translators.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 (in-package "SB!C")
17 (/show0 "knownfun.lisp 17")
19 ;;;; interfaces to defining macros
21 ;;; an IR1 transform
22 (defstruct (transform (:copier nil))
23 ;; the function type which enables this transform.
25 ;; (Note that declaring this :TYPE FUN-TYPE probably wouldn't
26 ;; work because some function types, like (SPECIFIER-TYPE 'FUNCTION0
27 ;; itself, are represented as BUILT-IN-TYPE, and at least as of
28 ;; sbcl-0.pre7.54 or so, that's inconsistent with being a
29 ;; FUN-TYPE.)
30 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype)
31 ;; the transformation function. Takes the COMBINATION node and
32 ;; returns a lambda expression, or throws out.
33 (function (missing-arg) :type function)
34 ;; string used in efficiency notes
35 (note (missing-arg) :type string)
36 ;; T if we should emit a failure note even if SPEED=INHIBIT-WARNINGS.
37 (important nil :type (member nil :slightly t))
38 ;; A function with NODE as an argument that checks wheteher the
39 ;; transform applies in its policy.
40 ;; It used to be checked in the FUNCTION body but it would produce
41 ;; notes about failed transformation due to types even though it
42 ;; wouldn't have been applied with the right types anyway,
43 ;; or if another transform could be applied with the right policy.
44 (policy nil :type (or null function)))
46 (defprinter (transform) type note important)
48 ;;; Grab the FUN-INFO and enter the function, replacing any old
49 ;;; one with the same type and note.
50 (defun %deftransform (name type fun &optional note important policy)
51 (let* ((ctype (specifier-type type))
52 (note (or note "optimize"))
53 (info (fun-info-or-lose name))
54 (old (find-if (lambda (x)
55 (and (type= (transform-type x) ctype)
56 (string-equal (transform-note x) note)
57 (eq (transform-important x) important)))
58 (fun-info-transforms info))))
59 (cond (old
60 (style-warn 'redefinition-with-deftransform
61 :transform old)
62 (setf (transform-function old) fun
63 (transform-note old) note))
65 (push (make-transform :type ctype :function fun :note note
66 :important important
67 :policy policy)
68 (fun-info-transforms info))))
69 name))
71 ;;; Make a FUN-INFO structure with the specified type, attributes
72 ;;; and optimizers.
73 (defun %defknown (names type attributes location
74 &key derive-type optimizer destroyed-constant-args result-arg
75 overwrite-fndb-silently
76 foldable-call-check
77 callable-check
78 call-type-deriver
79 functional-args)
80 (let ((ctype (specifier-type type)))
81 (dolist (name names)
82 (unless overwrite-fndb-silently
83 (let ((old-fun-info (info :function :info name)))
84 (when old-fun-info
85 ;; This is handled as an error because it's generally a bad
86 ;; thing to blow away all the old optimization stuff. It's
87 ;; also a potential source of sneaky bugs:
90 ;; DEFKNOWN FOO ; possibly hidden inside some macroexpansion
91 ;; ; Now the DEFTRANSFORM doesn't exist in the target Lisp.
92 ;; However, it's continuable because it might be useful to do
93 ;; it when testing new optimization stuff interactively.
94 (cerror "Go ahead, overwrite it."
95 "~@<overwriting old FUN-INFO ~2I~_~S ~I~_for ~S~:>"
96 old-fun-info name))))
97 (setf (info :function :type name) ctype)
98 (setf (info :function :where-from name) :declared)
99 (setf (info :function :kind name) :function)
100 (setf (info :function :info name)
101 (make-fun-info :attributes attributes
102 :derive-type derive-type
103 :optimizer optimizer
104 :destroyed-constant-args destroyed-constant-args
105 :result-arg result-arg
106 :foldable-call-check foldable-call-check
107 :callable-check callable-check
108 :call-type-deriver call-type-deriver
109 :functional-args functional-args))
110 (if location
111 (setf (getf (info :source-location :declaration name) 'defknown)
112 location)
113 (remf (info :source-location :declaration name) 'defknown))))
114 names)
116 ;;; Return the FUN-INFO for NAME or die trying.
117 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (t) fun-info) fun-info-or-lose))
118 (defun fun-info-or-lose (name)
119 (or (info :function :info name) (error "~S is not a known function." name)))
121 ;;;; generic type inference methods
123 ;;; Derive the type to be the type of the xxx'th arg. This can normally
124 ;;; only be done when the result value is that argument.
125 (defun result-type-first-arg (call)
126 (declare (type combination call))
127 (let ((lvar (first (combination-args call))))
128 (when lvar (lvar-type lvar))))
129 (defun result-type-last-arg (call)
130 (declare (type combination call))
131 (let ((lvar (car (last (combination-args call)))))
132 (when lvar (lvar-type lvar))))
134 ;;; Derive the result type according to the float contagion rules, but
135 ;;; always return a float. This is used for irrational functions that
136 ;;; preserve realness of their arguments.
137 (defun result-type-float-contagion (call)
138 (declare (type combination call))
139 (reduce #'numeric-contagion (combination-args call)
140 :key #'lvar-type
141 :initial-value (specifier-type 'single-float)))
143 (defun simplify-list-type (type &key preserve-dimensions)
144 ;; Preserve all the list types without dragging
145 ;; (cons (eql 10)) stuff in.
146 (let ((cons-type (specifier-type 'cons))
147 (list-type (specifier-type 'list))
148 (null-type (specifier-type 'null)))
149 (cond ((and preserve-dimensions
150 (csubtypep type cons-type))
151 cons-type)
152 ((and preserve-dimensions
153 (csubtypep type null-type))
154 null-type)
155 ((csubtypep type list-type)
156 list-type))))
158 ;;; Return a closure usable as a derive-type method for accessing the
159 ;;; N'th argument. If arg is a list, result is a list. If arg is a
160 ;;; vector, result is a vector with the same element type.
161 (defun sequence-result-nth-arg (n &key preserve-dimensions
162 preserve-vector-type)
163 (lambda (call)
164 (declare (type combination call))
165 (let ((lvar (nth (1- n) (combination-args call))))
166 (when lvar
167 (let ((type (lvar-type lvar)))
168 (cond ((simplify-list-type type
169 :preserve-dimensions preserve-dimensions))
170 ((not (csubtypep type (specifier-type 'vector)))
171 nil)
172 (preserve-vector-type
173 type)
175 (let ((simplified (simplify-vector-type type)))
176 (if (and preserve-dimensions
177 (csubtypep simplified (specifier-type 'simple-array)))
178 (type-intersection (specifier-type
179 `(simple-array * ,(ctype-array-dimensions type)))
180 simplified)
181 simplified)))))))))
183 ;;; Derive the type to be the type specifier which is the Nth arg.
184 (defun result-type-specifier-nth-arg (n)
185 (lambda (call)
186 (declare (type combination call))
187 (let ((lvar (nth (1- n) (combination-args call))))
188 (when (and lvar (constant-lvar-p lvar))
189 (careful-specifier-type (lvar-value lvar))))))
191 ;;; Derive the type to be the type specifier which is the Nth arg,
192 ;;; with the additional restriptions noted in the CLHS for STRING and
193 ;;; SIMPLE-STRING, defined to specialize on CHARACTER, and for VECTOR
194 ;;; (under the page for MAKE-SEQUENCE).
195 ;;; At present this is used to derive the output type of CONCATENATE,
196 ;;; MAKE-SEQUENCE, and MERGE. Two things seem slightly amiss:
197 ;;; 1. The sequence type actually produced might not be exactly that specified.
199 ;;; => (SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR 9)
200 ;;; 2. Because we *know* that a hairy array won't be produced,
201 ;;; why does derivation preserve the non-simpleness, if so specified?
202 (defun creation-result-type-specifier-nth-arg (n)
203 (lambda (call)
204 (declare (type combination call))
205 (let ((lvar (nth (1- n) (combination-args call))))
206 (when (and lvar (constant-lvar-p lvar))
207 (let* ((specifier (lvar-value lvar))
208 (lspecifier (if (atom specifier) (list specifier) specifier)))
209 (cond
210 ((eq (car lspecifier) 'string)
211 (destructuring-bind (string &rest size)
212 lspecifier
213 (declare (ignore string))
214 (careful-specifier-type
215 `(vector character ,@(when size size)))))
216 ((eq (car lspecifier) 'simple-string)
217 (destructuring-bind (simple-string &rest size)
218 lspecifier
219 (declare (ignore simple-string))
220 (careful-specifier-type
221 `(simple-array character ,@(if size (list size) '((*)))))))
223 (let ((ctype (careful-specifier-type specifier)))
224 (cond ((not (array-type-p ctype))
225 ctype)
226 ((unknown-type-p (array-type-element-type ctype))
227 (make-array-type (array-type-dimensions ctype)
228 :complexp (array-type-complexp ctype)
229 :element-type *wild-type*
230 :specialized-element-type *wild-type*))
231 ((eq (array-type-specialized-element-type ctype)
232 *wild-type*)
233 (make-array-type (array-type-dimensions ctype)
234 :complexp (array-type-complexp ctype)
235 :element-type *universal-type*
236 :specialized-element-type *universal-type*))
238 ctype))))))))))
240 (defun remove-non-constants-and-nils (fun)
241 (lambda (list)
242 (remove-if-not #'lvar-value
243 (remove-if-not #'constant-lvar-p (funcall fun list)))))
245 ;;; FIXME: bad name (first because it uses 1-based indexing; second
246 ;;; because it doesn't get the nth constant arguments)
247 (defun nth-constant-args (&rest indices)
248 (lambda (list)
249 (let (result)
250 (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
251 (list list (cdr list))
252 (indices indices))
253 ((null indices) (nreverse result))
254 (when (= i (car indices))
255 (when (constant-lvar-p (car list))
256 (push (car list) result))
257 (setf indices (cdr indices)))))))
259 ;;; FIXME: a number of the sequence functions not only do not destroy
260 ;;; their argument if it is empty, but also leave it alone if :start
261 ;;; and :end bound a null sequence, or if :count is 0. This test is a
262 ;;; bit complicated to implement, verging on the impossible, but for
263 ;;; extra points (fill #\1 "abc" :start 0 :end 0) should not cause a
264 ;;; warning.
265 (defun nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args (&rest indices)
266 (lambda (list)
267 (let (result)
268 (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
269 (list list (cdr list))
270 (indices indices))
271 ((null indices) (nreverse result))
272 (when (= i (car indices))
273 (when (constant-lvar-p (car list))
274 (let ((value (lvar-value (car list))))
275 (unless (or (typep value 'null)
276 (typep value '(vector * 0)))
277 (push (car list) result))))
278 (setf indices (cdr indices)))))))
280 (defun read-elt-type-deriver (skip-arg-p element-type-spec no-hang)
281 (lambda (call)
282 (let* ((element-type (specifier-type element-type-spec))
283 (null-type (specifier-type 'null))
284 (err-args (if skip-arg-p ; for PEEK-CHAR, skip 'peek-type' + 'stream'
285 (cddr (combination-args call))
286 (cdr (combination-args call)))) ; else just 'stream'
287 (eof-error-p (first err-args))
288 (eof-value (second err-args))
289 (unexceptional-type ; the normally returned thing
290 (if (and eof-error-p
291 (types-equal-or-intersect (lvar-type eof-error-p)
292 null-type))
293 ;; (READ-elt stream nil <x>) returns (OR (EQL <x>) elt-type)
294 (type-union (if eof-value (lvar-type eof-value) null-type)
295 element-type)
296 ;; If eof-error is unsupplied, or was but couldn't be nil
297 element-type)))
298 (if no-hang
299 (type-union unexceptional-type null-type)
300 unexceptional-type))))
302 ;;; Return MAX MIN
303 (defun sequence-lvar-dimensions (lvar)
304 (if (not (constant-lvar-p lvar))
305 (let ((max 0) (min array-total-size-limit))
306 (block nil
307 (labels ((max-dim (type)
308 ;; This can deal with just enough hair to handle type STRING,
309 ;; but might be made to use GENERIC-ABSTRACT-TYPE-FUNCTION
310 ;; if we really want to be more clever.
311 (typecase type
312 (union-type
313 (mapc #'max-dim (union-type-types type)))
314 (array-type (if (array-type-complexp type)
315 (return '*)
316 (process-dim (array-type-dimensions type))))
317 (t (return '*))))
318 (process-dim (dim)
319 (let ((length (car dim)))
320 (if (and (singleton-p dim)
321 (integerp length))
322 (setf max (max max length)
323 min (min min length))
324 (return '*)))))
325 ;; If type derivation were able to notice that non-simple arrays can
326 ;; be mutated (changing the type), we could safely use LVAR-TYPE on
327 ;; any vector type. But it doesn't notice.
328 ;; We could use LVAR-CONSERVATIVE-TYPE to get a conservative answer.
329 ;; However that's probably not an important use, so the above
330 ;; logic restricts itself to simple arrays.
331 (max-dim (lvar-type lvar))
332 (values max min))))
333 (let ((value (lvar-value lvar)))
334 (and (typep value 'sequence)
335 (let ((length (length value)))
336 (values length length))))))
338 (defun position-derive-type (call)
339 (let ((dim (sequence-lvar-dimensions (second (combination-args call)))))
340 (when (integerp dim)
341 (specifier-type `(or (integer 0 (,dim)) null)))))
343 (defun count-derive-type (call)
344 (let ((dim (sequence-lvar-dimensions (second (combination-args call)))))
345 (when (integerp dim)
346 (specifier-type `(integer 0 ,dim)))))
348 ;;; This used to be done in DEFOPTIMIZER DERIVE-TYPE, but
349 ;;; ASSERT-CALL-TYPE already asserts the ARRAY type, so it gets an extra
350 ;;; assertion that may not get eliminated and requires extra work.
351 (defun array-call-type-deriver (call trusted)
352 (let ((type (lvar-type (combination-fun call)))
353 (policy (lexenv-policy (node-lexenv call)))
354 (args (combination-args call)))
355 (flet ((assert-type (arg type)
356 (when (assert-lvar-type arg type policy)
357 (unless trusted (reoptimize-lvar arg)))))
358 (loop for (type . next) on (fun-type-required type)
359 while next
360 do (assert-type (pop args) type))
361 (assert-type (pop args)
362 (specifier-type `(array * ,(make-list (length args)
363 :initial-element '*))))
364 (loop for subscript in args
365 do (assert-type subscript (fun-type-rest type))))))
367 (/show0 "knownfun.lisp end of file")