tests: Avoid nonsensical classes and methods in deprecation.impure.lisp
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / arm / arith.lisp
1 ;;;; the VM definition arithmetic VOPs for the ARM
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
14 ;;;; unary operations.
16 (define-vop (fast-safe-arith-op)
17 (:policy :fast-safe)
18 (:effects)
19 (:affected))
21 (define-vop (fixnum-unop fast-safe-arith-op)
22 (:args (x :scs (any-reg)))
23 (:results (res :scs (any-reg)))
24 (:note "inline fixnum arithmetic")
25 (:arg-types tagged-num)
26 (:result-types tagged-num))
28 (define-vop (signed-unop fast-safe-arith-op)
29 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg)))
30 (:results (res :scs (signed-reg)))
31 (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) arithmetic")
32 (:arg-types signed-num)
33 (:result-types signed-num))
35 (define-vop (unsigned-unop fast-safe-arith-op)
36 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)))
37 (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg)))
38 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic")
39 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
40 (:result-types unsigned-num))
42 (define-vop (fast-negate/fixnum fixnum-unop)
43 (:translate %negate)
44 (:generator 1
45 (inst rsb res x 0)))
47 (define-vop (fast-negate/signed signed-unop)
48 (:translate %negate)
49 (:generator 2
50 (inst rsb res x 0)))
52 (define-vop (fast-negate/unsigned signed-unop)
53 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg) :target res))
54 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
55 (:translate %negate)
56 (:generator 3
57 (inst rsb res x 0)))
59 (define-vop (fast-lognot/fixnum signed-unop)
60 (:args (x :scs (any-reg)))
61 (:arg-types tagged-num)
62 (:translate lognot)
63 (:generator 1
64 (inst mvn res (asr x n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
66 (define-vop (fast-lognot/signed signed-unop)
67 (:translate lognot)
68 (:generator 2
69 (inst mvn res x)))
72 ;;;; Binary fixnum operations.
74 ;;; Assume that any constant operand is the second arg...
76 (define-vop (fast-fixnum-binop fast-safe-arith-op)
77 (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg))
78 (y :target r :scs (any-reg)))
79 (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num)
80 (:results (r :scs (any-reg)))
81 (:result-types tagged-num)
82 (:note "inline fixnum arithmetic"))
84 (define-vop (fast-unsigned-binop fast-safe-arith-op)
85 (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg))
86 (y :target r :scs (unsigned-reg)))
87 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
88 (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg)))
89 (:result-types unsigned-num)
90 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic"))
92 (define-vop (fast-signed-binop fast-safe-arith-op)
93 (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg))
94 (y :target r :scs (signed-reg)))
95 (:arg-types signed-num signed-num)
96 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg)))
97 (:result-types signed-num)
98 (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) arithmetic"))
100 (define-vop (fast-fixnum-binop-c fast-safe-arith-op)
101 (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg)))
102 (:info y)
103 (:arg-types tagged-num
104 (:constant (signed-byte #.n-fixnum-bits)))
105 (:results (r :scs (any-reg)))
106 (:result-types tagged-num)
107 (:note "inline fixnum arithmetic"))
109 (define-vop (fast-unsigned-binop-c fast-safe-arith-op)
110 (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg)))
111 (:info y)
112 (:arg-types unsigned-num
113 (:constant (unsigned-byte 32)))
114 (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg)))
115 (:result-types unsigned-num)
116 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic"))
118 (define-vop (fast-signed-binop-c fast-safe-arith-op)
119 (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg)))
120 (:info y)
121 (:arg-types signed-num
122 (:constant (signed-byte 32)))
123 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg)))
124 (:result-types signed-num)
125 (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) arithmetic"))
127 (defmacro define-binop (translate untagged-penalty op
128 &key cop arg-swap neg-op invert-y invert-r try-single-op)
129 (let ((cop (or cop op)))
130 `(progn
131 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '/fixnum=>fixnum)
132 fast-fixnum-binop)
133 (:translate ,translate)
134 (:generator 2
135 ,(if arg-swap
136 `(inst ,op r y x)
137 `(inst ,op r x y))))
138 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '-c/fixnum=>fixnum)
139 fast-fixnum-binop-c)
140 (:translate ,translate)
141 (:generator 1
142 (composite-immediate-instruction ,cop r x y :fixnumize t :neg-op ,neg-op :invert-y ,invert-y :invert-r ,invert-r :single-op-op ,(when try-single-op op))))
143 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '/signed=>signed)
144 fast-signed-binop)
145 (:translate ,translate)
146 (:generator ,(1+ untagged-penalty)
147 ,(if arg-swap
148 `(inst ,op r y x)
149 `(inst ,op r x y))))
150 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '-c/signed=>signed)
151 fast-signed-binop-c)
152 (:translate ,translate)
153 (:generator ,untagged-penalty
154 (composite-immediate-instruction ,cop r x y :neg-op ,neg-op :invert-y ,invert-y :invert-r ,invert-r :single-op-op ,(when try-single-op op))))
155 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '/unsigned=>unsigned)
156 fast-unsigned-binop)
157 (:translate ,translate)
158 (:generator ,(1+ untagged-penalty)
159 ,(if arg-swap
160 `(inst ,op r y x)
161 `(inst ,op r x y))))
162 (define-vop (,(symbolicate 'fast- translate '-c/unsigned=>unsigned)
163 fast-unsigned-binop-c)
164 (:translate ,translate)
165 (:generator ,untagged-penalty
166 (composite-immediate-instruction ,cop r x y :neg-op ,neg-op :invert-y ,invert-y :invert-r ,invert-r :single-op-op ,(when try-single-op op)))))))
168 (define-binop + 4 add :neg-op sub)
169 (define-binop - 4 sub :neg-op add)
170 (define-binop logand 2 and :cop bic :invert-y t :try-single-op t)
171 (define-binop logandc1 2 bic :cop orr :arg-swap t :invert-y t :invert-r t)
172 (define-binop logandc2 2 bic)
173 (define-binop logior 2 orr)
174 (define-binop logxor 2 eor)
176 (define-vop (fast-logior-unsigned-signed=>signed fast-safe-arith-op)
177 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg))
178 (y :target r :scs (signed-reg)))
179 (:arg-types unsigned-num signed-num)
180 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg) :from (:argument 1)))
181 (:result-types signed-num)
182 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic")
183 (:translate logior)
184 (:generator 3
185 (inst orr r x y)))
187 (define-vop (fast-logior-signed-unsigned=>signed fast-safe-arith-op)
188 (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg))
189 (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
190 (:arg-types signed-num unsigned-num)
191 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg) :from (:argument 0)))
192 (:result-types signed-num)
193 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic")
194 (:translate logior)
195 (:generator 3
196 (inst orr r x y)))
198 ;;; Multiplication
200 (define-vop (fast-*/fixnum=>fixnum fast-fixnum-binop)
201 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg)) ;; one operand needs to be untagged
202 (y :target r :scs (any-reg)))
203 (:translate *)
204 (:generator 2
205 (inst mul r x y)))
207 (define-vop (fast-*-c/fixnum=>fixnum fast-fixnum-binop-c)
208 (:args (x :scs (any-reg) :to :result))
209 (:results (r :scs (any-reg) :from :eval))
210 (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :target r) temp)
211 (:translate *)
212 (:generator 1
213 (load-immediate-word temp y)
214 (inst mul r temp x)))
216 (define-vop (fast-*/signed=>signed fast-signed-binop)
217 (:translate *)
218 (:generator 3
219 (inst mul r x y)))
221 (define-vop (fast-*/unsigned=>unsigned fast-unsigned-binop)
222 (:translate *)
223 (:generator 3
224 (inst mul r x y)))
227 (define-vop (fast-lognor/fixnum=>fixnum fast-fixnum-binop)
228 (:translate lognor)
229 (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg))
230 (y :target r :scs (any-reg)))
231 (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) temp)
232 (:generator 3
233 (inst orr temp x y)
234 (inst mvn temp temp)
235 (inst eor r temp fixnum-tag-mask)))
237 (define-vop (fast-logand/signed-unsigned=>unsigned fast-logand/unsigned=>unsigned)
238 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg) :target r)
239 (y :scs (unsigned-reg) :target r))
240 (:arg-types signed-num unsigned-num)
241 (:translate logand))
243 (define-source-transform logeqv (&rest args)
244 (if (oddp (length args))
245 `(logxor ,@args)
246 `(lognot (logxor ,@args))))
247 (define-source-transform logorc1 (x y)
248 `(logior (lognot ,x) ,y))
249 (define-source-transform logorc2 (x y)
250 `(logior ,x (lognot ,y)))
252 ;;; Shifting
254 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-c/fixnum=>fixnum)
255 (:translate ash)
256 (:policy :fast-safe)
257 (:args (number :scs (any-reg) :target result))
258 (:info amount)
259 (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant unsigned-byte))
260 (:results (result :scs (any-reg)))
261 (:result-types tagged-num)
262 (:note "inline ASH")
263 (:generator 1
264 (if (< amount 32)
265 (inst mov result (lsl number amount))
266 (inst mov result 0))))
268 (define-vop (fast-ash-right-c/fixnum=>fixnum)
269 (:translate ash)
270 (:policy :fast-safe)
271 (:args (number :scs (any-reg) :target result))
272 (:info amount)
273 (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (integer * -1)))
274 (:results (result :scs (any-reg)))
275 (:result-types tagged-num)
276 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :target result) temp)
277 (:note "inline ASH")
278 (:generator 1
279 (inst mov temp (asr number (min (- amount) 31)))
280 (inst bic result temp fixnum-tag-mask)))
282 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-modfx-c/fixnum=>fixnum
283 fast-ash-left-c/fixnum=>fixnum)
284 (:translate ash-left-modfx))
286 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32-c/fixnum=>fixnum
287 fast-ash-left-c/fixnum=>fixnum)
288 (:translate ash-left-mod32))
290 (define-vop (fast-ash-c/unsigned=>unsigned)
291 (:translate ash)
292 (:policy :fast-safe)
293 (:args (number :scs (unsigned-reg) :target result))
294 (:info amount)
295 (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant integer))
296 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg)))
297 (:result-types unsigned-num)
298 (:note "inline ASH")
299 (:generator 3
300 (cond ((< -32 amount 32)
301 (if (plusp amount)
302 (inst mov result (lsl number amount))
303 (inst mov result (lsr number (- amount)))))
305 (inst mov result 0)))))
307 (define-vop (fast-ash-c/signed=>signed)
308 (:translate ash)
309 (:policy :fast-safe)
310 (:args (number :scs (signed-reg) :target result))
311 (:info amount)
312 (:arg-types signed-num (:constant integer))
313 (:results (result :scs (signed-reg)))
314 (:result-types signed-num)
315 (:note "inline ASH")
316 (:generator 3
317 (cond ((< -32 amount 32)
318 (if (plusp amount)
319 (inst mov result (lsl number amount))
320 (inst mov result (asr number (- amount)))))
322 (inst mov result 0)))))
324 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned
325 fast-ash-c/unsigned=>unsigned)
326 (:translate ash-left-mod32))
328 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32-c/signed=>signed
329 fast-ash-c/signed=>signed)
330 (:translate ash-left-mod32))
332 (define-vop (fast-ash/signed/unsigned)
333 (:note "inline ASH")
334 (:args (number)
335 (amount))
336 (:results (result))
337 (:policy :fast-safe)
338 (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) temp)
339 (:variant-vars variant)
340 (:generator 5
341 (move temp amount)
342 (inst cmp temp 0)
343 (inst b :ge LEFT)
344 (inst rsb temp temp 0) ;; negate
345 (inst cmp temp n-word-bits)
346 (inst mov :gt temp n-word-bits)
347 (inst mov result (ecase variant
348 (:signed (asr number temp))
349 (:unsigned (lsr number temp))))
350 (inst b END)
351 LEFT
352 (inst cmp temp n-word-bits)
353 (inst mov :gt temp n-word-bits)
354 (inst mov result (lsl number temp))
355 END))
357 (define-vop (fast-ash/signed=>signed fast-ash/signed/unsigned)
358 (:args (number :scs (signed-reg) :to :save)
359 (amount :scs (signed-reg) :to :save :target temp))
360 (:arg-types signed-num signed-num)
361 (:results (result :scs (signed-reg)))
362 (:result-types signed-num)
363 (:translate ash)
364 (:variant :signed))
366 (define-vop (fast-ash/unsigned=>unsigned fast-ash/signed/unsigned)
367 (:args (number :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :save)
368 (amount :scs (signed-reg) :to :save))
369 (:arg-types unsigned-num signed-num)
370 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg)))
371 (:result-types unsigned-num)
372 (:translate ash)
373 (:variant :unsigned))
375 (macrolet ((def (name sc-type type result-type cost)
376 `(define-vop (,name)
377 (:note "inline ASH")
378 (:translate ash)
379 (:args (number :scs (,sc-type))
380 (amount :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg)
381 :target temp))
382 (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) temp)
383 (:arg-types ,type positive-fixnum)
384 (:results (result :scs (,result-type)))
385 (:result-types ,type)
386 (:policy :fast-safe)
387 (:generator ,cost
388 (move temp amount)
389 (inst cmp temp n-word-bits)
390 (inst mov :gt temp n-word-bits)
391 (inst mov result (lsl number temp))))))
392 ;; FIXME: There's the opportunity for a sneaky optimization here, I
393 ;; think: a FAST-ASH-LEFT-C/FIXNUM=>SIGNED vop. -- CSR, 2003-09-03
394 (def fast-ash-left/fixnum=>fixnum any-reg tagged-num any-reg 2)
395 (def fast-ash-left/signed=>signed signed-reg signed-num signed-reg 3)
396 (def fast-ash-left/unsigned=>unsigned unsigned-reg unsigned-num unsigned-reg 3))
398 (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned
399 fast-ash-left/unsigned=>unsigned)
400 (:translate ash-left-mod32))
402 #!+ash-right-vops
403 (define-vop (fast-%ash/right/unsigned)
404 (:translate %ash/right)
405 (:policy :fast-safe)
406 (:args (number :scs (unsigned-reg) :target result)
407 (amount :scs (unsigned-reg)))
408 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
409 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 0)))
410 (:result-types unsigned-num)
411 (:generator 4
412 (inst mov result (lsr number amount))))
414 #!+ash-right-vops
415 (define-vop (fast-%ash/right/signed)
416 (:translate %ash/right)
417 (:policy :fast-safe)
418 (:args (number :scs (signed-reg) :target result)
419 (amount :scs (unsigned-reg)))
420 (:arg-types signed-num unsigned-num)
421 (:results (result :scs (signed-reg) :from (:argument 0)))
422 (:result-types signed-num)
423 (:generator 4
424 (inst mov result (asr number amount))))
426 #!+ash-right-vops
427 (define-vop (fast-%ash/right/fixnum)
428 (:translate %ash/right)
429 (:policy :fast-safe)
430 (:args (number :scs (any-reg) :target result)
431 (amount :scs (unsigned-reg) :target temp))
432 (:arg-types tagged-num unsigned-num)
433 (:results (result :scs (any-reg) :from (:argument 0)))
434 (:result-types tagged-num)
435 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :target result) temp)
436 (:generator 3
437 (inst mov temp (asr number amount))
438 (inst bic result temp fixnum-tag-mask)))
440 ;;; Only the lower 5 bits of the shift amount are significant.
441 (define-vop (shift-towards-someplace)
442 (:policy :fast-safe)
443 (:args (num :scs (unsigned-reg))
444 (amount :scs (signed-reg)))
445 (:arg-types unsigned-num tagged-num)
446 (:temporary (:sc signed-reg) temp)
447 (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg)))
448 (:result-types unsigned-num))
450 (define-vop (shift-towards-start shift-towards-someplace)
451 (:translate shift-towards-start)
453 (:generator 1
454 (inst and temp amount #b11111)
455 (inst mov r (lsr num temp))))
457 (define-vop (shift-towards-end shift-towards-someplace)
458 (:translate shift-towards-end)
459 (:note "SHIFT-TOWARDS-END")
460 (:generator 1
461 (inst and temp amount #b11111)
462 (inst mov r (lsl num temp))))
464 (define-vop (signed-byte-32-len)
465 (:translate integer-length)
466 (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) integer-length")
467 (:policy :fast-safe)
468 (:args (arg :scs (signed-reg) :target temp))
469 (:arg-types signed-num)
470 (:results (res :scs (any-reg)))
471 (:result-types positive-fixnum)
472 (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0)) temp)
473 (:generator 30
474 (move temp arg)
475 (inst cmp temp 0)
476 (inst mvn :lt temp temp)
477 (inst clz temp temp)
478 (inst rsb temp temp 32)
479 (inst mov res (lsl temp n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
481 (define-vop (unsigned-byte-32-count)
482 (:translate logcount)
483 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) logcount")
484 (:policy :fast-safe)
485 (:args (arg :scs (unsigned-reg) :target num))
486 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
487 (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg)))
488 (:result-types positive-fixnum)
489 (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0) :to (:result 0)
490 :target res) num)
491 (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) mask temp)
492 (:generator 30
493 (move num arg)
494 (load-immediate-word mask #x55555555)
495 (inst and temp mask (lsr num 1))
496 (inst and num num mask)
497 (inst add num num temp)
498 (load-immediate-word mask #x33333333)
499 (inst and temp mask (lsr num 2))
500 (inst and num num mask)
501 (inst add num num temp)
502 (load-immediate-word mask #x0f0f0f0f)
503 (inst and temp mask (lsr num 4))
504 (inst and num num mask)
505 (inst add num num temp)
506 (inst add num num (lsr num 8))
507 (inst add num num (lsr num 16))
508 (inst and res num #xff)))
510 ;;; Modular functions
511 (define-modular-fun lognot-mod32 (x) lognot :untagged nil 32)
512 (define-vop (lognot-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned)
513 (:translate lognot-mod32)
514 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)))
515 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
516 (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg)))
517 (:result-types unsigned-num)
518 (:policy :fast-safe)
519 (:generator 1
520 (inst mvn res x)))
522 (macrolet
523 ((define-modular-backend (fun &optional constantp)
524 (let ((mfun-name (symbolicate fun '-mod32))
525 (modvop (symbolicate 'fast- fun '-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned))
526 (modcvop (symbolicate 'fast- fun 'mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned))
527 (vop (symbolicate 'fast- fun '/unsigned=>unsigned))
528 (cvop (symbolicate 'fast- fun '-c/unsigned=>unsigned)))
529 `(progn
530 (define-modular-fun ,mfun-name (x y) ,fun :untagged nil 32)
531 (define-vop (,modvop ,vop)
532 (:translate ,mfun-name))
533 ,@(when constantp
534 `((define-vop (,modcvop ,cvop)
535 (:translate ,mfun-name))))))))
536 (define-modular-backend + t)
537 (define-modular-backend - t)
538 (define-modular-backend *)
539 ;; (define-modular-backend logeqv)
540 ;; (define-modular-backend lognand)
541 ;; (define-modular-backend lognor)
542 (define-modular-backend logandc1)
543 (define-modular-backend logandc2)
544 ;; (define-modular-backend logorc1)
545 ;; (define-modular-backend logorc2)
548 ;;;; Binary conditional VOPs:
550 (define-vop (fast-conditional)
551 (:conditional :eq)
552 (:effects)
553 (:affected)
554 (:policy :fast-safe))
556 (define-vop (fast-conditional/fixnum fast-conditional)
557 (:args (x :scs (any-reg))
558 (y :scs (any-reg)))
559 (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num)
560 (:note "inline fixnum comparison"))
562 (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum)
563 (:args (x :scs (any-reg)))
564 (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 8)))
565 (:info y))
567 (define-vop (fast-conditional/signed fast-conditional)
568 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg))
569 (y :scs (signed-reg)))
570 (:arg-types signed-num signed-num)
571 (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) comparison"))
573 (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/signed fast-conditional/signed)
574 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg)))
575 (:arg-types signed-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 8)))
576 (:info y))
578 (define-vop (fast-conditional/unsigned fast-conditional)
579 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg))
580 (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
581 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
582 (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) comparison"))
584 (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
585 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)))
586 (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 8)))
587 (:info y))
589 (defmacro define-conditional-vop (tran cond unsigned)
590 `(progn
591 ,@(mapcar (lambda (suffix cost signed)
592 (unless (and (member suffix '(/fixnum -c/fixnum))
593 (eq tran 'eql))
594 `(define-vop (,(intern (format nil "~:@(FAST-IF-~A~A~)"
595 tran suffix))
596 ,(intern
597 (format nil "~:@(FAST-CONDITIONAL~A~)"
598 suffix)))
599 (:translate ,tran)
600 (:conditional ,(if signed cond unsigned))
601 (:generator ,cost
602 (inst cmp x
603 ,(if (eq suffix '-c/fixnum) '(fixnumize y) 'y))))))
604 '(/fixnum -c/fixnum /signed -c/signed /unsigned -c/unsigned)
605 '(4 3 6 5 6 5)
606 '(t t t t nil nil))))
608 (define-conditional-vop < :lt :lo)
609 (define-conditional-vop > :gt :hi)
610 (define-conditional-vop eql :eq :eq)
612 ;;; EQL/FIXNUM is funny because the first arg can be of any type, not
613 ;;; just a known fixnum.
615 ;;; These versions specify a fixnum restriction on their first arg.
616 ;;; We have also generic-eql/fixnum VOPs which are the same, but have
617 ;;; no restriction on the first arg and a higher cost. The reason for
618 ;;; doing this is to prevent fixnum specific operations from being
619 ;;; used on word integers, spuriously consing the argument.
621 (define-vop (fast-eql/fixnum)
622 (:args (x :scs (any-reg))
623 (y :scs (any-reg)))
624 (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num)
625 (:note "inline fixnum comparison")
626 (:translate eql)
627 (:conditional :eq)
628 (:policy :fast-safe)
629 (:generator 4
630 (inst cmp x y)))
632 (define-vop (generic-eql/fixnum fast-eql/fixnum)
633 (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))
634 (y :scs (any-reg)))
635 (:arg-types * tagged-num)
636 (:variant-cost 7))
638 (define-vop (fast-eql-c/fixnum)
639 (:args (x :scs (any-reg)))
640 (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 9)))
641 (:info y)
642 (:translate eql)
643 (:policy :fast-safe)
644 (:conditional :eq)
645 (:generator 3
646 (if (minusp y)
647 (inst cmn x (fixnumize (abs y)))
648 (inst cmp x (fixnumize y)))))
650 (define-vop (generic-eql-c/fixnum fast-eql-c/fixnum)
651 (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)))
652 (:arg-types * (:constant (signed-byte 9)))
653 (:variant-cost 6))
655 (macrolet ((define-logtest-vops ()
656 `(progn
657 ,@(loop for suffix in '(/fixnum -c/fixnum
658 /signed -c/signed
659 /unsigned -c/unsigned)
660 for cost in '(4 3 6 5 6 5)
661 collect
662 `(define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-LOGTEST" suffix)
663 ,(symbolicate "FAST-CONDITIONAL" suffix))
664 (:translate logtest)
665 (:conditional :ne)
666 (:generator ,cost
667 (inst tst x
668 ,(case suffix
669 (-c/fixnum
670 `(fixnumize y))
671 ((-c/signed -c/unsigned)
674 'y)))))))))
675 (define-logtest-vops))
677 (define-source-transform lognand (x y)
678 `(lognot (logand ,x ,y)))
680 (defknown %logbitp (integer unsigned-byte) boolean
681 (movable foldable flushable always-translatable))
683 ;;; For constant folding
684 (defun %logbitp (integer index)
685 (logbitp index integer))
687 (define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/fixnum fast-conditional-c/fixnum)
688 (:translate %logbitp)
689 (:conditional :ne)
690 (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (integer 0 29)))
691 (:generator 4
692 (inst tst x (ash 1 (+ y n-fixnum-tag-bits)))))
694 (define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/signed fast-conditional-c/signed)
695 (:translate %logbitp)
696 (:conditional :ne)
697 (:arg-types signed-num (:constant (integer 0 31)))
698 (:generator 5
699 (inst tst x (ash 1 y))))
701 (define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/unsigned fast-conditional-c/unsigned)
702 (:translate %logbitp)
703 (:conditional :ne)
704 (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (integer 0 31)))
705 (:generator 5
706 (inst tst x (ash 1 y))))
708 (define-vop (fast-signum-fixnum fixnum-unop)
709 (:args (x :scs (any-reg) :target res))
710 (:translate signum)
711 (:generator 4
712 (move res x)
713 (inst cmp x 0)
714 (inst mov :ne res (fixnumize 1))
715 (inst mvn :mi res (lognot (fixnumize -1)))))
717 (define-vop (fast-signum-signed signed-unop)
718 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg) :target res))
719 (:translate signum)
720 (:generator 5
721 (move res x)
722 (inst cmp x 0)
723 (inst mov :ne res 1)
724 (inst mvn :mi res 0)))
726 (define-vop (fast-signum-unsigned unsigned-unop)
727 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg) :target res))
728 (:translate signum)
729 (:generator 5
730 (move res x)
731 (inst cmp x 0)
732 (inst mov :ne res 1)))
734 ;; Specialised mask-signed-field VOPs.
735 (define-vop (mask-signed-field-word/c)
736 (:translate sb!c::mask-signed-field)
737 (:policy :fast-safe)
738 (:args (x :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg) :target r))
739 (:arg-types (:constant (integer 0 32)) untagged-num)
740 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg)))
741 (:result-types signed-num)
742 (:info width)
743 (:generator 3
744 (cond ((zerop width)
745 (inst mov r 0))
746 ((= width 32)
747 (move r x))
749 (let ((delta (- n-word-bits width)))
750 (inst mov r (lsl x delta))
751 (inst mov r (asr r delta)))))))
753 (define-vop (mask-signed-field-bignum/c)
754 (:translate sb!c::mask-signed-field)
755 (:policy :fast-safe)
756 (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg) :target r))
757 (:arg-types (:constant (integer 0 32)) bignum)
758 (:results (r :scs (signed-reg)))
759 (:result-types signed-num)
760 (:info width)
761 (:generator 4
762 (cond ((zerop width)
763 (inst mov r 0))
765 (loadw r x bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
766 (let ((delta (- n-word-bits width)))
767 (inst mov r (lsl r delta))
768 (inst mov r (asr r delta)))))))
769 ;;;; Bignum stuff.
771 (define-vop (bignum-length get-header-data)
772 (:translate sb!bignum:%bignum-length)
773 (:policy :fast-safe))
775 (define-vop (bignum-set-length set-header-data)
776 (:translate sb!bignum:%bignum-set-length)
777 (:policy :fast-safe))
779 (define-full-reffer bignum-ref * bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag
780 (unsigned-reg) unsigned-num sb!bignum:%bignum-ref)
782 (define-full-setter bignum-set * bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag
783 (unsigned-reg) unsigned-num sb!bignum:%bignum-set)
785 (define-vop (digit-0-or-plus)
786 (:translate sb!bignum:%digit-0-or-plusp)
787 (:policy :fast-safe)
788 (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg)))
789 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
790 (:conditional)
791 (:info target not-p)
792 (:generator 2
793 (inst cmp digit 0)
794 (inst b (if not-p :lt :ge) target)))
796 (define-vop (add-w/carry)
797 (:translate sb!bignum:%add-with-carry)
798 (:policy :fast-safe)
799 (:args (a :scs (unsigned-reg))
800 (b :scs (unsigned-reg))
801 (c :scs (any-reg)))
802 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num positive-fixnum)
803 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))
804 (carry :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval))
805 (:result-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum)
806 (:generator 3
807 (inst cmp c 1) ;; Set carry if (fixnum 0 or 1) c=0, else clear.
808 (inst adcs result a b)
809 (inst mov :cs carry 1)
810 (inst mov :cc carry 0)))
812 (define-vop (sub-w/borrow)
813 (:translate sb!bignum:%subtract-with-borrow)
814 (:policy :fast-safe)
815 (:args (a :scs (unsigned-reg))
816 (b :scs (unsigned-reg))
817 (c :scs (any-reg)))
818 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num positive-fixnum)
819 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))
820 (borrow :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval))
821 (:result-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum)
822 (:generator 4
823 (inst cmp c 1) ;; Set carry if (fixnum 0 or 1) c=0, else clear.
824 (inst sbcs result a b)
825 (inst mov :cs borrow 1)
826 (inst mov :cc borrow 0)))
828 (define-vop (bignum-mult-and-add-3-arg)
829 (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply-and-add)
830 (:policy :fast-safe)
831 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :result)
832 (y :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :result)
833 (carry-in :scs (unsigned-reg) :target lo))
834 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num)
835 (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval)
836 (lo :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 2)))
837 (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
838 (:generator 2
839 (move lo carry-in)
840 (inst mov hi 0)
841 (inst umlal lo hi x y)))
843 (define-vop (bignum-mult-and-add-4-arg)
844 (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply-and-add)
845 (:policy :fast-safe)
846 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :result)
847 (y :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :result)
848 (prev :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :eval)
849 (carry-in :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :eval))
850 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num)
851 (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval)
852 (lo :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval))
853 (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
854 (:generator 9
855 (inst adds lo prev carry-in)
856 (inst mov :cs hi 1)
857 (inst mov :cc hi 0)
858 (inst umlal lo hi x y)))
860 (define-vop (bignum-mult)
861 (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply)
862 (:policy :fast-safe)
863 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg))
864 (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
865 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
866 (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg))
867 (lo :scs (unsigned-reg)))
868 (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
869 (:generator 1
870 (inst umull lo hi x y)))
872 #!+multiply-high-vops
873 (define-vop (mulhi)
874 (:translate %multiply-high)
875 (:policy :fast-safe)
876 (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg) :target hi)
877 (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
878 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
879 (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) lo)
880 (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg)))
881 (:result-types unsigned-num)
882 (:generator 20
883 (inst umull lo hi x y)))
885 #!+multiply-high-vops
886 (define-vop (mulhi/fx)
887 (:translate %multiply-high)
888 (:policy :fast-safe)
889 (:args (x :scs (any-reg) :target hi)
890 (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
891 (:arg-types positive-fixnum unsigned-num)
892 (:temporary (:sc any-reg) lo)
893 (:temporary (:sc any-reg) temp)
894 (:results (hi :scs (any-reg)))
895 (:result-types positive-fixnum)
896 (:generator 15
897 (inst umull lo temp x y)
898 (inst bic hi temp fixnum-tag-mask)))
900 (define-vop (bignum-lognot lognot-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned)
901 (:translate sb!bignum:%lognot))
903 (define-vop (bignum-floor)
904 (:translate sb!bignum:%bigfloor)
905 (:policy :fast-safe)
906 (:args (div-high :scs (unsigned-reg) :target rem)
907 (div-low :scs (unsigned-reg) :target quo)
908 (divisor :scs (unsigned-reg)))
909 (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num)
910 (:results (quo :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 1))
911 (rem :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 0)))
912 (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num)
913 (:generator 300
914 (move rem div-high)
915 (move quo div-low)
916 (dotimes (i 33)
917 (inst cmp rem divisor)
918 (inst sub :hs rem rem divisor)
919 (inst adcs quo quo quo)
920 (unless (= i 32)
921 (inst adc rem rem rem)))))
923 (define-vop (signify-digit)
924 (:translate sb!bignum:%fixnum-digit-with-correct-sign)
925 (:policy :fast-safe)
926 (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg) :target res))
927 (:arg-types unsigned-num)
928 (:results (res :scs (any-reg signed-reg)))
929 (:result-types signed-num)
930 (:generator 1
931 (if (sc-is res any-reg)
932 (inst mov res (lsl digit n-fixnum-tag-bits))
933 (inst mov res digit))))
935 (define-vop (digit-ashr)
936 (:translate sb!bignum:%ashr)
937 (:policy :fast-safe)
938 (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg))
939 (count :scs (unsigned-reg)))
940 (:arg-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum)
941 (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg)))
942 (:result-types unsigned-num)
943 (:generator 1
944 (inst mov result (asr digit count))))
946 (define-vop (digit-lshr digit-ashr)
947 (:translate sb!bignum:%digit-logical-shift-right)
948 (:generator 1
949 (inst mov result (lsr digit count))))
951 (define-vop (digit-ashl digit-ashr)
952 (:translate sb!bignum:%ashl)
953 (:generator 1
954 (inst mov result (lsl digit count))))
956 ;;;; Static functions.
958 (define-static-fun two-arg-gcd (x y) :translate gcd)
959 (define-static-fun two-arg-lcm (x y) :translate lcm)
961 (define-static-fun two-arg-+ (x y) :translate +)
962 (define-static-fun two-arg-- (x y) :translate -)
963 (define-static-fun two-arg-* (x y) :translate *)
964 (define-static-fun two-arg-/ (x y) :translate /)
966 (define-static-fun two-arg-< (x y) :translate <)
967 (define-static-fun two-arg-> (x y) :translate >)
968 (define-static-fun two-arg-= (x y) :translate =)
970 (define-static-fun two-arg-and (x y) :translate logand)
971 (define-static-fun two-arg-ior (x y) :translate logior)
972 (define-static-fun two-arg-xor (x y) :translate logxor)
973 (define-static-fun two-arg-eqv (x y) :translate logeqv)
975 (define-static-fun eql (x y) :translate eql)
977 (define-static-fun %negate (x) :translate %negate)