Fix buglet caused by shadowed global variable.
[sbcl.git] / tests / info.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests of the INFO/globaldb system
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; KLUDGE: Unlike most of the system's tests, these are not in the
4 ;;;; problem domain, but in the implementation domain, so modification
5 ;;;; of the system could cause these tests to fail even if the system
6 ;;;; was still a correct implementation of ANSI Common Lisp + SBCL
7 ;;;; extensions. Perhaps such tests should be separate from tests in
8 ;;;; the problem domain. -- WHN 2001-02-11
10 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
11 ;;;; more information.
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
14 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
15 ;;;; from CMU CL.
16 ;;;;
17 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
18 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
19 ;;;; more information.
21 (in-package :cl-user)
23 (test-util:with-test (:name :no-meta-info)
24 (assert-signal (compile nil '(lambda (x) (sb-int:info :type :nokind x)))
25 style-warning))
27 (defun foo (a) (list a))
28 (let ((x 1)) (foo x))
30 (assert (eq (sb-int:info :function :where-from 'foo)
31 :defined))
33 (defun foo (a b) (list a b))
34 (let ((x 1)) (foo x 2))
36 (flet ((foo (a b c)
37 (list a b c)))
38 (foo 1 2 3))
40 ;;; FIXME: This one is commented out since it doesn't work when
41 ;;; the DEFUN is just LOADed instead of COMPILE-FILEd, and it's
42 ;;; not immediately obvious what's the best way to set up
43 ;;; the COMPILE-FILE test.
44 #||
45 (assert
46 (equal
47 (format nil "~A" (sb-int:proclaimed-ftype 'foo))
49 ||#
51 (with-test (:name :fboundp-type-error)
52 (assert-error (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (x) (fboundp x))) 0)
53 type-error)
54 (assert-error (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (x) (fdefinition x))) 0)
55 type-error))
57 (in-package "SB-C")
59 (test-util:with-test (:name :globaldb-sxhashoid-discrimination)
60 (assert (not (eql (globaldb-sxhashoid '(a b c d e))
61 (globaldb-sxhashoid '(a b c d mumble))))))
63 (test-util:with-test (:name :bug-458015)
64 ;; Make sure layouts have sane source-locations
65 (sb-c::call-with-each-globaldb-name
66 (lambda (info-name)
67 (when (and (symbolp info-name) (info :type :kind info-name))
68 (let* ((classoid (find-classoid info-name nil))
69 (layout (and classoid (classoid-layout classoid)))
70 (srcloc (and layout (sb-kernel::layout-source-location layout))))
71 (when (and layout)
72 (assert (or (definition-source-location-p srcloc)
73 (null srcloc)))))))))
75 (test-util:with-test (:name :find-classoid-signal-error)
76 ;; (EVAL ''SILLY) dumbs down the compiler for this test.
77 ;; FIND-CLASSOID on a constant symbol becomes
79 ;; and I want just the primitive operations without muddying the water.
80 (let ((name (eval ''silly)))
81 (assert (not (find-classoid name nil)))
82 (assert (typep (handler-case (find-classoid name) (error (e) e)) 'error))
83 (find-classoid-cell name :create t) ; After this, have cell but no classoid
84 (assert (typep (handler-case (find-classoid name) (error (e) e)) 'error))))
86 (test-util:with-test (:name :set-info-value-type-check)
87 (loop for type-info across *info-types*
88 when (and type-info (not (eq (meta-info-type-spec type-info) 't)))
90 (let ((key1 (meta-info-category type-info))
91 (key2 (meta-info-kind type-info))
92 (sillyval (make-string-output-stream))) ; nothing should be this
93 ;; check the type-checker function
94 (let ((f (compile nil
95 `(lambda (x)
96 (declare (notinline (setf info)))
97 (setf (info ,key1 ,key2 'grrr) x)))))
98 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall f sillyval)))
99 'type-error)))
100 ;; Demonstrate that the SETF disallows the illegal value
101 ;; even though this lambda attempts to be non-type-safe.
102 (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda (x)
103 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
104 (setf (info ,key1 ,key2 'grrr) x)))))
105 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall f sillyval)))
106 'type-error)))))
107 ;; but if I *really* want, a bad value can be installed
108 (set-info-value (gensym)
109 (meta-info-number (meta-info :variable :kind))
110 :this-is-no-good))
112 (test-util:with-test (:name :unrecognize-recognized-declaration)
113 (proclaim '(declaration happiness))
114 (let ((saved (copy-list *recognized-declarations*)))
115 (assert (member 'happiness *recognized-declarations*))
116 (proclaim '(declaration happiness))
117 (assert (equal *recognized-declarations* saved)) ; not pushed again
118 (setf (info :declaration :recognized 'happiness) nil)
119 (assert (not (member 'happiness *recognized-declarations*)))))
121 (test-util:with-test (:name :recognized-decl-not-also-type)
122 (deftype pear (x) `(cons ,x ,x))
123 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (proclaim '(declaration pear))))
124 'declaration-type-conflict-error))
125 (proclaim '(declaration nthing))
126 (assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (deftype nthing (x) `(not ,x))))
127 'declaration-type-conflict-error)))
129 (test-util:with-test (:name :info-env-clear)
130 (setf (info :variable :kind 'fruitbaskets) :macro
131 (info :variable :macro-expansion 'fruitbaskets) 32)
132 (clear-info :variable :kind 'fruitbaskets)
133 (multiple-value-bind (data foundp)
134 (info :variable :kind 'fruitbaskets)
135 (assert (and (eq data :unknown) (not foundp))))
136 (multiple-value-bind (data foundp)
137 (info :variable :macro-expansion 'fruitbaskets)
138 (assert (and foundp (eql data 32))))
139 (clear-info :variable :macro-expansion 'fruitbaskets)
140 (multiple-value-bind (data foundp)
141 (info :variable :macro-expansion 'fruitbaskets)
142 (assert (and (not foundp) (not data)))))
144 ;; packed info vector tests
146 (test-util:with-test (:name :globaldb-info-iterate)
147 (let ((s (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (show-info '*))))
148 (dolist (x '((:function :definition) (:function :type)
149 (:function :where-from) (:function :kind)
150 (:function :info) (:function :source-transform)
151 (:type :kind) (:type :builtin)
152 (:source-location :declaration)
153 (:variable :kind)
154 #+sb-doc (:variable :documentation)
155 (:variable :type) (:variable :where-from)
156 (:source-location :variable)
157 (:alien-type :kind) (:alien-type :translator)))
158 (assert (search (format nil "~S ~S" (car x) (cadr x)) s)))))
160 (test-util:with-test (:name :find-fdefn-agreement)
161 ;; Shows that GET-INFO-VALUE agrees with FIND-FDEFN on all symbols,
162 ;; since they use diffent code. Something would have crashed long before here...
163 (flet ((try (x)
164 (assert (eq (find-fdefn x) (info :function :definition x)))))
165 (do-all-symbols (s)
166 (try s)
167 (try `(setf ,s))
168 (try `(cas ,s)))))
170 (defun shuffle (vector) ; destructive
171 (loop for lim from (1- (length vector)) downto 0
172 for chosen = (random (1+ lim))
173 unless (= chosen lim)
174 do (rotatef (aref vector chosen) (aref vector lim)))
175 vector)
177 (test-util:with-test (:name :quick-packed-info-insert)
178 ;; Exercise some bit patterns that touch the sign bit on 32-bit machines.
179 (loop repeat 10
181 (let ((iv1 +nil-packed-infos+)
182 (iv2 +nil-packed-infos+)
183 (type-nums
184 (cons 1 (subseq '(#b100000 #b110000 #b010000 #b011000
185 #b000100 #b000010 #b000011 #b000001)
186 0 (- +infos-per-word+ 2)))))
187 ;; Randomize because maybe there's an ordering constraint more
188 ;; complicated than fdefn always getting to be first.
189 ;; (there isn't, but could be)
190 (dolist (num (coerce (shuffle (coerce type-nums 'vector)) 'list))
191 (let ((val (format nil "value for ~D" num)))
192 (setq iv1 (quick-packed-info-insert iv1 num val)
193 iv2 (%packed-info-insert ; not PACKED-INFO-INSERT
194 iv2 +no-auxilliary-key+ num val))
195 (assert (equalp iv1 iv2))))
196 ;; the first and only info descriptor should be full
197 (assert (not (info-quickly-insertable-p iv1))))))
199 (defun crossprod (a b)
200 (mapcan (lambda (x) (mapcar (lambda (y) (cons x y)) b))
203 ;; The real GET-INFO-VALUE AVERs that INFO-NUMBER is legal. This one doesn't.
204 (defun cheating-get-info-value (sym aux-key info-number)
205 (let* ((vector (symbol-info-vector sym))
206 (index (packed-info-value-index vector aux-key info-number)))
207 (if index
208 (values (svref vector index) t)
209 (values nil nil))))
211 ;; Info vectors may be concurrently updated. If more than one thread writes
212 ;; the same name/info-number, it's random which thread prevails, but for
213 ;; non-colliding updates, none should be lost.
214 ;; This is not a "reasonable" use of packed info vectors.
215 ;; It's just a check of the response of the algorithm to heavy pounding.
216 #+sb-thread
217 (test-util:with-test (:name :info-vector-concurrency)
218 (let ((s (gensym))
219 (a (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word)))
220 (let* ((aux-keys '(0 a b c d e f g h nil i j k l m n o p setf q r s))
221 (info-types (loop for i from 1 below 64 collect i))
222 (work (shuffle (coerce (crossprod aux-keys info-types) 'vector)))
223 (n (floor (length work) 4))
224 (threads))
225 (dotimes (i 4)
226 (push
227 (sb-thread:make-thread
228 (lambda (work my-id)
229 (loop for x across work
230 do (set-info-value (if (eq (car x) 0) s `(,(car x) ,s))
231 (cdr x)
232 (list (atomic-incf (aref a 0)) my-id
233 (format nil "~A,~A"
234 (car x) (cdr x))))))
235 :arguments (list (subseq work (* i n) (if (= i 3) nil (* (1+ i) n)))
237 threads))
238 (dolist (thread threads)
239 (sb-thread:join-thread thread))
240 (let ((foo (make-array (aref a 0))))
241 ;; Returning FOO is to give a rough visual indication that
242 ;; there were in fact intermingled updates.
243 (dolist (k aux-keys foo)
244 (dotimes (i 64)
245 (let ((answer (cheating-get-info-value s k i)))
246 (if answer
247 (setf (aref foo (car answer)) answer))
248 (assert (equal (third answer)
249 (if (= i 0) nil
250 (format nil "~A,~A" k i)))))))))))
252 ;; specialized concurrent hashtable tests
254 (defun integer-range (min max)
255 (let* ((n (1+ (- max min)))
256 (a (make-array n)))
257 (dotimes (j n a)
258 (setf (aref a j) (+ j min)))))
260 (defun randomize (key random-state)
261 (if random-state
262 (logior (ash key 10) (random (ash 1 10) random-state))
263 key)) ; not randomizing
265 (defun show-tally (table tally verb print)
266 (when print
267 (format t "Hashtable has ~D entries~%" (info-env-count table)))
268 (let ((tot 0))
269 (dotimes (thread-id (length tally) tot)
270 (let ((n (aref tally thread-id)))
271 (when print
272 (format t "Thread ~2d ~A ~7d time~:P~%" thread-id verb n))
273 (incf tot n)))))
275 (defun test-concurrent-incf (&key (table (make-info-hashtable))
276 (n-threads 40) (n-inserts 50000)
277 (print nil))
278 (declare (optimize safety))
279 (let ((threads)
280 (worklists (make-array n-threads))
281 (failures)
282 (tries (make-array n-threads :initial-element 0)))
283 (dotimes (i n-threads)
284 ;; Insert the integers [-n .. -2]. Keys 0 and -1 are illegal.
285 (setf (aref worklists i)
286 (shuffle (integer-range (- (1+ n-inserts)) -2))))
287 (dotimes (i n-threads)
288 (push (sb-thread:make-thread
289 (lambda (worklist me)
290 (declare (simple-vector worklist))
291 (flet ((doer (val)
292 (incf (aref tries me))
293 (1+ (or val 0))))
294 (declare (dynamic-extent #'doer))
295 ;; for each item in worklist, increment that key
296 (loop for key across worklist do
297 (info-puthash table key #'doer))
298 ;; again backwards just for fun
299 (loop for j downfrom (1- (length worklist)) to 0 do
300 (info-puthash table (svref worklist j) #'doer))))
301 :name (format nil "Worker ~D" i)
302 :arguments (list (aref worklists i) i))
303 threads))
304 (when print (format t "Started ~D threads doing INCF~%" n-threads))
305 (dolist (thread threads)
306 (sb-thread:join-thread thread))
307 (assert (= (info-env-count table) n-inserts))
308 (show-tally table tries "updated" print)
309 ;; expect val[key] = 2*n-threads for all keys
310 (info-maphash (lambda (k v)
311 (unless (= v (* 2 n-threads))
312 (push (cons k v) failures)))
313 table)
314 (if failures
315 (format t "Fail: ~S~%" failures))
316 (assert (not failures))
317 table))
319 (defun test-concurrent-consing (&key (table (make-info-hashtable))
320 (n-threads 40) (n-inserts 100000)
321 (randomize t) (print nil))
322 (declare (optimize safety))
323 (assert (evenp n-threads))
324 (let ((threads)
325 (rs (make-random-state)))
326 ;; Under each key, the value stored will be a list of the threads
327 ;; which pushed their ID. For any pair of even/odd numbered threads,
328 ;; exactly one should win the race to push its ID on behalf of the pair.
329 (dotimes (i n-threads)
330 (push (sb-thread:make-thread
331 (lambda (me rs)
332 ;; Randomizing makes keys be used up in a quasi-random
333 ;; order without having to pre-compute a shuffle.
334 (dotimes (i n-inserts)
335 (info-puthash
336 table (randomize (1+ i) rs)
337 (lambda (list)
338 (let ((peer (logxor me 1)))
339 (if (member peer list) list (cons me list)))))))
340 :name (format nil "Worker ~D" i)
341 :arguments (list i (if randomize (make-random-state rs))))
342 threads))
343 (when print (format t "Started ~D threads doing CONS~%" n-threads))
344 (dolist (thread threads)
345 (sb-thread:join-thread thread))
346 (assert (= (info-env-count table) n-inserts))
347 ;; Collect the distribution of threads which inserted, for display only
348 ;; since it not expected to be particularly "fair"
349 (let ((tally (make-array n-threads :initial-element 0)))
350 (info-maphash
351 (lambda (key id-list)
352 (let ((scoreboard (make-array (/ n-threads 2) :element-type 'bit)))
353 (dolist (thread-id id-list)
354 (let ((group-id (floor thread-id 2)))
355 ;; assert no duplicate for a peer group
356 (if (= (sbit scoreboard group-id) 1)
357 (error "Fail: ~S ~S~%" key id-list))
358 (setf (sbit scoreboard group-id) 1)
359 (incf (aref tally thread-id))))
360 ;; the scoreboard should be full
361 (when (find 0 scoreboard)
362 (error "Fail: ~S -> ~S (~S)~%" key id-list scoreboard))))
363 table)
364 ;; There should be half as many puthash operations that succeeded
365 ;; as the product of n-threads and n-inserts.
366 (assert (= (show-tally table tally "inserted" print)
367 (* 1/2 n-threads n-inserts)))))
368 table)
370 #+sb-thread
371 (progn
372 (test-util:with-test (:name :lockfree-hash-concurrent-twiddling)
373 (test-concurrent-incf))
374 (test-util:with-test (:name :lockfree-hash-concurrent-consing)
375 (test-concurrent-consing)))
377 ;; classoid cells
379 (in-package "SB-IMPL")
381 (defglobal *make-classoid-cell-callcount* (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word))
382 (defglobal *really-make-classoid-cell* #'sb-kernel::make-classoid-cell)
383 (without-package-locks
384 (defun sb-kernel::make-classoid-cell (name &optional classoid)
385 (sb-ext:atomic-incf (aref *make-classoid-cell-callcount* 0))
386 (funcall *really-make-classoid-cell* name classoid)))
388 ;; Return a set of symbols to play around with
389 (defun classoid-cell-test-get-lotsa-symbols ()
390 (remove-if-not
391 #'symbolp
392 (package-hashtable-cells
393 (package-internal-symbols (find-package "SB-C")))))
395 ;; Make every symbol in the test set have a classoid-cell
396 (defun be-a-classoid-cell-writer ()
397 (let* ((symbols (classoid-cell-test-get-lotsa-symbols))
398 (result (make-array (length symbols) :initial-element nil)))
399 (loop for s across symbols
400 for i from 0
401 do (setf (aref result i) (find-classoid-cell s :create t)))
402 result))
404 ;; Get the classoid-cells
405 (defun be-a-classoid-cell-reader ()
406 (let* ((symbols (classoid-cell-test-get-lotsa-symbols))
407 (result (make-array (length symbols) :initial-element nil)))
408 (dotimes (iter 3)
409 (loop for i below (length symbols)
410 do (pushnew (find-classoid-cell (svref symbols i))
411 (svref result i))))
412 ;; The thread shall have observed at most two different values
413 ;; for FIND-CLASSOID-CELL - nil and/or a CLASSOID-CELL.
414 ;; For each symbol, if the thread observed a classoid cell, store that.
415 (loop for list across result
416 for i from 0
417 do (let ((observed-value (remove nil list)))
418 (if (cdr observed-value)
419 (error "Should not happen: find-classoid-cell => ~S" list)
420 (setf (svref result i) (car observed-value)))))
421 result))
423 ;; Perform some silly updates to plists, because they mess with
424 ;; the symbol-info slot alongside globaldb writers.
425 (defun be-a-plist-writer ()
426 (loop for s across (classoid-cell-test-get-lotsa-symbols)
428 (loop (let ((old (symbol-plist s)))
429 (when (or (member 'foo old)
430 (eq (cas (symbol-plist s) old (list* 'foo s old)) old))
431 (return))))))
433 #+sb-thread
434 (test-util:with-test (:name :info-vector-classoid-cell)
435 (let (readers writers more-threads results)
436 (dotimes (i 5)
437 (push (sb-thread:make-thread #'be-a-classoid-cell-writer) writers))
438 (dotimes (i 5)
439 (push (sb-thread:make-thread #'be-a-classoid-cell-reader) readers)
440 (push (sb-thread:make-thread #'be-a-plist-writer) more-threads))
441 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread more-threads)
442 (dolist (thread (append readers writers))
443 (push (sb-thread:join-thread thread) results))
444 (let ((result-vect (make-array 10)))
445 (loop for i below (length (first results))
447 (dotimes (thread-num 10)
448 (setf (aref result-vect thread-num)
449 (aref (nth thread-num results) i)))
450 ;; some thread should have observed a classoid-cell
451 (let ((representative (find-if-not #'null result-vect)))
452 ;; For each thread which observed a classoid-cell,
453 ;; assert that the cell is EQ to the representative.
454 (dotimes (thread-num 10)
455 (let ((cell (aref result-vect thread-num)))
456 (if cell
457 (assert (eq cell representative))))))))
458 ;; and make sure the property list updates also weren't lost
459 (let ((symbols (classoid-cell-test-get-lotsa-symbols)))
460 (loop for s across symbols
461 do (assert (eq (get s 'foo) s)))
462 ;; a statistic of no real merit, but verifies that
463 ;; the lockfree logic does discard some created objects.
464 (format t "Consed ~D classoid-cells (~D symbols)~%"
465 (aref *make-classoid-cell-callcount* 0)
466 (length symbols)))))
468 ;;; test %GET-INFO-VALUE-INITIALIZING using generalized function names
470 (defun be-an-fdefn-reader (names)
471 (declare (simple-vector names))
472 (let ((result (make-array (length names) :initial-element nil)))
473 (dotimes (iter 3)
474 (loop for i below (length names)
475 do (pushnew (find-fdefn (aref names i)) (aref result i))))
476 ;; The thread shall observe either nil or an fdefn, and at most one fdefn.
477 (loop for list across result
478 for i from 0
479 do (let ((observed-value (remove nil list)))
480 (if (cdr observed-value)
481 (error "Should not happen: fdefn => ~S" list)
482 (setf (aref result i) (car observed-value)))))
483 result))
485 (defun be-an-fdefn-writer (names)
486 (declare (simple-vector names))
487 (let ((fdefn-result (make-array (length names) :initial-element nil))
488 (random-result (make-array (length names) :initial-element nil))
489 (n-created 0)
490 (highest-type-num
491 (position-if #'identity sb-c::*info-types*
492 :end sb-int:+fdefn-info-num+ :from-end t)))
493 (loop for name across names
494 for i from 0
495 do (setf (aref fdefn-result i)
496 (get-info-value-initializing
497 :function :definition name
498 (progn (incf n-created) (make-fdefn name))))
499 (dotimes (i (random 3))
500 ;; Set random info for other names to cause CAS failures.
501 ;; Pick an info-type number and give it a random value.
502 ;; Store the random value so that we can assert on it later.
503 ;; Never touch reserved type numbers 0 or 63.
504 (let ((random-name-index (random (length names)))
505 (random-type (+ (random (1- highest-type-num)) 2))
506 (random-value (random most-positive-fixnum)))
507 (push (cons random-type random-value)
508 (aref random-result random-name-index))
509 (sb-c::set-info-value (aref names random-name-index)
510 random-type random-value))))
511 (values n-created fdefn-result random-result)))
513 (test-util:with-test (:name :get-info-value-initializing
514 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
515 ;; Precompute random generalized function names for testing, some of which
516 ;; are "simple" (per the taxonomy of globaldb) and some hairy.
517 (let ((work (coerce (loop repeat 10000
518 nconc (list `(defmacro ,(gensym)) ; simple name
519 (gensym))) ; very simple name
520 'vector))
521 (n-threads 10) readers writers fdefn-results random-results)
522 (dotimes (i (ash n-threads -1))
523 (push (sb-thread:make-thread
524 #'be-an-fdefn-writer :arguments (list work)
525 :name (write-to-string i)) writers))
526 (dotimes (i (ash n-threads -1))
527 (push (sb-thread:make-thread #'be-an-fdefn-reader :arguments (list work))
528 readers))
529 (dolist (thread readers)
530 (push (sb-thread:join-thread thread) fdefn-results))
531 (let ((tot 0))
532 (dolist (thread writers)
533 (multiple-value-bind (n-created fdefn-result random-result)
534 (sb-thread:join-thread thread)
535 (incf tot n-created)
536 (format t "~5D fdefns from ~A~%" n-created
537 (sb-thread:thread-name thread))
538 (push fdefn-result fdefn-results)
539 (push random-result random-results)))
540 (format t "~5D total~%" tot))
541 (let ((aggregate (make-array n-threads)))
542 (dotimes (name-index (length work))
543 (dotimes (thread-num n-threads)
544 (setf (aref aggregate thread-num)
545 (aref (nth thread-num fdefn-results) name-index)))
546 ;; some thread should have observed an fdefn
547 (let ((representative (find-if-not #'null aggregate)))
548 ;; For each thread which observed an fdefn,
549 ;; assert that the cell is EQ to the representative.
550 (dotimes (thread-num n-threads)
551 (awhen (aref aggregate thread-num)
552 (assert (eq it representative)))))))
553 ;; For each name and each info type number that some thread inserted,
554 ;; verify that the info-value is among the set of random values.
555 (dotimes (name-index (length work))
556 (dotimes (type-num 64)
557 ;; some thread says that TYPE-NUM exists for NAME-INDEX
558 (when (some (lambda (output)
559 (assoc type-num (aref output name-index)))
560 random-results)
561 (let ((actual (sb-c::get-info-value (aref work name-index)
562 type-num)))
563 (unless (some (lambda (output)
564 (some (lambda (cell)
565 (and (eq (car cell) type-num)
566 (eql (cdr cell) actual)))
567 (aref output name-index)))
568 random-results)
569 (error "Fail ~S ~S => ~S.~%Choices are ~S"
570 (aref work name-index) type-num actual
571 (mapcar (lambda (output)
572 (aref output name-index))
573 random-results)))))))))
575 ;; As explained in the comments at the top of 'info-vector.lisp',
576 ;; it is a bad idea to use globaldb to store an atomic counter as
577 ;; a piece of info for a name, as it is quite brutal and consy,
578 ;; but for this test, that's precisely the goal.
579 ;; This test conses ~5 Megabytes on 64-bit almost entirely due
580 ;; to allocation of each immutable info storage vector.
581 (test-util:with-test (:name :get-info-value-updating
582 :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread))
583 (flet ((run (names)
584 (declare (simple-vector names))
585 (let* ((n (length names))
586 (counts (make-array n :element-type 'sb-ext:word))
587 (threads))
588 (dotimes (i 15)
589 (push (sb-thread:make-thread
590 (lambda ()
591 (dotimes (iter 1000)
592 ;; increment (:variable :macro-expansion)
593 ;; for a randomly chosen name. That particular
594 ;; info-type harmlessly accepts any data type.
595 (let* ((index (random n))
596 (name (aref names index)))
597 (atomic-incf (aref counts index))
598 ;; should probably be SB-INT:
599 (sb-c::atomic-set-info-value
600 :variable :macro-expansion name
601 (lambda (old old-p)
602 (if old-p (1+ old) 1))))
603 ;; randomly touch an item of info
604 ;; for another (or the same) name.
605 (let* ((index (random n))
606 (name (aref names index)))
607 ;; source-location also accepts anything :-(
608 (setf (info :type :source-location name) iter)))))
609 threads))
610 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread threads)
611 ;; assert that no updates were lost
612 (loop for name across names
613 for count across counts
614 for val = (info :variable :macro-expansion name)
615 do (assert (eql (or val 0) count))))))
616 ;; Try it when names are symbols or "simple" 2-list names
617 (run (coerce (loop repeat 50
618 for sym = (gensym)
619 nconc (list `(setf ,sym) sym))
620 'vector))
621 ;; For hairy names, the tricky piece is in the rehash algorithm,
622 ;; but there's no way to stress-test that because *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*
623 ;; would have to keep doubling in size. To that end, it would have to begin
624 ;; as a tiny table again, but it can't, without destroying the Lisp runtime.
625 ;; The :lockfree-hash-concurrent-twiddling test should give high confidence
626 ;; that it works, by creating and testing a standalone hash-table.
627 (run (coerce (loop repeat 50 collect `(foo ,(gensym) hair)) 'vector))))
629 ;;; success