%other-pointer-widetag derive-type: derive for simple-array.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / text-space.lisp
1 ;;;; Reorganization of immobile code space.
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB-X86-64-ASM")
14 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ; not needed outside this file
15 (defmacro do-text-space-code ((code-var) &body body)
16 ;; Loop over all code objects
17 `(let* ((call (find-inst #xE8 (get-inst-space)))
18 (jmp (find-inst #xE9 (get-inst-space)))
19 (mov-ea (find-inst #x8B (get-inst-space)))
20 (mov-imm-acc (find-inst #xB8 (get-inst-space)))
21 (dstate (make-dstate nil))
22 (sap (int-sap 0))
23 (seg (sb-disassem::%make-segment :sap-maker (lambda () sap))))
24 (declare (ignorable mov-ea mov-imm-acc))
25 (macrolet ((do-functions ((fun-var addr-var) &body body)
26 ;; Loop over all embedded functions
27 `(dotimes (fun-index (code-n-entries ,',code-var))
28 (let* ((,fun-var (%code-entry-point ,',code-var fun-index))
29 (,addr-var (+ (get-lisp-obj-address ,fun-var)
30 (- fun-pointer-lowtag)
31 (ash simple-fun-insts-offset word-shift))))
32 (with-pinned-objects (sap) ; Mutate SAP to point to fun
33 (setf (sap-ref-word (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address sap))
34 (- n-word-bytes other-pointer-lowtag))
35 ,addr-var))
36 (setf (seg-virtual-location seg) ,addr-var
37 (seg-length seg) (%simple-fun-text-len ,fun-var fun-index))
38 ,@body))))
39 (sb-vm::map-objects-in-range
40 (lambda (,code-var obj-type obj-size)
41 (declare (ignore obj-size))
42 (when (= obj-type code-header-widetag) ,@body))
43 ;; Slowness here is bothersome, especially for UNDO-STATIC-LINKAGE,
44 ;; so skip right over all fixedobj pages.
45 (ash text-space-start (- n-fixnum-tag-bits))
46 (%make-lisp-obj (sap-int *text-space-free-pointer*)))))))
48 #+immobile-code
49 (defun sb-vm::collect-immobile-code-relocs ()
50 (let ((code-components
51 (make-array 20000 :element-type 'sb-vm:word :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
52 (relocs
53 (make-array 100000 :element-type 'sb-vm:word :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
54 (seg (sb-disassem::%make-segment
55 :sap-maker (lambda () (error "Bad sap maker")) :virtual-location 0))
56 (dstate (make-dstate nil)))
57 (flet ((scan-function (code sap length extra-offset predicate)
58 ;; Extra offset is the amount to add to the offset supplied in the
59 ;; lambda to compute the instruction offset relative to the code base.
60 ;; Defrag has already stuffed in forwarding pointers when it reads
61 ;; this data, which makes code_header_words() inconvenient to use.
62 (sb-x86-64-asm::scan-relative-operands
63 code (sap-int sap) length dstate seg
64 (lambda (offset operand inst)
65 (declare (ignore inst))
66 (let ((lispobj (if (immobile-space-addr-p operand)
67 (sb-vm::find-called-object operand)
68 0)))
69 (vector-push-extend (+ offset extra-offset) relocs)
70 (vector-push-extend (get-lisp-obj-address lispobj) relocs)))
71 predicate))
72 (finish-component (code start-relocs-index)
73 (when (> (fill-pointer relocs) start-relocs-index)
74 (vector-push-extend (get-lisp-obj-address code) code-components)
75 (vector-push-extend start-relocs-index code-components))))
77 ;; Assembler routines contain jumps to immobile code.
78 (let ((code sb-fasl:*assembler-routines*)
79 (relocs-index (fill-pointer relocs)))
80 ;; The whole thing can be disassembled in one stroke since inter-routine
81 ;; gaps are encoded as NOPs.
82 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (sb-fasl::calc-asm-routine-bounds)
83 (scan-function code
84 (sap+ (code-instructions code) start)
85 (- end start)
86 ;; extra offset = header words + start
87 (+ (ash (code-header-words code) word-shift) start)
88 ;; calls from lisp into C code can be ignored, as
89 ;; neither the asssembly routines nor C code will move.
90 #'immobile-space-addr-p))
91 (finish-component code relocs-index))
93 ;; Immobile space - code components can jump to immobile space,
94 ;; read-only space, and C runtime routines.
95 (sb-vm:map-allocated-objects
96 (lambda (code type size)
97 (declare (ignore size))
98 (when (and (= type code-header-widetag) (plusp (code-n-entries code)))
99 (let ((relocs-index (fill-pointer relocs)))
100 (dotimes (i (code-n-entries code))
101 ;; simple-funs must be individually scanned so that the
102 ;; embedded boxed words are properly skipped over.
103 (let* ((fun (%code-entry-point code i))
104 (sap (simple-fun-entry-sap fun)))
105 (scan-function code sap
106 (%simple-fun-text-len fun i)
107 ;; Compute the offset from the base of the code
108 (+ (ash (code-header-words code) word-shift)
109 (sap- sap (code-instructions code)))
110 #'constantly-t)))
111 (finish-component code relocs-index))))
112 :immobile))
114 ;; Write a delimiter into the array passed to C
115 (vector-push-extend 0 code-components)
116 (vector-push-extend (fill-pointer relocs) code-components)
117 (values code-components relocs)))
119 (export 'sb-vm::statically-link-core "SB-VM")
120 (declaim (inline rip-relative-p))
121 (defun rip-relative-p (modrm-byte) (= (logand modrm-byte #b11000111) #b00000101))
123 #+immobile-code
124 (defun sb-vm::statically-link-core (&key callers)
125 (do-text-space-code (code)
126 (when (or (not callers)
127 (and (plusp (code-n-entries code))
128 (member (%simple-fun-name (%code-entry-point code 0)) callers)))
129 (let* ((fixups)
130 (all-fdefns
131 (do ((i sb-vm:code-constants-offset (1+ i))
132 (end (code-header-words code))
133 (list))
134 ((= i end) list)
135 (let ((const (code-header-ref code i)))
136 (typecase const
137 (fdefn (push const list))
138 ;; CONS may occur due to previous invocation of statically-link.
139 ((cons fdefn) (push (car const) list))))))
140 (observable-fdefns) ; ones that an instruction explicitly dereferences
141 (code-begin (- (get-lisp-obj-address code) sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag))
142 (code-end (+ code-begin (sb-vm::code-object-size code)))
143 (boxed-begin (+ code-begin (* sb-vm:code-constants-offset sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
144 (boxed-end (+ code-begin (* (code-header-words code) sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
145 (code-insts (code-instructions code)))
146 (do-functions (fun addr)
147 ;; Loop over function's assembly code
148 (dx-flet ((process-inst (chunk inst)
149 (cond
150 ;; find FDEFNs as the source of move-immediate-to-register.
151 ;; There can be false positives, but that's OK.
152 ((and (eq inst mov-imm-acc)
153 ;; ensure not a 64-bit move
154 (eql (sb-disassem::dstate-inst-properties dstate) 0))
155 (let ((value (sap-ref-32 sap (1+ (dstate-cur-offs dstate)))))
156 (dolist (fdefn all-fdefns)
157 (when (eql (get-lisp-obj-address fdefn) value)
158 (pushnew fdefn observable-fdefns)))))
159 ;; find FDEFNs in code header as the source of MOV EA to register
160 ((and (eq inst mov-ea)
161 (eql (sap-ref-8 sap (dstate-cur-offs dstate)) #x8B)
162 (rip-relative-p (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ (dstate-cur-offs dstate)))))
163 (let ((addr (+ (signed-sap-ref-32 sap (+ (dstate-cur-offs dstate) 2))
164 (dstate-next-addr dstate))))
165 (when (and (not (logtest addr (ash sb-vm:lowtag-mask -1))) ; aligned
166 (<= boxed-begin addr) (< addr boxed-end))
167 (let ((const (sap-ref-lispobj (int-sap addr) 0)))
168 (when (fdefn-p const)
169 (pushnew const observable-fdefns))))))
170 ;; find FDEFN as the target of JMP/CALL
171 ((or (eq inst jmp) (eq inst call))
172 (let ((target (+ (near-jump-displacement chunk dstate)
173 (dstate-next-addr dstate))))
174 ;; Can't be an FDEFN if within the same code object
175 (unless (and (<= code-begin target) (< target code-end))
176 (let ((fdefn (dolist (fdefn all-fdefns)
177 (when (= target (+ (get-lisp-obj-address fdefn)
178 ;; KLUDGE: 2 = address of 'jmp' inst
179 (- 2 other-pointer-lowtag)))
180 (return fdefn)))))
181 (when (and fdefn (neq (info :function :inlinep (fdefn-name fdefn))
182 'notinline))
183 (push (cons (+ (sap- sap code-insts)
184 (1+ (sb-disassem:dstate-cur-offs dstate)))
185 fdefn)
186 fixups)))))))))
187 (map-segment-instructions #'process-inst seg dstate)))
188 (sb-vm::statically-link-code-obj code fixups observable-fdefns)))))
190 ;;; While concurrent use of un-statically-link is unlikely, misuse could easily
191 ;;; cause heap corruption. It's preventable by ensuring that this is atomic
192 ;;; with respect to other mutations of the same fdefn.
193 ;;; The issue is that if the fdefn loses the pointer to the underlying code
194 ;;; via (setf fdefn-fun) before we were done removing the static links,
195 ;;; then there could be no remaining pointers visible to GC.
196 ;;; The only way to detect the current set of references is to find uses of the
197 ;;; current jump address, which means we need to fix them *all* before anyone
198 ;;; else gets an opportunity to change the fdefn-fun of this same fdefn again.
199 (defun sb-impl::undo-static-linkage (fdefn &aux (fun-entry (sb-vm::fdefn-raw-addr fdefn)))
200 (unless (sb-vm::fdefn-has-static-callers fdefn)
201 (return-from sb-impl::undo-static-linkage))
202 (sb-int:with-system-mutex (sb-vm::*static-linker-lock*)
203 (do-text-space-code (code)
204 ;; Examine only those code components which potentially use FDEFN.
205 (binding* ((fdefn-index
206 (multiple-value-bind (fdefns-start count) (code-header-fdefn-range code)
207 (dotimes (i count)
208 (let ((constant (code-header-ref code (+ fdefns-start i))))
209 (when (or (eq constant fdefn)
210 (and (consp constant) (eq (car constant) fdefn)))
211 (return (+ fdefns-start i))))))
212 :exit-if-null))
213 #-immobile-code
214 (let ((header-slot-addr
215 (+ (get-lisp-obj-address code)
216 (- (ash fdefn-index word-shift) other-pointer-lowtag))))
217 (do-functions (fun addr)
218 (map-segment-instructions
219 (lambda (chunk inst)
220 (when (or (eq inst jmp) (eq inst call))
221 ;; If the jump is to FUN-ENTRY, rewrite this call into
222 ;; MOV RAX,[RIP-n] ; CALL [RAX+9]
223 (let ((disp (truly-the (signed-byte 32) (near-jump-displacement chunk dstate))))
224 (when (= (+ disp (dstate-next-addr dstate)) fun-entry)
225 ;; 5 bytes prior has to be the start of a 5-byte NOP.
226 ;; Just trust that it is that.
227 (let ((sap (sap+ (int-sap (dstate-cur-addr dstate)) -5)))
228 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap 0) #x48
229 (sap-ref-8 sap 1) #x8B
230 (sap-ref-8 sap 2) #x05
231 (signed-sap-ref-32 sap 3)
232 (- 3 (- (dstate-next-addr dstate) header-slot-addr))
233 (sap-ref-8 sap 7) #xFF
234 (sap-ref-8 sap 8) (if (eq inst jmp) #x60 #x50)
235 (sap-ref-8 sap 9) 9))))))
236 seg dstate)))
237 #+immobile-code
238 (flet ((fix (sap oldval)
239 (let* ((fdefn-entry (sb-vm::fdefn-entry-address fdefn))
240 (newval (the (signed-byte 32)
241 (- fdefn-entry (sap-int (sap+ sap 4))))))
242 ;; CMPXCHG is atomic even when misaligned, and x86-64 promises
243 ;; that self-modifying code works correctly, so the fetcher
244 ;; should never see a torn write.
245 (cas (sap-ref-32 sap 0)
246 (ldb (byte 32 0) oldval)
247 (ldb (byte 32 0) newval)))))
248 (let ((constant (code-header-ref code fdefn-index)))
249 (setf (code-header-ref code fdefn-index) fdefn)
250 (if (listp constant) ; list of saved fixup offsets
251 (dolist (offset (cdr constant))
252 (let ((sap (sap+ (code-instructions code) offset)))
253 (fix sap (signed-sap-ref-32 sap 0))))
254 (do-functions (fun addr)
255 (map-segment-instructions
256 (lambda (chunk inst)
257 (when (or (eq inst jmp) (eq inst call))
258 ;; If the jump is to FUN-ENTRY, change it back to FDEFN-ENTRY
259 ;; TRULY-THE because near-jump-displacement isn't a known fun.
260 (let ((disp (truly-the (signed-byte 32)
261 (near-jump-displacement chunk dstate))))
262 (when (= (+ disp (dstate-next-addr dstate)) fun-entry)
263 (fix (sap+ (int-sap (dstate-cur-addr dstate)) 1) disp)))))
264 seg dstate)))))))
265 (sb-vm::set-fdefn-has-static-callers fdefn 0)))