fix APROPOS/APROPOS-LIST and inherited symbols
[sbcl.git] / src / code / sharpm.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
12 (declaim (special *read-suppress*))
14 ;;; FIXME: Is it standard to ignore numeric args instead of raising errors?
15 (defun ignore-numarg (sub-char numarg)
16 (when numarg
17 (warn "A numeric argument was ignored in #~W~A." numarg sub-char)))
19 ;;;; reading arrays and vectors: the #(, #*, and #A readmacros
21 (defun sharp-left-paren (stream ignore length)
22 (declare (ignore ignore))
23 (let* ((list (read-list stream nil))
24 (list-length
25 (handler-case (length list)
26 (type-error ()
27 (simple-reader-error stream "Improper list in #(): ~S." list)))))
28 (declare (list list)
29 (fixnum list-length))
30 (cond (*read-suppress* nil)
31 ((and length (> list-length length))
32 (simple-reader-error
33 stream
34 "Vector longer than the specified length: #~S~S."
35 length list))
36 (length
37 ;; the syntax `#n(foo ,@bar) is not well-defined. [See lp#1096043.]
38 ;; We take it to mean that the vector as read should be padded to
39 ;; length 'n'. It could be argued that 'n' is the length after
40 ;; expansion, but that's not easy, not to mention unportable.
41 (fill (replace (make-array length) list)
42 (car (last list)) :start list-length))
44 (coerce list 'vector)))))
46 (defun sharp-star (stream ignore numarg)
47 (declare (ignore ignore))
48 (declare (type (or null fixnum) numarg))
49 (binding* (((buffer escape-appearedp) (read-extended-token stream))
50 (input-len (token-buf-fill-ptr buffer))
51 (bstring (token-buf-string buffer)))
52 (cond (*read-suppress* nil)
53 (escape-appearedp
54 (simple-reader-error stream
55 "An escape character appeared after #*."))
56 ((and numarg (zerop input-len) (not (zerop numarg)))
57 (simple-reader-error
58 stream
59 "You have to give a little bit for non-zero #* bit-vectors."))
60 ((or (null numarg) (>= numarg input-len))
61 (do ((bvec
62 (make-array (or numarg input-len)
63 :element-type 'bit
64 :initial-element
65 (if (and (plusp input-len)
66 (char= (char bstring (1- input-len)) #\1))
67 1 0)))
68 (i 0 (1+ i)))
69 ((= i input-len) bvec)
70 (declare (index i) (optimize (sb!c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
71 (let ((char (char bstring i)))
72 (setf (elt bvec i)
73 (case char
74 (#\0 0)
75 (#\1 1)
76 (t (simple-reader-error
77 stream "illegal element given for bit-vector: ~S"
78 char)))))))
80 (simple-reader-error
81 stream
82 "Bit vector is longer than specified length #~A*~A"
83 numarg
84 (copy-token-buf-string buffer))))))
86 (defun sharp-A (stream ignore dimensions)
87 (declare (ignore ignore))
88 (when *read-suppress*
89 (read stream t nil t)
90 (return-from sharp-A nil))
91 (unless dimensions
92 (simple-reader-error stream "No dimensions argument to #A."))
93 (collect ((dims))
94 (let* ((*bq-error*
95 (if (zerop *backquote-depth*)
96 *bq-error*
97 "Comma inside a backquoted array (not a list or general vector.)"))
98 (*backquote-depth* 0)
99 (contents (read stream t nil t))
100 (seq contents))
101 (dotimes (axis dimensions
102 (make-array (dims) :initial-contents contents))
103 (unless (typep seq 'sequence)
104 (simple-reader-error stream
105 "#~WA axis ~W is not a sequence:~% ~S"
106 dimensions axis seq))
107 (let ((len (length seq)))
108 (dims len)
109 (unless (or (= axis (1- dimensions))
110 ;; ANSI: "If some dimension of the array whose
111 ;; representation is being parsed is found to be
112 ;; 0, all dimensions to the right (i.e., the
113 ;; higher numbered dimensions) are also
114 ;; considered to be 0."
115 (= len 0))
116 (setq seq (elt seq 0))))))))
118 ;;;; reading structure instances: the #S readmacro
120 (defun sharp-S (stream sub-char numarg)
121 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
122 (when *read-suppress*
123 (read stream t nil t)
124 (return-from sharp-S nil))
125 (let* ((*bq-error*
126 (if (zerop *backquote-depth*)
127 *bq-error*
128 "Comma inside backquoted structure (not a list or general vector.)"))
129 (body (if (char= (read-char stream t) #\( )
130 (let ((*backquote-depth* 0))
131 (read-list stream nil))
132 (simple-reader-error stream "non-list following #S"))))
133 (unless (listp body)
134 (simple-reader-error stream "non-list following #S: ~S" body))
135 (unless (symbolp (car body))
136 (simple-reader-error stream
137 "Structure type is not a symbol: ~S"
138 (car body)))
139 (let ((classoid (find-classoid (car body) nil)))
140 (unless (typep classoid 'structure-classoid)
141 (simple-reader-error stream
142 "~S is not a defined structure type."
143 (car body)))
144 (let ((default-constructor (dd-default-constructor
145 (layout-info (classoid-layout classoid)))))
146 (unless default-constructor
147 (simple-reader-error
148 stream
149 "The ~S structure does not have a default constructor."
150 (car body)))
151 (when (and (atom (rest body))
152 (not (null (rest body))))
153 (simple-reader-error stream "improper list for #S: ~S." body))
154 (apply (fdefinition default-constructor)
155 (loop for tail on (rest body) by #'cddr
156 with slot-name = (and (consp tail) (car tail))
157 do (progn
158 (when (null (cdr tail))
159 (simple-reader-error
160 stream
161 "the arglist for the ~S constructor in #S ~
162 has an odd length: ~S."
163 (car body) (rest body)))
164 (when (or (atom (cdr tail))
165 (and (atom (cddr tail))
166 (not (null (cddr tail)))))
167 (simple-reader-error
168 stream
169 "the arglist for the ~S constructor in #S ~
170 is improper: ~S."
171 (car body) (rest body)))
172 (when (not (typep (car tail) 'string-designator))
173 (simple-reader-error
174 stream
175 "a slot name in #S is not a string ~
176 designator: ~S."
177 slot-name))
178 (when (not (keywordp slot-name))
179 (warn 'structure-initarg-not-keyword
180 :format-control
181 "in #S ~S, the use of non-keywords ~
182 as slot specifiers is deprecated: ~S."
183 :format-arguments
184 (list (car body) slot-name))))
185 collect (intern (string (car tail)) *keyword-package*)
186 collect (cadr tail)))))))
188 ;;;; reading numbers: the #B, #C, #O, #R, and #X readmacros
190 (defun sharp-B (stream sub-char numarg)
191 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
192 (sharp-R stream sub-char 2))
194 (defun sharp-C (stream sub-char numarg)
195 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
196 ;; The next thing had better be a list of two numbers.
197 (let ((cnum (read stream t nil t)))
198 (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-C nil))
199 (if (and (listp cnum) (= (length cnum) 2))
200 (complex (car cnum) (cadr cnum))
201 (simple-reader-error stream
202 "illegal complex number format: #C~S"
203 cnum))))
205 (defun sharp-O (stream sub-char numarg)
206 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
207 (sharp-R stream sub-char 8))
209 (defun sharp-R (stream sub-char radix)
210 (cond (*read-suppress*
211 (read-extended-token stream)
212 nil)
213 ((not radix)
214 (simple-reader-error stream "radix missing in #R"))
215 ((not (<= 2 radix 36))
216 (simple-reader-error stream "illegal radix for #R: ~D." radix))
218 ;; FIXME: (read-from-string "#o#x1f") should not work!
219 ;; The token should be comprised strictly of digits in the radix,
220 ;; though the docs say this is undefined behavior, so it's ok,
221 ;; other than it being something we should complain about
222 ;; for portability reasons.
223 (let ((res (let ((*read-base* radix))
224 (read stream t nil t))))
225 (unless (typep res 'rational)
226 (simple-reader-error stream
227 "#~A (base ~D.) value is not a rational: ~S."
228 sub-char
229 radix
230 res))
231 res))))
233 (defun sharp-X (stream sub-char numarg)
234 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
235 (sharp-R stream sub-char 16))
237 ;;;; reading circular data: the #= and ## readmacros
239 ;;; objects already seen by CIRCLE-SUBST
240 (defvar *sharp-equal-circle-table*)
241 (declaim (type hash-table *sharp-equal-circle-table*))
243 ;; This function is kind of like NSUBLIS, but checks for circularities and
244 ;; substitutes in arrays and structures as well as lists. The first arg is an
245 ;; alist of the things to be replaced assoc'd with the things to replace them.
246 (defun circle-subst (old-new-alist tree)
247 (cond ((not (typep tree '(or cons (array t) instance funcallable-instance)))
248 (let ((entry (find tree old-new-alist :key #'second)))
249 (if entry (third entry) tree)))
250 ((null (gethash tree *sharp-equal-circle-table*))
251 (setf (gethash tree *sharp-equal-circle-table*) t)
252 (cond ((consp tree)
253 (let ((a (circle-subst old-new-alist (car tree)))
254 (d (circle-subst old-new-alist (cdr tree))))
255 (unless (eq a (car tree))
256 (rplaca tree a))
257 (unless (eq d (cdr tree))
258 (rplacd tree d))))
259 ((arrayp tree)
260 (with-array-data ((data tree) (start) (end))
261 (declare (fixnum start end))
262 (do ((i start (1+ i)))
263 ((>= i end))
264 (let* ((old (aref data i))
265 (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
266 (unless (eq old new)
267 (setf (aref data i) new))))))
268 ((typep tree 'instance)
269 (let* ((n-untagged (layout-n-untagged-slots (%instance-layout tree)))
270 (n-tagged (- (%instance-length tree) n-untagged)))
271 ;; N-TAGGED includes the layout as well (at index 0), which
272 ;; we don't grovel.
273 (do ((i 1 (1+ i)))
274 ((= i n-tagged))
275 (let* ((old (%instance-ref tree i))
276 (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
277 (unless (eq old new)
278 (setf (%instance-ref tree i) new))))
279 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
280 ((= i n-untagged))
281 (let* ((old (%raw-instance-ref/word tree i))
282 (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
283 (unless (= old new)
284 (setf (%raw-instance-ref/word tree i) new))))))
285 ((typep tree 'funcallable-instance)
286 (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
287 (end (- (1+ (get-closure-length tree)) sb!vm:funcallable-instance-info-offset)))
288 ((= i end))
289 (let* ((old (%funcallable-instance-info tree i))
290 (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
291 (unless (eq old new)
292 (setf (%funcallable-instance-info tree i) new))))))
293 tree)
294 (t tree)))
296 ;;; Sharp-equal works as follows. When a label is assigned (i.e. when
297 ;;; #= is called) we GENSYM a symbol is which is used as an
298 ;;; unforgeable tag. *SHARP-SHARP-ALIST* maps the integer tag to this
299 ;;; gensym.
301 ;;; When SHARP-SHARP encounters a reference to a label, it returns the
302 ;;; symbol assoc'd with the label. Resolution of the reference is
303 ;;; deferred until the read done by #= finishes. Any already resolved
304 ;;; tags (in *SHARP-EQUAL-ALIST*) are simply returned.
306 ;;; After reading of the #= form is completed, we add an entry to
307 ;;; *SHARP-EQUAL-ALIST* that maps the gensym tag to the resolved
308 ;;; object. Then for each entry in the *SHARP-SHARP-ALIST, the current
309 ;;; object is searched and any uses of the gensysm token are replaced
310 ;;; with the actual value.
311 (defvar *sharp-sharp-alist* ())
313 (defun sharp-equal (stream ignore label)
314 (declare (ignore ignore))
315 (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-equal (values)))
316 (unless label
317 (simple-reader-error stream "missing label for #=" label))
318 (when (or (assoc label *sharp-sharp-alist*)
319 (assoc label *sharp-equal-alist*))
320 (simple-reader-error stream "multiply defined label: #~D=" label))
321 (let* ((tag (gensym))
322 (*sharp-sharp-alist* (acons label tag *sharp-sharp-alist*))
323 (obj (read stream t nil t)))
324 (when (eq obj tag)
325 (simple-reader-error stream
326 "must tag something more than just #~D#"
327 label))
328 (push (list label tag obj) *sharp-equal-alist*)
329 (let ((*sharp-equal-circle-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 20)))
330 (circle-subst *sharp-equal-alist* obj))))
332 (defun sharp-sharp (stream ignore label)
333 (declare (ignore ignore))
334 (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-sharp nil))
335 (unless label
336 (simple-reader-error stream "missing label for ##" label))
338 (let ((entry (assoc label *sharp-equal-alist*)))
339 (if entry
340 (third entry)
341 (let (;; Has this label been defined previously? (Don't read
342 ;; ANSI " Sharpsign Equal-Sign" and worry that
343 ;; it requires you to implement forward references,
344 ;; because forward references are disallowed in
345 ;; " Sharpsign Sharpsign".)
346 (pair (assoc label *sharp-sharp-alist*)))
347 (unless pair
348 (simple-reader-error stream
349 "reference to undefined label #~D#"
350 label))
351 (cdr pair)))))
353 ;;;; conditional compilation: the #+ and #- readmacros
355 (flet ((guts (stream not-p)
356 (unless (if (let ((*package* *keyword-package*)
357 (*reader-package* nil)
358 (*read-suppress* nil))
359 (featurep (read stream t nil t)))
360 (not not-p)
361 not-p)
362 (let ((*read-suppress* t))
363 (read stream t nil t)))
364 (values)))
366 (defun sharp-plus (stream sub-char numarg)
367 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
368 (guts stream nil))
370 (defun sharp-minus (stream sub-char numarg)
371 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
372 (guts stream t)))
374 ;;;; reading miscellaneous objects: the #P, #\, and #| readmacros
376 (defun sharp-P (stream sub-char numarg)
377 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
378 (let ((namestring (read stream t nil t)))
379 (unless *read-suppress*
380 (parse-namestring namestring))))
382 (defun sharp-backslash (stream backslash numarg)
383 (ignore-numarg backslash numarg)
384 (let ((buf (read-extended-token-escaped stream)))
385 (cond (*read-suppress* nil)
386 ((= (token-buf-fill-ptr buf) 1)
387 (char (token-buf-string buf) 0))
388 ;; NAME-CHAR is specified as case-insensitive
389 ((name-char (sized-token-buf-string buf)))
391 (simple-reader-error stream
392 "unrecognized character name: ~S"
393 (copy-token-buf-string buf))))))
395 (defun sharp-vertical-bar (stream sub-char numarg)
396 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
397 (handler-bind
398 ((character-decoding-error
399 #'(lambda (decoding-error)
400 (declare (ignorable decoding-error))
401 (style-warn
402 'sb!kernel::character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
403 :sub-char sub-char :position (file-position stream) :stream stream)
404 (invoke-restart 'attempt-resync))))
405 (let ((stream (in-synonym-of stream)))
406 (if (ansi-stream-p stream)
407 (prepare-for-fast-read-char stream
408 (do ((level 1)
409 (prev (fast-read-char) char)
410 (char (fast-read-char) (fast-read-char)))
411 (())
412 (cond ((and (char= prev #\|) (char= char #\#))
413 (setq level (1- level))
414 (when (zerop level)
415 (done-with-fast-read-char)
416 (return (values)))
417 (setq char (fast-read-char)))
418 ((and (char= prev #\#) (char= char #\|))
419 (setq char (fast-read-char))
420 (setq level (1+ level))))))
421 ;; fundamental-stream
422 (do ((level 1)
423 (prev (read-char stream t) char)
424 (char (read-char stream t) (read-char stream t)))
425 (())
426 (cond ((and (char= prev #\|) (char= char #\#))
427 (setq level (1- level))
428 (when (zerop level)
429 (return (values)))
430 (setq char (read-char stream t)))
431 ((and (char= prev #\#) (char= char #\|))
432 (setq char (read-char stream t))
433 (setq level (1+ level)))))))))
435 ;;;; a grab bag of other sharp readmacros: #', #:, and #.
437 (defun sharp-quote (stream sub-char numarg)
438 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
439 ;; The fourth arg tells READ that this is a recursive call.
440 `(function ,(read stream t nil t)))
442 ;;; Read an uninterned symbol.
443 ;;; Unescaped whitespace terminates the token, however a token comprised
444 ;;; of zero characters is an edge-case that is not extremely portable other
445 ;;; than for a few well-known uses, such as the incontrovertible fact that
446 ;;; "#* foo" is two tokens: an empty bit-vector followed by a symbol.
447 ;;; But different behaviors can be observed for #: in other implementations:
448 ;;; (read-from-string "#: foo") => #:FOO
449 ;;; (read-from-string "#: foo") => ERROR "token expected"
450 (defun sharp-colon (stream sub-char numarg)
451 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
452 (multiple-value-bind (buffer escapep colon) (read-extended-token stream)
453 (unless *read-suppress*
454 (casify-read-buffer buffer)
455 (let ((token (copy-token-buf-string buffer)))
456 (cond (colon
457 (simple-reader-error
458 stream "The symbol following #: contains a package marker: ~S"
459 token))
460 ;; We'd like to signal errors on tokens that look like numbers,
461 ;; but doing that is actually nontrivial. None of the possible
462 ;; ways to test for numeric syntax are great:
463 ;; - using SYMBOL-QUOTEP to see if it says that the symbol would
464 ;; print using escapes could produce false positives
465 ;; because it's seldom wrong to use vertical bars.
466 ;; - calling READ-FROM-STRING to see if it returns a number
467 ;; would demand a new string stream.
468 ;; - a potential number with _ and/or ^ should not be allowed.
469 ;; An acceptable rough cut is to use PARSE-INTEGER even though it
470 ;; won't help to reject ratios or floating point syntax.
471 ((and (not escapep)
472 (multiple-value-bind (num end)
473 (parse-integer token :radix *read-base* :junk-allowed t)
474 (and num (= end (length token)))))
475 (simple-reader-error
476 stream "The symbol following #: has numeric syntax: ~S"
477 token))
479 (make-symbol token)))))))
481 (defvar *read-eval* t
482 #!+sb-doc
483 "If false, then the #. read macro is disabled.")
485 (defun sharp-dot (stream sub-char numarg)
486 (ignore-numarg sub-char numarg)
487 (let ((*backquote-depth* 0))
488 (let ((expr (read stream t nil t)))
489 (unless *read-suppress*
490 (unless *read-eval*
491 (simple-reader-error stream "can't read #. while *READ-EVAL* is NIL"))
492 (eval expr)))))
494 (defun sharp-illegal (stream sub-char ignore)
495 (declare (ignore ignore))
496 (simple-reader-error stream "illegal sharp macro character: ~S" sub-char))
498 ;;; for cold init: Install SHARPM stuff in the current *READTABLE*.
499 (defun !sharpm-cold-init ()
500 (make-dispatch-macro-character #\# t)
501 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\\ #'sharp-backslash)
502 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\' #'sharp-quote)
503 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\( #'sharp-left-paren)
504 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\* #'sharp-star)
505 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\: #'sharp-colon)
506 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\. #'sharp-dot)
507 ;; This used to set the dispatch-function for pairs of alphabetics, but
509 ;; all use CHAR-UPCASE on the sub-char, so it makes no difference.
510 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\r #'sharp-R)
511 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\b #'sharp-B)
512 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\o #'sharp-O)
513 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\x #'sharp-X)
514 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\a #'sharp-A)
515 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\s #'sharp-S)
516 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\= #'sharp-equal)
517 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\# #'sharp-sharp)
518 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\+ #'sharp-plus)
519 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\- #'sharp-minus)
520 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\c #'sharp-C)
521 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\| #'sharp-vertical-bar)
522 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\p #'sharp-P)
523 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\) #'sharp-illegal)
524 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\< #'sharp-illegal)
525 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\Space #'sharp-illegal)
526 (dolist (cc '#.(list tab-char-code form-feed-char-code return-char-code
527 line-feed-char-code backspace-char-code))
528 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# (code-char cc) #'sharp-illegal)))