fix APROPOS/APROPOS-LIST and inherited symbols
[sbcl.git] / src / code / function-names.lisp
1 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
3 ;;;; generalized function names
4 (defvar *valid-fun-names-alist* nil)
6 (defun %define-fun-name-syntax (symbol checker)
7 (let ((found (assoc symbol *valid-fun-names-alist* :test #'eq)))
8 (if found
9 (setf (cdr found) checker)
10 (setq *valid-fun-names-alist*
11 (acons symbol checker *valid-fun-names-alist*)))))
13 (defmacro define-function-name-syntax (symbol (var) &body body)
14 #!+sb-doc
15 "Define function names of the form of a list headed by SYMBOL to be
16 a legal function name, subject to restrictions imposed by BODY. BODY
17 is evaluated with VAR bound to the form required to check, and should
18 return two values: the first value is a generalized boolean indicating
19 legality, and the second a symbol for use as a BLOCK name or similar
20 situations."
21 (declare (type symbol symbol))
22 (let ((syntax-checker (symbolicate '%check- symbol '-fun-name)))
23 `(progn
24 (defun ,syntax-checker (,var) ,@body)
25 (%define-fun-name-syntax ',symbol #',syntax-checker))))
27 ;;; FIXME: this is a really lame name for something that has two
28 ;;; return values.
29 ;;; See CSR's log comment in bd0ba0f214518e8d72ff2d44de5a1e3e4b02af2c
30 ;;; I would think that after 11 years of we're entitled to rename it.
31 ;;; VALIDATE-FUNCTION-NAME would be apt.
32 (defun valid-function-name-p (name)
33 #!+sb-doc
34 "The primary return value indicates whether NAME is a valid function
35 name; if it is, the second return value will be a symbol suitable for
36 use as a BLOCK name in the function in question."
37 (typecase name
38 (cons
39 (when (symbolp (car name))
40 (let ((syntax-checker (cdr (assoc (car name) *valid-fun-names-alist*
41 :test #'eq))))
42 (when syntax-checker
43 (funcall syntax-checker name)))))
44 (symbol (values t name))
45 (otherwise nil)))
47 (define-function-name-syntax setf (name)
48 (let ((tail (cdr name)))
49 (when (and (consp tail) (null (cdr tail)))
50 (let ((fun (car tail)))
51 (typecase fun
52 ;; ordinary (SETF FOO) case
53 (symbol (values t fun))
54 ;; reasonable (SETF (QUUX BAZ)) case [but not (SETF (SETF
55 ;; FOO))]
56 (cons (unless (member (car fun) '(cas setf))
57 (valid-function-name-p fun))))))))
59 ;; CAS and SETF names should have in common the aspect that
60 ;; (CAS (CAS BAZ)), (SETF (CAS BAZ)), (CAS (SETF BAZ)) are not reasonable.
61 ;; 'cas.lisp' doesn't need to know this technique for sharing the parser,
62 ;; so the name syntax is defined here instead of there.
63 (%define-fun-name-syntax 'cas #'%check-setf-fun-name)
65 (defun macro-function-name (name)
66 (when (and (cdr name)
67 (consp (cdr name)))
68 (destructuring-bind (fun &rest rest) (cdr name)
69 (when (null rest)
70 (typecase fun
72 (symbol (values t fun))
74 (cons (when (eq (car fun) 'setf)
75 (valid-function-name-p fun))))))))
77 (define-function-name-syntax defmacro (name)
78 (macro-function-name name))
80 (define-function-name-syntax macrolet (name)
81 (macro-function-name name))