Generalize immobile space addresses
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-sprof / test.lisp
1 (cl:defpackage #:sb-sprof-test
2 (:use #:cl #:sb-sprof)
3 (:export #:run-tests))
5 (cl:in-package #:sb-sprof-test)
7 ;#+sb-fasteval (setq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :compile)
9 ;;; silly examples
11 (defun test-0 (n &optional (depth 0))
12 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
13 (when (< depth n)
14 (dotimes (i n)
15 (test-0 n (1+ depth))
16 (test-0 n (1+ depth)))))
18 (defun test ()
19 (with-profiling (:reset t :max-samples 1000 :report :graph)
20 (test-0 7)))
22 (defun consalot ()
23 (let ((junk '()))
24 (loop repeat 10000 do
25 (push (make-array 10) junk))
26 junk))
28 (defun consing-test ()
29 ;; 0.0001 chosen so that it breaks rather reliably when sprof does not
30 ;; respect pseudo atomic.
31 (with-profiling (:reset t
32 ;; setitimer with small intervals
33 ;; is broken on FreeBSD 10.0
34 ;; And ARM targets are not fast in
35 ;; general, causing the profiling signal
36 ;; to be constantly delivered without
37 ;; making any progress.
38 #-(or freebsd arm) :sample-interval
39 #-(or freebsd arm) 0.0001
40 #+arm :sample-interval #+arm 0.1
41 :report :graph :loop nil)
42 (let ((target (+ (get-universal-time) 15)))
43 (princ #\.)
44 (force-output)
45 (loop while (< (get-universal-time) target)
46 do (consalot)))))
48 (defun run-tests ()
49 (test)
50 (consing-test))
52 ;; For debugging purposes, print output for visual inspection to see if
53 ;; the allocation sequence gets hit in the right places (i.e. not at all
54 ;; in traditional builds, and everywhere if SB-SAFEPOINT-STRICTLY is
55 ;; enabled.)
56 #+nil (disassemble #'consalot)