Remove overly strict proclamation on SB!FASL::COLD-SET
[sbcl.git] / tests / reader.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to the Lisp reader
3 ;;;; This file is impure because we want to modify the readtable and stuff.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
9 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
10 ;;;; from CMU CL.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
13 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
14 ;;;; more information.
16 (load "assertoid.lisp")
17 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
19 ;;; Test that symbols are properly normalized in SB-UNICODE builds
20 #+sb-unicode
21 (with-test (:name (:normalizing-reader)
22 :skipped-on '(not :sb-unicode))
23 (labels ((str (&rest chars)
24 (coerce chars 'string))
25 (symbol (&rest chars)
26 (read-from-string (apply #'str chars))))
27 (assert (eq :a :a))
28 (assert (eq :a :A))
29 (assert (eq (symbol #\UF984) (symbol #\U6FFE)))
30 (make-package "BAFFLE")
31 (intern "C" "BAFFLE")
32 (assert (eq (symbol #\b #\a #\f #\f #\l #\e #\: #\: #\c)
33 (symbol #\b #\a #\UFB04 #\e #\: #\: #\c)))
34 (assert (not (eq (symbol #\| #\f #\f #\l #\|) (symbol #\| #\UFB04 #\|))))
35 (assert (not (eq (symbol #\\ #\U32C0) (symbol #\1 #\U6708))))
36 (assert (eq (symbol #\U32C0) (symbol #\1 #\U6708)))
37 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
38 (setf (sb-ext:readtable-normalization *readtable*) nil)
39 (assert (not (eq (symbol #\b #\a #\f #\f #\l #\e)
40 (symbol #\b #\a #\UFB04 #\e))))
41 (assert (not (eq (symbol #\U32C0) (symbol #\1 #\U6708)))))))
43 ;;; Bug 30, involving mistakes in binding the read table, made this
44 ;;; code fail.
45 (defun read-vector (stream char)
46 (declare (ignorable char))
47 (coerce (read-delimited-list #\] stream t) 'vector))
48 (set-macro-character #\[ #'read-vector nil)
49 (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)) nil)
50 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
51 (read-from-string "[1 2 3]") ; ==> #(1 2 3), 7
52 (assert (equalp res #(1 2 3)))
53 (assert (= pos 7)))
54 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
55 (read-from-string "#\\x") ; ==> #\x, 3
56 (assert (equalp res #\x))
57 (assert (= pos 3)))
58 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
59 (read-from-string "[#\\x]")
60 (assert (equalp res #(#\x)))
61 (assert (= pos 5)))
63 ;;; Bug 51b. (try to throw READER-ERRORs when the reader encounters
64 ;;; dubious input)
65 (assert-error (read-from-string "1e1000") reader-error)
66 (assert-error (read-from-string "1/0") reader-error)
68 ;;; Bug reported by Antonio Martinez on comp.lang.lisp 2003-02-03 in
69 ;;; message <>: reading
70 ;;; circular instances of CLOS classes didn't work:
71 (defclass box ()
72 ((value :initarg :value :reader value)))
73 (defun read-box (stream char)
74 (declare (ignore char))
75 (let ((objects (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
76 (unless (= 1 (length objects))
77 (error "Unknown box reader syntax"))
78 (make-instance 'box :value (first objects))))
79 (set-macro-character #\[ 'read-box)
80 (assert (eq (get-macro-character #\[) 'read-box)) ; not #'READ-BOX
81 (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\))
82 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
83 (read-from-string "#1=[#1#]")
84 (assert (eq (value res) res))
85 (assert (= pos 8)))
86 ;;; much, much, later (in Feb 2007), CSR noticed that the problem
87 ;;; still exists for funcallable instances.
88 (defclass funcallable-box (box sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object) ()
89 (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
90 (defun read-funcallable-box (stream char)
91 (declare (ignore char))
92 (let ((objects (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)))
93 (unless (= 1 (length objects))
94 (error "Unknown box reader syntax"))
95 (make-instance 'funcallable-box :value (first objects))))
96 (set-macro-character #\{ 'read-funcallable-box)
97 (set-syntax-from-char #\} #\))
98 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
99 (read-from-string "#1={#1#}")
100 (assert (eq (value res) res))
101 (assert (= pos 8)))
103 ;;; CSR managed to break the #S reader macro in the process of merging
104 ;;; SB-PCL:CLASS and CL:CLASS -- make sure it works
105 (defstruct readable-struct a)
106 (macrolet
107 ((frob (string)
108 `(handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
109 (assert (eq (readable-struct-a (read-from-string ,string)) t)))))
110 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T)")
111 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT A T)")
112 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT \"A\" T)")
113 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT #\\A T)")
114 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT #\\A T :A NIL)"))
115 (macrolet
116 ((frob (string)
117 `(assert-error (read-from-string ,string) reader-error)))
118 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT . :A)")
119 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A . T)")
120 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T . :A)")
121 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T :A . T)"))
123 ;;; reported by Henrik Motakef
124 (defpackage "")
125 (assert (eq (symbol-package (read-from-string "||::FOO"))
126 (find-package "")))
128 ;;; test nested reads, test case by Helmut Eller for cmucl
129 (defclass my-in-stream (sb-gray:fundamental-character-input-stream)
130 ((last-char :initarg :last-char)))
132 (let ((string " a ")
133 (i 0))
134 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-char ((s my-in-stream))
135 (with-input-from-string (s "b") (read s))
136 (with-slots (last-char) s
137 (cond (last-char (prog1 last-char (setf last-char nil)))
138 (t (prog1 (aref string i)
139 (setq i (mod (1+ i) (length string)))))))))
141 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-unread-char ((s my-in-stream) char)
142 (setf (slot-value s 'last-char) char)
143 nil)
145 (assert (eq 'a (read (make-instance 'my-in-stream :last-char nil))))
147 ;;; NIL as the last argument to SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR in compiled code,
148 ;;; reported by Levente Mészáros
149 (let ((fun (compile nil '(lambda ()
150 (set-syntax-from-char #\{ #\( *readtable* nil)))))
151 (funcall fun)
152 (assert (equal '(:ok) (read-from-string "{:ok)"))))
154 (with-test (:name :bad-recursive-read)
155 ;; This use to signal an unbound-variable error instead.
156 (assert (eq :error
157 (handler-case
158 (with-input-from-string (s "42")
159 (read s t nil t))
160 (reader-error ()
161 :error)))))
163 (with-test (:name :standard-readtable-modified)
164 (macrolet ((test (form &optional op)
165 `(assert
166 (eq :error
167 (handler-case
168 (progn ,form t)
169 (sb-int:standard-readtable-modified-error (e)
170 (declare (ignorable e))
171 ,@(when op
172 `((assert
173 (equal ,op (sb-kernel::standard-readtable-modified-operation e)))))
174 :error))))))
175 (let ((rt *readtable*))
176 (with-standard-io-syntax
177 (let ((srt *readtable*))
178 (test (setf (readtable-case srt) :preserve) '(setf readtable-case))
179 (test (copy-readtable rt srt) 'copy-readtable)
180 (test (set-syntax-from-char #\a #\a srt rt) 'set-syntax-from-char)
181 (test (set-macro-character #\a (constantly t) t srt) 'set-macro-character)
182 (test (make-dispatch-macro-character #\! t srt))
183 (test (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\a (constantly t) srt) 'set-dispatch-macro-character))))))
185 (with-test (:name :reader-package-errors)
186 (flet ((test (string)
187 (handler-case
188 (progn (read-from-string string) :feh)
189 (error (e)
190 (when (and (typep e 'reader-error) (typep e 'package-error))
191 (package-error-package e))))))
192 (assert (equal "NO-SUCH-PKG" (test "no-such-pkg::foo")))
193 (assert (eq (find-package :cl) (test "cl:no-such-sym")))))
195 ;; lp# 1012335 - also tested by 'READ-BOX above
196 (handler-bind ((condition #'continue))
197 (defun nil (stream char) (declare (ignore stream char)) 'foo!))
198 (with-test (:name :set-macro-char-lazy-coerce-to-fun)
199 (set-macro-character #\$ #'nil) ; #'NIL is a function
200 (assert (eq (read-from-string "$") 'foo!))
202 (make-dispatch-macro-character #\$)
203 (assert (set-dispatch-macro-character #\$ #\( 'read-metavar))
204 (assert (eq (get-dispatch-macro-character #\$ #\() 'read-metavar))
205 (assert (eq (handler-case (read-from-string "$(x)")
206 (undefined-function (c)
207 (if (eq (cell-error-name c) 'read-metavar) :win)))
208 :win))
209 (defun read-metavar (stream subchar arg)
210 (declare (ignore subchar arg))
211 (list :metavar (read stream t nil t)))
212 (assert (equal (read-from-string "$(x)") '(:metavar x)))
214 (set-macro-character #\$ nil) ; 'NIL never designates a function
215 (assert (eq (read-from-string "$") '$))
217 ;; Do not accept extended-function-designators.
218 ;; (circumlocute to prevent a compile-time error)
219 (let ((designator (eval ''(setf no-no-no))))
220 (assert (eq (handler-case (set-macro-character #\$ designator)
221 (type-error () :ok))
222 :ok))
223 (assert (eq (handler-case
224 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\$ designator)
225 (type-error () :ok))
226 :ok))))
228 (defun cl-user::esoteric-load-thing ()
229 ;; This LOAD-AS-SOURCE will fail if SET reads as the keyword :SET
230 (let ((s (make-string-input-stream
231 "(cl:in-package :cl-user) (set 'okey-dokey 3)")))
232 (let ((*package* *package*))
233 (sb-impl::load-as-source s :print nil :verbose nil))
234 (assert (eql (symbol-value 'cl-user::okey-dokey) 3))))
236 (with-test (:name :reader-package-in-conditional)
237 ;; Sharp-plus binds *package* but not *reader-package* so that if,
238 ;; while reading the conditional expression itself, a read-time eval occurs
239 ;; expressly changing *package*, it should do whan you mean,
240 ;; though such usage is a little insane.
241 (let ((value
242 (read-from-string
243 "(#+#.(cl:progn (cl-user::esoteric-load-thing) 'sbcl) hiyya hoho)")))
244 (assert (equal value '(hiyya hoho)))))
246 #+sb-unicode
247 (with-test (:name :unicode-dispatch-macros)
248 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
249 (make-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #x266F)) ; musical sharp
250 (set-dispatch-macro-character
251 (code-char #x266F) (code-char #x221E) ; #\Infinity
252 (lambda (stream char arg)
253 (declare (ignore stream char arg))
254 :infinity))
255 (let ((x (read-from-string
256 (map 'string #'code-char '(#x266F #x221E)))))
257 (assert (eq x :infinity))
258 (set-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #x266F) (code-char #x221E) nil)
259 (assert (zerop (hash-table-count
260 (car (sb-impl::%dispatch-macro-char-table
261 (get-macro-character (code-char #x266F)))))))))
263 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
264 (make-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xbeef))
265 (set-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xbeef) (code-char #xf00d)
266 'beef-f00d)
267 (set-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xbeef) (code-char #xd00d)
268 'beef-d00d)
269 (set-syntax-from-char (code-char #xfeed) (code-char #xbeef)
270 *readtable* *readtable*)
271 (assert (eq (get-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xfeed)
272 (code-char #xf00d))
273 'beef-f00d))
274 (set-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xfeed) (code-char #xf00d)
275 'read-feed-food)
276 (assert (eq (get-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xbeef)
277 (code-char #xf00d))
278 'beef-f00d))
279 (set-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xbeef) #\W 'read-beef-w)
280 (assert (null (get-dispatch-macro-character (code-char #xfeed) #\W)))
281 (set-syntax-from-char (code-char #xbeef) #\a)
282 (set-syntax-from-char (code-char #xfeed) #\b)
283 (set-syntax-from-char (code-char 35) #\a) ; sharp is dead
284 (assert (null (sb-impl::dispatch-tables *readtable*))))
286 ;; Ensure the interface provided for named-readtables remains somewhat intact.
287 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
288 (make-dispatch-macro-character #\@)
289 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\@ #\a 'read-at-a)
290 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\@ #\$ 'read-at-dollar)
291 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\@ #\* #'sb-impl::sharp-star)
292 ;; Enter exactly one character in the Unicode range because
293 ;; iteratation order is arbitrary and assert would be fragile.
294 ;; ASCII characters are naturally ordered by code.
295 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\@ (code-char #x2010) 'read-blah)
296 (let ((rt (copy-readtable *readtable*)))
297 ;; Don't want to assert about all the standard noise,
298 ;; and also don't want to kill the ability to write #\char
299 (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a rt)
300 (assert (equal (sb-impl::dispatch-tables rt nil)
301 `((#\@ (#\A . read-at-a)
302 (#\* . ,#'sb-impl::sharp-star)
303 (#\$ . read-at-dollar)
304 (#\hyphen . read-blah))))))
305 ;; this removes one entry rather than entering NIL in the hashtable
306 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\@ (code-char #x2010) nil)
307 (let ((rt (copy-readtable *readtable*)))
308 (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\a rt)
309 (assert (equal (sb-impl::dispatch-tables rt nil)
310 `((#\@ (#\A . read-at-a)
311 (#\* . ,#'sb-impl::sharp-star)
312 (#\$ . read-at-dollar))))))))
314 (with-test (:name :copy-dispatching-macro)
315 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
316 (set-macro-character #\$ (get-macro-character #\#) t)
317 (let ((foo (read-from-string "$(a b c)")))
318 (assert (equalp foo #(a b c))))
319 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\$ #\[
320 (lambda (stream char arg)
321 (declare (ignore char arg))
322 (append '(:start) (read-delimited-list #\] stream t) '(:end))))
323 (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\))
324 (let ((foo (read-from-string "$[a b c]")))
325 (assert (equal foo '(:start a b c :end))))
326 ;; dispatch tables get shared. This behavior is SBCL-specific.
327 (let ((foo (read-from-string "#[a b c]")))
328 (assert (equal foo '(:start a b c :end))))))
330 ;;; THIS SHOULD BE LAST as it frobs the standard readtable
331 (with-test (:name :set-macro-character-nil)
332 (handler-bind ((sb-int:standard-readtable-modified-error #'continue))
334 (let ((fun (lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) 'ok)))
335 ;; NIL means the standard readtable.
336 (assert (eq t (set-macro-character #\~ fun nil nil)))
337 (assert (eq fun (get-macro-character #\~ nil)))
338 (assert (eq t (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\~ fun nil)))
339 (assert (eq fun (get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\~ nil))))))
341 ;;; success