Optimize darwin signal emulation.
[sbcl.git] / tests / string.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of STRING-related stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (in-package "CL-USER")
16 ;;; basic non-destructive case operations
17 (with-test (:name (string-upcase string-downcase string-capitalize :smoke))
18 (assert (string= (string-upcase "This is a test.") "THIS IS A TEST."))
19 (assert (string= (string-downcase "This is a test.") "this is a test."))
20 (assert (string= (string-capitalize "This is a test.") "This Is A Test."))
21 (assert (string= (string-upcase "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?" :start 3)
22 "Is THIS 900-SEX-HOTT, PLEASE?"))
23 (assert (string= (string-downcase "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?"
24 :start 10 :end 16)
25 "Is this 900-sex-hott, please?"))
26 (assert (string= (string-capitalize "Is this 900-Sex-hott, please?")
27 "Is This 900-Sex-Hott, Please?")))
29 ;;; The non-destructive case operations accept string designators, not
30 ;;; just strings.
32 (with-test (:name (string-upcase string-downcase string-capitalize :designators))
33 (assert (string= (string-upcase '|String designator|) "STRING DESIGNATOR"))
34 (assert (string= (string-downcase #\S) "s"))
35 (assert (string= (string-downcase #\.) "."))
36 (assert (string= (string-capitalize 'ya-str-desig :end 5) "Ya-StR-DESIG")))
38 ;;; basic destructive case operations
39 (with-test (:name (nstring-upcase nstring-downcase nstring-capitalize :smoke))
40 (let ((nstring (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0)))
41 (vector-push-extend #\c nstring)
42 (vector-push-extend #\a nstring)
43 (vector-push-extend #\t nstring)
44 (nstring-upcase nstring)
45 (assert (string= nstring "CAT"))
46 (setf (fill-pointer nstring) 2)
47 (nstring-downcase nstring :start 1)
48 (setf (fill-pointer nstring) 3)
49 (assert (string= nstring "CaT"))
50 (nstring-capitalize nstring)
51 (assert (string= nstring "Cat"))))
53 ;;; (VECTOR NIL)s are strings. Tests for that and issues uncovered in
54 ;;; the process.
55 (with-test (:name (vector nil))
56 (assert (typep (make-array 1 :element-type nil) 'string))
57 (assert (not (typep (make-array 2 :element-type nil) 'base-string)))
58 (assert (typep (make-string 3 :element-type nil) 'simple-string))
59 (assert (not (typep (make-string 4 :element-type nil) 'simple-base-string)))
61 (assert (subtypep (class-of (make-array 1 :element-type nil))
62 (find-class 'string)))
63 (assert (subtypep (class-of (make-array 2 :element-type nil :fill-pointer 1))
64 (find-class 'string)))
66 (assert (string= "" (make-array 0 :element-type nil)))
67 (assert (string/= "a" (make-array 0 :element-type nil)))
68 (assert (string= "" (make-array 5 :element-type nil :fill-pointer 0)))
70 (assert (= (sxhash "")
71 (sxhash (make-array 0 :element-type nil))
72 (sxhash (make-array 5 :element-type nil :fill-pointer 0))
73 (sxhash (make-string 0 :element-type nil))))
74 (assert (subtypep (type-of (make-array 2 :element-type nil)) 'simple-string))
75 (assert (subtypep (type-of (make-array 4 :element-type nil :fill-pointer t))
76 'string))
78 (assert (eq (intern "") (intern (make-array 0 :element-type nil))))
79 (assert (eq (intern "")
80 (intern (make-array 5 :element-type nil :fill-pointer 0)))))
82 (with-test (:name (make-string :element-type t type-error))
83 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
84 (checked-compile '(lambda () (make-string 5 :element-type t))
85 :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t)
86 (assert failure-p)
87 (assert (= 1 (length warnings)))
88 (assert-error (funcall fun) type-error)))
90 ;; MISC.574
91 (with-test (:name (string<= base-string :optimized))
92 (assert (= (funcall (lambda (a)
93 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)
94 (debug 1) (space 2))
95 (fixnum a))
96 (string<= (coerce "e99mo7yAJ6oU4" 'base-string)
97 (coerce "aaABAAbaa" 'base-string)
98 :start1 a))
100 9)))
102 ;; String trimming.
103 (with-test (:name (string-trim 1))
104 (flet ((make-test (string left right both)
105 (macrolet ((check (fun wanted)
106 `(let ((result (,fun " " string)))
107 (assert (equal result ,wanted))
108 (when (equal string ,wanted)
109 ;; Check that the original string is
110 ;; returned when no changes are needed. Not
111 ;; required by the spec, but a desireable
112 ;; feature for performance.
113 (assert (eql result string))))))
114 ;; Check the functional implementations
115 (locally
116 (declare (notinline string-left-trim string-right-trim
117 string-trim))
118 (check string-left-trim left)
119 (check string-right-trim right)
120 (check string-trim both))
121 ;; Check the transforms
122 (locally
123 (declare (type simple-string string))
124 (check string-left-trim left)
125 (check string-right-trim right)
126 (check string-trim both)))))
127 (make-test "x " "x " "x" "x")
128 (make-test " x" "x" " x" "x")
129 (make-test " x " "x " " x" "x")
130 (make-test " x x " "x x " " x x" "x x")))
133 ;;; Trimming should respect fill-pointers
134 (with-test (:name (string-trim :fill-pointer))
135 (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd" :element-type
136 'character :fill-pointer 7))
137 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s))
138 (s3 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
139 (assert (equal "abcdaba" s))
140 (assert (equal "cdaba" s2))
141 (assert (equal "abcd" s3))))
143 ;;; Trimming should replace displacement offsets
144 (with-test (:name (string-trim :displaced))
145 (let* ((etype 'base-char)
147 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb" :element-type etype))
149 (make-array '(3) :element-type etype :displaced-to s0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
150 (assert (equal "bc" (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
151 (assert (equal "bca" s))
152 (assert (equal "abcaeb" s0))))
154 (with-test (:name (string-trim :nothing-to-do))
155 ;; Trimming non-simple-strings when there is nothing to do
156 (let ((a (make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "abcde00000" :fill-pointer 5)))
157 (assert (equal "abcde" (string-right-trim "Z" a))))
159 ;; Trimming non-strings when there is nothing to do.
160 (string-right-trim " " #\a))
162 (with-test (:name :nil-vector-access)
163 (let ((nil-vector (make-array 10 :element-type nil)))
164 (assert-error (write-to-string nil-vector)
165 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
166 (flet ((test (accessor)
167 (assert-error
168 (funcall (checked-compile
169 `(lambda ()
170 (,accessor (make-array 10 :element-type nil) 0))))
171 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
172 (assert-error
173 (funcall (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (,accessor x 0)))
174 nil-vector)
175 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)))
176 (test 'aref)
177 (test 'char)
178 (test 'schar)
179 (test 'row-major-aref))))
181 (with-test (:name :nil-array-access)
182 (let ((nil-array (make-array '(10 10) :element-type nil)))
183 (assert-error (write-to-string nil-array)
184 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
185 (flet ((test (accessor args)
186 (assert-error
187 (funcall (checked-compile
188 `(lambda ()
189 (,accessor (make-array '(10 10) :element-type nil)
190 ,@(make-list args :initial-element 0)))))
191 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)
192 (assert-error
193 (funcall (checked-compile
194 `(lambda (x)
195 (,accessor x ,@(make-list args :initial-element 0))))
196 nil-array)
197 sb-kernel:nil-array-accessed-error)))
198 (test 'aref 2)
199 (test 'row-major-aref 1))))
201 (with-test (:name (string-equal :two-arg))
202 (flet ((check (function expected)
203 (assert (eq (funcall
204 (checked-compile `(lambda (x y) (,function x y)))
206 (make-array 1 :element-type 'character
207 :displaced-to "bA"
208 :displaced-index-offset 1))
209 expected))))
210 (check 'string-equal t)
211 (check 'string-not-equal nil)))